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b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 S (2 0 1 6) 86–98


Environmental Microbiology

Microbial interactions: ecology in a molecular


Raíssa Mesquita Braga, Manuella Nóbrega Dourado, Welington Luiz Araújo ∗

Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Microbiologia, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The microorganism–microorganism or microorganism–host interactions are the key strat-
Received 23 September 2016 egy to colonize and establish in a variety of different environments. These interactions
Accepted 7 October 2016 involve all ecological aspects, including physiochemical changes, metabolite exchange,
Available online 26 October 2016 metabolite conversion, signaling, chemotaxis and genetic exchange resulting in geno-
type selection. In addition, the establishment in the environment depends on the species
Associate Editor: Marina Baquerizo
diversity, since high functional redundancy in the microbial community increases the com-
petitive ability of the community, decreasing the possibility of an invader to establish in this
environment. Therefore, these associations are the result of a co-evolution process that leads
Microbial interaction
to the adaptation and specialization, allowing the occupation of different niches, by reducing
biotic and abiotic stress or exchanging growth factors and signaling. Microbial interactions
Microbe–host interaction
occur by the transference of molecular and genetic information, and many mechanisms can
Molecular interaction
be involved in this exchange, such as secondary metabolites, siderophores, quorum sensing
system, biofilm formation, and cellular transduction signaling, among others. The ultimate
unit of interaction is the gene expression of each organism in response to an environmental
(biotic or abiotic) stimulus, which is responsible for the production of molecules involved in
these interactions. Therefore, in the present review, we focused on some molecular mech-
anisms involved in the microbial interaction, not only in microbial–host interaction, which
has been exploited by other reviews, but also in the molecular strategy used by different
microorganisms in the environment that can modulate the establishment and structuration
of the microbial community.
© 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/

interactions occur by the environmental recognition followed

Introduction by transference of molecular and genetic information that
include many mechanisms and classes of molecules. These
Microbial interactions are crucial for a successful establish- mechanisms allow microorganisms to establish in a commu-
ment and maintenance of a microbial population. These nity, which depending on the multi-trophic interaction could

Corresponding author at: NAP-BIOP – LABMEM, Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo,
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 1374 -Ed. Biomédicas II, Cidade Universitária, 05508-900 São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
E-mail: wlaraujo@usp.br (W.L. Araújo).
1517-8382/© 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 S (2 0 1 6) 86–98 87

result in high diversity. The result of this multiple interac- relevant as it can lead to disease prediction and its appropriate
tion is frequently related to pathogenic or beneficial effect therapies.9–11
to a host. In humans, for example, the microbial commu- Microbial interactions also deserve attention from the
nity plays an important role in protection against diseases, natural products discovery field. Secondary metabolite clus-
caused by microbial pathogens or physiological disturbances. ters that are silent under laboratory growing conditions,
Soils microbial communities also play a major role in protec- can be activated by simulating the natural habitat of the
ting plants from diseases and abiotic stresses1 or increasing microorganism. It has been reported that co-cultivation
nutrient uptake. with others microorganisms from the same ecosystem
Microorganisms are rarely encountered as single species can induce the activation of otherwise silent biosynthetic
populations in the environment, since studies in different pathways leading to the production and identification of
habitats has shown that an enormous richness and abun- new natural products.12–16 Furthermore, this knowledge can
dance variation are usually detected in a small sample, also be applied to genetic engineering of phytopathogens
suggesting that microbial interactions are inherent to the antagonists/parasites aiming to an enhanced biological
establishment of populations in the environment, which control.17
includes soil, sediment, animal, and plants, including also In this review, we focused on the molecular mechanisms
fungi and protozoa cells. The many years of coevolution of involved in many microbial interactions, involving intra and
the different species lead to adaptation and specialization and interspecies microbial interactions and the microorganism
resulted in a large variety of relationships that can facilitate interaction with the host.
cohabitation, such as mutualistic and endosymbiotic relation-
ships, or competitive, antagonistic, pathogenic, and parasitic
relationships.2 Organisms involved
Many secondary metabolites have been reported to be
involved in the microbial interactions. These compounds Microorganisms rarely occur as single species populations and
are usually bioactive and can perform important functions are encountered in many hosts/environments, thus there is
in ecological interactions. A widely studied mechanism of a large variety of types of microbial interactions concern-
microbial interaction is quorum sensing, which consists ing the organisms involved. Bacteria–bacteria, fungus–fungus,
in a stimuli-response system related to cellular concentra- bacteria–fungus, fungus–plant/animal, bacteria–plant/animal
tion. The production of signaling molecules (auto-inducers) and bacteria–fungus–plant/animal interactions, including
allows cells to communicate and respond to the environ- parasitic, mutualistic interactions involve many mechanisms
ment in a coordinated way.3 During interaction with the that have been described, allowing to develop strategies to
host cells, microbial-associated molecular patterns (PAMP or manipulate these interactions, which could result in increased
MAMP – microbial-associated molecular pattern) are con- host fitness or new metabolite production. According to van
served throughout different microbial taxon allowing to Elsas et al.,18 the establishment of a new species (invader)
increase the fitness during interaction with plant or animal in an environment depends on the characteristic of the local
cells4 and regulating the microbial interactions with different microbial community. In general, ecosystems that lost species
hosts (Table 1). diversity present less ability to resist to an invader, since
Much attention has been given to researches on micro- present more available niche that could be occupied by indige-
bial interactions in the human health field. The microbial nous species. In addition, during the niche occupation, the
interactions are crucial for the successful establishment invader should interact with species present in this environ-
and maintenance of colonization and infection. Additionally, ment.
antimicrobial host defenses and environmental factors also The mechanisms involved in archaeal interactions are
play essential roles. Microorganism communication enables largely unknown, although they are very important in the
the population to collectively regulate the gene expression in archaeal communities, production of methane in landfills,19
response to host and environmental signals, produced by the archaea in soil and rhizosphere ecosystems,20 thermophilic
same or even by different species. This results in a coordinate archaea in bioleaching process,21 for example. Virus inter-
response in the microbial population, achieving successful actions with its host are also very important since viruses
pathogenic outcomes that would not be accomplished by indi- are responsible for many diseases in a variety of hosts,
vidual cells.5–7 and also, modulating the bacterial community by infect-
Consequently, knowledge on the mechanisms involved in ing dominant species. Host-virus communication is related
the microbial interactions can be a key to developing specific to RNA-based mechanisms such as microRNAs.22,23 The
agents that can avoid or disturb microorganism communica- microorganisms addressed in the present reviewed com-
tion during infection and consequently act to decrease the prise fungi and bacteria, we did not focus on virus or
defensive and offensive qualities of the pathogen. Thus, the archaea.
study of these mechanisms can contribute to the understand- Fungi and bacteria interactions are widely studied,
ing of the microbial pathogenesis and to the development of although the molecular mechanisms involved in the inter-
new antimicrobial drugs.5,8 actions are often not completely understood. They interact
In addition, microbial interactions occurring in human with a wide range of different organisms – plants, humans
host can also be benefic and some diseases are often related and other animals, among others – in different envi-
to imbalances in the healthy microbiota. Therefore, studies ronments, as we describe in this present review, and
on the healthy microbial community in the host are also present many biotechnological applications, such as in food
88 b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 S (2 0 1 6) 86–98

