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A COMPARISON OF ANSI AND IEC STANDARDS FOR SWITCHGEAR ASSEMBLIES Copyright Mate serial 1EEE Paper No. PCIC-85-19 Stephen A Kiotz CF Braun & Co Ainamora, Califorma ana EC Jaliu CF Braun & Co Atbamora, California, Abstract Emphasis is given tothe differences becween the two standards. A comparuon of the methods by which short circuit racnge are de> termined for circut breakers and buses discuased, Guidelines for the ‘equipment epecifier who oust purchase on the world market are fiver. 1 INTRODUCTION The current economic climate is encouraging more and more campa- ies to seriously connider solciing worldwide bide for capital equip- tment ta be inctalled in » new plane or in plant expansion. The eaong dollar has made (orcien suppliers very competitive with domesuc aupplices, Electrical equipment euppliers are no exception 12 this. Foreign suppliers have always had « caries in the Unived Sates fot large wansformers and motors and or high voltage aubstations.| Now. swore then cver before, foreign suppliers are poised to enter the areal in the United States for sentchgear anneal ‘The evaluation of bids from wuppliers whose equipment ie designed and manufactured to different codes and standards ie not easy. in te cane of emechgear assem cially dificult, because of problerat in defining and measuring thote (actors which determine the performance of che equipment, The power output of « motor a eaty to test and verily. The ability of « cizeuit Breaker (0 interrupt # fauie current is harder to viaualize and tart. “Switchgear assembles” ie 4 term which can include equipesent of very many different types. sizes and ratings, included in these are nd swmechgear, ation-eype evils wmcehgeat, metabencioued interruptar swncehgesr, and compart mented smitchgear, These terms far different fyDer of eontchgeat serablies are found in ANSI Sundard C37 20 end EC Standard 298, jong with their definitions ‘The two standards just mencioned cover 4 large range of voltage raangs and accordingly, diferent sizer of awitcheeas, The ANSI weandard includes nominal volute raungs from 240 voite up to inciuding 69.0 tilovolts. The EC standard inchides rated voltages sbove 1.9 kilavolt and up to and including 72.5 tilovoles, However, we sn Timit our discussion here wo avitchgear sueembliee with nominal voltage ratings between 2.4 tlovolta ng 14.5 kovoite. This range of voltages. the medium voltage range, ieludes nominal voltage ratines which are (requendy ued in the petrocne Thie paper wall discuss the differences bewween ANSE Sta 97.20. C37.204, C27.20b. C37.20e ana related standards, C9: €37.08. C37.09 and C37.010. and [EC Stangard 298, $6 ane 82 cdjective if to provide the spectiving eneineer sath « clearer uncer Handing of diferences between meta-ciag manuiactured +o ANSI suangaraa and those ceaienea an ariiactited Sw IEC standard, 1, COMPARISON FACTORS Mane (actors can contnbuteto the perionmance, comand aapucauon, lectrical equipment, Far metai-clag aut Tablet construction of metalciad swischgear. A manufaccurer, in atemptis ‘a meet performance criteria (ot « complete range of values, wll a) vanous compromises between performance end com wbich must t sadersiood by the apecifying engineer TABLE 1 Factors Affecting the Oeaign and Construction of Matel-Clad Switchoear Fector Fector Aftects: Rateemaximumvoltage Separation distances and fypea © Insulation Ratedinsulationievels Separation distances and types © insulation Types of conductor materia. typ of insulatian, ventilation, busbar ar rangement and size of compartments Types ot insulation. bracing of cur rent-eamying pans and strength of enclosures Barriers and shutters sacarating ori- mary sections of the switchgear Rated continuous cur- rent (temperature risa) Rated short-circuit cur- rant Comaartmentalization A dizeet comparison between ANSI and IEC of the many raang tars and conatruction (actors which apply to metalclad ewitchgear can be found in Tables 2 and 3. For some of these factors