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The Hypothesis Of The Research

The quality of logistics services has a positive impact on consumer satisfaction. This
hypothesis suggests that when logistics services, such as transportation, warehousing, inventory
management, and order fulfillment, are of high quality, consumers are more likely to be satisfied
with their overall experience. Factors that contribute to logistics service quality may include on-
time delivery, accurate order processing, effective communication, product availability, and
efficient returns handling. Researchers often investigate this hypothesis by collecting data from
consumers and analyzing their perceptions of logistics service quality and satisfaction levels.
Statistical techniques such as regression analysis or structural equation modeling may be used to
examine the relationship between service quality dimensions and consumer satisfaction. It's
important to note that the specific hypothesis and its formulation may vary depending on the
scope, context, and objectives of the research study.

Consumer satisfaction with the quality of logistics services is a topic of interest in the
field of supply chain management and customer relationship management. There are various
hypotheses in Ieva Meidut-Kavaliauskien's study article on consumer satisfaction with the
quality of logistics services that include service quality hypothesis, reliability and dependability
hypothesis, communication and information sharing, cost-effectiveness and responsiveness and
problem resolution hypothesis. Four hypotheses had been proposed in an effort to assess the
quality of the logistics service and compliance with client expectations research.

The first hypothesis in this research was evaluation of logistics service performance
depends on the perception of consumer expectations The first hypothesis tries to prove a link
between consumer expectations as perceived and how well customers are treated or satisfied
with the services they receive. It is proposed that businesses that accurately estimate clients'
demands offer better-quality logistical services. Initial data from surveys and questions where
users were asked to evaluate the service provider directly for perceptions of customer
expectations and supplied service quality were utilised for the hypothesis' verification. The
correlation coefficient estimated using the provided data revealed a weak correlation, but the
Pearson criteria values enable to accept the hypothesis as true as it is always smaller than the
selected significance level α = 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that a logistics business must
first thoroughly comprehend and analyse consumer demands and expectations in order to deliver
high-quality logistics services.

The second hypothesis is the number of logistics service providers servicing the
client depends on the assessment of service quality claims that the evaluation of service quality
affects how many logistics service providers are available to a given consumer. The purpose of
this hypothesis is to assess the impact of high-quality services on the outcomes of logistics
service business possibly expressed by customer loyalty. Initial data for the hypothesis testing
came from a questionnaire survey reviewing the quality of the logistics services as well as the
quantity of the serving logistics service providers. The compatibility coefficients calculated
during the research also allow to accept this hypothesis as true, so it may be said that a company
providing high-quality logistics services and thereby directly decreasing the potential number of
competitors, creates a significant competitive advantage, and thus focuses the future scope of
service performance in its hands.

The number of logistics functions allocated to a service provider depends on the

assessment of service quality was the third hypothesis that has been raise. This hypothesis would
support the idea that the logistics service, while offering high-quality services, would increase
customer confidence and concentrate the performance of all potentially relevant services in its
hands, giving it a competitive advantage, lowering the risk of competition, and ensuring client
loyalty. The next hypothesis is the demand of business logistics functions’ performance depends
on the assessment of the perception of customer expectations. Based to the fourth hypothesis, the
need for business logistics services to be performed depends on how well clients' expectations
are understood. This hypothesis makes the assumption that logistics organisations offer similar
services in Lithuania as well, and that they are highly conscious of customers' wants and the
perspectives afforded by logistics services supplied in international markets as a comprehensive
company management model. After evaluating customer expectations for logistics services and
the trust of the client's company logistics activities to a logistics service provider, the
questionnaire survey provided the initial data for the quantitative testing of the hypothesis.

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