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ELSEVIER Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

A framework for evaluating the dynamic

competitiveness of countries
K. Aiginger
Austrian Institute of EconomicResearch and University ojlinz, PO Box 91, A-1103 Wien, Austria


This paper presents a framework for evaluating the competitive position of nations which
relates competitiveness to the concept of welfare maximization. Consequently it includes an
evaluation of wages and productivity, as well as the social and environmental standards at
which this result is achieved. In relation to other concepts the role of external balances and
of low costs is put into perspective in this concept, the technology, product differentiation
and other determinants of qualitative competitiveness are emphasized. We specifically try to
incorporate soft factors of competitiveness by the use of the indicator unit value, an indicator
rising with higher quality or consumer evaluation of a product. We also use this indicator to
discriminate between markets in which firms are competing in prices or in quality.
It is specifically rewarding to apply the broader concept of competitiveness and the notion
of competing in quality to the German debate on competitiveness. The trade balance is
positive, nevertheless Germany is afraid to deindustrialize and to loose competitiveness due
to high wages and high tax rates (‘Standortdebatte’). We evaluate the macroeconomic perfor-
mance, the technological position and the concentration of exports in sectors where quality
competition prevails to evaluate the dynamic competitiveness of this country. 0 1998 Elsevier
Science B.V.

Keywords: Competitiveness of nations; Price and nonprice competitiveness; Price elasticity;


1. The outline of the paper

A dynamic evaluation of the competitiveness of nations must be done with respect

to the ultimate goals of nations, namely to increase the well-being of a nation or its
people. The economist believes that the ultimate goal of a state or of its people is
to maximize some social welfare function in which incomes, social conditions and
environmental preservation are incorporated. This leads to a rather comprehensive
definition of competitiveness, with three immediate implications. The first is that

0954-349X/98/$19.00 0 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

PZZ SO954-349X(97)00026-X
160 K. Aiginger 1 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

low costs are not a goal of economic policy and not even an indicator for long-run
competitiveness. The second is that the external balances contribute directly or
indirectly to this well-being, but are small relative to consumption. The third is that
competitiveness is a dynamic issue, with aspiration levels changing over time, while
investment in human capital, technology and information are the means to change
the attainable welfare and the level of competitiveness.’
The concept of dynamic competitiveness focuses on technology - it relates
productivity to that of the leading country (catching up debate). A specific innovation
of this paper is to use the unit value as a complementary indicator for assessing the
qualitative side of competitiveness. It increases with quality, consumer evaluation,
marketing, customer orientation, etc. Thus higher unit values immunize products
from low-cost competition. Firms and consequently countries climbing up the quality
ladder (Grossman and Helpman, 1990, 199la,b) can afford higher wages by offering
higher quality products. The unit value is complementary to technology indicators
and helps to evaluate the success of countries in this respect.
It is specifically interesting to apply our comprehensive and dynamic definition of
‘competitiveness’ and the unit value approach to evaluate the position of Germany.
Germany specifically fears2 losing its competitiveness due to its high wages and tax
rates (‘Standortdebatte’). Trade balance and market share are very insufficient indica-
tors to grasp the meaning of the discussion. Evaluations of the technological potential
and the attainment of macro economic goals are important.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we introduce our concept of
dynamic competitiveness of nations. Section 3 introduces the unit value as a comple-
mentary indicator, which has up to now not or at least not adequately been used
for the evaluation of competitiveness. Section 4 applies our comprehensive definition
for an evaluation of the German economy. We emphasize the dynamic issue of the
technological competitiveness in Section 5 first by looking at conventional indicators
and then on the unit value. In Section 6 we sum up the main results.

’ Earlier studies along this line are the examination of the competitiveness of Austria (Aiginger, 1987
Aiginger and Peneder, 1994). See Aiginger (1995a) for an explanation of the development of the concept
of competitiveness used in this paper, and Aiginger (1995b) for an application on the competitive position
in the triade (USA, Japan and the EU).
‘The discussion on the competitiveness of a nation typically arises when a country fears it will lose its
leading position or fall behind. Servan Schriver’s call for cooperation and the creation of large, state-
backed firms became a classical document of Europe’s fear to fall even further behind the USA in
productivity. Later the industrialized countries complained about losing ‘competitiveness’ vis-a-vis oil
producing and other resource abundant countries after the oil crisis in the 70s. Eurosclerosis characterized
inflexible structures in Europe compared to a deregulating, tax-cutting US economy at the beginning of
the 80s. The vision of a common European market was a counter strategy against Europe’s falling further
behind. In the beginning of the 90s it was the USA’s turn to complain about losing its competitive edge
vis-a-vis Japan, facing declining market shares in auto, computer and consumer electronic industries.
Currently Japan is afraid of losing its newly gained leading position because of the high value of the Yen
and postponed internal reforms.
K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 161

2. The concept of the competitiveness of nations

2.1. DeJining competitiveness on the national level

Defining the competitiveness of nations3 is a controversial issue (see Appendix A).

There are some authors which deny the importance of this concept especially in a
world of flexible currency regimes (Cooper, 1961; Suntum, 1986), and it is evident
that no income can be lost due to deficits in the external balances in a world of
complete markets. Here prices and incomes always adjust, resources are fully utilized
and the balance of payment equilibrium is endured. Yet even policy-minded and
empirical authors which accept medium-term imbalances in trade balances as a
stylized fact play down the issue out of various reasons.4
Most studies addressing the competitiveness issue in previous years combine issues
of the external balance with domestic performance, forming in definitions such as
‘growth without trade imbalances’(Competitiveness Policy Council, 1994;
Schumacher et al., 1995). The World Economic Forum in Geneva and the Institute
of Management Development in Lausanne apply several hundred objective and
subjective indicators to assess whether a country ‘proportionally creates more wealth
on the world market than its competitors’.5 We wish to find a comprehensive
definition, relating competitiveness to the ultimate goal of economics.

3Many authors implicitly assume that the competitiveness of firms is a clear-cut issue. Firms which survive
are competitive, those which exit are not. Yet in reality firms exist at very different costs, technology and
profit rates (see Aiginger and Pfaffermayr, 1997 and the literature on the persistency of profit differences).
Some firms set prices equal to average costs, other accrue innovation or monopoly rents. Is the second
group more competitive than the first? A path between these two extremes was put forward in an US
report (President’s Commission on Industrial Competitiveness, 1985): a firm is competitive if it can
produce products and services of superior quality or lower costs than its domestic or international
competitors. This, however, implies that the average firm is by definition not competitive.
%ee Porter (1990), Reich (1990) and Krugman (1994a,b) as the oft-cited references. Porter (1990, p.6ff.)
comes very close to the position that the term competitiveness of a nation makes no sense, stressing that
it cannot be that a country is ‘competitive in all industries’. Porter arrives at this view after dismissing
different concepts of competitiveness (‘every firm is competitive’, ‘positive balance of trade’, ‘market
share’, ‘job creation’) and then stresses that ‘the search for a convincing explanation of both national
and firm prosperity must begin by asking the right question. We must abandon the whole notion of a
‘competitive nation‘ as a term having much meaning for economic prosperity. The principle goal of a
nation is to produce a high and rising standard of living for its citizens. The ability to do so depends not
on the amorphous notion of competitiveness but on the productivity with which a nation’s resources
(labor and capital) are employed’ (Porter, 1990), and later on page 6, ‘The only meaningful concept of
competitiveness at the national level is national productivity’.
In his review of Porter’s book Reich (1990) writes ‘National competitiveness is one of the rare terms
of public discourse that have gone directly from obscurity to meaninglessness without any intervening
period of coherence’.
‘Competitiveness is a meaningless word when applied to national economies and the obsession with
competitiveness is both wrong and dangerous’ Krugman (1994a, p. 44).
‘The definition implicitly stresses the zero sum nature of the concept: whenever some countries are
competitive, then there must be others which are not. Another problem of the implementation is that
some indicators are valued as positive in one performance group and as negative in another.
162 K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

2.2. The concept of welfare

It pays to start from what economists usually believe to be the aim of the economic
system. Economists believe that societies (nations) try to maximize some welfare
function, given some constraints. Let us assume the welfare function can be charac-
terized by welfare, W (C, S, E). Let C denote a consumption vector containing the
elements consumption per head (yl), purchasing power in international currency
(y2), income and price stability (~3) and leisure (~4). S stands for social goals and
may comprise social security (sl), stability of employment (s2), health (s3), education
(s4), equity (s5), living expectations (s6), and political stability and democracy (~7).
Finally E represents the environment and may be subdivided into the preservation
of natural resources (el ) and low emission (e2). The maximization is constrained
by external balance conditions EB> A. EB can be a condition of the current account,
for balance of payment for the currency reserves, for market shares in some world
market, A may be zero, a positive number, some relation to GDP or world trade

