Resume 2

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Payton Rogers 313 South Carillo Rd.

Ojai, CA 93023
(805) 620-2805

​Responsibility and Patience : I’ve learned this skill from babysitting and
taking care of my Grandfather. I successfully fed kids dinner, helped them
with their homework, and made sure they went to be at the right time while
their parents were away. Fall of 2022 my grandfather was diagnosed with
diabetes type 1 and blood cancer.I gave my grandfather his insulin three
times a day before he ate to keep his blood sugar at a safe level. I had to be
patient when giving him his shot, to make sure I did it correctly, and to
prevent any scaring.
​Willingness to learn: I like to learn new things, and I appreciate feedback
on how I could improve.
​Resilience: I always push myself to do my best. I learned this skill from the
lockdown during Covid-19, even though I was isolated from all my friends I
knew that I had to push myself to do my best, because it would pay off in
the future, and I knew the lockdown would end one day.
​Teamwork: I work well with others, and always make sure I do my share of
the work. I am respectful and kind to whoever I work with.
​Communication: I always give people my full attention and respect while
their talking, and I am able to talk and write clearly. If I am ever having
trouble understanding something I am able to ask for help.
​Thinking Skills: I am a good problem solver, and when I make choices, I
think carefully about them and what the outcome could be.
​Trustworthy: Parents are able to rely on me to take care of their children
when they went go out to dinner or when they go somewhere for work.

Adaptable: I am able to adjust to new things quickly. During the Covid-19

lockdown I had to quickly adapt to learning online instead of in person. I
use this skill in dance class, because sometimes we need to change
movements and I am able to quickly adapt to that change.

Open-Minded: I am willing to listen to new ideas without judgment.

I have successfully taken care of other peoples children while they were away since I was
13 years old.

I have been taking care of my grandfather since fall of 2022. I make him food, give him his
insulin shots, and I help him move around the house.

I successfully take care of my neighbors dog by feeding her, bathing her, and taking her
for walks, while they go on vacation.

Nordhoff High School, 1401 Maricopa HWY, Ojai CA 93023
I have attended Nordhoff Highschool for all four years and plan on earning
my high school diploma in June of 2023.

Ventura College , 4667 Telegraph Rd, Ventura, CA 93003

I plan on attending Ventura College for 2 years to earn my Associates degree in
Nursing. Im going to complete their Nursing program, and become a registered
Nurse.Then I will transfer to a University and earn my Bachelors of Science degree in
Nursing. Then I plan on passing a National Nurse Practitioner board certification
exam to become a Nurse Practitioner.

Proficient with google slides, google sheets, google docs, google email,
Computer Skills microsoft word, the internet, canvas, canva, zoom, and student square.

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