the ‘ermanology may di howa in Tables 2 and 3 by lating che precise erminoloty used in each standard. The brief dexenpaon ofthe rian (actor definition found ia Table 2 ie gives in order to faciiate comparisons of the actual caung veluee given ia Tables 4 and 5. For cumple, the ANSI standard utes the term “eequired asymmetneal auerupting capability"? while che IEC standard uees the te “raced snorveizeuit breeking current”? when defining the sher-creut reang of # cxeuit breaker. Although the terms are quite diferent. the ewe wandarde ere eaiking about the eame current. This wil be more (uly \dered in Section HI. Short-Cireuie Ratings. ‘The conscruccion factors ated in Table 3 lucerae the difference in srilosopny between ANSI standards and [EC aundards, ANSI stan: Garda are tore speci in defining what the equipment rhavid loox Uke snd what matenala ehould be aed, CEC. on the other band. ia ate likely ca define the equipment in term of desired performance, ANSI sunaara (cr ewcichgear assemblies requires thatthe enciowure Se cnae from nest etee/ and chacit be of « specific munumua cick Toe EC vtanderd autee only that the enclowure be of « seulic ‘Nortn Amencan speeiiying engineer, However. once the EC concept of degrees of protection understand, the differences ean 2¢ (c080.15077NS/0000.000$$01.000 102 IEE TABLE 2 Comoanson of Rating Factors for Metal Ciag Switchgear Designed to ANSI and IEC Stancarce ANSE I eC ‘tog Factor Unite Gatiition [Rating Factor Unie Ratecmaxmam KV, ems Maximum voltage for which | Ratea maximum __ AV. rms vettage equiomentis designec. | voitege Aatedimouse kV, ovax — Sasedonwihatanding s | Ratedimauise kV. Dek withatand Standard 12/50 qa mouise | witatane vettage voltage wave voltage Reted low-re- —kV,cms_ Based onwitnstancing tne | Rated power KV. ms auancy withstand fest voltage for ane minute. | Ireauency mC vatage stand voltage Rated frequency He Sine wave with period equal | Rated frequency HE Same as ANSI to Iz seconas. Fated conn Avena Maximum current winch can | Rateusormal Arma‘ Same a3 ANS! uous current Beccarried without eausing | current temoeratures in excess of specitied tits Temoeraurerise eg. Maximum allowable temcer- | Temoeraturerise ¢e9.C_ «Same as ANSI exceat no ature rise above design ar lemoerature limits species Bient temperature at rated fortemperature nze of Bars continuous current and fe- subject to contactby opera auency ‘na personnel. - - Not dalined in ANSI Rated snor-time Arms Maximumeurrentthatcanbe wunstana cure earring by mam exes for Fenty ‘one second Rated momen- Ams Maximum asymmetrical cur- | Ratedoeakwitn- A. Deak Maximum asymmetrical cur tary current 7) tent as cetermines by the | stang current (1) rent as determined by tne enveloge of ne current wave ‘envelope ofthe current wave Gunga testoenodolatieast imme dately alter initiation TOeycies ofthe fault Rates shon-cir Arms Maximum symmetrical com> | Rated snom-ci) — Acms — Sameas ANSI exit current (2) erent af re snortereut | cuit current (2) Curent measured from the fenveloce of ne current wave atime instant of peimary ingcontact separation nich the cxcutt Oreaker must ine terrupt at rates voltage end on stanaare aaerating evry Requied asym. A,ms Maximum asymmetnical cur: | Ratec snort-cr Arms ——_Charactenzea by wovalues: metrical inter fent tne breawer's recuirea | cut Deeaning therms vate ol rupting eaoaar to interruat at ine stant ot | exrtent (2) Bonent ana the percentage fy) contact seoaration at at0e- Gre. comoonent. The 3.2 ties operating voviage anc Eamgonent snallcorresgond ona stanaaraaperating cuty roatime terval equate the Thiscurrentis cvectyeesates ‘rieumum aoeamng ure of the toratea shartevreun cutrent Sreaker, IEC manes n0 = by ihe ratio S, spect in Guwement that Breakers Be ANSI C37.08-1379, 930" | fatea at higher Oreaking oF grean 5.10.22 IMterruoting surrenta at oe H arating voltages lower han thew rated voltage. Rated ciosing» Arms «Breakermustcios@anciaten | Retea snortox A. peak Is 2.5 times che rated snort fatening-earty- on