Max W [C, S, E] s.t.:

EB 2 A external constraint


5 = g(K, ,L, ,R,) technology constraint

CK, I K+

CLiIL+ } resource availability


where W= welfare function, welfare (depends on consumption, social performance,

environment), C= [cl ,... cJ, S= [sl ,... s,], S= [el ,...e,], EB=external balance (trade
balance, current account, market share, market share in high tech, etc.). A = critical,
numerical value (zero, positive number, of GDP), K, L, R, K+, L+, R + =inputs of
capital, labor, resources, respective to endowments.
To demonstrate the link between the objective function and the constraint we
assume a specific version: external constraint, X-M>O, where X, M=exports,
imports and the relation between C and Y is defined by C= Yt M-X, Y=
K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 163

This stylized simple model focuses on policy variables and leaves out a lot of real
world interdependencies. 6 Specifically, the objective function and the constraints
must be related, for which we offered one possible route. All variables vary over
time although we dropped the time subscripts for convenience. For the concept of
competitiveness it opens some important insights.
First it shows the dynamic character. The maximum attainable welfare IV changes
over time, it depends on the technology and on the capital stock. Both determinants
may be partly exogenous (being constant or rising over time) or endogenous (influ-
enced by strategic decision of firms or by economic policy - note that both
dependencies are not explicitly modeled in this stylized version). Secondly, neither
low costs nor a balanced current account attribute directly to the ultimate goals.
Indirectly high costs relative to technology can lead to a violation of the constraint,’
which then limits the welfare level which can be reached. If the constraint is not
binding, then higher values of C, S and E are unambiguously positively valued from
the welfare point of view. Only if the constraints bind can there can be a trade off
between an increase in the arguments of the welfare function and the potential
violation of the constraints. As long as the constraint is not binding, higher wages
and an appreciating currency are clearly assessed as positive, and countries with
higher wages are in a better position. Any assessment which gives negative marks
for high-wage countries in which the constraint is not binding, is misleading.

2.3. A tentative dejinition and its application

The issues welfare maximization and competitiveness are related and it is up to

the definition of the later concept how much we separate the issues. Welfare maximi-
zation addresses optimal use of all resources to fulfill the economic ends of a society,
the notion of competitiveness as used in the political discussion stresses the role of
the low costs and external balances. In more enlightened discussions technological
competitiveness, productivity and catching up are investigated. Not by concept, but
by applying the term competitiveness in the political and economic discussion the
relative performance among countries gains attention, while welfare maximization
focuses on the aspect of optimal use of resources in a single country.
Some choices to be made if we define competitiveness are listed in Appendix B.
We propose a definition which to some degree (but not totally) separates the issues,

6Lippschitz and McDonald (1992) describe these interdependencies as insoluble problem of competitive-
ness: ‘relative prices, rates of return and profit margins are endogenous and determined simultaneously
with changes in production incentives’ (p. 64). One interdependency economists would like to stress is
the identity of savings and absorption. Trade deficits are ex post the result of the fact that savings are
too small to accommodate investment and budget deficits. Short-run external deficits are necessary to
fulfill the identity. In the long run production could increase and bridge the deficit. Another link between
incomes and trade balances would be if the export deficit leads to ‘qualitative problems’, be it a cumulative
loss of demand or a cumulative loss of finance for research or spillovers. Vicious circles can go the
Keynesian route or the supply side way, if we accept that external deficits are qualitatively more important
than the actual short-run loss.
‘The constraints of different countries are linked together by a zero sum condition, so that it is impossible
for all countries to fulfill their constraints.
164 K. Aiginger J Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

and which explicitly states that the ‘competitiveness of a country’ depends on its
aspiration level and its preferences on the one hand and on technology and capabili-
ties on the other (Aiginger, 1987; Aiginger and Peneder, 1994; Aiginger and
Wolfmayr, 1996)
Competitiveness of a nation is the ability to
?? sell enough products and services (to fulfill an external constraint);
?? at factor incomes in line with the (current and changing) aspiration level of the
country; and
?? at macroconditions of the economic, environmental, social system seen as satisfac-
tory by the people.
The ability depends on the resources given, including endogenous resources such as
technology, and human and physical capital.
For use in a definition, the subjective content of the words ‘enough’, ‘aspired’ and
‘satisfactory’ seems to be counterproductive. We could substitute average perfor-
mance instead of the subjective values, but this would miss the point usually
addressed in the political discussion on competitiveness. The targets which decide
whether a nation feels competitive are dynamic - they depend on past achievements
and current aspirations. They vary from country to country, as used to be the case
with aspiration levels8 Sometimes an outsider can detect them without difficulty, or
substitute them by some objective benchmark; sometimes they are deeply hidden in
the political, cultural and economic system of a country. In applying the concept
on a real economy, we take a two-step procedure. First we use the performance of
a subgroup of similarly developed countries as a yardstick, and then we discuss how
the performance relates to (presumed) country specific priorities.

2.4. ‘Enough’ exports

Usually equilibrium in the current balance is seen as a good benchmark for the
current competitiveness of a nation. However, some countries seem comfortable
only with a surplus (Japan, Switzerland), while some are unhappy if a negative
trade balance is equalized by incomes from a potentially mature industry (alpine
tourism in Austria, basic good industries in the Netherlands or oil in Norway).
‘Enough’ exports could also be measured by some concept of market shares. Again
we have to choose the indicator (exports, imports), the regional market (Europe,
the world, the US) and the aspiration level (constant or increasing market shares).
Implementing this aspect, I will start with an analysis of the trade balance, the
balance of current account, and the market share of a country. The objective results
will be discussed against presumed aspiration levels.

*I am grateful to Pat Devine for telling me in Crete (1994), that there is a definition of efficiency put
forward by Singh (1977) which is quite similar to my concept of competitiveness: ‘...we may define an
efficient manufacturing sector as one which (currently as well as potentially) not only satisfy the demands
of consumers at home, but is also able to sell enough of its products abroad to pay for the nation’s
import requirements...the sector must be able to achieve these objectives at socially acceptable levels of
output. employment and the exchange rate’ (Singh, 1977, p. 128).
K. Aiginger 1 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 165

2.5. Xspired' factor incomes

Any current balance can be attained (at least theoretically), if we lower wages, if
firms are content with low profits, or if the currency is devaluated. Since, however,
these ‘cheap costs strategies’ detract from the final goals of the economic process -
namely higher income or higher utility - these strategies are in this respect counter-
productive. Additionally, any ‘market test of competitiveness’ (as balanced trade,
or a rising market share) is directly influenced by factor incomes. A country which
is comfortable with its position in the hierarchy of wages will tend to assess its
economy as ‘competitive’, while a country facing repeated pressure to keep wages
and profits down feels uncomfortable with its performance.’
Implementing this aspect of competitiveness we will compare the level and the
increase of wages, productivity and labor unit costs. We could also compare macro
economic growth and income levels under this approach, but will do this under the
next heading. Again, attained levels will be compared to ambitions and to history.

2.6. ‘Satisfactory’ macro condition

Nonnegative external balances are more difficult to achieve in an economy offering

comprehensive health and pension systems, unemployment benefits, and high envi-
ronmental standards, than at lower levels of social security, employment and environ-
mental preservation. Different countries have different levels of aspiration with
respect to economic goals. In the US, job security in established firms, or a compre-
hensive health system apparently have low priority. In Japan large flats, leisure, long
vacations and a short work-week are not considered all that important. In
Switzerland, zero inflation is a goal and reduction of the transit traffic is given a
high priority, and in Germany a strong currency, an independent Bundesbank, fiscal
discipline and a very low inflation have high priorities. A positive trade balance
seems natural and a positive current account desirable.”