Table 1 – Microbial interaction studies.

Organisms involved Type of interaction Compounds/mechanisms Findings References
Moniliophthora roreri and Phytopathogen–endophyte T39 butenolide, Production of the described
Trichoderma harzianum harzianolide, sorbicillinol compounds was dependent on
the phytopathogen presence and
was spatially localized in the
interaction zone.
Trichoderma atroviride and Endophyte–plant Indole–acetic acid-related Colonization of plant roots by
Arabidopsis sp. indoles endophyte promotes growth and
enhances systemic disease
resistance in the plant.
Xylella fastidiosa and Phytopathogen–endophyte Genes related to growth were
Methylobacterium down-regulated while genes
mesophilicum related to energy production,
stress, transport, and motility
were up-regulated in the
Burkholderia gladioli, B. Phytopathogen–endophyte– Extracellular The endophyte strain probably
seminalis and orchid plant polysaccharides; altering interacts with the plant by using
hormone metabolism extracellular polysaccharides
(suggested) and by altering hormone
metabolism, as was suggested by
genomic analysis.
Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens Symbiont–plant C35 hopanoids C35 hopanoid are essential for
and Aeschynomene symbiose and are related to
afraspera evasion of plant defense,
utilization of host
photosynthates, and nitrogen
Stachybotrys elegans and Mycoparasite–host Trichothecenes and The mycotoxins produced by the
Rhizoctonia solani atranones mycoparasite induced
alterations in R. solani
metabolism, growth, and
development. The biosynthesis
of many antimicrobial
compounds by R. solani were
down regulated.
Streptomyces coelicolor and Microbial community Prodiginines, Most of the compounds
other actinomycetes actinorhodins, produced in each interaction
coelichelins, were unique; the study revealed
acyl-desferrioxamines, 227 compounds differentially
and many unknown produced in the interactions.
Aspergillus nidulans and Microbial community Aromatic polyketides An intimate physical interaction
Streptomyces rapamycinicus between the microorganisms
leaded to the activation of fungal
secondary metabolite genes
which were otherwise silent. The
actinomycete triggered
alterations in fungal histone
Pseudomonas species Microbial community Pyoverdines (siderophore) Pyoverdines are essential to
infection and biofilm formation
and have been reported to act as
signaling molecules triggering a
cascade that results in the
production of several virulence
Vibrio sp. and diverse Microbial community Exogenous siderophores, Many marine bacteria strains
marine bacteria strains such as N,N -bis were reported to produce
(2,3 dihydroxybenzoyl)- siderophores and iron-regulated
O-serylserine outer membrane proteins only in
the presence of exogenous
siderophores produced by other
b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 S (2 0 1 6) 86–98 89

