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Assignment # 1 Strength of Materials

1- A beam of rectangular cross section (b= 25 mm and d= 40 mm) is made of an elastic-perfectly

plastic material whit yield stress is equal to 250 MPa. The beam is loaded gradually such that
plasticity spreads inwards until the entire section has yielded. Determine the values of applied
moment that cause:
(a) The initial yield of the beam
(b) The spread of the plasticity interface to a depth of 10 mm
(c) The beam become fully plastic

2- A hollow circular bar 100 mm external diameter and 80 mm internal diameter is subjected to a
gradually increasing torque T. determine the value of T:
(a) When the material of the bar first yield
(b) When plastic penetration has occurred to a depth of 5 mm
(c) When the section is fully plastic

3- A rectangular bar whit shoulder fillet is subjected to a uniform bending moment of 100 Nm Its
dimensions are as follow D= 50 mm; d=25 mm; r= 2.5; h=10 mm

(a) Determine the maximum stress present in the bar for static load conditions.
(b) How the valued chance if (i) the moment were replaced by a tensile load of 20 Kn
(c) If both are applied together.
4- A steel disc of 750 mm diameter is shrunk onto a steel shaft of 80 mm diameter. The
interference on the diameter is 0.05 mm and ρ=7470 kg/m 3.
(a) Find the maximum tangential stress in the di
(b) Find the speed in revimin at which the contact pressure is zero.
(c) What is the maximum tangential stress at the speed found in (b)?

5- Write the differential equation for a circular plate that is subjected to a uniform lateral pressure,
p, and a central force, F.

(a) Integrate the above equation to find the general solution for the deflexion w.
(b) By applying the appropriate boundary conditions, determine the constant in part (b) if the
plate is clamped at its edges.

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