2.7. Relation to other concepts

Relating the definition to a mainstream concept is difficult since no mainstream

definition exists. Relative to the political discussion on competitiveness we clearly

‘% Austria, for example, economic policy in the late 60s had the goal to attain ‘the European wage level’,
and competitive performance was evaluated with the attainment of this goal kept in mind. If the Portuguese
people feel happy with their wage level they will assess their economy as ‘competitive’; if they feel a strong
desire for higher wages, they will arrive at a different assessment.
“‘Important to the assessment of the competitiveness of the nations are those macro economic and social
conditions, which are of actual importance. These are the conditions which are increasing actual costs,
A macro goal which is potentially expensive but not actually targeted, is irrelevant for current and (near)
future competitiveness. A macro goal which has high priority involves costs now or in the near future.
If Japanese people press hard to reduce the working week to the European level, the nation will lose its
competitive edge (for some time). If European nations press hard for a Swiss-style transit policy, there
will be a large financial burden (today). If the US presses hard for comprehensive health coverage, it will
face greater difficulties in regaining competitiveness with Japan.
166 K Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

stress that costs are not the most important issue. Higher costs if paralleled by
higher productivity lead to a better attainment of macro goals and welfare. Relative
to concepts focusing predominantly on external balances, we stress that the external
balance becomes a predominant issue only in cases of imbalance and that targets
for external balances may widely differ. Relative to the two-tier concept of ‘growth
plus balanced trade’, we stress on the one hand that growth is not the only target
and on the other that this definition abstracts from the long-run determinants of
growth such as technology, productivity, and physical and human capital.
Relative to recent studies (Abramovitz, 1994; Silverberg and Soete, 1994;
Fagerberg et al., 1994), our concept is less single focused at the leading country and
more subjective. A country lagging in income per capita in an area can feel competi-
tive at low wages, while another may assess its industry as not competitive because
it cannot pay the wages of its rich neighbor. Relative to the literature which stresses
the technological factor, we share the view that technology, knowledge and spillovers
are the main determinants of long-term growth. We start, however, from a broader
evaluation, maintain that the economic goals may change over time and be different
across countries, and stress that the dynamic process implies a continuous increase
of wages and productivity, and that richer countries have to climb up a quality
ladder (Grossman and Helpman, 1990, 1991a,b).
A comparison with Porter’s work is difficult, since Porter denies that the notion
of competitiveness of a nation exists. If we compare our approach to his auxiliary
meaning of competitiveness which is productivity, we stress how the potential given
by a certain level of productivity is used for consumption, exports and the fulfillment
of social goals, and that the level of productivity is continuously changing over time.
The factors Porter claims to be important for the competitiveness of firms” are
important for the dynamic competitiveness of an economy too. Porter, however,
focuses on the competitiveness of an industrial cluster, since ‘no country can be
competitive in all industries’. As main indicators for a cluster Porter focuses on the
market shares of an industry on the world market and on the market share on the
national market. These are measures of ex post competitiveness, where the only
qualitative element is that some minimum market share has to be attained to qualify
as a competitive sector.

3. Assessing the dynamic competitiveness by unit values

3.1. The unit value as an indicator of qualitative competitiveness

Competitiveness is inherently a dynamic issue. Technology indicators and informa-

tion about investment ratios indicate how a given position is expected to change
over time. However, productivity measures are technical measures relating quantita-
tive input and outputs. Modem growth theory suggest that human capital has

“Porter’s famous ‘diamond’ stresses the importance of supply relations, demand conditions, supporting
industries and strategy (Porter, 1990).
K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 161

become the most important growth factor, and that spillovers, innovation, and
quality are decisive factors. Analyses of real industries stress that organization,
information, marketing, strategic alliances, specialty production, adding services to
products, are perhaps as important as technology.
The unit value of exports is a specific informative indicator for these ‘soft’
determinants of competitiveness. The unit value of exports is defined as nominal
sales divided into some quantity measure, usually kilograms. This indicator is avail-
able also for imports, for practically all countries and can be disaggregated into
more than a thousand products on the six-digit industry level. The potential of
disaggregation into the regional and product dimension is a main operational differ-
ence to all the indicators on research input and output data.”
On the conceptual side the unit value can be seen either as some sort of productivity
or as some sort of price. If we recall that the unit value is nominal exports divided
into kilogram, we see that this is an indicator of productivity, with the difference
that the numerator is in value terms, so that higher quality, a higher processed
subproduct and better marketing increase the unit value, and the denominator is
the weight of material input, so that better use or a combination of input increases
the unit value. If on the other hand the product is homogeneous, prices are set by
the market, and the production process is rather straightforward, the unit value
approaches the average costs and the price. It was this two-fold character which so
far has limited the use of this indicator.
We use the following device (developed by Aiginger, 1996) to distinguish between
markets in which the unit value signals costs and those in which it informs about
quality differences.
If unit values reflect costs and the product is homogeneous, then countries with lower costs should be
net exporters in quantities and countries with higher costs should be net import countries. If a country
is a net exporter in quantities despite the fact that it has higher unit values, then this must be due to
quality differences. This assertion makes use of the fact that economic theory tells us that under quite
broad circumstances demand is price elastic.

Using this assertion allows us to split industries into those which are dominated
by price competition (UV,,, < UVunp*QeXP> Qimp and UV,,, > UI&,*Qexp < Qimr)
and those with revealed quality competition (UV,,, > UI&,*Qexp> Qimp and
UK,, < Wnp*Qexp < Q,,). We use the exports and the imports of 18 countries to
classify all three digit industries into those which are highly price sensitive, moder-

“There are, however, limits in the availability of unit values too. For some industries the weight in
kilograms is not reported, be it that the numerator is reported in a different unit (square meters, volume,
pieces, etc.) or that there is no numerator available at all. The reporting behavior is different from country
to country. We have to use techniques to minimize the importance of this difference. Among these
techniques is a computational procedure which calculates unit values at the n-digit level only if data on
the n + l-digit level are complete, and secondly we follow the strategy to follow one reporting country as
much as possible. For Germany as a reporter, for example, unit values are available for all but five three-
digit industries, comprising more then 90% of German exports.
Data are available up to 1993 in a rather but not fully comprehensive range. We concentrate on data
for 1992 and check the main results with data back to 1980 and up to 1993 and part of 1994. The data
refer to unified Germany unless otherwise mentioned.
168 K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

ately price sensitive and quality sensitive.i3 We call this industry specific classification
of revealed price elasticity.
To gain a country specific classification we can subdivide markets dominated by
price conditions and markets dominated by quality competition into those with a
higher or lower export unit value, obtaining the following country specific four
segment scheme:
Segment 1 combines the industries in which exported quantity exceed imports
despite a higher unit value. This has to be the consequence of a quality lead which
is appreciated by demand or signals successful specialization in the dearest market
segment. This sector is the very target for an advanced country (successful quality
Segment 2 contains price elastic goods in which the home country has a high unit
value and consequently faces a trade deficit. Industries in this sector have lost
price competitiveness in a market in which prices are important. This part of the
deficit can said to be the consequence of high production costs (deficit in price
Segment 3 contains price elastic goods in which the home country has a low unit
value. This sector yields a trade surplus (successful price competition).
Sector 4 is a hopeless sector. An industry runs a trade deficit despite low prices.
In this sector there have to be some exit barriers (structural problem area).
This classification is country specific, and the same industry at least theoretically
can be in different sectors in different countries. We therefore call the classification
‘country-specific revealed price elasticity’. From these segments the first is the most
promising from the perspective of technological or dynamic competitiveness. A
country with high costs is well prepared for future competition, if a large part of its
industry is located in the sector where high unit values are consistent with an export
surplus. We use the relative size of this sector as a complementary indicator on the
dynamic competitiveness of Germany.

4. The competitiveness of Germany: a general assessment according to our definition

Assessing the competitiveness of Germany is a specifically rewarding task. The

differences between a cost-oriented approach and a technology-oriented one, between
a static and a dynamic approach, and between a domestic or export oriented
approach all become important in this case.

4.1. The external balance

Germany is highly competitive if we focus at the external balance. The trade

balance historically had a huge trade surplus for Former West Germany ( 1989: ECU

“The indicator ranges from - 18 to + 18. The value - 18 is reached if in all 18 countries (the absolute
difference between export and import) unit values and quantities have different signs, + 18 if they have
identical signs in all countries. The first third of the industries (53) with the highest negative indicator
are called highly price elastic, and the 53 with the highest positive indicator are called quality sensitive.
See Aiginger ( 1996).
K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 169

64 bn). After unification it dropped to a low of 9 bn in 1991, but is now rising

again. If judged from this indicator there can be no discussion on the competitiveness
of Germany and no complaint about too ‘high costs’ in German manufacturing.
The current account had been in the positive up to 4% of GDP before unification,
and is now in the red by approximately 1% of GDP. The reason for the switch from
a structural surplus to this moderate deficit is the explosion of the deficit in the
tourist balance, secondly the net payments to the European Union and thirdly the
decline of capital yields. The official currency reserves of the Deutsche Bundesbank
were between 3 and 4.5% of GDP in the SOS, when they plunged to 2.2% after
unification (data for 1990) and since that year recovered to 2.8% of GDP.i4

