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EE211 2021 Spring

Homework - Problem Set #2

Due: April 5th, 11:59 pm

Please scan your homework and upload it on the KLMS website.

Problem 1. Textbook Problem 2.18 (5 points)

Consider the wave function ,
where n is integer.

Determine A so that

Problem 2. Textbook Problem 2.30 (10 points)

Consider a three-dimensional infinite potential well. The potential function is given by
V(x) = 0 for 0 < x < a, 0 < y < a, 0 < z < a, and V(x) = ꝏ elsewhere. Start with
Schrodinger’s wave equation, use the separation of variables technique, and show that
the energy is quantized and is given by

Where nx= 1, 2, 3, ... , ny=1, 2, 3,… , nz=1, 2, 3, ….

Problem 3. Textbook Problem 3.13 (5 points)

Two possible conduction bands are shown in the E versus k diagram given in Figure
P3.13. State which band will result in the heavier electron effective mass; state why.

Problem 4. Textbook Problem 3.18 (10 points)

(a) The forbidden bandgap energy in GaAs is 1.42eV (i) Determine the minimum
frequency of an incident photon that can interact with a valence electron and elevate the
electron to the conduction band. (ii) What is the corresponding wavelength? (5 points)
(b) Repeat part (a) for silicon with a bandgap energy of 1.12eV (5 points)
Problem 5. Textbook Problem 3.23 (10 points)
Starting with the three-dimensional infinite potential well function given by Equation
(3.59) and using the separation of variables technique, derive Equation (3.60).

Problem 6. Textbook Problem 3.27 (10 points)

(a) Determine the total number (#/cm3) of energy states in silicon between Ev and Ev -
3kT at (i) T=300K and (ii) T=400K (b) Repeat part (a) for GaAs. (5 points each)
(m*p for silicon = 0.56 m0, m*p for GaAs = 0.48 m0, m0(electron mass) = 9.11 x 10-31 kg),

Problem 7. Textbook Problem 3.42 (10 points)

Consider the energy levels shown in Figure P3.42. Let T=300K. (a) If E1 – EF = 0.30 eV,
determine the probability that an energy state at E = E1 is occupied by an electron and the
probability that an energy state at E = E2 is empty. (b) Repeat part (a) if EF – E2 = 0.40 eV
(5 points each)

Problem 8. (10 points)

(a) Explain effective mass of electrons in semiconductor briefly. (less than 1/4 pages) (4
(b) Explain two kinds of charge carriers in the semiconductors. Why do we introduce
holes in semiconductor to count the electron behavior in valance band. (less than 1/4
pages) (3 points)
(c) Do the electrons in the fully filled valance band contribute to the current? Why? (less
than 1/4 pages) (3 points)

Problem 9. (10 points)

Derive the (energy) density of states in 3-D system.

Problem 10. (10 points)

Assume a material has an E-K diagram given by
E K (Conduction )=EC + E1 cos2 ( )
2 Ka
E K (Valence )=EV −E2 sin ( )
Let a = 0.4 nm, E1 = 4 eV, and E2 =3 eV.

(a) What is the effective mass for an electron near the bottom of the conduction band? (5
(b) What is the effective mass for holes near the top of the valence band? (5 points)

Problem 11. (10 points)

(a) Under equilibrium conditions and T> 0 K, what is the probability of an electron state
being occupied if it is located at the Fermi level? (4 points)
(b) If EF is positioned at Ec, determine (numerical answer required) the probability of
finding electrons is states at Ec +kT (3 points)
(c) The probability astate is filled at Ec +kT is equal to the probability a state is empty at
Ec + kT. Where is the Fermi level located? (3 points)

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