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Elias Condakes

Learning and Assessment in Music Education

20 June 2021

Dr. Doneski

Chapter 1 Questions

1. How do aural perception, imitation, inner hearing, imagery, memorization, and

recognition di er from one another and from audiation according to Dr. Gordon?

They are all a part of the audiation process but are not audiation themselves. Imagery
and memorization are a part of understanding familiar and unfamiliar music on a visual
and aural level. Aural perception and imitation can be confused because imitation is
the skill used early on to develop aural perception. Inner hearing is sometimes mixed
up with audiation, but inner hearing is actually a product of imitation whereas audiation
is a process.

2. What is music syntax?

The orderly arrangement of sounds within context.

3. What do types 1, 2 and 3 of audiation have in common? 

They are the basic building blocks of audiation, beginning with listening, then reading,
the writing both familiar and unfamiliar music.

4. What do types 4 and 5 of audiation have in common? 

They deal with memory.

5. What do types 6,7, and 8 of audiation have in common?

They deal with unfamiliar music.


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