Table 1 – (Continued)
Organisms involved Type of interaction Compounds/mechanisms Findings References
Burkholderia spp., Rhizopus Symbiont–phytopathogen– Rhizoxin, bongkrekic acid, The fungus is not capable of
spp. and rice plant and enacyloxins formating spores in the absence
of the endosymbiont. The
endosymbiont is responsible for
the production of the phytotoxin
rhizoxin, the causal agent of rice
seedling blight. The fungus
induces the growth of the
Vibrio fischeri and fishes or Symbiont–fish Quorum sensing In the symbiotic association with
squids fishes and squids the
autoinducer molecule reaches a
threshold and luminescence
genes are activated.
Rhizobium leguminosarum Symbiont–plant Quorum sensing The quorum sensing system in
and plant these bacteria is related to
different functions: nodulation
efficiency, growth inhibition,
nitrogen fixation and plasmid
Xanthomonas or Xylella and Pathogen–host Quorum sensing Quorum sensing signaling
grapevines or citrus molecules control the expression
of virulence factor as well as
biofilm formation.
Pantoea stewartii and Zea Pathogen–host Quorum sensing QS mutants of P. stewartii were
mays not able to disperse and migrate
in the vasculature, consequently
decreasing the disease.
Pseudomonas syringae and Phytopathogen–plant Quorum sensing QS system allows this bacterium
tabacco and bean to control motility and
exopolysaccharide synthesis
essential on biofilm formation
and leaves colonization.
Candida albicans and Microbial community Quorum sensing P. aeruginosa QS system may
Pseudomonas aeruginosa block the yeast-to-hypha
transition or activates the
hypha-to-yeast reversion of C.
albicans. Farnesol produced by C.
albicans downregulate the QS
system of P. aeruginosa.

processing, bioremediation, medicine, and biocontrol. In addi- acquisition and mycorrhizal fungi is able to solubilize phos-
tion, fungal–bacterial association forms a physically and phorus making it available to plant host.26
metabolically interdependent conglomerate that presents dis- The control of plant stress is exemplified by the production
tinct properties which are biotechnology relevant, especially of ACC deaminase that is responsible for the decrease of ethy-
considering the natural product discovery and synthetic biol- lene levels by cleaving its precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-
ogy field.1,24 carboxylate (ACC) to ammonia and 2-oxobutanoate, lowering
There are many microbe–host interactions, which can be ethylene signaling and this way alleviating plant stress.27 A
related to beneficial or pathogenic interactions in plants and Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN mutant in the ACC deaminase
animals. In these interactions, the microbial cells may be gene losses the ability to promote root elongation.28 Besides
found in biofilm or planktonic state, which result in different that, the inoculation of a mutualistic bacteria can also affect
genetic and physiological states. plant fitness by increasing photosynthetic rate, CO2 assimila-
Plant-associated microorganisms (endophytic and rhizo- tion, and chlorophyll content.29,30
sphere environment) are able to promote plant growth by The presence genes related to plant growth promoting
producing phytohormones, improving biofertilization, biore- were addressed in studies comparing the genome of endo-
mediation, and reducing biotic (disease) and abiotic stress.25 phytes and pathogens, revealing that pathogens present genes
Root-associated endophytes are able to produce phytohor- involved in degradation and host invasion while mutualists
mones as auxins and gibberellins promoting plant growth. present genes related to help in stress amelioration, encoding
Considering biofertilization, rhizosphere bacteria are able nitrogen fixation proteins and ribulose bisphosphate carboxy-
to fix atmospheric nitrogen, produce siderophore for iron lase/oxygenase (RubisCO) proteins.26
90 b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 S (2 0 1 6) 86–98

