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Every science has to very clearly define and delimit the subject matter which it purports to
study. This is essential in order to justify its existence as a science. Physics studies energy,
chemistry studies the matter as physical entity and biology studies the vital functions of life
of plantsand animals.Sports training focuses on training which is a complex biological, social
and psychological process. Sports training is a distinct type of activity and like all human
activities it is multidimensional and its object of study is alsohave direct concern of theory
andmethods of various sports. The sports training studies the theory and methods of sports
training from a general aspect.
In general, we understandthe sport training as the preparation of sportsmanfor acquiring
top class performances in the field of sports and games. But the actual sense of sports training
is "it is the physical, technical, tactical, intellectual, psychological and moral preparation of the
sportsman by physical exercises that is by physical load, technical and tactical preparation by
using game/ sport theory and strategiesduring preparation phase, intellectual, well as
psychology as
and moral preparation with the process of different laws of education,
overall scientific
the theoretical knowledge of the trainer and coach". Sports training is an
sports performance.
and systematic channel of preparation of sports personsfor high levelof
fitness level for the
Therefore, sports training is a type of training i.e. designed to improve
purpose of improving ability to perform a given sports.
or working for any
Sports training is when an athlete who is preparing for training
the type of game/ sports.
desired game/ sports and it can be of different typesdepending on
strength flexibility, good
For instance, afootballer has to be trained for endurance, agility, coordination, concentration,
reflections whereas a badminton playershouldbe trained forgood
quick reaction,endurance and many more.
knowledge of otherbranches of training
In sports training the coaches/trainers must have biomechanics, sports
science for example theknowledge on sports psychology, sports biology,
of a coach as
medicine and sports nutrition and health as well. Training is the responsibility
well as athlete. Acoach need to be honest in his part because upcoming and potential trainees
are coming to him with astrong conviction for developing his/ her sporting performance,
ISC Physical Education
nsructions nd workouts then the to,
ifthe coach dowrong in the methodicalprocess in
will not be satistactory or hot even effective.

Definition of Sports Training

a goal,changesin
"Sportstraining is aplnned and controlled processin which,tor achieving
made through measures
Complex sports motor pertomance, ability to act and behavior are
Martin (1979).
of content. methods nd organization:
"Sportstraining is the basir forns of preparationof
sportsmen: Matwejew (1981).
"Sports training, based on scientific knowledge, is a pedagogical process of sports pertection
through which systematic eftect on psvcho-physical pertormance ability and
readiness aims at leading the sportsman to high andthe highest pertormance"
Harre (1986).

"Sports trainingis ascientitically based andpedagogically organisedprocess which througb

planned and systematic, etect on pertormance ability and pertormance readiness
contest in sports
at sports pertection and pertormance improveent as well as at the
competition" Thiess and Schnabel (1986).
"Sports training is a pedagogical proceSs, based on scientific principal and at preparin:
sportsmen for higher pertormances il sports competitions". Hardyal (1991).


Sportstraining is done or improvin: sports pertormance. The sports perlormane, as any
other type of human pertormance, is not the product of onsingle system or aspectof human
personality, On the contrarv. it is the product ot the total persOnality of the sports person.
The personality of aperson has several dmensions eA. phvsical. physological, socil and
psvchological In order toimprove sports pertormance the socalandpsyehologicalcaparities
of the sports person also have to be improved in ddition to the physical nd physiologal
ones. In other words the total personality of a sportsman has to be improved in order lo
improve his performance. Theretore, Sports traming direthy and indirecthy aims at improvng
the personality of the sportsnan. Henee, sports trining is al cucalional (pecd.apogcal)
process.The importatce it sports traiming is below:
Enhances Physical Fitness: Physical titnesN IN the basic requirement of. y .me o
sports. There is aspeiticroquement oleachcomponent otphysical itness.cordig
tothe game ot spots Forinstance. a toothall pl.aver needs to be having agoodevelol
aerobic apacity vhereas a weght litter requures strength. Therelore sports trunn}:
helps n enhancng these components accordm: to the naure of the tivity.
Greater Focus on the Field los tram:: Is one ot he ost mportnt
in athletic excellence coachng Counsellors d traile!s cHn hep idenn
those areas which are cauNI: athleles to become disL.wled on the iel, nd deveio
solutions that retran their bran ndshift tous h,cktohe thletic acivity.
3Performance lmprovement with diflerent Sietces Sports ecllene raing t
technology and thetapr o help athletes redicove thei thuicl oveeits
Training Methods 19

maintain it through thousands and thousands of repetitions. If injury occurs then

