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"You're lucky no one saw you cheating.

" The man spoke to himself and walked out of the

washroom, and went back into the casino. This was the third time that he said this to himself today.

As he walked back to the casino, a fat and short man who was absurdly well-dressed stood in front

of a table, looking and smiling at him. "Welcome back, you are a bit slow, don't you? Mr. Ander-

son, or perhaps I should call you Mr. Windsor?" The man had a sudden but subtle change on his

face, but he then adjusted it quickly. "Anderson is good enough, sir." "Well, Mr.Anderson, should

we continue the gamble then?" "Absolutely, I will take it seriously this time, and I'm sure you'll lose

it hardly." The fat man smiled and said: "Well, then I'll wish you good luck!"

Windsor walked into a room with the guidance of the fat man. They sat down facing each

other. On the table, there was a deck of playing cards. The fat man started to speak while the judge

was shuffling the cards. "The game is called Tai-Sai, the rule is simple, both of us take four cards

each round, the one who place a higher bet will decide whether they are going to compare who has

bigger or smaller numbers." "I understood, please start the game now." Windsor put on his glasses

and said. The first round started. Windsor quickly cast a glance at his cards and directly placed a

million dollars. The fat man seemed surprised and put a lower amount, Windsor chose to compare

with smaller numbers, and he won. Windsor won effortlessly for the next five rounds like that

Winsdor already knew what cards the fat man was holding. Slowly, a sense of trepidation appeared

on the fat man's face, he already lost a billion dollars, and it seemed that he was going to lose every-

thing. Suddenly, with a loud sound of thunder, the electricity went out, but it returned soon in a

sound. Everything in the room was just the same, but only the trepidation of the fat man turned to

doubt. During the moment in the darkness, he saw something shining on Windsor's hand, but what

it is? And might it be related to Windsor's good luck?

For the following several rounds, Windsor lost some of them, but only for a few, and he just

lost a bit of money for those rounds like he had already known he was going to lose. The time

flashed quickly, on the last game, Windsor placed all of his money in, the fat man didn't have

enough money to surpass, but he knew that he must be the one who decides, or else, he might lose
all of his money in a big chance. At last, he chose to place all of his properties. The atmosphere in

the room was quiet but tense because soon, one of the two-man was going to lose everything and

became super poor. When the fat man decided to compare with more significant numbers, the light

went out again, and this time, the fat man saw the shining thing again, but clearly, the shape looked

like numbers written with highlighters on the back of the cards. Suddenly, the fat man understood

everything; he jumped onto Windsor, pinched his neck and shouted: "You hypocrite! Cheater! How

dare you cheat on me and in my casino, you wrote the numbers corresponding to the cards on the

back with a special kind of highlighter, and that glasses you wore, you might use that to see the

numbers, am I right?" The blue veins stood out on his temples, and the fat man's voice became

louder and louder, but soon, the voice disappeared.

"You're lucky no one saw you cheating." The man spoke to himself and walked out of wash-

room room.

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