4.2. Costs andprice competitiveness

Price competitiveness results from two components: labor cost per hour or worker
and productivity. Combined, these two factors determine unit labor costs. Germany
has high labor costs and short working time. Labor costs per hour are 42.67 DM in
former West Germany, relative to 27.84 in the USA and 37.30 in Japan. This is higher
than in Switzerland, and much higher than in the EU average. Working hours of
1639 hours per year are low even in the European context, relative to 1904 hours in
the USA and 1888 hours in Japan. Value added per hour is 4% higher than in Japan,
12% higher than in EU average and 15% higher than in the USA. Productivity in the
Netherlands, Belgium and France is very close (the first one even 3% higher). The
resulting unit costs (labor costs divided into productivity) rank Germany as the highest
cost country, 9% more expensive than the USA and 18% higher than Japan. Canada,
the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Sweden are within the 5% range.15
Studies comparing levels of wages and levels of productivity yield somewhat
diverse results, but the essence remains. Labor costs are very high in Germany, and

i4Schumacher et al. (1995, p. 364) report the share of German exports of total OECD exports to be stable
or slightly increasing. If anything the market share has decreased between 1970 and 1980 and then did
change to the positive after 1989.
Market shares in the world market are stable in a period in which the EU lost two percentage points.
The market share slightly decreases from 18.19% in 1980 to 18.14% in 1992, or from 14.25 to 14.08% in
1992 according to another indicator. These data show a stable market share for Germany in a period in
which the EU partners lost two percentage points. The winner in this contest was Japan, who won two
to three percentage points and to a lesser extent the USA (which won particulary in relation to its
performance in the late 80s). A problem arises with the data in 1993 and 1994. Data for Germany show
a drop of the market share of exports in the range of two points, and it is matched by an even larger
drop in the import market share of the same amount. Exports in DM decreased by 6.4% in 1993 and
imports by 13.8%; all these figures turned into the positive in 1994 and further contributed to an increase
of the positive balance of Germany in merchandized trade.
15A similar picture is drawn by Frohlich et al. (1994): labor costs in Germany are the highest within the
EU-12 (15% above average, see Frbhlich et al., 1994. p. 35), while unit labor costs in the EU is 9% above
those in the US and 20% higher than those in Japan (data for West Germany, 1992). The Bureau of
Labor Statistics reports hourly wages of workers in manufacturing in Germany to be 25.9 US$ in 1992,
relative to 16.2 $ for the USA as well as for Japan. Again, Germany is by far the most expensive country,
productivity at the same time is reported as high as in Japan and 18% lower than in the USA (reported
in data from OECD, 1993).
170 K. Aiginger 1 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

the difference is not fully compensated by measured productivity. This is a contrast

to the maintained surplus in the German trade balance. Either other cost components
are much lower in Germany or some qualitative features of the competitive strength
are dropped in the measures for productivity.
Fears usually refer to the future. The dynamics of labor costs is heavily influenced
by the changing currency values. Between 1989 and 1993 unit labor costs in interna-
tional currency increased by 29.9% in Japan, 16.5% in Germany and 13.5% in the
Netherlands, but declined by 7.8% in the USA and by 8.3% in Italy. Unit labor
costs measured in national values are more stable. They decreased by 2.5% in
Germany and by 3.3% in the EU. Combining these two information sets we conclude
that Germany remains a high cost location; if anything, the position becomes more
pronounced over the most recent years (with the exception in relation to Japan).

4.3. Macroeconomic goals andfiscal stability

Real growth in West Germany had been slightly lower than in the EU average
before unification, because since unification no trend has been seen for unified
Germany, which is an extremely good performance for a country whose currency is
appreciating. There is a split between the former West which is growing slower, and
the former East which experiences higher growth. Manufacturing has been the
subject of concern after a large drop in 1993; however, the share of manufacturing
in GDP decreased not much more than, for example, in France, and the share of
manufacturing in GDP is still the highest in all OECD countries (OECD, 1993:
28.9% in unified Germany). l6 Inflation is definitely lower than in the other countries
of the community. Consumer prices have risen 2-3.3% over the last 3 years, and
the long-term rate in West Germany was between 3 and 4%. The inflation rate in
the community is never lower than 3% and had a historical record of 10%.
There is also the fear that future costs will increase due to the costs of German
unification. However, up to now the taxes as a percentage of GDP are only slightly
above the EU average and the net deficit of government is much smaller than the
EU average. Historically Germany had been always committed to stronger fiscal
discipline than its competitors. The fact that the unified Germany could not stick
to this goal is seen as a severe problem by its people and politicians. This is an
example how the politically defined notion of competitiveness depends on the aspira-
tion level and not on objective criteria or comparisons with other countries.
Unemployment has risen up to 9.6% in unified Germany in 1994, with an average
of 7.8% for the period 1990-1994. Both figures are well below that of the European
union ( 11 and 9.4%, respectively). Unemployment is higher in the Neue Lgnder and
lower in the former West Germany. The rate in western Germany appears to be
unacceptable high compared to standards of 2% in the 60s and 3% at the beginning
of the 80s (1980: 3.2%).

16Germany is one percentage point ahead of Japan, Portugal and Spain, and 10 percentage points ahead
of the USA and many other western industrialized countries. The share has fallen from 32.4% in West
Germany in 1980 (OECD, 199513,p. 118).
K. Aiginger 1 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 171

Germany is a country with a comprehensive social security system. Working hours

are low, and unemployment and health insurance are comprehensive. Social security
outlays in percentage of GDP is 27.3%, this is slightly above the EU average (27.1%,
EUROSTAT, data for 1992) and of course well above similar ratios in the USA.
The environmental achievement in Germany is assessed by the OECD as remarkable.
Germany has ‘decoupled economic growth from the flow of several major pollutants
over the past two decades’ (OECD, 1993, p. 205) and spends 1.65% of GDP for
pollution abatement and control (OECD, 1993, p. 207). Its environmental industry
employs 320 000 people. The environmental damage in the Neue Lander is serious,
but concentrated in some areas. Environmental expenses in relation to GDP is
reported to be 1.7%, the second highest figure in an international comparison of 11
countries (Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft, 1994, p. 16).17
Hence the fear of lacking competitiveness in the case of Germany refers mainly
to forecasts of future developments or are related to goals which are more ambitious
compared to other countries. It is important to look at indicators which help to
forecast the future development.

5. Assessment of the dynamic position

5.1. The traditional approach: technology indicators

There are many studies available attempting to assess the technological position
of Germany”. Schumacher et al. (1995) investigates the technological competitive-
ness incorporating the issue of productivity, innovation and marketing.lg The techno-

“The equity issue is raised primarily due to the split between the Alte and Neue Lander. Numerous
books and assessments have been written about the differences in the wages, about the decline of manufac-
turing production to one-fifth of its pre-transition level (Sinn, 1994, p. 25) in the Eastern parts, not at
least at the occasion of the 5 years’ anniversary. The facts available today include that the GDP per head
is still 40% lower in the East, unemployment is still higher in the ‘Eastern Lander’. Productivity in
manufacturing is 54% of the ‘Western Lander’, wages in relation to sales are 108.5% (Sinn, 1994, p. 38).
Massive capital flows from the West to the East have mitigated the problem, investment per head has
been higher in the Eastern part since 1993 (Sinn, 1994, p. 24). Manufacturing has lost its competitiveness,
because it had to calculate in the same currency as the technically superior plants in the ‘Western Lander’
from the beginning, and afterwards because of the pressure for wages to catch up faster than productivity.
Today the remaining part of the industry is in the main restructured, investment is somewhat higher and
capital stock younger in the East. From the perspective of other countries the economic strength of
Germany has not weakened, but to some extent even increased by the unification. Political tensions and
transfer payments had been very high from the perspective of domestic people and firms.
t8Not including the many studies on the competitiveness of Germany in general. Michel and Standort
(1993) reports about that 800 papers and books have been published between 1985 and 1993 on this issue.
“This study defines competitiveness in a broad way. It is, however, still less comprehensive than my own
approach, since it does not incorporate an evaluation of the social and environmental standards (it is
easier to attain a positive external balance and attain a certain rate of real growth if the social net is
comprehensive and the environmental standards are high). The assessment is generally positive, with a
sentence at the end hinging at a less favorable perspective. ‘A problem may be that in the Federal Republic
of Germany the provision for future decreases. Research and development outlays and educational outlays
decrease in relation to GDP...’ (Schumacher, 1995, p. 264).
172 K. Aiginger / Structurul Change und Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

logical position is evaluated by definitions for high-, medium- and low-tech

industries, and then market shares, patent data and research input are analyzed.
Gehrke and Grupp ( 1994) assess the research input and output and market shares
of German industries in areas of different sophisticated technologies, also addressing
and analyzing differences between the former Westdeutschland and the Neue Lander.
Guerrieri and Milana (1995) report market shares and the external position in high-
tech sectors for more countries and in more detail.

