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GRAVITY RETAINING WALL DESIGN (Moment about toe) SLIDING CHECK 1. Passive pressure from rc key always included.

PKNS Wall C 4m ASSUMPTIONS 2. When key depth>0.3m, assume sliding surface within soil, ie, δ = Ø (but limit to 30 degrees)
Include passive pressure from soil above Point A (y/n)? y (if 'y', min. FOS:2.0 ; else 1.5)

q M@toe 0.075 stresses perpendicular to wall at heel of rubble wall

0.15 m M@A 2.857
0 m 0.30 m Sliding 1.785 min 2.0 0 kPa
Neg.Pr ok 0 kPa
β BrgCap. ok
act all 56 100
H1 = m γ z Kacosβ
m P1
GWL 5.25 21.00 kPa 0 kPa
m P5 qhKacosβ

5.00 m la1 + +

1.7 1.75 P2 γsub z Kacosβ γw z la5

1.00 m m
: 1!

0.9 m P3 P4
250 mm la2 la3 la4
toe heel
0.50 m 0.45 m B 21.00 + 5.367 17.17 kPa 0 kPa
= 26.37 kPa
2.35 m 0.45 m 0.00 m 0.50 m soil hydrostatic surcharge
A 3.70 m

3.70 m

Surcharge, q = 0 kPa qh: 0 kPa Using Rankine Theory, // to slope, Overturning Moment @ toe of rubble wall

[ β−√ ( cos2 β− cos 2 φ' )

Allow. bearing capacity: 100 kPa Ka = cos
×cos β
Angle of β : 0 deg. or 0 rad
cos β+ √ ( cos2 β−cos2 φ' ) Item P (kN) la (m) Moment (kNm)

Unit weight of wall : 24 kN/m3 = 1.000 - 0.500 x 1.000 1 0.5 x 21.00 x 3.50 = 36.75 2.92 107.19
Soil adhesion angle, delta, δ : 30 deg. or 0.52 rad 1.000 + 0.500 2 21.00 x 1.75 = 36.75 0.88 32.16
Soil friction angle, phi Ø' : 30 deg. or 0.52 rad = 0.3333 3 ( 26.37 - 21.00 ) /2 x 1.75 = 4.70 0.58 2.74
Soil unit weight, γ : 18 kN/m 3
4 0.5 x 17.17 x 1.75 = 15.02 0.58 8.76
Saturated unit weight: 19 kN/m3 pa,// = γzKa ; Ka,h = Ka cosβ = 0.333 5 0.00 x 5.25 = 0.00 2.63 0.00
Submergd unit weight: 9.2 kN/m3 pa,h = γzKa,h ; pa,v = γzKasinβ Σ = 93.2 Σ = 150.85
PKNS Wall C 4m

0.105 0.05 Surcharge, q : 0 kPa Soil unit weight, γ : 18 kN/m3

m m q
0.15 m Hor. Area., qh : 0 kPa Saturated unit weight: 19 kN/m3
0 m 0.30 m
0.00 Angle of β : : 0 deg. Submergd unit weight: 9.2 kN/m3
β b m or 0 rad
Total O.T. Moment @ A: 150.8 kNm
Unit weight of wall : 24 kN/m3
3.500 Total R.T. Moment @ A: 11.3 kNm
c H1 = m Soil friction angle, phi Ø' : 30 deg.
e 5.00 or 0.52 rad F.O.S (Overturning): 0.075

h= 2 Section V (kN) lm R.T. Mom (kNm)
5.00 m d

w= 1 ½ ( 0.00 x 5.00 x 24 )= 0.00 0.000 0.00

3 1.500 2 0.30 x 5.00 x 24 = 36.00 0.150 5.40
1.00 m 0.90 m m 3 ½ ( 0.15 x 5.00 x 24 )= 9.0 0.350 3.15

