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Counterargument and Refutation Exercise

1. Pretend you are writing an essay in favour of lowering the legal drinking age to 18.
You believe that the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18. To make your
argument, you need to defeat the arguments of people who hold the opposite view
(the counterargument). Your thesis is "The legal drinking age should be lowered to
Thesis Statement: The legal drinking age should be lowered to 18.
Counterargument: Some people say that the legal drinking age should NOT be
lowered to 18 because
We can shift the focus towards responsible drinking habits and proper education
about alcohol consumption. Under the current system, young adults are often
introduced to alcohol in an environment of secrecy and rebellion, where they lack
guidance on responsible consumption.

Refutation: (Think of an argument that will destroy the counterargument above.)

By allowing 18-year-olds to legally drink, we can promote an open dialogue about
alcohol and provide them with appropriate education on its effects, risks, and
responsible behavior.Pretend you are writing an essay in favour of implementing a
universal basic income (UBI) program. You believe that a universal basic income
should be implemented to address economic inequality. To make your argument, you
need to defeat the arguments of people who hold the opposite view (the
counterargument). Your thesis is "A universal basic income program should be
ThesisStatement: A universal basic income program should be implemented.
Counterargument: Some people say that a universal basic income program should
NOT be implemented because
Universal basic income program can actually have positive effects and foster
economic growth. First and foremost, Universal basic income provides individuals
with a safety net, enabling them to meet their basic needs and have a sense of
security. This security, in turn, allows them to take risks, pursue entrepreneurial
ventures, or further their education without the fear of destitution.

Refutation: (Think of an argument that will destroy the counterargument above.)

Studies conducted on existing Universal basic income pilot programs have shown
that the majority of recipients continue to work or seek employment even with the
provision of a basic income. In fact,

2. Pretend you are writing an essay in favour of legalizing euthanasia. You believe that
euthanasia should be legalized to provide terminally ill individuals with the right to
end their suffering. To make your argument, you need to defeat the arguments of
people who hold the opposite view (the counterargument). Your thesis is "Euthanasia
should be legalized."
Thesis Statement: Euthanasia should be legalized.
Counterargument: Some people say that euthanasia should NOT be legalized
Legalizing euthanasia can encourage open and honest discussions between patients
and their doctors regarding end-of-life choices. Currently, in many jurisdictions where
euthanasia is illegal, terminally ill patients may feel hesitant to express their desire for
a peaceful death out of fear of legal consequences or judgment from their healthcare

Refutation: (Think of an argument that will destroy the counterargument above.)

Legalizing euthanasia can actually enhance trust and foster more honest and
compassionate communication between doctors and their patients.Pretend you are
writing an essay in favour of implementing stricter gun control laws. You believe that
stricter gun control laws are necessary to reduce gun violence. To make your
argument, you need to defeat the arguments of people who hold the opposite view
(the counterargument). Your thesis is "Stricter gun control laws should be
Thesis Statement: Stricter gun control laws should be implemented.
Counterargument: Some people say that stricter gun control laws should NOT be
implemented because
They believe that criminals will find ways to obtain guns regardless of the laws in
place, rendering stricter gun control ineffective and only limiting the rights of law-
abiding citizens.
Refutation: (Think of an argument that will destroy the counterargument above.)
While concerns about criminals finding ways to obtain guns are valid, stricter gun
control laws can still have a significant impact on reducing overall gun violence and
enhancing public safety.
3. Pretend you are writing an essay in favour of promoting renewable energy sources.
You believe that promoting renewable energy sources is crucial for combating
climate change. To make your argument, you need to defeat the arguments of people
who hold the opposite view (the counterargument). Your thesis is "Renewable energy
sources should be promoted."
Thesis Statement: Renewable energy sources should be promoted.
Counterargument: Some people say that promoting renewable energy sources
should NOT be prioritized because
3. Pretend you are writing an essay in favour of promoting renewable energy
sources. You believe that promoting renewable energy sources is crucial for
combating climate change. To make your argument, you need to defeat the
arguments of people who hold the opposite view (the counterargument). Your thesis
is "Renewable energy sources should be promoted."
Thesis Statement: Renewable energy sources should be promoted.
Counterargument: Some people say that promoting renewable energy sources
should NOT be prioritized because Refutation: (Think of an argument that will destroy
the counterargument above.)

The argument that renewable energy sources are unreliable is becoming increasingly
outdated. Advancements in technology and infrastructure have significantly improved
the reliability and efficiency of renewable energy systems. For instance, the
integration of smart grids and energy storage solutions, such as batteries, can help
mitigate the intermittent nature of certain renewable sources like solar and wind

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