5.1.1. Share of high-tech industries

Schumacher et al. (1995) makes use of a OECD scheme defining sectors of high-,20
medium- and low-tech industries. The scheme comes partly from objective sources
such as input data, partly from expert assessments.21 As far as investment is con-
cerned Germany is in a middle position - its investment share in high-tech industries
is higher than that of France or Italy, approximately as high as that of Great Britain,
but lower than that of Japan and USA.
The OECD (1995a) report Germany22 to have a high market share for medium
technology (20.7%, OECD/TEP, 1992), as compared to high and low technology
(14.3 and 14.7%, respectively). For high technology goods the USA (23.5%) and
Japan (20.0%) are leaders, but France and the UK have much lower shares. As far
as the trend between 1980 and 1992 is concerned Germany is losing 1.5 percentage
points in the high technology market, but so does the US, Switzerland and the
United Kingdom. The winner is primarily Japan which increases its share by 3.5
points and to some degree France (starting from a much lower value).
Guerrieri and Milana, 1995 present their own classification, partly using objective
indicators (R&D sales ratio > 4%), and partly using experts evaluation to calculate
countries’ shares in world trade in high-tech sectors, finally reporting a share of
16.2% for Germany in 1970-1972, which declined to 12.4% in 19881990. Decreasing
shares are reported for other EU countries and for the EU-12 the decline is from
46.4 to 38.5%. The relative loss of the US is even greater (from 30.2 to 20.5%). The
winner in this contest is again Japan which now holds second place after the US. A
jump-start is made by the Asian newly industrialized countries (from 1 to 9.7%).
Guerrieri and Milana calculate a measure of revealed comparative advantage by
dividing the export market share in high-tech industries of individual countries into
the share of its total manufacturing output. While the USA (192), Japan (133), but
also France and the United Kingdom have a comparative advantage, the EU-12
and Germany do not (index 91 for each). Breaking this picture into industrial
categories reveals a good position for Germany in chemicals, mechanical and scien-
tific instruments, but a deficit in electronics and aerospace.

“High-tech industries are ISIC 3522, 3825, 383, 3845, 385.

“The IF0 Institute (Faust and Schedl, 1984) has developed a classification of high-tech industries, which
focuses on the fact that developing countries are not able to compete in this industries.
“The data refer to Germany after unification (OECD, 1995a, p. 176).
K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 113

5.1.2. Research and innovation intensity

Rankings according to the share of research and development expenses of value
added in manufacturing give Germany a middle position - it is higher than for
most of its competitors, but behind Japan and the US (6.4% for Germany, 6.7%
for Japan and 9.7% for the US, 1988-1990). The same is true for German research
outlays (GERD), which amount to 2.5% of GDP, slightly behind USA and Japan
(2.7% each) and Sweden (3.1%), but well ahead of the remaining nine countries for
which data are available (OECD, 1995b).

5.1.3. Patent data and technological balances

Germany has a stable and positive performance with regard to patents. Germany
has been leading in 1970 and is now second to Japan. Again Germany is specialized
not in high technology (where it has a negative specialization index) but on medium
technology. Faust and Schedl (1984) deplore the negative industry structure effect
of patenting activity (specialization in declining industries).
A technology balance of payment comprises two broad categories of financial
flows: transactions relating to industrial property (patents, licenses, techniques,
know-how, designs, pattern) and transactions relating to services with a technological
content and to intellectual services (engineering studies, technical assistance, R&D
services, etc.). According to this balance the US is the main exporter of technology
with receipts of $20bn and a positive balance of $15bn. Europe has a negative
balance of $-7Sbn, of which Germany has the main share (-$3.0bn), the relation
of the deficit to the payments is 1.39 for Germany, a similar ratio as is seen for
France, or Italy (European average 1.32). United Kingdom, Sweden and the
Netherlands have positive balances (OECD, 1995b, p. 178).

5.2. The complementary approach: unit value and quality competition

The unit value of German exports exceeds that of German imports by a margin
of 29%. The level as well as the margin is the fourth highest among the OECD
countries and is higher than that of the USA, Japan and France. We now start with
the country-specific classification of revealed price elasticity.
For 26.4% of its trade Germany can export higher quantities than it imports, even
if the export unit value is higher. This sector of successful quality competition is
thus higher than in any other OECD country. It comprises 14% of trade in Japan
and in the EU total, but only 6% in the US. The sector of successful price competition
is relatively low (7% against 76.7% in Japan and 9.6% in the EU). The sector with
a deficit in price competitiveness is lower than in other countries (- 7.8%). The most
striking feature is the extremely low deficit in the structural problem area. In this
sector a country suffers a trade deficit even if its exports are cheaper, and the sector
suffers a deficit of 1.4% in Germany, 10.6% in the EU, 8.9% in Japan and 10.4% in
the USA.
The industry-specific classification is based on the trade flows of 18 countries. In
the highly price-sensitive industries Germany suffers a deficit of 2.5% of its trade
174 K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

volume. This is the eighth largest deficit in the OECD. On the other hand Germany
enjoys a surplus of 19.7% of trade, the highest next to Japan in the quality-sensitive
These results complement the picture drawn by the technology indicators. Firstly
they incorporate many soft factors such as organization, marketing, reliability and
service components which cannot be addressed by technology indicators. Secondly
they show whether a high-cost country can successfully retreat from price-sensitive
industries and gain enough reputation and consequently market shares in industries
in which quality is important, thus allowing assessments of the future competitive
position. Germany is well placed in this respect; the picture revealed by price
elasticities is even more favorable for Germany’s dynamic competitiveness than that
revealed by the technology indicators.

6. Conclusions: the concept and its application for Germany

6.1. A framework for dynamic competitiveness

(1) The competitiveness of nations is one of the most intensively discussed issues
in politics. Economic investigations on this issue differ in content, in scope and most
importantly according to the definition of competitiveness. We want to define com-
petitiveness having the final goals of the economic process in mind, as replicated in
a social welfare function: here consumption, social goals and environmental stan-
dards are the final ends. External balances are only a possible constraint, and low
costs can be important only indirectly. We define in this study competitiveness as
the ability of a nation to sell enough products and services in the world,23 at factor
incomes in line with the country’s aspiration level and at macro conditions seen as
satisfactory by the electorate. The ability depends on the resources given, including
endogenous resources such as technology and human physical capital.
(2) We prefer to separate analytically the issues of external balance, factor incomes
and macro condition, although they are interdependent. The reason is that a given
external balance is to be assessed differently, whether it is reached by a low-income
strategy, a devaluation of the currency and low social and environmental standards,
or by rising incomes and comprehensive social and environmental standards. In the
second case, for which Switzerland is a good example, the position is compatible
with the final aim of the economic process (as seen by the welfare function in which
income, social values and environment are arguments). In the first case, in which
the US is a good example, the position is reached by disregarding the goals given
by the social welfare function for the sake of solving a side issue.
(3) This concept is less normative, broader and more dynamic than other defini-
tions of competitiveness. Using subjective terms (enough, satisfactory, aspired)
allows to accommodate for national differences in the aspiration levels. The concept

23This ability is usually measured in the balance of the current account or in world market shares.
K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 115

demands a broader evaluation of competitiveness (leading to a welfare or perfor-

mance evaluation), than focusing on trade balances alone would allow. This mitigates
the critique raised by economists like Paul Krugman, that competitiveness is quanti-
tatively a minor issue as compared to productivity. The productivity issue is, how-
ever, nested in our approach. For two countries with similar external balances or
with identical market shares, the country with the higher productivity has a competi-
tive advantage since it can afford higher wages and/or a more comprehensive health
and social system, or more environmental preservation. The approach is more
dynamic insofar as the importance of the current external position is played down,
and the factors of technology and qualitative competitiveness are stressed. The
model of the social welfare function shows how the potential welfare changes with
the resources and the technology. This change is partly exogenous (technical trends),
partly endogenous, depending on research and innovation climate.