tg times fateg snon- | cutmaning cur. eu current. ingunterruoting excureurrent.carryinesye~ | rent i2i ‘ras, anainterrust acurrent | whose symmetneaivaiue | Goes rot exceegine cequrea Beymmetieat iaterresing eapaoniy i Requires snon: A rms Beanermusteairyle’ sec: | Fated duration Arms Period for wren ine oreaker : can carry wen closed. i's ‘onas any snortreveuitcurent whose valve 1s no greater than 1 6times tneratea snort ‘circu current at manu crestancne greaterinanine { wavalorm om 0 1a 3 secs, lume currentear- rving eaoaptity 2 1 lating tactor aooues to swucngear aus ony ‘Ti Rating :2ctor anos te evrcut Greeners ent ratea short-cweutt breaking current. The stanaara time vats 1 secona. A time val of Saeconas may ce i] 4 TABLES Companson of Construction Factors for Metal-Ciad ‘Switengear Cesigned to ANSI and IEC Standarca Construction Factor] ANSI EC. Enclosure material | Sheet sieei-minimum thickness ‘Metallic-minimum thickness not apectied Finisn Bus insulation Barriers (partitions) Shutters (0.30 em for barriers 0.19 em for doors and covers Phosphatizing or equivalent belore paint ing. One coat minimum of corresion-re- sisting paint. Must meet the stangara dielectric tests per ANSI C37.20¢-1974, 5.2.1 and with stand maximum rated voltage fara penod of one minute between ine conaucior and outside eurtace of the insulation. Metallic and grounded barriers shall be Brovided Between primary sections of ich circuit and adjacent sections, Not specified Not reauiradbut may be provided agreed between purchaser and manufacturer. Metallic ana grounded partitions anal be provided betwoen primary sections of each circuit and adjacent sections. Metatiic or nonmetallic shutters must be | Same as ANSI provided between main bus comoartment and device compartment. Metallic snut= ters must be graunced. TABLES ‘Comparison of Rated Voltage Values for Metal-Ciad ‘Switcng faned to ANSI and IEC Standarcs Rated Max Rated Low-Frequency Rated impulse Vottage Withstand Votage Withstand Voltage kV, ems kV. ons kV, peak ansi EC OANSI EC ANSI(2) ECT Ustt ata 476 436 #419 «10 60 20 40 az 72 38 2 9 0 60 120 28 so 78 130 175 3638S TSS 240 30 35125 sao 360 ats SAT. (1) The 1EC imouise voltage test requires that 15 impulses of a stancard 1.2/50 us voltage wave ba feaeated with a max mum ot to aistuoiwe ciscnarges across sell-restoring: insulation end no aisruotve discharges across non-sell- estoring insulation. The vaitage (ar ina imautse vattage ast across ihe tsoiating cistance of the line anicad terminais is 1S oercent greater nan mat listed in Table 4. List 2is vatves to be used wnen specifies conditions at ancueatian cennat be mene The ANS! imoulse voltage test requires three positive and three negative imouises of 2 standard 1.2/50 us voltage wave. If flasnover occurs on only one tesi of any group at inree consecutive tests, tnree more tests snail De mace. i! na Hlasnover occurs on these three consecutive tests. Nea. tne equioment 1s consigerea to nave oassed ine test. The voltage for tne imoulse vaitage test across the iscleting 2 TABLES Companson of Rated Current Values for Metal-Clad ‘Switchgear Oeeigned to ANSI and IEC Standarcs ated Voltage | Ratea Snor-creut Rated Continuous Currant Breeking current w a Acme ansi_[ 166] ansi] ee aNst ec <76] 36 er 7300 2a] 10.0 1300 160 201250 290 | 259 1200 1250 1600 2000 2500 150 Se | to 1300 3250 1600 2000 25003180 825] 72 ro} 80 200 2000 125 201250 160 620 12601600 [250 30 1280 1600 2000 2sb0 ino | ns 1200 2000 630 1250 tec 2000 2500 wo 1250 1600 3000 2800150 120 20 128 6201250 160 so 1250 1900 209 6201250 1600 350 se 1250 1600 2000 2500 ans 4250 1600 2000 2500 2150 200 1359 1600 2000 25003150 500 1259 1600 2000 2500 180 180 Jars se 1200 : 38| 30 100 6301280 ws £20 280 UG 100] 10 1200 2000 8301250 9.0 | 20.0 #360 3500 e530 1250 280 |250, 200 2000 1280 1600 2000 2500 3150 a7 | 430 1200 2000 3000 "350 1600 2000 2500 3150, 240 a0 6301250 125 01250 j 180 6503350 250 12501600 2000 2500 2150 Pr 4809 2000 2500 3150 280 | 260 40 e20 : 33 S20 1250 