same strategy has been used by commensal species. The

Microbiome interaction with its host chaperone-usher pathway has been an important system
to assembly pilus adhesins of enteric pathogens, but oth-
Human ers such as type IV pili, trimeric autotransporter adhesins
(TAA) family, adhesive amyloids (Curli) (Gram-negative bacte-
The human microbiome evolves from birth to elderly, result- ria) and Sortase assembled Pili and putative head-stalk-type
ing in microbial richness and diversity shifts over the whole adhesin (Gram-positive bacteria) are secreted and assem-
life, modulating the immune system and physiological and bled by Sec-dependent transporter.37 These adhesins allow
morphological aspects of the host. Although some bacteria the physical contact between the bacterial cells and host.
may be found in amniotic liquid with or without disease This interaction mediated by both pilus-associated and non-
symptoms,31–33 the development of the human microbiome pilus-associated adhesins with host receptors trigger host
is studied from birth until this microbial community becomes inflammatory responses. In addition, this attachment onto
adult-like. During the whole life, the human microbiome suf- eukaryotic cells allows bacteria suppress the host defense
fers imbalances that have been associated with several kinds by secretion of effector proteins into the host by secretion
of disease, such as asthma, obesity, diabetes, cancer and systems.37 Thus, the gut colonization begins rapidly after birth
inflammatory problems in many body sites. The microbiome with the microorganism entry by ingestion and keeps going by
imbalance is referred as dysbiosis and may result in functional shaping the environment and attachment onto the host cells
disease or may be caused by a disease or disease treatment. For or living into the gut lumen.
a better comprehension of the association between intestinal In addition, during the establishment into the host, gut
microbial dysbiosis and pediatric diseases the Arrieta et al.,34 microbiota may trigger tolerance or inflammatory response
review present an important description of the microbial com- in the host. Some Lactobacillus spp. have the ability to
position and shifts associated with the age. induce rheumatoid arthritis by activating TLR (Toll-like recep-
For the development of this microbial community, the tor) 2 and TLR4 followed by increasing of TH 1 and TH 17
species that will compose this microbiota must show the activity and decreasing TReg -cells function. The production
ability to occupy the available niches and interact with of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-17) and endogen TLR4
the established microorganism and with host tissues. For agonist mediate joint inflammation by stimulating plasma
this, microbes have to shape their environment by secre- cells to produce arthritogenic autoantibodies. However, some
tion products from their metabolism in a process called commensal bacteria, such as Bacteroides fragilis are able
niche construction. During this process, the niche is con- to activate pro-tolerogenic machinery, the PSA, a cell wall
structed when the microorganisms manage the nutrient component, induce activation of TReg -cells and IL-10 pro-
available and possible competitors by producing extracellular duction and repression of TH 17-cell, avoiding uncontrolled
enzymes, antimicrobial compounds or activating or inhibiting inflammation.38 Cell wall components, such as peptidogly-
the host immune system.35 Among this molecules, bacterio- cans (PGN) may also spread into the host and be recognized
cin (peptides produced by a bacterium, that has an immunity by pattern recognition receptor (PRRs). The recognition of this
mechanisms) active against other bacteria seems to be ubiq- PGN may trigger, not only a host immune response, but also
uitous in bacteria and archaea domain and associated with host metabolism and behavior.39
niche construction, since these ribosomal peptides may work During bacterial growth, PGN is degraded and although
facilitating the introduction and/or dominance of a producer bacterial PGN recycling pathway tries to reduce the bioavail-
into an already occupied niche, or directly inhibiting compet- ability of soluble fragments (preventing detection by the
ing strains or pathogens during gut colonization of working host)39 fragments (muropeptides) could disseminate systemi-
as signaling peptide (cross-talking) or signaling the host by cally, activating receptors far from the gut. In fact, receptors
interaction with receptors for immune system.36 (Nod1 and Nod2) that recognize these PGN fragments are
Therefore, it is believed that the evolution of a microbial broadly distributed into the human and animal bodies. In
community in the host may be further related to an intrinsic addition, in rats that present sleep deprivation, the bacte-
characteristic of this community and the ability of the micro- rial translocation from the intestine to the mesenteric lymph
bial species to construct their niche. The intrinsic aspects are nodes was observed.40 and in previous studies, it was observed
associated to functional redundancy of the native commu- that muramyl peptides may induce a somnogenic response
nity, reducing the available niches and the niche construction after brain ventricule41 or intravenous or injection.42 These
the ability of the invader to manage the environment (biotic results suggest that sleep deprivation could induce bacterial
and abiotic characteristics) in a social evolutionary behavior, translocation, which could be a source of muramyl peptides
resulting in a shaped environment that allows the establish- for sleeping induction.39 These results suggest that the host
ment of the microbial colonizer into the host. behavior could modulate the interaction with the microbial
During establishment in the gut, microorganisms inter- community, which in turn contribute to shifts in the host
act with the host cells expressing adhesive molecules on physiology.
their surface, promoting interaction with cell receptors and
triggering host responses. The most important adhesive struc- Soil and plant
tures are pili and fimbrial adhesins in Gram-negative bacteria,
but others monomeric surface bound adhesive proteins has All organisms are inhabited by microorganisms includ-
been largely identified.37 Although the regulation of adhesins ing archaea, bacteria, fungi and viruses; this microbiota
has been studied mainly in pathogens, is believed that the presents a key role in host health and development.43,44 The
b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 S (2 0 1 6) 86–98 91

