Objection Pension Regulations Beswaar Pensioen Regulasies Formaat

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Suid Afrikaanse Weermagvereniging

South African Defence Force Association

Posbus 21548, Valhalla, 0137
PO Box 21548, Valhalla, 0137

Beswaar teen pensioen regulasie veranderinge

Objection to pension regulation changes

28 Desember 2022 / 28 December 2022

Goeie dag



Die Minister van Verdediging en Militêre Veterane gaan ‘n dokument indien om wysigings
te maak aan die Militere Veterane Wet 2011 (Wet no 18 van 2011), t.o.v. die “Veterane
Pensioen Voordele Regulasie”. Met hierdie wysiging word daar slegs voorsiening gemaak
vir pensioen vir militêre veterane van die Nie -Statutere Magte (MK, APLA en Azanla), terwyl
veterane wat gedien het in die SAW voor 1994, wie Statutêre Magte is, nie ingesluit sal wees
in hierdie voordeel nie. Hierdie is nie in lyn met die Militere Veterane Wet nie. Dit is ook
ongrondwetlik en daarom staan die SAWV hierdie wysiging teë.

Om hierdie wysiging teen te staan het ons tyd tot 6 Januarie 2023 om ‘n beswaarskrif in te
dien. Een brief van die SAWV in die vorm van ‘n petisie, met ‘n aantal name, sal getel word as
net een stem. Dit is dus krities belangrik dat ons soveel moontlik individuele persone kry om
elk ‘n dokument in te dien. In samewerking met die Raad vir Militêre Veterane Organisasies
SA (RMVO SA) is ‘n dokument saamgestel wat deur individue onderteken kan word en dan
ingedien word. Hierdie dokument kan deur enige persoon ingedien word en nie net militêre
veterane nie. Ons versoek jou dus dringend om op die skakel te klik en die instruksies
noukeurig te volg. Stuur asb nie later as 4 Januarie 2022 nie. Reël asb. ook dat soveel as
moontlik ander mense (vrouens, kinders, vriende) ook deelneem. Elke stem is tot ons
veterane se voordeel.

Vul asb. die onderstaande inligting in en:

1. Klik op die groen knoppie "Click here to submit and email"

2. 'n Skerm sal oopmaak wat vra watter Toep jy wil gebruik om die e-pos mee te

NPO: 106-541-NPO PBO: 930048415

NUR Lede/NEC Members: J.G du Preez (Voorsitter/Chairman); H Visser (Ondervoorsitter/Vice Chairman); L.D. Dekker
(Regsadviseur/Legal Advisor); C Theÿse (Tesourier/Treasurer); P Dreyer (Rekenmeester/Accountant); G Binns
(Seremonieël/Ceremonial); L Bierman (Operasionele Bestuurder/Operational Manager); S West (Personeel
Bestuurder/Personnel Manager); H Potgieter (Bestuurder Mil. Vet. Wet/Manager Mil. Vet. Act); J.G. Badenhorst
(Finansiële Bestuurder/Financial Manager); C.J. Pretorius (Logistieke Bestuurder/Logistics Manager); P. Els
(Erfenis/Heritage); A Theron(Sekretaresse/Secretary)
stuur, kies die een wat jy gebruik

3. 'n E-pos sal oopmaak waarvan die adresse reeds ingevul is

4. Klik "Send"

As jy dit nie suksesvol kan voltooi nie, druk asb. die vorm, voltooi en stuur
na pensionregulationsinput@dmv.gov.za & regulations@sawv.co.za& regulations-

Jou deelname help ons om ‘n verskil te maak. Ons Waardeer !!!

Navrae na regulations@sawv.co.za.

Good day


The Minister Defence and Military Veterans will be publishing a document (see attached) to
make changes to the Military Veterans Act 2011 (Act no 18 of 2011) in terms of the “Veterans
Pension Benefit Regulation.” With this change there will only be provision for pension to
military veterans of the Non-statutory Forces (MK, APLA & Azanla) while veterans who served
only in the SADF prior to 1994, who are Statutory Force veterans will not be included in this
benefit. This is in direct contradiction of the Military Veterans Act. It is also unconstitutional
and hence SADFA is opposing this change.

To oppose this change we have until 6 January 2023 to hand in an objection letter. One letter
from SADFA in the form of a petition with a number of names will only count as one vote. It is
critical that we get as many individuals as possible to hand in this objection letter. In
collaboration with the Council for Military Veterans SA (CMVO SA), a document has been put
together which individuals can sign and submit. This document can be submitted by any
individual and not only military veterans. We therefore request you to urgently click on the link
below and follow the instructions carefully. Please send before 4 January 2022. Please also
arrange that as many people as possible, including women, children and friends also
participate and submit this letter. Every vote counts towards our veterans’ benefit.