sports medicinal person helps an athlete to recover faster, a psychologist helps in
making an athlete more confident, a nutritionist provide him a healthy food tips and
there are many other sciences which directly or indirectly helps in improvement of
performance of a sports person.
4. Disciplined Approach towards Life: Sports training can help athletes achieve
excellence by designing customized practice regimens and then giving the individual
the cognitive tools to stick with the plan every day. Sports training not only make an
athlete sincere in sports but alsoit helps inincorporating asense of discipline in his/
her life.
5. Make Healthier and Balanced Life cycle: This is especially important with young
athletes who are developing the work habits that stay with them for many years.
Sports training teaches the athlete how to achieve proper balance in their lives - so
that sports do not overshadow personal or family life.
6. Regula ted training and Instant Feedback of Performance: Sports training
programmes provide instant feedback on the athlete's performance. As the
programmes progresses, they can see how their training regimen is affecting their
performance and what they do on the field. This kind of reporting helps individual
focus only on those areas that need the special attention.
7. Boost Mood: Sport and physical activity have more than just aphysical impact on the
body. During the course of a game or exercise session, your brain
beneficial, especially
that can put you at ease and make you feel more relaxed. This is
a stressful job/
if an individual or sports person apart from his sports/ game have
personal life and you need a distraction.
training helps in fast
8. Reduces Recovery Time: Regular participation in sportstraining more effectively
recovery. This enables the body to cope with the demands of
that the adaptation is taking
and efficiently. Reduction in recovery time also means
place; hence, performance ofa person improves.
play a vital role in prevention
9. Reduces the Chances of Injuries: Sports training
training programme helps an
of injuries. Through participation in regular sportsactivity which ultimately helps in
individual to get accustomed with the nature of
improvement in performance.
adaptation resulting reduction in injury and
character, social skills like teamwork,
10. AGood Human Being: Sports can build
higher self- esteem and body
cooperation and leadership. It helps in developing
and losing while being agood
image. It prepares an individual to handle winning
discipline. An individual learns
sport. Sports training help an individual to developOne can develop basic motor skills
to set goals and then work to achieve those goals. person for
needed in your day-to-day life. Sport training, in a nutshell, can prepare a
should form an integral
In conclusion,we may say that Training is extremelyimportant and
strength and
part of an athlete's daily routines. Training allows the body to gradually build up
Training also
endurance, improve skill levels and build motivation, ambition and confidence.
ISC Physical Education
allows athletes to gain more knowledge of their sport as well as enabling them to learn ahs
the importance of having a healthy mind and body. In terms of physical effects of
regular exercise increases muscle tone, facilitates good circulation. improves strength. agilit
and flexibility and improves the rate of waste product disposal. Regular training also
up recovery time following physical exercise; this enables the body to cope with the dem2nde
of training more effectively and makesit more resistant to injury and illness. Training also has
benefits for mental health as it improves concentration and increases self-esteem.

There are several different training methods that can be used to improve ability in different
sports.The different types of training involve activities that last for different periods of time
Anaerobic exercise lasts for a brief duration while aerobic exercise lasts much longer.
Anaerobic exercise usually lasts less than 60 seconds. Weightlifting and sprinting are
examples of this. If
these events last more than 10 seconds, lactic acid can build up and reduce
muscle performance. Training that focuses on anaerobic activities improves your
to and removal of lactic acid and helps vour muscles get energy from
anaerobic conditions.
Aerobic training improves the delivery of oxvgen to the muscles. It increases how well
the heart pumps the blood and how well the muscles extract oxvgen from
the blood. It also
improves how well glucose is converted into energy. Slow long distance work is good
for aerobic, endurance events. training
As your level of exertion increases, there is a slov build-up of
your muscles. At 85% V0 2 max, the "anaerobic threshold" for most
anaerobic metabolism in
abrupt increase in anaerobic netabolism throughout the entire muscle. In
individuals, there is an
programmesan individual need a balance of both aerobic and anaerobic There
are various types of training methods which can use to obtain the
required improvement in

Repetition Method
Definition: Repetition training is when you break training distances into smaller, more
manageable parts and repeat these parts.
Purpose: The purpose of this method is to improve the speed or
depends upon the recovery in between two repetitions. If the speed-endurance and it
athlete may be able to run the repetitions faster. so speed will recoverv is complete then an
short then an athlete may not achieve the same speed but improve, if the recoverv is kept
he/ she mav be able to do more ot
them so speed-endurance will improve.

1. This method is very effective for the
explosive power and speed endurance.
improvement of speed, maximum strength
It is the most effectual method for the
improvement of anaerobic capacity
Training Methods 21
3. It helps endurance athletes too when they needspeedendurance especially at tlhe end
of the race, hence, by this method speed endurance capacity can be improved.
4. Neuro-muscular coordination improves by means of this method.
5. Muscle hypertrophy and lactic acid tolerance capacity boosts due to this method.
6. It improves phaphogen stores and glycolytic process.
Procedure: Repetition method consistsof running a given distance in a predeternined
time with almost complete rest andrecovery in the form of walking after cach run. In thisan
activity is done with breaks or intervals of complete recovery. Variations in this method can
also be employed such as competition and trials, playing or combating at a very high intensity
along with breaks and complete recovery.
The intensity of training - 90 to 100%
Recovery period -3to 4 minutes
Repetition 1to 6

Forthe development of anaerobic capacity repetitionsof short duration at higlh intensity

with complete recovery are appropriate. The long distance runner uses this method for the
improvement of specific endurance. The repetition rune of 300mto40Om for 400m, 800m
and 1500m isa specific example of specificendurance.
Continuous Method
Definition: Continuous method is performed at a'continuous' intensity throughout and
doesn't involve any rest periods.
Purpose: The purpose of this methods is to develop basicendurance, mixed aerobiC-anaerobic
metabolism, orto maintain thelevelof reached endurance adaptation.

