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PathFit 2 Preliminary Exam

Ma. Erika Charisse M. Dacer; BSA-1

Physical Fitness and Wellness Two Repeated Concepts of Physical

 Physical Activity- is any body movement carried
out by the skeletal muscles and requires energy.  General Fitness- a state of health and well-
 General Fitness training works towards broad being.
goals of overall health and well-being, rather  Specific Fitness- a task-oriented definition
than narrow goals of sport competition, larger based on the ability to perform specific aspects
muscles or concerns over appereance. of sports or occupations.

Principles of Physical Training:

Fitness Standards
Adaptation to Stress

 Specificity- Adapting to type of training.  Health Fitness Standards- the lowest fitness
 Progressive Overload- adapting to amount of requirements for maintaining good health,
training and the FITT principle. decreasing the risk for chronic diseases, and
FOUR DIMENSIONS OF PROGRESSIVE lowering the incidence of muscular-skeletal
OVERLOAD injuries.
- Frequency  Physical Fitness Standard- it is a fitness level
- Intensity that allows a person to sustain moderate to
- Time vigorous physical activity without fatigue and
- Type the ability to closely maintain this level
 Reversibility- Adapting to reduction in training. throughout life.
 Individual differences- limits on adaptability.
 Regression- an approach to decrease the Components of Physical Fitness
demand of an exercise or movement.
 Progression- refers to the process of increasing
the intensity, duration, frequency or amount of  Health Related Components- This refers to the
activity or exercise as the body adapts to a given ability to perform activities of daily living
pattern. without undue fatigue.
A.) Flexibility
B.) Cardiovascular Endurance
What is physical fitness? C.) Body Composition
D.) Muscular Strength
 It is considered a measure to the body’s ability E.) Muscular Endurance
to function efficiently and effectively in work  Skill Related Components
and leisure activities. A.) Agility
 It is a set of physical attributes that allows the B.) Balance
body to adapt or respond to the demands and C.) Coordination
stress of physical effort—to perform moderate D.) Power
to vigorous levels of physical activity without E.) Speed
being overly tired. F.) Reaction Time
PathFit 2 Preliminary Exam

Ma. Erika Charisse M. Dacer; BSA-1

Somatotypes  Weight Loss

- Significantly overweight individuals need to
 Somatotyping or body typing is a system of choose activities in which they do not have
classifying an individual according to the shape to support their body weight that are still
of the body. effective in burning calories.
- A strength-training program is the best
 Ectomorph- characterized as lean and small approach to add body weight.
body build with greater surface area to mass
ratio. Bone size is relatively small with slender What is exercise?
limbs and low muscle mass.
 Mesomorph- It is a body type relative
predominance of muscle. The bones are usually  Exercise – defined as physical activity done for
large and heavy with massive limbs, thus the purpose of getting physically fit.
contributing to greater weight than the - It Is a subset of physical activity.
ectomorph body type.
 Endomorph- an endomorphic body type is
characterized by a relative predominance of soft
Phases of Exercise
roundness and large digestive viscera. There is a
greater percentage of body fat than lean body  Warm-up Exercise- This initial phase of any
mass. exercise program helps perform better and
decrease aches and pains. (Jogging, neck
stretch, stair climbing).
Weight Management  Work-out Exercise- it is an episode in which
someone tries to influence fitness by
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT IN THE MODERN maintaining or improving cardiovascular
ENVIRONMENT endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility,
body composition, or some combination of
 The current 21st century environment in which these.
we live is rich in cues to overeat high-calorie,
 Refers to the contents of the developing phases
high-fat, sugary foods 24/7. Food consumption
of exercise program. These includes:
couples with advances in modern technology
 Flexibility Exercises involves stretching all
that minimize the need for daily physical activity
major muscle group;
have led to the current obesogenic culture that
 Strength and Endurance Exercise combine
promotes weight gain and the array of chronic
both calisthenics, weight training,
conditions caused by excessive weight.
prolonged and continue activities.
 Cool-down Exercises- serve to gradually taper
on the body from the stress of exercise. It helps
Weight Management
in returning blood to the heart for re-
PathFit 2 Preliminary Exam

Ma. Erika Charisse M. Dacer; BSA-1

Types of Exercise

 Isotonic Exercise- where the muscles are made

to do some contraction and relaxation to gain
 Isometric Exercise- where the muscles are
made to undergo tension and hold in a certain
position for some time in order to develop
muscle strength.
 Aerobic Exercise (Cardiovascular, Aerobics,
Cardio)- is an activity that uses large muscle
group, can be maintained continuously, and is
rhythmic in nature.
- Kenneth Cooper’s father of aerobics.
- Aerobics refers to how your body uses
oxygen to sufficiently meet energy demands
during exercise.

Nutrition for Wellness

 Nutrients- a substance that provides

nourishment for growth and maintenance of


Carbohydrates Vitamins
Fat Minerals
Protein Water
 Dieting is the practice of eating food in a
regulated/supervised way to decrease, maintain
or increase body weight and prevent diseases.

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