toe heel a ½ ( 0.11 x 3.50 x 18 )= 3.31 0.370 1.22
0.45 m
0.50 m b ½ ( 0.15 x 0.00 x 18 )= 0.00 0.400 0.00

k= c 0.05 x 3.50 x 18 = 2.8 0.428 1.21

2.35 m 0.45 m 0.00 m 0.50 m
A 3.70 m d ½ ( 0.05 x 1.50 x 19 )= 0.64 0.435 0.28

lm1 e ( P1 + P2 + P3 + P5 ) / cosβ x sinβ

lm2 78.2 / 1 x 0 = 0.00 0.450 0.00
lma q 0.00 x 0.15 / cosβ = 0.00 0.375 0.00

lmc Σ = 51.8 Σ = 11.26

PKNS Wall C 4m soil hydrostatic surcharge
1.05 m stresses perpendicular to wall at face B
0.15 m 0 kPa 0
0 m 0.30 m

H1 = m γ z Kacosβ
5.5 P1
GWL 5.50 21.00 kPa 0 kPa
m P5 qhKacosβ
5.00 m la1 + +

1.7 2.00 P2 γsub z Kacosβ γw z la5


1.00 m m
#DIV/0:! 1

0.90 m
250 mm la2
toe heel la3 P3 P4
0.50 m 0.45 m B la4
0 kPa
k= 21.00 + 6.133 = 27.13 kPa 19.62 kPa
2.35 m 0.45 m 0.00 m 0.50 m
A 3.70 m 27.13 + 1.533 = 28.67 kPa 19.62 + 4.905 = 24.53 kPa 0.00 kPa

[ √ ( cos β− cos φ )
2 2 '
cos β−
× cos β
Using √ ( cos β− cos φ )
2 2 '
cos β+
Surcharge, q = 0.0 kPa qh: 0 kPa Rankine Theory, // to slope, Overturning Moment @ Point A

Allow. bearing capacity: 100 kPa Ka =

Angle of β : 0 deg. or 0 rad Item P (kN) la (m) Moment (kNm)

Unit weight of wall : 24 kN/m3 = 1.000 - 0.500 x 1.000 1 0.5 x 21.00 x 3.50 = 36.75 3.17 116.38
1.000 + 0.500 2 21.00 x 2.00 = 42.00 1.00 42.00
Soil friction angle, phi Ø' : 30 deg. or 0.52 rad = 0.3333 3 ( 27.13 - 21.00 ) /2 x 2.00 = 6.13 0.67 4.09
Soil unit weight, γ : 18 kN/m 3
4 0.5 x 19.62 x 2.00 = 19.62 0.67 13.08
Saturated unit weight: 19 kN/m 3 pa,// = γzKa ; Ka,h = Ka cosβ = 0.333 5 0.00 x 5.50 = 0.00 2.75 0.00
Submergd unit weight: 9.2 kN/m3 pa,h = γzKa,h ; pa,v = γzKasinβ Σ = 104.5 Σ = 175.54
Additional Sliding Force below Point A
Padd={( 28.67 + 27.13 )/2 + ( 24.53 + 19.62 )/2 + ( 0.00 )}x 0.50
= { 27.90 + 22.07 + 0.00 }x 0.50 = 24.99 kN
PKNS Wall C 4m 0.105 0.05 Hor. Area surchg, qh : 0.00 kPa Saturated unit weight: 19 kN/m3
m m q
0.15 m 0.000 m Angle of β : 0 deg.OR 0 rad Submergd unit weight: 9.2 kN/m3
0 m 0.30 m f
0.00 m Unit weight of wall : 24 kN/m3 Total O.T. Moment @ A: 175.5 kNm
β b

Soil unit weight, γ : 18 kN/m3 Total R.T. Moment @ A: 501.5 kNm


Ø' : 30 deg.OR 0.52 rad F.O.S (Overturning): 2.857

c 3.500 m

m g H1 Section V (kN) lm R.T. Mom (kNm)