microbiome associated with plants is considered its second to identified genes responsible for the biosynthesis of an anti-
genome. It is determinants for plant health, growth, fitness fungal: nine-amino acid chlorinated lipopeptide produced by
and consequently productivity.45 Where each environment Pseudomonas sp. and controls the pathogen.
associated with the plant: rhizosphere, endosphere, and phyl- From the same PhyloChip diversity analysis, Cordovez
losphere present a specific microbial community with specific et al.,53 identified other antifungal, this time produced by
functions.43 rhizosphere-associated streptomycetes. Theses Streptomyces
These culture-independent methods show that plant isolates were able to produce chemically diverse volatile
microbiome can reach densities greater than the number of organic compounds (VOCs) with an antifungal activity as well
plant cells and also greater expressed genes than the host as plant growth-promoting properties. Showing that different
cells. Metagenomics analysis using next-generation sequenc- bacteria groups can have similar roles in the same environ-
ing technologies shows that only 5% of bacteria have been ment. Another example was reported by Ardanov et al.,54 who
cultured by current methods, revealing how many microor- showed that the inoculation of Methylobacterium strains also
ganisms and its functions remains unknown.25 protected plants against pathogen attack and affected endo-
The first step in plant–microbe interaction is microbial phyte communities. Therefore, using this concept, researchers
recognition of plant exudates in the soil. There is a hypothesis started inoculating plants with a pool of microorganism with
that plants are able to recruit microorganism by plant exu- complementary traits, for example with different mecha-
dates, which are composed of amino acids, carbohydrates and nisms of control, however, it is a challenge to find the right
organic acids that can vary according to the plant and its biotic players to be inoculated.25
or abiotic conditions.46 Different plants select specific micro- In order to define which microorganisms should be inocu-
bial communities as reported by Berg et al.,43 when comparing lated several approaches were used. The first approach seeks
rhizosphere colonization of two medicinal plants: chamomile to define a core microbiome of a healthy host, or understand
(Matricaria chamomilla) and nightshade (Solanum distichum), the function of microbiomes by sequencing approach, that can
despite being cultivated under similar conditions, they pre- be followed by experiments on gnotobiotic host manipulating
sented different structural (analyzing 16S rRNA genes) and the microbiome with a selection factor (for example antibi-
functional (analyzing nitrogen fixing – nifH genes) microbial otics, salinity, and U.V. light) or transferring microbiomes
community. Moreover, plant exudate of the same plant varies between hosts.55
according to plant developmental stages selecting specific In this way, researchers are starting to study “microbiome
microbial communities.47 Researchers already identified some engineering”, modulating microbial community. This modula-
plant exudate compounds responsible for specific interactions tion can occur either by performing plant breeding programs
such as flavonoids in Legume-Rhizobia48 and Strigolac- selecting a beneficial interaction between plant lines and rhi-
tone as a signal molecule for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi zosphere microbiome or by redirect rhizosphere microbiome
(AMF).49 by stimulating or introducing beneficial microorganisms.25,55
Reinhold-Hurek et al.,50 proposed a model for microor- The microbiome engineering can occur by altering ecolog-
ganism colonization. In bulk soil, the microbial community ical processes such as modulation in community diversity
presents a great diversity and is influenced only by soil type and structure changing microbe–interaction networks and
and environmental factors. Getting closer to plant roots (rhizo- by altering the evolutionary processes which include extinc-
sphere), where there are root exudates, there are fewer species tion of microbial species in the microbiome, horizontal
and a more specialized community. And only a few species gene transfer, and mutations that can restructure microbial
are able to enter plant root and establish in the plant. Further- genomes.55
more, after entering the plant, microbial community varies Summarizing, plant phenotype is the sum of plant
among the different organs: top leaves, fruits, bottom leaves, response to the environment and to the present microbiome
flowers, stems and roots.51 (including endophytes and pathogens), this microbiome also
Mutualistic microorganisms can protect plants from responds to the environment and interacts with each other.26
pathogen either by inducing plant resistance or by antibiosis. Mendes and Raaijmakers44 suggest a similarity between gut
The induced systemic resistance (ISR) in plants leads to high and plant rhizosphere microbiomes. They are both open
tolerance to pathogens. There are soils that even if there is systems, with a gradient of oxygen, water, and pH result-
the pathogen the disease does not occur, the mechanisms of ing in a large number and diversity of microorganism due
these disease-suppressive are still being investigated. In this to the different existing conditions. There are differences
way, Mendes et al.,52 analyzed the microbiome of a soil sup- between gut and plant rhizosphere microbiome composition,
pressive to the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani that causes therefore there are some similarities related to nutrient acqui-
damping off in several agricultural crops. Using a 16S rDNA sition, immune system modulation and protection against
oligonucleotide microarray (PhyloChip) they were able to iden- infections. Berg et al.,56 point seven the similarities between
tify more than 33,000 bacterial and archaeal taxa in the sugar host-associated microbiome ecology, among them: different
beet seedlings rhizosphere grown in suppressive soil and in abiotic conditions shape the structure of microbial commu-
conductive soils. These analyses revealed the bacterial groups nities; host and its microbiome co-evolute; core microbiome
present only in the suppressive soil. The authors reported can be transmitted vertically; during life cycle the microbiome
that ␥-Proteobacteria, especially Pseudomonadaceae, were all structure varies; host-associated microbiomes are composed
more abundant in suppressive soil than in conducive soil, of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotic microorganisms; func-
focusing thereby in this bacterial group. Using random trans- tional diversity is key in a microbiome; microbial diversity is
poson mutagenesis technic in Pseudomonas sp. they were able lost by Human interventions.
92 b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 S (2 0 1 6) 86–98