6.2. The competitiveness of Germany

(4) Assessing the competitiveness of Germany demonstrates how important it is

to start from a well-defined and broad concept and how important it is to include
the aspiration level of an economy into the assessment.
If we were to assess the competitiveness of the German economy only with regard
to the external balances, we could not understand the discussion about the competi-
tiveness of the German economy (Standortdebatte). The trade balance had always
been highly positive, and a decline of the positive balance in the first years of
unification has been converted again in a large surplus. The balance of current
account is slightly in the red in 1994 and 1995. The change relative to the large
surplus before unification stems from an increasingly negative tourist balance, from
decreasing capital incomes, and from increasing transfers to multinational organiza-
tions (the EU, for example). None of these factors are related to a decreasing
competitiveness of the manufacturing sector. The market shares of German exports
in the world are high and stable.
Thus we conclude that Germany exports enough products to accumulate a large
and increasing trade surplus and to keep market shares constant. The extreme
ambitious aspiration that the manufacturing sector has to cover the losses of the
tourist sector and to cover net payments to international organizations (and therefore
to balance the current account) is not reached. However, the deficit of the current
account balance is small and currency reserves of the Deutsche Bundesbank are
satisfactory and continue to increase.
(5) The successful competition of Germany is achieved at high wages and with
the strongest and most stable currency of the big industrialized countries. Wages
are absolutely higher than in any other EU country, and are higher than those of
the US and Japan (if social contributions are included and the short working time
is incorporated). This problem is mitigated since productivity in manufacturing is
also one of the highest. However, unit labor costs remain to be the highest in the
176 K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

European Union, although not by a dramatic margin (relative to other advanced

economies). Unit labor costs over time (in international dollars) in manufacturing
increase slightly faster in Germany than in other European countries.
(6) Growth of real output is slightly below European average, productivity growth
equal to or slightly above the average of the main competitors. Data differ to some
extent whether they refer to former Westdeutschland or to the unified Germany.
Unemployment is rising (and higher in the Neue Lander), but even for total Germany
the unemployment rate is still below the EU average. Inflation and interest rates are
low; however this is assessed as not fully satisfactory with regard to the high priority
of low inflation in this country. Public deficits and debt as well as taxes increased
due to the burden of unification. These trends are seen as a major problem in
Germany. Historically the overall tax rate had been lower than the EU average, but
now it is above the average. Budget deficit and accumulated debt in relation to GDP
has increased, but is still below the EU average. Fiscal discipline is therefore better
than for most EU countries, but taxes and accumulated debt is considered too high
in relation to the traditional aspiration level and to the Maastricht criteria. The
transfers from West to East is seen as too high in the western part and too low in
the eastern part, straining the solidarity between the former West and East. Social
standards and environmental preservation have reached higher levels in Germany
than in most other countries, although some of the standards had to be weakened
and progress has slowed down in the wake of tightening fiscal problems.
So we conclude that Germany has an average performance as far as growth and
per capita growth is concerned, having attained a favorable position in productivity
levels well beforehand. The macro economic goals of price stability, full employment,
fiscal discipline, social and environmental standards are better achieved than in most
other EU countries, but the attainment of the goals of fiscal discipline and full
employment is less than experienced historically and well below the aspiration level
of the people, government and the Maastricht criteria.
(7) Data on the technological position reveals a position of Germany slightly
behind the leading countries in some respects, but well above the average according
to all indicators. The technological position can be assessed by examining input data
(research outlays, innovation rates), output data (patents), the industry structure of
exports and imports (using definitions on high-/medium-/low-technology intensity).
Germany has an above-average research input, but does not reach Japan in this
respect and in previous years has ranked behind the US, Sweden and Switzerland
at position number 4, or 5 among the 13 OECD countries. Germany has a patent
rate which is lower than Japan, but higher than its many competitors. Its technologi-
cal balance (patents, licenses, technological services) is negative, but this trend is
shared with most countries and the relation of the deficit to the outlays is not much
larger than France or Italy. Among industries with future strategic relevance
Germany has an excellent position in environmental techniques, but the situation is
less favorable for telecommunication and biotechnology. The German industry is
not specialized in high-tech areas, but in medium-tech industries. Germany has a
surplus in industry specialty machines, but a deficit in electronic industries, and
K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 177

exports are spread in general over a very broad range of industries including those
with medium technology and low unit values.
(8) The picture is even better if we use the unit value to assess the ‘soft’ components
of dynamic competitiveness. The unit value of the German exports is higher than
that of its imports, and its level as well as the margin of the export unit value over
the import unit value are among the highest in the world. German exports are
extremely specialized in the quality sensitive industries, accepting a trade deficit in
the price-sensitive industries. The share in the promising sector, where goods can be
sold even if they are more expensive, is very large, and the structural problem area
is the smallest among the countries investigated. This leads to a positive forecast for
the dynamic competitiveness. Though wages and tax rates may be high in Germany,
high technology and specialization in quality-sensitive markets guarantee long-run
(9) The overall assessment is that Germany is able to balance its current account
and to defend its large market shares in OECD exports, despite high wages, an
appreciating currency and a high social and environmental standard. Unemployment,
inflation and governmental debt is low by European standards, but are seen as
unsatisfactory in Germany. Technical standards and research efforts are high.
Production is spread over a large range of industries. Some sectors lose their
competitive edge due to high costs, but the segment where Germany can export
despite high costs (due to a quality lead) is large especially vis-a-vis the European
countries and the United States. Germany is well endowed with human capital;
however, the educational outlays decrease in relation to GDP.


The author gratefully acknowledges the research assistance of Dagmar Guttmann,

Traude Novak and Eva Sokoll. The author thanks Josef Falkinger, Johann Brunner,
Michael Pfaffermayr, Gunther Tichy and Hans Seidel for discussing the paper.
Earlier versions of the paper were presented at workshops in Boston, Bologna,
Berlin and Linz.

Appendix A

A small sample of available definitions of the competitiveness of a nation

Uri (1971): the ability to create the preconditions for high wages.
The German Sachverstandigenrat (1981, p. 459): the ‘ability to develop specialty
products and technical solutions which generate income growth under full employ-
ment, despite the emerging competition of newly industrialized countries.’
Orlowski (1982, p. 70): ‘the ability to sell’.
Scott and Lodge (1985, p. 15): ‘a nation state’s ability to produce, distribute and
178 K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

service goods in the international economy..., and to do so in a way that earns a

rising standard of living’.
Fagerberg (1988, p. 355): ‘the ability of a country to realize central economic
policy goals, especially growth in income and employment, without running into
balance of payment difficulties’.
Porter (1990, p. 6ff.): ‘The only meaningful concept of competitiveness at the
national level is national productivity’.
OECD/TEP (1992, p. 237): ‘to produce goods and services that meet the test of
foreign competition while simultaneously maintaining and expanding domestic
real income’.
Competitiveness Policy Council ( 1994): the ability to sell products on international
markets, while incomes in the domestic markets increase in a sustainable way.
Europaische Wirtschaft (1994a, p. 117): competitiveness as the ability to ‘combine
growth with balanced trade’.
Management Forum (1994): ‘World competitiveness is the ability of a country or
a company to, proportionally, generate more wealth than its competitors in the
world markets’. No definition up to that year, only ‘factors of competitive strength’
and a ‘formula for competitiveness’. It reads ‘competitive assets x competitive
processes [plus internationalization] gives competitive results’.
Europaische Wirtschaft (1995, p. 122): the ‘ability to increase or to maintain the
living standard relative to comparable economies (e.g. developed industrialized
countries), without long-run deterioration of external balance’.
OECD (1995b, p. 8): ‘competitive policy...[is] supporting the ability of companies,
industries, regions and nations or supra-national regions to generate, while being
and remaining exposed to international competition, relatively high factor income
and factor employment levels on a sustainable basis’.
OECD (1995a, p. 3): describes the aim of policy to enhance the competitiveness
of nations as supporting ‘the ability of companies, industries, regions, nations or
supra-national regions to generate, while being and remaining opposed to interna-
tional competition, relatively high factor oncome and factor employment levels’.
Von Tunzelmann (1995): Historians have tended to equate ‘competitiveness...with
political, technical, commercial leadership’.

Appendix B

Choices in the concept of competitiveness

Narrow concept vs comprehensive concept

Narrow concepts focus on external balances, comprehensive concepts uses the
perspective of a social welfare function, include factor incomes and other macro
goals (inflation, unemployment, currency), very comprehensive concepts include
social and environmental targets. Our decision: focusing on external balances only
may direct policy measures against final goals of economic and social system (increas-
ing welfare); start from the external position, analyze the income level and macrocon-
dition at which it is attained, analyze technological capacity for future trends.
K Aiginger 1 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 179

Investor’s view vs economic performance (welfare)

The investor prefers low costs, minimal social and environmental burdens; the
economy aims at the ability to sell at high income and standards. Our decision:
concentrating in the investor’s view is misleading politics except under very rare
circumstances (large gap to aspired goals or lag to other countries, lack of domestic
capital, large external imbalances).

Price competitiveness vs technological competitiveness

Price competitiveness stresses cheap labor, low social costs, lax environmental
laws; indicator - low unit labor costs; technological competitiveness stresses high
productivity, skills, R&D, high-tech industries, unit values. Our decision: include
both aspects and present them as part of the policy choice, lowering costs and
increasing innovation are two ways to make domestic production easier to sell, the
first is defensive and diverts an economy from its final ends, the second leads up the
quality ladder; the first is often easier, and more feasible in the short term.

