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1. What is an electric current?

The electric current is when there are a very high number of electrons
travelling through a conducting material.
2. What is the difference between conducting materials and
insulating materials?
The difference between conducting materials and insulating materials
-Conducting materials are any material that allows electricity to pass
througth it. For example, copper, iron, aluminium…
-Insulating materials are materials that do not allow electricity to
pass through. For example, wood, ceramics, plastic…
3. What is an electric circuit?
An electric circuit is a closed path through which electrons flow.
4. Which are the families of electrical components?
The families of electrical components are:
Generators :supply electric current to the circuit.
Receptors: transform the enegry from the electric current into useful
Conductors: allow the electric current to circulate.
Control Elements: regulate the electric circuit.
5. What is an electrical symbol? Draw the symbols for a light bulb,
a battery, a wire, a switch, and a button.
An electrical symbol is used to draw it in a simplified manner so that it
can be easily understood by anyone.
There are the draws:
6. What is an electrical diagram? Provide an example.
The electrical diagram is a graphic representación of a circuit and it is
made up by the symbols for all of the connected components.
The example is:
7. What is electrical voltage? What unit is used to measure it? What
is its abbreviation?
Electrical voltage is the energy that a generator uses to propel the
electrons flowing in an electrical circuit. The unit to measure it is volts,
wich is abbreviated using an upper-case letter V.
8. What is electrical resistance? What unit is used to measure it?
What is its abbreviation?
The electrical resistance is the resistance is opposition to the passage of
the electric current as causes by the components of a circuit. The unit
to measure it is the ohm. The abbreviation is using the Greek letter, the
upper-case omega Ω.
9. What is electrical intensity, current or amperage? What unit is
used to measure it? What is its abbreviation?
The electrical intensity is a magnitud that tells us whether the current
is large or small. The unit used to measure it is the ampere. It’s
abbreviation is A.

10. What does Ohm's law tell us?

Ohm’s law tell us that the amperage of a current circulating through a
closed circuit is directly proportional to the voltage being applied, and
inversely proportional to the circuit electrical resistance.
11. What is the mathematical expression for Ohm's law?
The mathematical expression for Ohm’s law is I= V/R.

12. Do you know what the Ohm’s law triangle is and why we
use it?
The Ohm’s law triangle is a very simple way to remember the three
equations (I= V/R , V=I • R, R=V/I) and you can quickly obtain the
equation that you will need to apply.

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