by T. atroviride promotes growth and enhances systemic dis-

Secondary metabolism ease resistance conferring resistance against hemibiotrophic
and necrotrophic phytopathogens.71
Microorganisms produce a large variety of compounds known Other co-cultured studies were performed with bacteria.
as secondary metabolites that do not play an essential role Araújo et al.,72 isolated a great number of Methylobacterium
in growth, development, and reproduction of the produc- strains from asymptomatic citrus plants (with Xylella fas-
ing organism.57 Nevertheless, these metabolites are often tidiosa but without disease), then Lacava et al.,73 showed
bioactive compounds and can perform important func- that Methylobacterium mesophilicum SR1.6/6 and Curtobacterium
tions in defense, competition, signaling, and ecological sp. ER1.6/6 isolated from health and asymptomatic plants
interactions.58,59 inhibited the growth of the phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa,
To establish a microbial interaction network, microorgan- the causal agent of citrus variegated chlorosis. Moreover,
isms usually respond by metabolic exchange, which leads to transcriptional profile of Xylella fastidiosa was evaluated dur-
complex regulatory responses involving the biosynthesis of ing in vitro co-cultivation with a citrus endophytic strain of
secondary metabolites. These interactions can be parasitic, Methylobacterium mesophilicum. It was shown that genes related
antagonistic, or competitive and the metabolites involved and to growth, such as genes involved in DNA replication and
their functions have been specially studied recently as a result protein synthesis, were down-regulated. While genes related
of the advent of tools such as metabolomics and imaging mass to energy production, stress, transport, and motility, such as
spectrometry (IMS) technology.17,60,61 fumarate hydratase, dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (Krebs
Siderophores are related to competitive and coopera- cycle), pilY transporter, clpP peptidase, acriflavin resistance,
tive microbial interactions and can also play other roles, and toluene tolerance genes, were up-regulated.74
such as signaling and antibiotic activity.62 Hopanoids play Another approach to study endophyte-phytopathogen-
an important role in bacterial interaction, conferring toler- plant interaction is based on the genome sequencing and
ance and improving the adaptation of bacteria in different transposon mutagenesis of an endophyte strain of Burkholderia
environments.63–65 In fungi, the compounds differentially seminalis, which suppress orchid leaf necrosis by Burkholderia
regulated in an interaction are often bioactive secondary gladioli, revealed eight loci related to biological control. A wcb
metabolites, such as diketopiperazines, trichothecenes, atra- cluster related to the synthesis of extracellular polysaccha-
nones, and polyketides.14,17 Nevertheless, there is still a rides of the bacterial capsule was identified.75 Extracellular
lot to understand about the mechanisms involved and the polysaccharides are known to be key factors in bacterial–host
role of many secondary metabolites and genes differentially interactions.76,77 In addition, genes clusters putatively related
expressed during the interaction. In this section, we present to indole-acetic acid and ethylene biosynthesis were identified
examples of studies on secondary metabolites involved in dif- in the sequenced genome of the endophyte strain, suggest-
ferent types of microbial interactions. ing that this strain might interact with the plant by altering
hormone metabolism.75
Endophyte–phytopathogen-plant interaction

The metabolites and mechanisms involved in the interac- Hopanoid

tions between endophyte and phytopathogen and host plant Hopanoids compose the cell membrane of some bacteria,78
are still very unclear and are predicted to involve many presenting the same function of eukaryotes cholesterol.
secondary metabolites. Endophytic fungi are known to pro- They are responsible for stabilization of the membrane
duce a large variety of bioactive secondary metabolites66,67 and regulates its fluidity and permeability.79 Experiments
that are probably related to the endophyte complex interac- that knockout biosynthesis genes such as hnpF (squa-
tions with the host and the phytopathogens and can perform lene hopene cyclase-shc) gene shows that the absence of
important ecological functions, for example, in the plant hopanoids does not influence bacterial growth,79,80 but affects
development (as growth promoters) and in defense, acting tolerance to several stress conditions, such as extremely
against phytopathogens.68,69 acidic environments81 ; toxic compounds as dichloromethane
This interaction has been studied in co-cultures of the (DCM)82 ; it also affects the resistance to antibiotics64 and
phytopathogen Moniliophthora roreri and the endophyte Tricho- antimicrobial lipopeptide63 ; playing a role in multidrug
derma harzianum that cohabit in cacao plants.61 T. harzianum transport83 and bacterial motility.84
is extensively used as a biocontrol agent and has known abil- Hopanoids act increasing bacteria tolerance to adverse
ity to antagonize M. roreri. They identified four secondary environments, conferring resistance to stress conditions
metabolites (T39 butenolide, harzianolide, sorbicillinol, and including extreme pH and temperature, and exposure to
an unknown substance) which production was dependent on detergents and antibiotics.63,64 In this way, hopanoids may
the phytopathogen presence and was spatially localized in the be involved in bacteria–plant interaction, being responsi-
interaction zone.61 T39 butenolide and harzianolide have been ble for adaptation of bacteria in aerobic micro-environment
reported to have antifungal activity. Sorbicillinol is an inter- and low pH culture medium65 ; as well as involved in nitro-
mediate in the biosynthesis of bisorbicillinoids, a family of gen metabolism in Frankia sp.85 For example, a type of
secondary metabolites which present diverse activities.70 hopanoids produced by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bradyrhi-
Trichoderma atroviride, commonly used as a biocontrol zobium diazoefficiens is essential for its symbiosis with the
agent, produces acetic acid-related indoles compounds that host Aeschynomene afraspera, a tropical legume. In this case,
may stimulate plant growth. Colonization of Arabidopsis roots the synthesis of C35 hopanoids is related to evasion of plant
b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 S (2 0 1 6) 86–98 93