Absolute vs relative standards

Absolute standards compare ‘level of competitiveness’ with some natural yardstick,
some neighbor or the technology leader; relative standards stress comparisons with
own past, relative to national potential, history, ambitions. Our decision: it is impor-
tant to define what position in the competitive race is aimed at or aspired. Speaking
about competitiveness of the USA means the race with Japan, for the EU means
the position in the triade. Complaints about losing competitiveness in Switzerland
and Germany differs from the issue addressed in countries in transition to market

Objective vs subjective
Objective definitions use average values (for other countries) as a benchmark, and
implicitly this introduces a normative concept; subjective definitions acknowledge
that people and nations have different priorities and different aspiration levels. Our
decision: start from average performance, but stress the different implicit preferences
and aspirations; goals which are not attained in a country, because they are not
seen as important do not influence the external balances and are not diminishing

Present vsfuture
The first concepts relies on ex post indicators; the second collects information
about probable future developments. Our decision: start from ex post indicators to
assess the current position, then investigate the dynamics and look for indicators on
the future prospects; starting from the present situation diminishes the importance
of hopes and fears.
180 K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

Appendix C

Unit labor costs in $ (EU= 100)


1980 112 59 95 135 90 99 49 102 105 74 127 122 48 85

1992 92 83 115 108 107 94 61 89 72 85 99 105 67 93
“Alte Lander.
Source: lnstitut der Deutschien Wirtschaft

Labour costs andproductivity

Wage costs Value added Unit Absolute wage

per hour per hour costs per hour
(Germany = 100) (blue collar
workers only)

Austria 95.6 33.3

Belgium 89.2 97.0 92.0 36.3
Denmark 74.4 80.0 93.0 33.0
France 84.4 97.0 87.0 28.5
Germany 100.0 100.0 100.0 42.7
Greece 11.6
Ireland 21.3
Italy 61.6 77.0 80.0 27.1
Netherlands 88.6 103.0 86.0 34.7
Portugal 7.8
Spain 20.7
Sweden 81.7 86.0 95.0 29.9
United Kingdom 57.0 60.0 95.0 22.2
EU 19.6 88.4 91.0 26.9b
Switzerland 39.6
Norway 83.4 86.0 97.0 36.3
Japan 80.6 96.0 84.0 37.3
USA 79.1 83.0 92.0 27.8
Canada 61.9 70.0 97.0 28.0
Sources: WIFO-Databank, using data from US Department of Labor, OECD, Deutsche Bundesbank,
Insitut der Deutschen Wirtschaft 1994.
a Unweighted average of countries above.
b 30.0 DM without Greece and Portugal.

Real growth of’GNP

Germany” Japan USA Switzerland Austria EU OECD-


1980 -6.4 3.6 -0.4 4.6 2.9 1.5 1.5

1981 0.1 3.6 2.2 1.4 -0.3 0.3 0.3
1982 -0.9 3.2 -2.2 -0.9 1.1 0.8 0.8
K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 181

1983 1.8 2.7 3.6 1.0 2.0 1.7 1.7

1984 2.8 4.3 6.7 1.8 1.4 2.5 2.5
1985 2.0 5.0 3.1 3.7 2.5 2.6 2.6
1986 2.3 2.6 2.8 2.9 1.2 2.9 2.9
1987 1.5 4.1 3.1 2.0 1.7 2.9 2.9
1988 3.7 6.2 3.9 2.9 4.1 4.0 4.0
1989 3.6 4.7 2.7 3.9 3.8 3.3 3.3
1990 5.1 4.8 1.2 2.3 4.2 3.0 3.1
1991 1.3.3 4.3 -0.6 -0.0 2.9 1.4 1.5
1992 2.2 1.1 2.3 -0.3 1.8 1.0 1.1
1993 _ 1.1 _ -0.2 3.1 -0.9 -0.1 _ ~0.4 -0.3
1994 2.9 0.6 4.1 2.1 2.7 2.5 2.6

1990/1980 2.2 4.1 2.7 2.1 2.1 2.4 2.4

1994/1990 1.3b 1.4 2.2 0.2 1.9 1.1 1.2
Source: WIFO-Databank, using data from OECD, 1994.
a Until 1990 West Germany.
’ 199411992.

Different countries’ shares in world trade in high-tech sectors

197771979 1988-1990

Area OECD 91.0 82.7

United States 23.8 20.5
Canada 2.2 2.6
Japan 9.6 15.2
EU (12) 48.1 38.5
Germany 16.5 12.4
France 8.7 6.9
United Kingdom 9.9 7.6
Italy 4.1 3.4
Other EU countries 8.2 7.1
Greece, Portugal, Spain 0.7 1.2
EFTA 6.9 3.7
Non-OECD 8.0 15.8
NICS in Asia 3.3 9.7
Other Asian countries 1.0 2.6
NICS in America 0.8 1.2
Former Soviet Union 0.6 0.1
Eastern Europe 0.6 0.3
Source: Guerrieri and Milana (1995).

R&D to GNP


Austria 1.51
Denmark 1.69
France 2.42
Germany 2.65
Ireland 1.05
182 K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

Itlay 1.32
Netherlands 1.92
Spain 0.87
Sweden 2.86
United Kingdom 2.13
Norway 1.84
Japan 3.05
USA 2.67
Canada 1.50
Source: WIFO-Databank, using data from OECD and IW, 1994.

Sectoral balance in relation to trade volumea in the four quadrants (REVELAST 1)


Successful Deficit Successful Structural

quality in price price problem
competition competitiveness competition area

USA 6.1 -20.7 5.1 - 10.4

Canada 4.8 - 13.9 43.0 -22.7
Japan 14.0 -9.3 76.1 -8.9
Germany 26.4 -7.8 7.2 -1.4
France 5.0 - 7.4 1.9 -6.1
Italy 18.9 -4.4 29.1 -12.8
United Kingdom 3.3 - 15.0 0.9 - 13.4
Spain 4.3 - 13.4 5.3 -24.6
Netherlands 4.1 - 14.3 7.8 -9.5
Sweden 14.4 -6.5 19.3 -15.5
Belgium 20.3 - 12.0 11.7 -5.6
Austria 6.8 -21.3 6.0 -15.5
Denmark 24.1 -16.0 5.6 - 20.9
Finland 13.0 -21.8 51.1 -18.8
Portugal 5.1 -5.0 27.7 -61.9
Greece -51.3 6.0 -73.3
Ireland 43.8 -18.7 5.3 -8.9
EU 14.4 -10.8 9.6 - 10.6
Switzerland 24.0 -29.2 9.5 -28.0
Norway 0.2 -25.5 17.7 -46.8
Turkey 14.2 - 33.3 25.9 -92.8
“Trade volume = (exports + imports)/2

Sectoral balance in relation to trade volume”in three sectors (REVELAST2) 1993

Highly price Moderately Revealed

sensitive price sensitive qualitiy
industries industries sensitive

USA - 10.3 -0.2 -9.5

Canada 30.0 -6.6 - 12.3
Japan 19.9 29.4 23.8
Germany -2.5 7.2 19.7
K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 183

France -3.9 -2.0 -1.3

Italy 16.2 3.2 11.4
United Kingdom -6.2 -4.6 -13.4
Spain -9.6 - 14.7 -4.1
Netherlands -0.7 -4.2 -7.0
Sweden 3.5 -1.2 5.2
Belgium 5.6 1.9 7.2
Austria -4.1 0.5 - 20.4
Denmark -4.4 0.6 -3.3
Finland 35.1 -0.2 - 12.8
Portugal 12.5 -15.2 -31.4
Greece -5.3 -44.2 -69.1
Ireland 23.4 -4.1 2.1

EU 0.7 -0.4 2.2

Switzerland - 17.9 -6.7 2.9

Norway 3.1 -22.5 - 36.4
Turkey 15.5 -30.1 -71.9
“Trade volume = (exports + imports)/2.

