1903025050-Nisrina Febby Fakhirah

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Name : Nisrina Febby Fakhirah

NIM : 1903025050
Class / Study Program : 3A / Electric Engineering
Day / Date : Friday / 27 November 2020

Read these sentences and decide whether they are active or passive:
1. Over 40,000 people a year are killed in traffic accidents in the USA only. (active)
2. Boxes should never be lifted manually. (passive)
3. A fork-lift is much safer than manual lifting. (passive)
4. My new set of tools was made in China. (active)
5. It is of good quality so it can be used all the time. (passive)

Complete the sentences about materials and their properties:

Shatterproof = anti pecah (9)
Light = cahaya
Corrosionresistant = tahan korosi (6)
Durable = tahan lama (11)
Elastic = elastic (12)
Natural = alami (10)
Rigid = kaku (14)
Flammable = mudah terbakar (7)
Malleable = lunak (8)
heat-resistant = tahan panas (13)

Wood is very often used in interiors because it looks natural and warm. Aluminium and magnesium are important for
car makers because they are corrosion resistant and therefore good for weight-saving. Safety regulations require that the
foam used in car seats shouldn’t be flammable. Rubber should be able to withstand great temperature differences while
staying melleable. In other words, it shouldn’t become brittle. Windscreens are made of a special shatter proof glass to
protect drivers in accidents. Fabrics used in cars need to be natural and not look old too quickly. Steel is used for load-
bearing parts because it is durable. Sheet metal is used for large car parts because it is elastic and dent-resistant.
Ceramic, which is heat resistant, is used in catalytic converters because of the very high temperatures. Aluminium is
ideal for bumpers and other body parts because it is rigid.

Complete the sentences below by using one of the following words:

Boils = mendidih (19)
Evaporates = menguap (21)
Burns = terbakar (24)
Stretches = peregangan (26)
Dissolves = larut (25)
Contracts = kontrak (29)
Crashes = gangguan (28)
Sinks = tenggelam
Ignites = menyala (30)
Bursts = semburan (20)
Rusts = karat (15)
Condenses = mengembun (22)
Freezes = membeku (23)
Fades = memudar (17)
Floats = mengapung
Bounces = pantulan (27)
Softens = melembutkan
Freezes = membeku (18)
Expands = memperluas
Shrinks = menyusut (16)

When you heat metal, it expands and if you cool it, it contracts. If you leave iron outside in the rain, it rusts. If you wash
your T-shirt in too hot water, it shrinks and the colour fades. Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius and boils at 100
degrees. Steam bursts if it comes in contact with very cold glass. Water evaporates if you leave it in the sun. If you need
something from the freezer, take it out one day earlier and put it in the fridge so it condenses slowly. Don’t put it back
again. If it freezes one more time, it can be harmful for your health. A spark from the engine burns the fuel.

If you put sugar into your tea and mix it gently, it dissolves. If you pull this rubber band, it stretches. If you drop the
ball, it bounces off the floor. If you overload your laptop, it crashes and you need an expert to fix it. If a balloon gets in
contact with a cactus, it contract. The candle ignites for many hours before it goes out.

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