defense, utilization of host photosynthates, and nitrogen Siderophore

fixation.86 The production and acquisition of siderophores by microor-
ganisms is a crucial mechanism to obtain iron. Many
microorganisms secrete siderophores in the environment that
Parasitic interaction when loaded are recognized by cell surface receptors and then
transported into the microbial cell.94 Thus, they are related to
The study of the mycoparasitic interaction between Stachy- competitive and cooperative microbial interactions. In addi-
botrys elegans and Rhizoctonia solani revealed many secondary tion, many siderophores can also present other functions, for
metabolites differentially expressed in the interaction.17 Dur- example, they can function as sequesters of a variety of metals
ing the interaction, S. elegans produces cell wall degrading and even heavy metal toxins, as signaling molecules, as agents
enzymes and express genes associated with parasitism87,88 in regulating oxidative stress, and as antibiotics, which were
while R. solani responds with an elevated level of the pyridoxal reviewed by Johnstone and Nolan.62
reductase-encoding gene.89 A metabolomic study showed In some Pseudomonas species, a group of siderophores
the profile of the induced secondary metabolites during the called pyoverdines is essential to infection and biofilm for-
interaction. It was showed a significant effect of the myco- mation, probably helping to regulate bacterial growth.95
parasite on R. solani metabolism, the biosynthesis of many Pyoverdines have been reported to act as signaling molecules
antimicrobial compounds were down-regulated, possibly as triggering a cascade that results in the production of several
a result of the interaction, and only a few diketopiper- virulence factors, such as exotoxin A, PrpL endoprotease, and
azines were induced.17 Diketopiperazines are known to have pyoverdine itself.96
antimicrobial properties, among others biological activities.90 In the marine environment, exogenous siderophores affect
The mycoparasite S. elegans produced several mycotoxins, the synthesis of induced siderophores and other iron acqui-
mainly trichothecenes and atranones. They hypothesized sition mechanisms by others microbial species, working as
that the trichothecenes were triggered by R. solani and were signaling compounds that influence the growth of marine
responsible for the alteration in its metabolism, growth, and bacteria under iron-limited conditions. Many strains of marine
development.17 Trichothecenes are a major class of myco- bacteria were reported to produce siderophores and iron-
toxins and have been reported to inhibit eukaryotic protein regulated outer membrane proteins only in the presence of
biosynthesis and generate oxidative stress.91 exogenous siderophores produced by other species, such as
N,N -bis (2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl)-O-serylserine from a Vibrio
sp., even under very low iron concentrations.97
Microbial communities interaction
Symbiotic interaction
Actinomycetes are noteworthy as producers of many natu-
ral products with a wide range of bioactivities.60 A study on A remarkably complex inter-kingdom interaction is the symbi-
Streptomyces coelicolor interacting with other actinomycetes otic relationship between Burkholderia, a genus of bacteria, and
showed that most of the compounds produced in each inter- Rhizopus, a genus of phytopathogen fungi that causes causing
action were unique, revealing a differential response in each rice seedling blight. The endosymbiotic bacteria Burkholde-
case. Many unknown molecules and an extended family of ria spp. is responsible for the production of the phytotoxin
acyl-desferrioxamine siderophores never described before in rhizoxin, the causal agent of rice seedling blight.98 It was
S. coelicolor were identified. They identified 227 compounds reported that in the absence of the endosymbiont, Rhizopus
differentially produced in interactions; half of these were is not capable of produce spores, indicating that the fungus is
known metabolites: prodiginines, actinorhodins, coelichelins, dependent on factors produced by the symbiont to complete
and acyl-desferrioxamines. Thus, actinomycetes interspecies its life cycle.99 This complex symbiont–pathogen–plant inter-
interaction seems to be very specific and complex.92 action is still poorly understood regarding the metabolites
It has been shown that fungal–bacterial interactions can and mechanisms involved in the communication and interac-
lead to the production of specific fungal secondary metabolites tion. A study on exopolysaccharide (EPS), which usually plays
and not only diffusible compounds act in this communication, key roles in interactions, produced by Burkholderia rhizoxinica
but there is also a contribution from physical interaction.14 described a previously unknown structure of EPS. However,
Schroeckh et al.,14 demonstrated that an intimate physical the loss of EPS production did not affect the endosymbiotinc
interaction between Aspergillus nidulans and the actinomycete interaction with Rhizopus microsporus, as shown by a targeted
Streptomyces rapamycinicus leads to the activation of fungal knockout mutant experiment.100 Burkholderia gladioli produces
secondary metabolite genes related to the production of aro- enacyloxins (polyketides with potent antibiotic activity) in co-
matic polyketides, which were otherwise silent. A PKS gene culture with R. microsporus. The fungus induces the growth of
required for the biosynthesis of the archetypal polyketide B. gladioli resulting in an increased production of bongkrekic
orsellinic acid, lecanoric acid (typical lichen metabolite), and acid, which inhibited the growth of the fungus.101
the compounds F-9775A and F-9775B (cathepsin K inhibitors)
was identified.14 It was later reported that alterations in fun-
gal histone acetylation via the Saga/Ada complex are triggered Quorum sensing
by the actinomycete leading to the induction of the otherwise
silent PKS cluster. This result shows that bacteria can trigger Quorum sensing (QS) is the bacterial cell-cell communica-
alterations of histone acetylation in fungi.93 tion. This process involves the production and detection of
94 b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 S (2 0 1 6) 86–98