1 Load of lower intensity (below 80-85 % Heart Rate Maximum) is suitable to develop
energy resources, improving the ability to supply working muscles with energy
substrate for a long time and developing movement economy.
2 This method is very useful for novice especially during the initial months of regular
3. By using this methodthe number and size of mitochondria increases.
4 The working capacity of heart and lung also increases.

5. The capability of muscle and liver also increases to store more amount of glycogen.
Procedure: Continuous methodmeans load with constant level of intensity or speed. The
load lasts usually for longer than 30 minutes (up to several hours).Medium or submaximal
intensitv s used to increase speed at high level. High or submaximal intensity is used in
testing, in check race or in testing the ability to maintain racing speed. Cross country is the
bestexample of continuous method. If an individual is beginer then he/she must ensure that
ISC Physical Education
training should bedone between 60-70% of maximum heart rate t0 gain the most benefit fr
this method. The following equation will help in calculating 60 - 70% of maximal
heart rate
(220 - Age) x 0.6 =60% =Target minimum heart rate
(220 - Age)x0.7 =70% =Target maximum heart rate
Those who are training for an endurance event such as a marathon, triathlon or
bike ride should include some continuous exercise in their training as it allows to get in the
all-important mileage needed for a base level of fitness which cannot be achieved through
interval training.
Fartiek Method
Definition: This nmethod has originated in Swedish training system and it means the "play
with speed". Fartlek allows the athlete torun at varying intensity levels over
distances of their
choice. This type of training stresses both the aerobic and anaerobicenergy
Purpose: The purpose of this method is to improve enduranceas well as speed which
varying of intensity or speed of running.
1 This method is very effective for the improvement of
because it keep the heart rate up. cardiovascular endurance
2. This method may also be used in developing
3. It makes the body adaptable because of
sprinting intervals.
4. It is very flexible in nature.
5. A large number of athletes can be
involved in this type of training method at the same

6. It is very easy to organise because it do

not require any equipment.
7. It is not pre planned so an athlete can
change his intensity as according to the surface.
Procedure: Fartlek training should be performed once or twice a
are usually performed for a week. Fartlek sessions
minimum of 45 minutes and intensity can
vary from
to sprinting. Changes of load
(intensity and movement frequency) are included in walking
according to personal feelings of every athlete, natural training
The content of Fartlek is not conditions, profile
usually given in advance. During training, the
of terrain etc.
movement frequency changes irregularly. Fartlek is a good choice for those who
intensity or the
structure routine to their cardiovascular training
or dislike a set
those looking to measure sessions. But Fartlek it not be
improvement or those with a very specific event or goal suitable
in mind.

Interval Method
Definition: Interval training programs manipulate the
intervals, and the length of the rest periods, to intensity and duration of the work
complete interval training program usually create the desired training responsesS. n
both higher and lower intensity comprises several short, alternating periods o
Training Methods 23

Purpose: Interval training method is used todevelop both aerobic andanaerobic capacities.
1 The main aim of intervaltraining is preparation for specific competition load.
Interval training has a great influence on cardio-respiratory system and it is the
best way to increase the value of maximal oxygen consumption especially aerobic
performance and capacity.
3. The volume of trainingcan be morewhen using this method.
4. The progress of an athlete can be measured easily.
5. An athlete may able to achieve his peak performance in a very shorter time because
the results of this method are instant.

Procedure: Interval training involves alternating periods ofactivity and recovery. Recovery
is achieved by maintaining movement throughout the entire workout, which facilitates the
removal of lactic acid and other waste products. Interval training contains several load units
of high intensity (from submaximal to maximal) such as short, medium and long interval
methods according to the time-period of load.
Short intervals last between 45 and 60 seconds
Medium intervals last between from 1to 3minutes
Long intervals last between 3-5 minutes.
Time for rest is relatively short. Resting period for short and medium interval lasts 60-90
seconds and for long interval it is approximately half of the time for which lasts one unit, or
until heart rate decreases down to 120-130 beats per minute. It is recommended to spend the
resting period with active rest (walking, jogging etc.), which improves removal of Lactic Acid
from stressed muscles. This methods is not suitable for children and beginners.


Warming up
Weaning of Warnmning up
It is particularly important to help prevent injury. Warm-up is low-level activity, which
be completed prior to stretching and more strenuous exercise. The objective of the warm-up
is to raise total body temperature and muscle temperature to prepare the entire body for
vigorous activity.
Most warm-up sessions includes acombination of cardiovascular exercises, stretching
and strength drills. The cardiovascular exercises are designed to increase circulation,
increase body temperature and bring the heart rate up, while stretching warms the muscles
and prepare them for the movements they will be required to carry out during the activity.
Explosive strength exercises, which may include sprint drills or jumps, gently increase the
levelof intensity and prepare the body for sudden movements in the game which will follow;
these exercises should only be doneonce the muscles are warm; this willprevent injuries.

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