Please complete the information below after and:

1. Click on the green button "Click here to submit and email"

2. A popup will ask which App you want to use to send the email, choose the email
App you're using
3. An email will open with email addresses already populated
4. Click "Send"

If you don't succeed, please print the form, complete and send
to pensionregulationsinput@dmv.gov.za & regulations@sawv.co.za & regulations-
Your participation helps us to make a difference. Appreciation !!!

Enquiries to regulations@sawv.co.za.

Groete / Regards

Johann du Preez
Voorsitter: SA Weermagvereniging
Chairman: SA Defence Force Association

“Veterans Creating the Future”

Sien asb. volgende

bladsy vir die invulbare

Please see next page

for fillable document…
Comments and Objection to Draft Military veteran pension benefit regulations, 2022

Herewith my comments and objection to the draft military veterans pension

benefit regulations, 2022 for public comment - without prejudice to my rights
Info / Instructions: This objection relates to the Draft Military Veterans pension benefit regulations
2022 - which intends to exclude such benefits to SADF and other Statutory Force military veterans.

Please open, read and fill in your detail on page one, then click on the green button to submit and
e-mail. You might not be able to fill it in electronically and submit if you did not use Adobe
Acrobat. Please use Outlook or Gmail when asked for ease of use. It will open your chosen e-mail,
attach the filled in document and address it automatically for you to send. Check your draft folder
(Gmail) if it doesn't come up immediately. Please add the Subject (i.e. Objection to Draft Regulation)
and send.

Initials and Surname:

Contact number:

ID Number:


Email address:


Signature ** Considered electronically signed by submission of this by e-mail


For Attention
The Director General (For Attention: Director Legal Services),

Department of Military Veterans

e-mail: pensionregulationsinput@dmv.gov.za
Comments and Objection to Draft Military veteran pension benefit regulations, 2022



A: Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act NO. 108 OF 1996 AS AMENDED

B: Military Veterans Act, 2011, No. 18 of 2011

C: Government Notice No 37355 dated 19 February 2014 – Military Veterans Act 2011, Military
Veteran Benefits Regulations

D: DMV Web Site http://www.dmv.gov.za/about.htm

E: The Ministers and Deputy Ministers Media Release/ Presentation inclusive if responses on
questions and closing remarks dated 22 December 2022

F: World Veteran Federation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Veterans_Federation


PUBLIC COMMENT signed by Minister of Defence and Military Veterans 7 December 2022

1. I object to the irregular process as this matter was not published in the Government Gazette but
circulated within Parliament on the last day.

2. The general public and interested parties, such as the Military Veteran Associations have not
been consulted nor given the opportunity to consider these draft regulations and to provide written
comments thereon even after their requests.

3. The timing of this is not very opportune during the festive season when most of those affected
are on holiday.

4. It is felt that this contradicts:

a) the Constitution Sections 1 (achievement of equality and openness), 2 (inconsistent) and 3

(equal rights, benefits).

b) the Bill of Rights Sections 7 (equality), 8 (application), 9 (equality), 10 (Human dignity), 11

(life), 12 (Freedom) and 27 (social security).

c) the Military Veterans Act No 18 of 2011 in the definition of a “military veteran” Section 3
(fundamental principles) and 5 (benefits)

d) the Military Veterans Benefits Regulations – Regulation 2 (qualify for benefits)

e) The Department of Military Veterans Web Site – “About the Department of Military
Veterans”, “Vision”, “Mission” and “Who is a Military Veteran”.

5. I object to the limitation of only non-statutory force members allowed to apply without full
disclosure of the reasons why and how the statutory force members will be handled going forward.
Comments and Objection to Draft Military veteran pension benefit regulations, 2022

6. During the media presentation held on 22 December 2022

a) applicants were urged to start applying, which is premature – we have been denied our
input so far.

b) there is no understanding of how the Department of Military Veterans will handle this
load as they cannot handle the day to day running of their responsibilities now. The form
instructs the applicants to phone or email the Department but that is totally impractical as
has been proved over the years.

c) there was mention of the South African National Military Veterans Association (SANMVA)
which has not been operational for years and the Department of Military Veterans has not
recognised them.

7. The exclusion of statutory force veterans completely ignores the National Servicemen and
members of the Citizen Force/Reserve Force, Commando's and others, who suffered physical and
mental injuries that incapacitated them to such an extent, that they were excluded, in varying
degrees, to be economic active and follow a career allowing them to prepare for retirement. The
effect of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome on many members, resulted in them not being able to
function to needed standards and norms. These members are now among those in a crisis, and they
need all the support they can get just to survive.

8. I, therefore, request and propose that this acrimonious draft regulation is amended to include
all military veterans and that the "Means Test" serve as the criteria for all South African Military
Veterans - as defined in the Act.

9. It is my submission that as an interested party I should be allowed to be heard before this goes
any further and should be respected by receiving answers to my questions.

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