160 6301250 1500 20] 250 200 0a 2000 12501600 2000 2500 200 | 309 1300 tea 20002600 3150 prove thew ability to prevent the ingress of foreign bodies of water. In Ghe care of metai-clad amichgeas. the ingress of water us oct cvosiderstion under IEC 298, The vanous decrete of protection applicable to metalciad ewiccbgear are laced in Table 6, [tin by eating these enciouures to verly the degrees of protection. that eaciowures built to LEC standards are determined to eet the aeceusary wrench or rindity requirements to prevent contact wit ive pars or Duckling of ‘encloture welle which ean endanger operaung perronnel! Socse Euro- Dean manufacturers will build umechgeas which 4 €np-9r00 although this ig outside the ecape of IEC 298, TABLES Degrees of Protection (0 IEC Stanaarcs Degree of Protection against approach to live Protection parts and contact with moving pars. 12x By fingers or smail objects of diameter greater tman 12mm. (3X By tovis. wires etc. of ciameter or thickness Greater tnan 2.5 mm, wax By wires of diameter or strigs of thickness Sreater than 1.0 mm. Whesever equipment is selected for « particular «pplication. this equipment must be selected om wandard catiogs whies cay Cot loteiv match the exact rating requiced. Whan dealing wath other country standards, this mismatch may take on important (inancis ‘plications. The differences in wancare raciags for voltage and current becween LEC and ANSI can be ceen in Tables 4 and 5 For example, « particular application may requure esateheent (oF disenbudon at the 11 kV nomunal voluge level. This is « common dincrbudon voltage in Kuwait and other countries which were pre ously Briush protectorates or British colonies, One look at Tible 4 howe that emchgear built 29 TEC etandards mil prodably be eaore competitive since the [2 LV rated voltage level zatenes the 11k ‘orminal voltage level closely, whereas the LS kV cated voltage level of the ANSI standard does not. Conversely, the ANSI standard voiage of 15,0 lovolts matches che 15.8 kovolt nominal voltage commonly ceed inthe United Staces more closely than does che IEC standard voltage of 17S talovoles, UL SHORT-CIRCUIT RATING Many ofthe rating factors listed in Tabie ? have dil definition which (rom « uachnieai point of view require ore than 4 ew lines of desenption to fully understand, Inthe fllowine perseragne, & more detailed expianation of the definitions for shore cree ang of czeuit breakers and rated short-time current for swvichgear DUsOare mill be piven, There aze swo of the rating (actors (or which there it « significant difference in the ANSI and IEC wtandards epproaca co the definition The rated shore-cieut current ae defined x ANSE i ined in Table 2, Algo listed in Table 2 are related rating laciors wc are applicable (aeireur breakers in the medives voltage range, 2.4 kU 1034.5 FV. 10h x required sayrametneal interrupting cxpuailce, required closing lucehine-cerrring-interrupting eapabilits ane required share-tme cur rent earring capability. These related rating factors do not Nave 49 caact equivalent in the [EC sandare, However, we tnll gee shat the scuual difference in performance of breatera with the same rating, Built (a the two different standards, ¢ ea The “raed shorteireutt current” (ANSI ang the “rated shore cucu current” (TEC) are exactly the same current by defincion. The nnenuicant anfference between the wo suancarca antes irom tne cefins tuon of che OC component as devermines Oy ine time ntervas Detweet snutingon of the fauit and opening of the Oreener. Figure | showe the weiorm of « fault and itn components com tine = tome = 5 sie, The waveiorm represents an atvcomeimea: (aut current (ar + curt wnt an XR ratio of 13.8. The phase angie atthe voltage vunction uanwing the current haa been chosen to given ine manumus poveioie fmputune of the firtt peak (maximurs Fc = 3 evciens reprenente ihe instant sf ormars-nreine component of the fault current. The [EC definition of the “ratad at ‘czcuit Brenting current” eequires that che breaker tut