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This festival in Davao City is often dubbed as “the festival
of all Mindanaofestivals”. Kadayawan is a celebration of
life, a thanksgiving for the gifts of nature, the wealth of
culture and the bounties of harvest. There are parades
with beautiful fruits and flower arrangements and a
variety of indigenous tribes parade the streets, dressed in
tribal costumes. The Kadayawan is held every August.

Kaamulan Festival
The Kaamulan is an ethnic cultural festival held annually in
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, from the second half of
February to March 10. It is held to celebrate the cultures
and traditions of the seven ethnic tribal groups –Bukidnon,
Higaonon, Talaandig, Manobo, Matigsalug, Tigwahanon
and Umayamnon – that originally inhabit the province.

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