Ranking of the SITC three-digit industries according to price vs quality competition

(number of countries in which a specljic price-quantity relation is revealed)

Negative Positive Difference Ranking

sign sign of positive-

784 Parts for tractors, motor vehicles 3 11 8 1

687 Tin 5 12 I 2
722 Tractors 4 11 7 2
726 Printing, bookbinding machines 4 11 7 2
145 Other nonelectric machines, tools, Nes 3 10 7 2
553 Perfumery, cosmetics, etc. 5 11 6 6
591 Insecticides, etc. 6 11 5 7
721 Agricicultural machines, excluding tractors 5 10 5 7
725 Paper, pulp mill machines 5 10 5 7
744 Mechanical handling equipment 5 10 5 I
531 Synthetic colors, lakes, etc. 7 11 4 11
582 Plastic plates, sheets, etc. 6 10 4 11
613 Furskins, tanned and dressed 6 10 4 11
711 Steam generators, boilers, etc. 5 9 4 11
781 Passenger motor vehicles, excluding buses 5 9 4 11
655 Knitting, crochet, fabric Nes 7 10 3 16
728 Other machinery parts, specialist industries 6 9 3 16
735 Parts, Nes, for Machine-Tools 6 9 3 16
741 Heating, cooling equipment, parts 5 8 3 16
749 Nonelectrical machine parts, etc. 6 9 3 16
533 Pigments, Paints, etc. 6 8 2 21
572 Polymers of styrene 7 9 2 21
574 Polyacetal, polycarbonate 7 9 2 21
597 Preprepared additives, liquids 8 10 2 24
653 Fabrics, man-made fibres 8 10 2 24
723 Civil engineering equipment 6 8 2 24
184 K. Aiginger / Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

192 Aircraft, associated equipment 6 8 2 24

811 Prefabricated buildings 7 9 2 24
873 Meters, counters, Nes 6 8 2 24
884 Optical goods Nes 5 7 2 24
551 Essential oil, perfume, flavour 8 9 1 31
562 Fertilizer, except group 272 1 8 1 32
625 Rubber tyres, tubes etc. 1 8 1 32
629 Articles of rubber, Nes 7 8 1 32
651 Special yarn, textiles fabric 7 8 1 32
662 Clay, refrct. construction material I 8 1 32
615 Flat-rolled, alloy steel 8 9 1 32
733 Machine-tools, metal-Working 7 8 1 32
742 Pumps for liquids, parts 7 8 1 32
747 Taps, cocks, valves, etc. 7 8 I 32
522 Inorganic chemical elements 6 6 0 41
525 Radioactive materials 0 0 0 41
541 Medicines, etc. except group 542 0 0 0 41
542 Medicaments 0 0 0 41
583 Monofilaments of plastics 8 8 0 41
642 Paper, paperboard, cut etc. 8 8 0 41
661 Pearls, precious stones 0 0 0 41
681 Silver, platinum, etc. 0 0 0 41
751 Office machines I 7 0 41
114 Electra-medical, X-ray equipment 8 8 0 41
783 Road motor vehicles Nes I 1 0 41
786 Trailers, semi-trailer, etc. 7 7 0 41
874 Measuring, control instruments 7 7 0 41
885 Watches and clocks 0 0 0 41
896 Works of art, antiques etc. 0 0 0 41
897 Gold, silverware, jewellery Nes 0 0 0 41
635 Wood manufacturers, Nes 7 6 -1 51
679 Tubes, pipes, etc. iron, steel 6 5 -1 57
691 Metallic structures Nes 9 8 -1 51
694 Nails, screws, nuts, etc. 9 8 -1 51
712 Steam turbines 8 1 -1 57
713 Internal combustion piston engines 8 7 -1 57
714 Engines, motors nonelectric 8 7 -1 51
124 Textile, leather machines 7 6 -1 57
727 Food-processing machinery nondomestic 8 7 -1 57
772 Electric switches, relay circuits 8 7 -1 51
778 Electrical machine apparatus, Nes 6 5 -1 57
782 Goods. specialist transport vehicles 1 6 -1 51
851 Footware 1 6 -1 51
872 Medical instruments, Nes 8 1 -1 57
892 Printed matter 1 6 -1 57
514 Nitrogen-functioning compounds 9 7 -2 12
581 Plastic tube, pipe, hose 9 I -2 72
689 Miscellaneous nonferrous base metal 7 5 -2 72
695 Tools 7 5 -2 12
699 Manufacturers of base metal, Nes 1 5 -2 72
716 Rotating electric plants 8 6 -2 72
718 Other power generating machinery 8 6 -2 12
761 Television receivers etc. 8 6 -2 72
898 Musical instruments, etc. 7 5 -2 72
K. Aiginger 1 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188 185

899 Miscellaneous manufactured goods Nes 2 0 -2 12

677 Railway track iron, steel 10 7 -3 82
731 Metal removal work tools 9 6 -3 82
731 Metalworking machinery, Nes 9 6 -3 82
743 Pumps Nes, centrifuges etc. 9 6 -3 82
175 Domestic electrical, nonelectrical equipment 8 5 -3 82
633 Cork manufacturers IO 6 -4 87
654 Other textile fabric, woven 11 7 -4 87
678 Wire of iron or steel 11 7 -4 87
746 Ball or roller bearings 10 6 -4 87
748 Transmissions shafts etc. 10 6 -4 87
881 Photograph apparatus etc. Nes 9 5 -4 87
883 Cine film exposed and developed 9 5 -4 87
893 Articles, Nes of plastics 10 6 -4 87
895 Office, stationary supplies 9 5 -4 87
573 Polymers, vinyl chloride 10 5 -5 96
592 Starches, insulin, etc. 10 5 -5 96
593 Explosives, pyrotechnics 10 5 -5 96
621 Materials of rubber 11 6 -5 96
659 Floor coverings, etc. 10 5 -5 96
682 Copper 10 5 -5 96
683 Nickel 11 6 -5 96
686 Zinc 11 6 -5 96
692 Containers, storage, transport 10 5 -5 96
764 Telecommunication equipment parts Nes 9 4 -5 96
791 Railway vehicles equipment 9 4 -5 96
193 Ship, Boat, floating structures 9 4 -5 96
515 Organo-inorganic compounds 11 5 -6 108
554 Soap, cleaners, polish, etc. 11 5 -6 108
579 Plastic waste, scrap etc. 12 6 -6 108
641 Paper and paperboard 11 5 -6 108
651 Textile yarn 11 5 -6 108
663 Mineral manufacturers, Nes 10 4 -6 108
763 Sound recorder, phonograph 10 4 -6 108
785 Cycles, motorcycles etc. 10 4 -6 108
894 Baby carriage, toys, games 10 4 -6 108
515 Other plastic, primary form 11 4 -7 117
656 Tulle, lace, embroidery, etc. 12 5 -7 117
672 Ingot etc. iron or steel 12 5 -7 117
673 Flat-rolled iron etc. 11 4 -7 117
614 Flat-rolled plated iron 12 5 -1 117
676 Iron, steel bar, shapes etc. 11 4 -7 117
812 Plumbing, sanitary, equipment etc. 11 4 -7 117
882 Photographic and cinematographic suppliers 10 3 -7 117
891 Arms and ammunition 9 2 -7 117
511 Hydrocarbons, Nes, derivatives IO 2 -8 126
512 Alcohol, phenol, etc. derivatives 10 2 -8 126
523 Metallic salts, inorganic acid 11 3 -8 126
524 Other chemical compounds 11 3 -8 126
532 Dyeing, tanning materials 13 5 -8 126
571 Polymers of ethylene 12 4 -8 126
612 Manufacturers of leather etc. Nes 12 4 -8 126
634 Veneers, plywood, etc. 11 3 -8 126
661 Lime, cement, construction material 11 3 -8 126
186 K. Aiginger 1 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 9 (1998) 159-188

664 Glass 11 3 -8 126

671 Pig iron, spiegeleisn, etc. 12 4 -8 126
697 Household equipment, Nes 11 3 -8 126
752 Automatic data processing equipment II 3 -8 126
871 Optical instruments, Nes II 3 -8 126
516 Other organic chemicals II 2 -9 140
693 Wire products excluding electrical 12 3 -9 140
759 Parts, for office machines 12 3 -9 140
776 Transistors, valves, etc. 10 1 -9 140
821 Furniture, cushions, etc. 12 3 -9 140
842 Women’s, girls’ clothing, X-knit 12 3 -9 140
598 Miscellaneous chemical products Nes 12 2 -10 146
652 Cotton fabrics, woven 14 4 -10 146
685 Lead 14 4 -10 146
771 Electric powered machnery parts 12 2 -10 146
173 Electrical distribution equipment Nes 13 3 -10 146
813 Lighting fixtures etc. Nes 13 3 -10 146
841 Men’s, boys’ clothing, X-knit 13 3 -10 146
846 Clothing accessories, fabric 13 3 -10 146
513 Carboxylic, acids, derivatives 13 2 -11 154
665 Glassware 13 2 -11 154
684 aluminum 13 2 -11 154
696 Cutlery 13 2 -11 154
762 Radio-broadcast receivers 12 1 -11 154
658 Textile articles Nes 13 1 -12 159
831 Trunk, suitcase, bag, etc. 13 1 -12 159
843 Men’s, boys’ clothing knitted 14 2 -12 159
845 Other textile apparel, Nes 13 1 -12 159
844 Women’s, Girls’ clothing, knitted 15 1 -14 163
848 Clothing, nontextile; headgear 14 0 -14 163
611 Leather 15 0 -15 165
666 Pottery 16 0 -16 166
Negative: net quantities (exports minus imports) and unit values (difference export minus import) have
different signs.
Positive: quantities and unit values have the same sign (revealed quality sensitivity).
Ranking: 1= industry with most positive signs in bilateral flows.
18 countries: EU-members (1992), USA, Canada, Japan, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic.
Source: Aiginger (1996).
Nes = not elsewhere specified


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