signaling molecules (called autoinducers) allowing bacterial to pneumoniae in cystic fibrosis patients and during this infec-
communities to express genes collectively.102 QS systems are tion the cross talk seems to be an important strategy for both
different in Gram-negatives and Gram-positives, the signaling bacteria. P. aeruginosa produces AHL able to induce B. cepacia
molecules are called acyl-homoserine-lactones (AHLs) in genes involved in biofilm formation.111 On the other hand,
proteobacteria or cis-11-methyl-2-dodecanoic acid (also called Non AHL producing bacteria can foreclose AHL movement,
diffusible signal factor – DSF) mainly in Xanthomonas and affecting AHL – mediated responses.118 This cross-talking can
Xylella, gram negatives and gamma-butyrolactones in Strep- occur between other organisms such as plants and bacteria,
tomyces and peptides in Gram positives.103,104 which is key during plant–bacteria interaction. Plants pro-
The first QS system described was in the 1980s in Vibrio duce compounds that mimics AHL and interferes with AHL
fischeri (formerly known as Photobacterium fischeri) bacterium. biosensors,119 for example, Medicago sativa may produce a
In the sea, it is in a low population density and does not compound able to inhibit exopolysaccharides production in
luminesce. Therefore, when it is in a symbiotic association Sinorhizobium meliloti.120 QS also regulates conjugative trans-
with fishes and squids it luminesces. After the autoinducer fer during plant-Agrobacterium tumefaciens interaction, which
molecule reaches a threshold luminescence genes are acti- bacteria induce crown-gall by transferring T-DNA, that codifies
vated. This light matches the moonlight, making the squid proteins involved in opine biosynthesis, to the plant. The con-
invisible to the predators below.105,106 jugation is trigged by AHL molecules.111 This cross-talking can
In Gram-negative bacteria, two proteins are involved in also occur bacteria–fungus and bacteria–animal. Fungus and
QS system: the transcriptional regulator R (or LuxR) and the animals can produce compounds that inhibit QS-controlled
autoinducer synthase I (or LuxI). In V. fischeri this system genes in P. aeruginosa.116,121,122
is called LuxR/LuxI. The signaling molecule or autoinducer The Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa inter-
(AHL) ligates to the transcriptional regulator LuxR, this ligation action is an important model that show how fungi and
is very specific, used for interspecies communication.107,108 bacteria can regulate each other by QS system. Farnesol (a
Therefore, there are several reports of intraspecific commu- sesquiterpene) and tyrosol’s produced by Candida albicans
nication as well.109 Some bacteria present more than one are associated to control the physiology and virulence of
system, for example, Rhizobium leguminosarum with five R this fungi. In fact, farnesol is associated to resistance to
proteins,110 used for different functions: nodulation efficiency, drugs, antimicrobial activity and inhibition of filamentation
growth inhibition, nitrogen fixation and plasmid transfer.111 stage and biofilm formation, while tyrosol induces oxida-
Thereby, QS can have different roles: fluorescence emis- tive stress resistance, a shortened lag phase of growth
sion (as reported above with Vibrio fischeri example), virulence, and stimulate the germ tube in yeast cells and hyphae in
sporulation, competence, antibiotic production and biofilm the early stage of biofilm formation.123 In the host, Can-
formation,102 and can act during the interaction of different dida albicans may share the same environment with the
organism: bacteria–bacteria, fungal–bacteria, bacteria–host bacterium P. aeruginosa, which bacterium may present a com-
(animal or plant). It regulates a large number of genes, around plex QS system based on the synthesis of many molecules,
6–10% of the microbial genome.103 such as 3-oxo-C12 homoserine-lactones (HSL) and 2-heptyl-3-
In gram-positive bacteria, specifically Bacillus subtilis and hydroxy-4-quinolone (PQS–Pseudomonas quinolone signal). P.
Streptococcus pneumoniae peptide signal can induce sporula- aeruginosa may attach on to a filamentous form of C. albicans
tion and competence development. This was evidenced by and inhibit this fungus by synthesizing many molecules,
experiments showing that sporulation and competence are including phenazines, pyocianyn, haemolytic phospholipase
inefficient at low cell densities and needs a secreted bacterial C,124 suggesting that these molecules are associated with
factor.112 niche construction during establishment in the host. Dur-
Concerning virulence, pathogens are able to control viru- ing this interaction, the P. aeruginosa QS system may block
lence factors expression by QS molecule. Vascular pathogen, the yeast-to-hypha transition or activates the hypha-to-yeast
such as Xanthomonas and Xylella uses DSF signaling to express reversion, suggesting that C. albicans may sense the presence
virulence factor as well as biofilm formation104 Xylella also of the bacterium and activates a survival mechanism.123 In
uses DSF signaling to colonize the insect vector, which is key in another hand, the farnesol produced by C. albicans downreg-
the disease transmission.113 Other vascular pathogen Pantoea ulate the PQS system of P. aeruginosa, inhibiting, in turn, the
stewartii uses AHL molecules to express disease, QS mutants pyocyanin production.125 This cross-talk between P. aeruginosa
of P. stewartii were not able to disperse and migrate in the ves- and C. albicans and based on the synthesis of farnesol, HSL and
sels, consequently decreasing the disease.114 The epiphytic PQS allow the coexistence of these microbes in the same envi-
plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae also uses AHL molecule ronment and control the population level of both, showing
in virulence. This bacterium is able to control motility and that this system may regulate the multi-trophic interaction in
exopolysaccharide synthesis essential on biofilm formation complex communities.
and leave colonization.115 Therefore, QS inhibitors (QSI) can
reduce biofilm formation and increase de bacterial suscepti-
bility to antibiotics. There are four strategies used to interfere Concluding remarks
with QS inhibition of: 1. signal generation; 2. signal dissemina-
tion, 3. Signal receptor and signaling response system.116,117 In the environment, microorganisms live in close contact
Reports of AHL degradation by environmental and clinic with many different hosts and with each other in commu-
bacteria, affecting AHL signaling have been described. For nities, usually including many species. In addition, they are
example, P. aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia are associated also exposed to variation in the environmental conditions,
b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 S (2 0 1 6) 86–98 95

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