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1. It is where the quality of the experience is more important than the quantity.

2. Natural setting, Multiple methods of data collection, an emerging process,

multiple strategies of inquiry, fundamentally interpretive, holistic view,
re exivity of the researcher, and complex, cyclic reasoning process

3. Narrative (a re-telling), phenomenology (describes a phenomenon),

ethnography (studies a cultural group over a long period of time), case
study (explores a single event in depth), grounded theory (abstract theory of
a process), and action research (trial and error).

9. Triangulation of data is when data is taken from multiple di erent
viewpoints and it is done such that the observer may compile the most
objective viewpoint of what occurred in the instance that data was taken.

1. Flexibility, which is re ected in it’s writing by way of reading as though the

article is in prose.

9. Scheib took interviews from multiple subjects as well as observations
and document analysis.

20. 4.

1. Clarity of writing

2. Su cient interest in a topic to be able to devote considerable time to the

study of it, and a feeling for the settings to aid in understanding the data

7. Take extreme caution when formulating conclusions.


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