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Learning Competency:

a. Judge the Validity of the Evidence from the Text

b. Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of the author’s reasoning, and th
e effectiveness of the presentation
c. React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call f
or prompt actions

Name:Laurente, Aireich Kate E.

Grade & Section: 9-Falcata



I. Article

Writing is an art form that allows us to express our thoughts, emotions, and ideas in a way that can touc
h others deeply. However, writing without putting heart into it is like playing an instrument without passion – it l
acks soul and doesn't resonate with the reader. In this article, I will argue that When we put our heart into writin
g, we bring a sense of authenticity and depth to our work. It allows us to communicate our ideas and emotions in
a way that is genuine and true to ourselves. As author Toni Morrison once said, "If there's a book that you want t
o read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." When we put our heart into writing, we are more li
kely to create something that resonates with readers and fills a gap in the literary world.

Furthermore, writing with heart can help us connect with readers on a deeper level. When we write fro
m a place of passion and emotion, we are able to create a bond with our readers. This can help us build a loyal f
ollowing and create a lasting impact with our writing.

In addition, putting heart into writing can help us overcome writer's block and other obstacles. When w
e are truly passionate about our writing, we are more likely to find the motivation and inspiration we need to kee
p going, even when the going gets tough.

Some may argue that writing with heart is not always necessary, particularly in professional or academi
c writing. However, I would argue that even in these contexts, writing with heart can make a significant differen
ce. For example, a report that is written with passion and conviction is more likely to grab the attention of its rea
ders and persuade them to take action.

In conclusion, putting heart into writing is essential for creating impactful and meaningful pieces of wri
ting. By writing from a place of passion and emotion, we can create authentic, genuine, and lasting works of art
that resonate with readers on a deep level. As the writer Jack Kerouac once said, "One day I will find the right w
ords, and they will be simple." By putting our hearts into our writing, we can find those words and create somet
hing truly beautiful.

II. Introduction
The text is all about Connections between writer and reader.

My proposed title is The art of expressing writing because readers can define and
recognize the emotions between the authors books by reading it.

III. Claim
The claim of the text is Writing is an art form that allows us to express our thought
s, emotions, and ideas in a way that can touch others deeply.
IV. Evidence
The following are the evidences of my claim;
a. When we put our heart into writing, we bring a sense of authenticity and dept
h to our work. It allows us to communicate our ideas and emotions in a way th
at is genuine and true to ourselves.

b. writing with heart can help us connect with readers on a deeper level. When w
e write from a place of passion and emotion, we are able to create a bond with
our readers. This can help us build a loyal following and create a lasting impac
t with our writing.
c. By writing from a place of passion and emotion, we can create authentic, gen
uine, and lasting works of art that resonate with readers on a deep level.

V. My Argument

The art of expressing writing

We all grew up reading a bunch of books and novels. Every person has a
favorite author that they particularly enjoy. We all adore them for various purposes, w
hether we appreciate their style,writing, or creation of emotions in character. You’ve p
robably learned that a story is not about what happens. Rather, it’s about how the even
ts affect the role. The plot points may attract to the reader’s mind, but you want to go d
eeper than that, reaching and inspiring the reader’s emotions. That kind of emotional
writing is when you make a real connection, establishing something meaningful betwe
en writer and reader. We connect with stories through how they make us feel a charact
er’s reactions often guide us through a narrative, whether it’s a song, poem, short story,
novel,article, or even a letter.
Writing is very essential without writing we cannot express and see
ourselves.Without writing, we would not be able to communicate effectively with
others. Writing allows us express our thoughts,feelings, and ideas in clear and
organized way. It also allows us to record information and knowledge so that it can be
passed down to future generations. When we write from the heart, we tap into our
emotions and personal experiences, which can help to connect with readers on deeper
level.Writing should come from the heart, just as playing an instrument should come
from the soul. In other words,writing that is genuine and wholehearted writing.

Additionally,Writing is essential towards to us because, Writing can be a

powerful tool for expressing emotions and connecting with others on a deeper level.
By putting a heart into writing, we are able to convey our feelings and thoughts in a
more authentic and meaningful way. This can help us build stronger relationships and
communicate more effectively with others. Writing can also be a form of self-
expression and self-reflection, allowing us to better understand our own emotions and
experiences. And its like we’re in the book imagining the plot stories made by the

In conclusions, For us to read and appreciate, authors create well-written

works of art, in order to capture our mind, inform us, and keep our attention, an author
whose writing must work closely with words and the principles of language through
empress their emotions with just a simple book, simple but a cherish to kid and youth
to enjoy and connect the joyful story.As the writer Jack Kerouac once said, "One day I
will find the right words, and they will be simple." By putting our hearts into our writi
ng, we can find those words and create something truly beautiful. Effective
communication Is key to establishing a connection between the author and the
reader.An writer who is able to express their ideas clearly and concisely can create a
powerful impact on the reader.
Learning Competency:

a. Judge the Validity of the Evidence from the Text

b. Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of the author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness o
f the presentation
c. React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call for prompt action

Name: Laurente, Aireich Kate E.

Grade & Section: 9-Falcata


The art of expressing writing

We all grew up reading a bunch of books and novels. Every person has a fa
vorite author that they particularly enjoy. We all adore them for various purposes, whe
ther we appreciate their style,writing, or creation of emotions in character. You’ve pro
bably learned that a story is not about what happens. Rather, it’s about how the events
affect the role. The plot points may attract to the reader’s mind, but you want to go dee
per than that, reaching and inspiring the reader’s emotions. That kind of emotional wri
ting is when you make a real connection, establishing something meaningful between
writer and reader. We connect with stories through how they make us feel a character’
s reactions often guide us through a narrative, whether it’s a song, poem, short story, n
ovel,article, or even a letter.

Writing is very essential without writing we cannot express and see

ourselves.Without writing, we would not be able to communicate effectively with
others. Writing allows us express our thoughts,feelings, and ideas in clear and
organized way. It also allows us to record information and knowledge so that it can be
passed down to future generations. When we write from the heart, we tap into our
emotions and personal experiences, which can help to connect with readers on deeper
level.Writing should come from the heart, just as playing an instrument should come
from the soul. In other words,writing that is genuine and heartfelt writing.

Additionally,Writing is essential towards to us because,writing can be a

powerful tool for expressing emotions and connecting with others on a deeper level.
By putting a heart into writing, we are able to convey our feelings and thoughts in a
more authentic and meaningful way. This can help us build stronger relationships and
communicate more effectively with others. Writing can also be a form of self-
expression and self-reflection, allowing us to better understand our own emotions and
experiences. And its like we’re in the book imagining the plot stories made by the

In conclusions, For us to read and appreciate, authors create well-written

works of art, in order to capture our mind, inform us, and keep our attention, an author
whose writing must work closely with words and the principles of language through
empress their emotions with just a simple book, simple but a cherish to kid and youth
to enjoy and connect the joyful story.As the writer Jack Kerouac once said, "One day I
will find the right words, and they will be simple." By putting our hearts into our writi
ng, we can find those words and create something truly beautiful. Effective
communication Is key to establishing a connection between the author and the
reader.An writer who is able to express their ideas clearly and concisely can create a
powerful impact on the reader.

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