Essay For Climate Change

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment
Tropical Design

Name: Railey MJ B. Crisostomo Date: March 17, 2023

Section: BS ARCHI 2-4 Instructor: Prof. Bernard Dones

Climate Change: How does this affect the way we design?

One of the top priorities of architects is to provide safety and integrity to their plans and
constructions. With the mitigation demand for climate change, the way we analyze the site and
spaces will lean forward to more adaptive building designs. But architecture can also contribute
to climate change. To combat these, we must utilize architecture to our advantage by minimizing
carbon footprints and harmful material to the environment.
The gradual worsening of climate change may impose greater risks in possible hazards
for structural buildings. Thus, this serves as a bearing for us architects in the rationality of our
designs. The future possibilities emanating from climate change will encourage us to provide
rugged foundations due to soil damage. Elevating the design of our buildings may also be
necessary for probable flooding due to the rise of sea level and melting of polar regions.
As a conclusion, houses and structures are both vulnerable to natural calamities.
Climate change may be a cause or a factor in a building collapsing. Overtime, it can weaken the
walls and foundations. Therefore, our design must adapt and mitigate these challenges. By
incorporating appropriate finishes, proper orientation, using architecture to lessen climate
change, aid sustainability, and accurate measures to carry the odds of nature.

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