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a +3-IS(Sc)H — Chem (C-1)R&B YY 2021 2 ea Time : 3 hours Cc Full Marks : 60 The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks. Answer from all the Groups as directed. Group-A 1. Answer all questions : 1x8 =8 (a) The number of unpaired electrons in Ni?* is (b) Asubshell with n = 5, £= 2 can accomodate number of maximum electrons , (c) The first (E,) and second (IE) ionisation enthalpies (KJ/mole) of three elements A, B and C are given below: A .B c IE, 403 549 1142 IE, 2640 1060 2080 Identify the element which is likely to be an alkaline earth metal ? VR-72/5 (Tum over) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner (d) Among|*, 1” and |, ——_ has smallegy size. The ate order of bond orders O,,, 0}, and Oo; In SF, eae, sulphur exhibits ___ — hybridisation 1 Debye = ________ coulomb meter. M is the molecular mass of KMnO,. The equivalent mass of KMnO,when it is converted into K,Mn0, is 2. Answer any eight questions : 44«8=12 (a) (b) (c) (d) e) U0) (9) (h) (i) 0) Write the significance of y and yw. State Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Calculate the mass of a photon with wave- length 3.64. Why the electron gain enthalpy of chlorine is more than fluorine ? Whatis effective nuclear charge ? What do you understand by limiting radius ration ? Why He, molecule does not exist ? Whatis solvation energy ? What do you mean by intramolecular hydrogen bonding ? What is dipole-dipole interactions ? VR - 72/5 (2) Contd. 6 al @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | il 3. Answer any eight questions : 2*8 = 16 (a) Derive de-Broglie's equation. State and explain Pauli's exclusion principle. Describe, in_brief, the important factors which influence the electronegativity. (d) Explain co-valent and van der Waal's radii. (b) (c) (e) Whatis diagonal relationship ? Explain with the help of an example. () Write, in brief, about Lattice energy. (g) What do you understand by resonance energy ? (h) Describe briefly Fajan’s rule. (i) Explain the bond order and magnetic behaviour of O, molecule. @) Whatdoyou understand by the term standard electrode potential ? Group — B . Answer all questions. 4. What are quantum numbers ? Discuss the significance of quantum numbers. 6 _ OR Derive Schrédinger wave equation. What is normalised wave function ? 44+2=6 VR-72/5 (3) (Turn over ) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 6, Explain the trend in atomic radii and lonisation enthalpies of S and ‘P’ block elements along a period and in a group of the long form of periodic table. . 6 OR Write short notes on the following : 3+3=6 (a) Shielding effect (b) Factors affecting ionisation energy 6. Derive Born-Lande equation for the lattice energy of sodium chloride. 6 OR Discuss Molecular orbital theory. Draw molecular orbital energy level diagram of CO molecule. 6 7. Whatare the postulates of VSEPR theory ? How does this account for thé geomatry of HO and CIF, molecules ? 6 4° OR hati Metallic bond ? Describe the bond theory : ofmetals; 2+4 =6 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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