GWL 5.00 1 ½ ( 0.00 x 5.00 x 24.0 )= 0.00 2.350 0.000
e 2 0.30 x 5.00 x 24.0 = 36.00 2.500 90.000
h= 2 3 ½ ( 0.15 x 5.00 x 24.0 )= 9.00 2.700 24.300
5.00 m d

a ½ ( 0.11 x 3.50 x 18.0 )= 3.31 2.720 8.996

3 1.500 b ½ ( 0.15 x 0.00 x 18.0 )= 0.00 2.750 0.000
1.00 m m
c 0.05 x 3.50 x 18.0 = 2.84 2.778 7.874
0.45 m 0.9 m d ½ ( 0.05 x 1.50 x 19.0 )= 0.64 2.785 1.786
0.50 m i
e 0.90 x 3.50 x 18.0
ii k= + 0.90 x 1.50 x 19.0 = 82.4 3.250 267.638
2.35 m 0.45 m 0.00 m 0.50 m
A 3.70 m f ½ ( 0.90 x 0.00 x 18.0 )= 0.00 3.400 0.000

lm1 g (P1 + P2 + P3 + P5) / cosβ x sinβ

lm2 84.9 / 1 x 0 = 0.00 3.70 0.000
lma q 0.00 x 1.05 / cosβ = 0.00 3.175 0.000
lmc i 3.70 x 0.50 x 24.0 = 44.40 1.850 82.140
lme ii 0.45 x 0.50 x 24.0 = 5.40 3.475 18.765

lmi Σ = 183.93 Σ 501.50

PKNS Wall C 4m δ = 30 deg. or 0.52 rd
Total O.T. Moment @ A: 175.5 kNm Ø' = 30 deg. or 0.52 rd
Total R.T. Moment @ A: 501.5 kNm Use Ø' = 30 deg. or 0.52 rd
CL Total vert. Force Σ V: 183.9 kN ENTER Ø' req. for Kp if difft. : 30 deg. or 0.52 rd
Allow. bearing capacity: 100 kPa Kp = 1 + sin Ø' = 1 + 0.500
1.00 m toe heel 1 - sin Ø' 1 - 0.500
R = 3.00
0.50 m Σ V
Location of Resultant, R (EV=Rv)
m k= Sliding Check
2.35 m 0.45 m 0.00 m 0.50 x = Σ MA = Σ Mrt - Σ Mot Driving force, Pah = P1+P2+P3+P4+P5+Padd = 129.49 kN

A m Σ V Σ V
Weight of soil displ.= 3.25 x 0.50 x 18.00 = 29.25 kN

= 501.5 - 175.5 = 1.772 m by key, Ws Use Ws = 29.3 kN


x = 1.772 m B/2 183.9

Resisting force, Fr = ( ΣV+Ws) tan δ { μ=tanδ = 0.5774 }
B = 3.70 m e = 1.850 - 1.772 = 0.078 m (friction) = 213.2 x tan 30.0 = 123.08 kN
Key>0.3m =>use δ =Ø'


Check Middle Third Rule

B/6 = 0.617 m
Resisting force, Fpu = ½ Kp γ Hp2
e < B/6 ie. ok (passive ) = ½ x 3.00 x 18 x 2.00 2

43.43 (soil above Point A) = 108.00 kN

56.0 => O.K.
F.O.S. = Fr + Fpu
Maximum & Minimum Base Pressures are given by Pah

p = Σ V 1 ± 6e = 183.9 1 ± 6 x 0.078 = 49.7 1 ± 0.126 = 123.1 + 108 = 1.785 < 2.000

B B 3.70 3.70 129.49
ok = 55.99 kPa AND 43.43 kPa => change!!

Bearing Capacity Check ASSUMPTION

Since Pmax is less than the allowable soil bearing capacity of 100 kPa, 1. Passive pressure from rc key always included.
the base is adequate=> O.K. ok 2. When key depth>0.3m, assume sliding surface within soil, ie, δ = Ø (but limit to 30 degrees)

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