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Study and work: producing

extended responses
Click to add text

Speaking: Giving more information
Before we start, please make sure…

ü your name on Zoom is clear (use Latin letters)

ü your camera is on (but you can mute your mic
if/when needed)
ü you are in a quiet area that helps you focus
ü you have a notebook or a note app ready to
take notes

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Welcome to IELTS Coach English Online

How does it work? Prepare before class

You need to complete Live class
all three parts to get After-class speaking session
the most out of English

Practise after class

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

After-class speaking session

Stay back after class for 5 or 10 minutes to talk to your classmates from
around the world.
This extra speaking practice will help you…
• improve your conversation skills
• practise using language learnt in class
• support and help your fellow students
• practise using English in a natural context
• become a part of a global learning community

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Pre-lesson activities

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Lesson objectives

In this live part of the lesson, you will:

• identify and respond to common Part 1 topics.
• produce extended responses by giving reasons or
additional information.
• use vocabulary to talk about work and study.

You will also review work and study related vocabulary

that you learned before the lesson.

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

IELTS skills
Ask and answer the following questions.

1. Do you enjoy your job?

2. What’s the best thing about your job?
3. Do you prefer working alone or with others?

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

IELTS skills
Match the questions and answers.

1. Do you enjoy your studies?

2. What’s the best thing about your studies?
3. Do you prefer studying alone or with others?

A. I much prefer working on my own.

B. Yes, I do. I like it a lot.
C. We get a lot of holidays.

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Useful language for IELTS

Do you remember these words from the pre-lesson tasks?

1. apprentice (noun)
2. part-time (adjective)
3. full-time (adjective)
4. salary (noun)
5. benefits (plural noun)
6. degree (noun)
7. qualification (noun)
8. course (noun)

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Useful language for IELTS

What vocabulary from the previous slide can you use to answer these Part 1
apprentice part-time full-time salary
benefits degree qualification course

1. Do you prefer to study in silence or listen to music while you study?

2. What would you like to study in the future?
3. Can you describe your dream job to me?
4. What’s the best thing about your dream job?

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Ask and answer the following questions. Try to extend your answers and speak for
15 seconds when answering each question.

1. What subject do you enjoy the most?

2. How often do you take a break when you study?
3. Would you prefer to spend your time studying or working?
4. What would your perfect job be?

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Task (extra)

Ask and answer the following questions. Try to extend your answers and speak for
15 seconds when answering each question.

1. What do you study?

2. Why did you choose that course?
3. Do you use any websites to help you study?
4. Do you plan to work in the same area as your subject?

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English Online | www.britishcouncil.org


English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Lesson materials

Make sure you have

• downloaded the *.pdf with this
• saved the Zoom Chat

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What’s next?

Remember to practise after class with more online activities.

For private classes only: Get your lesson report within 24 hours.

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

After-class speaking session Dos
ü Treat everyone with respect
You can talk about any topic that interests you!
ü Keep your camera on and
Use these questions as a guide, if needed. participate
Ø Have you developed any strategies for answering difficult ü Let others share ideas too
questions? ü Listen to everyone
Ø Share your experiences of taking IELTS or other speaking exams ü Click ‘Leave’ if you cannot stay
Ø What advice have you heard that you think is useful for answering
the Part 1 speaking questions?
û Don’t take pictures or record
Ø What is a good way to correct any slips or errors that you realise
û Don’t share personal details
you have made?
û Don’t let your children be
Ø How many different ways can you describe your job or studies? visible onscreen

For help, contact:


English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

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