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A role can be defined as a responsibility of a certain individual in a specific

situation. Every individual has its role which is correlated to the purpose of its

existence. A role could be a person’s position in a company, a fictional character in a

play or film, a role in different kinds of relationship, and a position in an organization

and the society.

Personally, my existence has different purposes as a student, as a daughter,

as a sister, and as a human being. As a freshman here in the University of the

Philippines of Los Banos, my primary role is to study, work hard and smart with a set

goal of graduating on time with hopefully academic awards. Transitioning this year

into a college student has been quite a challenge with all of the different
environment, university culture, peers, and situation. Second, as a a child of my

parents, filipinos were raised to be obedient and always follow and respect the

elders. In simple ways, I try to give back to my parents as much as I can like treat

them to a family dinner and bonding, but most importantly is to show my effort in

learning and my academic grades so their hard work would not be in vain. Third, I

have one sister and growing up, we have not always been close, however as we

have matured, we grew together and closer. As sisters, we are not only biologically
related but as well as best friends by choice. Lastly, we are created not to be

enclosed and limited to one purpose, as a human being we have a duty and role to

mother nature, as mentioned in the lectures, “we are stewards not masters”. We

have fair share of responsibility to defend and respect our natural resources. By

simply conserving, recycling, and planting, this contribution would be the beginning

of a bigger movement to save and restore the planet step by step.

Moreover, a group as a family of four also has important roles. In our family,

the primary role is to provide basic needs which are the food, shelter, and clothing

as well as providing education for the children. Second, emotional support, each

member of our family, my mother, father, and my sister all try to always be present

and engaged with each other. Checking up one another, sharing and updating

everything that happened the whole day. Especially, during important events and

milestones of our life like birthdays, holidays and school events. Lastly is guidance,

giving guidance and advises have no age, parents and children or young adults can

learn from each other like sharing experiences and wisdom.

Furthermore, individuals together form a community with a purpose. With a

larger group comes with bigger responsibilities and roles to fulfill. A community has

different roles for various areas. The role of a the community in improving livelihood

of people like the leaders of our community find ways to help and organize the

pedicab drivers of our subdivision. Second is the community’s role in the health of
its people, an aerobics exercise or Zumba sessions happen regularly in our

subdivision, mostly mothers gather to stay fit and shift to a healthier lifestyle. Lastly,

the community’s role to nature. In year 2020 and 2021, the garden and clubhouse of

our village has been neglected due to isolation and quarantine. However, the

homeowners association has made a movement to restore it to its former glory that

had children and families playing, gathering, and socializing. As people, an

organization like this has a responsibility to uphold principles and values even in the
toughest times. A community engages, encourages, assists, and responds.

Every individual exists with a purpose. Each person has its role from the

lowest to the highest level in a small or large scope. A person’s position usually

determines their role and every action has its equivalent consequence and it is up to

the people to use the power given to live up and uphold the responsibility given to


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