inearrupt tymmetice AC component and atsociated DC component of the current, In other words, the IEC standard requires that the breake capasle of incerrupting precitely the naa value of the exymanes: current defined by the waveform of Figure L cepreeastad by line | ‘The ANSI standard. on the other hand, approaches the dafinitio sborvcireuit ratings of breakers differently, Thia 1 done throu} serie of related required capabilit The value of “required srymmetrical interruptig capability” civenin the ANSI suundard asthe raaa"S” tunes the" nted hort cureat.” The values for ratio "S” are givénin ANSI standard C37) Figure 2, page 19. This give line SS’ in Figure 1. I¢ can be seen Figure { bat line SS" ia alighty above ine RR’ until time = 3.5 eyel However, the difference is mall and moat probably results from difference in ptulosopay berveen the two standards, The AN Heanderds atiempt to provide the manufacturer and weer alike, ~ tabular values wnich can be eesily applied and understood, Thus. « “tequited asymmetrical inerrupting capability” shall be "S times tb ited shorecieuit current. The {EC standards define things in mo fenenc terms, which allows « ore universal application, but requ ‘nore understanding of the mathematical rlationahipe ofthe trante: current waveform wamediately after the (ault ‘The poimes "M2" and "M2" in Figure L are the momentary currents she “rated shor-circuic mating current” aa determined by dhe ANS standard aad [EC wandard respectively, Ml ia equal to 2.7 times & inted abort circuit current and M2 ie 2.8 times the rated shortciree Current Inofar a4 the rated momentary ofthe rated making cureent concemed, it appeers that ANSI is more conservauve than IEC. [c ‘hould be pointed out, however, that the conditions under which the teansient current savefors develops a masimum creat or peak ar TEC hat no related rating factor equivelen: 9 the ANSI clase-latcs carry incerrupt requirement. This may be of concern to the specifying engineer whose requiresente dictate that the Breaker must be beld cloced for me delay (not to exceed 2 seconde per the ANSI atandardl land then iterrape the full (aul current. Many (oreiga manufactareri tre anare ofthis snortcoming and have atempied to ater their designe inorder to meet this ANSI requirement, The thor-time curent carrying cl tomentat diferent between the (wo eandarde, ANST d frat valve ofthe seysimeccicel current waveform, whereas TEC sicrpiy sates chat the breaker aball carry the cated short-circuit current for Tequired tine ineenal [a reniey, the nas vaive of the asymmetries! curenewqvelors tegrated overt tie incervalie early equal to: ‘rat vaise ofthe AC component. The any cignificanc dilference lien the time interval, ANST cequices 3 seconds and [EC requires | second. TEC does indiate hat 3 ueconds may be used ce rate Breakers when reguiced, ‘The catng of but end mein cveuit shor-cireuic withstand currents is signicanty different between the ANSI and (EC standards. ANSI {pecifie chat the Bus ang mein cxreuits must withatand the maxis, Tat valve of the total current momencandy during a tert period of 10 ‘cyclen, This aesurmes thatthe DC componeatis decaying sith time. (EC requires thatthe but and aio cieuite snthatand the fated short circa current for a period of 1 second and withstand 4 peak aaymmetne snorceveust curren equal to 2.5 times the raied short-cireui currert Here, ae withthe breaker short cime wichetand current, ANST and IEC vary aieaticandlyoniv inthe ce interval, For ANSI, itis 10 cyclen and for TEC, conuidersbiy longer at | secon: Iv, RECOMMENDATIONS ‘The stort bane conciusion as 4 revult of «close eresaination of ke rauirementa for mesalclad eentehgear ia both the ANSI and EC tuancarcs. i that che equipment ix funcuonally comparable, 7: Dpeulosoohy of approsen to mertine the performance requirements > ‘ulerent Out the intent of Bota standard ia (9 insure that electric ‘ower u uted ealeiy Nevertheless, che apeciiving engineer aub et “ery real anniewes wien asked co sep beyond the famubarand evsivate Huuipment chat tay geen Genened aid constructed 19 4 different seancera, The following paratranne provide some gusdelines for ihe ek on the tare of apeedving 420 ' woriawiee Daa biley of 4 breaker is alse tpecifeine eneiaeer shut to define tne enveioce ot the current wave. is te normal zero tine trom time = 0 cycles to time = 6 cycles. la the OC comoonent anc dizolacement at tha normal zero line at any instant | the Instant of contact seaaration (initiation of the arc). is ne maxing current (peak) ig the Oesk vaiue of the AC comoorent at instant & Jig the OC component at instant EE ine rms vatue of ine total current {asymmetrical at any instant, 's the ems vatue of the total current for rating a breaker to ANSI (aoaroximates RA’ aver the interval snown} Cooperation with foreign suppliers’ representatives isthe iat and smovtimporeans stap to take. A foreign supplie «representative wil be familias With the standards under which his equipcent wee tani faecured and wil usually be (amir with the etdards (rom ocher licable to be competitors equipmeat Even though this beper bas gone iaio some detall in comparing the ANS] and IEC Manderds, Is cannot pretend to have answered every question of rvsclved every diferenee. Cooperation with foreign pee repre: sentatives can and should ocear even Belore inquiries are sent Ove ‘Thave reprasencatives cat be of great elp ia developing the vena equipment specveston, ‘The equipment epectcation should be wrian in auch a way 44 to avoid being overly reetrictive. A simple autement such at “che switchgear voltage rating aball be 6 LV" can be ebanged to read “the cevichgen volge rating ball be wuitable fora aystae voltage of 418 49". Thi wll allow the foreign supplier a offer ewitchgear of lightly diferent voluage than the ANST standard without having to cake ‘exception tothe apeciicaton. This example of voltage rating specifics Son in very aaperticial but the idea can be extanded to other Lng factors whenever possible. Dilferences in terainology abould be recognized by the specifying engineer and the terms ether clearly defined for the beaefic of foreign suppliers or their use avoided in Lew of « performance-orieated requirement. For many foreign euppiiers the simple term "awtabclad sitcheeat” does not have the same meaning +8 it dove in the USA. ‘Table Sluscraen this point a that the ANSI requirement fornealatd ‘bus is not found in the TEC standard. Although foreign eappliers wil rake it cleerthat their equipment meets the impulse wihacand voltace srithout bus inatlaton. might be «cuatomes requirement to have intuistion. Caution is edvieed here in caves where the foreign supplies switchgear design depeods on unizaulated busrbare in unia- terrupted rune (or reasons of are guidance under fault conditions ‘Adain inidal cooperation wth the foreign supplier sepresentative can ‘problems ix evaluating the bid, V. CONCLUSION “A suber of factors of tmporance in apecifyine and evaluating smetal-clad emccbgear (rom foreign sources have been reviewed, Cer tainly, the topic ie auch more complex than can be covered in thie one paper. There are her standarca which would have tobe considered to completely do justice the topic. However the information resented bere ebould be uf initial value to the specdying engineer who a cotally snfemilar with othercountry sandard. REFERENCES 1 "In Focus, lacerseuncain Power Plane”. Teanamission nd Die teibocon, voluse 37, mumber 2, February 1985. "Rang Struceare for AC High-Voltage Cicuit Breakers Rated on Syomemeal Current Satis”, ANSUIEEE C37. 01 perseraph $.10.2.2, I "High-Volage Alteroating Current Cicesit Breskers, Part 2: Rating”, EC S62 1971, paragraph 6. “*Clannication of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclos: ret", TEC 829-1976, parugraph 7 S"Altemating Current Transients”, Schaum's Ovdine Serie Elecune Circuits. pate 249. “High-Voltage Alternating-Current Circuit Breakers, Part 2: Rating’, LEC §6-2 1971. paragraph 3.

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