Mee3004 1112 L01

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Intended Outcomes of Lecture

 Define terms common to the topic

University of Technology, Jamaica
 Distinguish between the three modes of heat
transfer, i.e. Conduction, Convection and
MEE3004 – Heat Transfer Radiation
Course Notes
BEng3(M)  Apply energy conservation principles to heat
transfer systems
Topic 1:  Identify key steps in solving heat transfer
Introduction problems
 Identify and explain the key thermal properties
Instructor: Paul Campbell of matter

UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 1 UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 2

Common Heat Transfer Terms Modes of Heat Transfer

DO NOT confuse or interchange the meanings of Thermal Energy,
Temperature and Heat Transfer
Quantity Meaning Symbol Units
Thermal Energy+ Energy associated with microscopic
behavior of matter U or u J or J/kg

Temperature A means of indirectly assessing the

amount of thermal energy stored in T K or °C
Conduction: Heat transfer in a solid or a stationary fluid (gas or liquid) due to
Heat Transfer Thermal energy transport due to the random motion of its constituent atoms, molecules and /or
temperature gradients electrons.
Heat Amount of thermal energy transferred Convection: Heat transfer due to the combined influence of bulk and
over a time interval  t > 0
random motion for fluid flow over a surface.
Heat Rate Thermal energy transfer per unit time q Radiation: Energy that is emitted by matter due to changes in the electron
configurations of its atoms or molecules and is transported as
Heat Flux Thermal energy transfer per unit time electromagnetic waves (or photons).
and surface area q ′′ W/m 2
• Conduction and convection require the presence of temperature variations in a material
U → Thermal energy of system
u → Thermal energy per unit mass of system • Although radiation originates from matter, its transport does not require a material
medium and occurs most efficiently in a vacuum.

UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 3 UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 4

Heat Transfer Rates: Conduction Heat Transfer Rates: Convection
General (vector) form of Fourier’s Law:
Relation of convection to flow over a surface and development
q ′′ = −k ∇T of velocity and thermal boundary layers:
Heat flux Thermal conductivity Temperature gradient
W/m 2 W/m ⋅ K °C/m or K/m

Application to one-dimensional, steady conduction across a

plane wall of constant thermal conductivity:

dT T −T
qx′′ = − k = −k 2 1
dx L
T1 − T2 Newton’s law of cooling:
qx′′ = k (1.2)
q ′′ = h (Ts − T∞ ) (1.3a)

Heat rate (W): qx = qx′′ ⋅ A

h : Convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2 ⋅ K)

UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 5 UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 6

Heat Transfer Rates: Radiation Heat Transfer Rates: Radiation

Heat transfer at a gas/surface interface involves radiation
emission from the surface and may also involve the Special case of surface exposed to large surroundings of
absorption of radiation incident from the surroundings uniform temperature, Tsur
(irradiation, G), as well as convection (if Ts ≠ T∞).

Energy outflow due to emission:

E = ε Eb = εσ Ts4 (1.5) Alternatively,
E : Emissive power ( W/m 2 )
ε : Surface emissivity ( 0 ≤ ε ≤ 1) ′′ = hr (Ts − Tsur )
qrad (1.8)

Eb : Emissive power of a blackbody (the perfect emitter)

σ : Stefan-Boltzmann constant ( 5.67×10-8 W/m 2 ⋅ K 4 ) 4 Radiation heat transfer coefficient ( W/m 2 ⋅ K )
G = Gsur = σ Tsur
Energy absorption due to irradiation: hr = εσ (Ts + Tsur ) (Ts2 + Tsur
) (1.9)
If α = ε , the net radiation heat flux
Gabs = α G
from the surface due to exchange
Gabs : Absorbed incident radiation (W/m 2 )
with the surroundings is:
α : Surface absorptivity ( 0 ≤ α ≤ 1)
G : Irradiation ( W/m 2 ) ′′ = ε Eb − α G = εσ (Ts4 − Tsur
qrad 4
) (1.7)

UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 7 UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 8

Exercise: Heat Transfer Modes Exercise: Heat Transfer Modes
From Problem 1.73(a) – Indentify all heat transfer modes in the physical system shown
qconv ,1 Convection from room air to inner surface of single (or first) pane
qcond Conduction through single pane
qrad ,1 NET radiation exchange between room walls and inner surface of first pane
qsun Incident solar radiation absorbed during day
qconv ,2 Convection from outer surface of single (or second) pane to ambient air
NET radiation exchange between outer surface of single (or second) pane
qrad ,2
and surroundings such as the ground, vegetation, and other buildings
qcond ,1 Conduction through first pane
qconv ,d 1 Convection from first pane to airspace between panes
qrad ,12 NET radiation exchange between first and second panes (across airspace)
qconv ,d 2 Convection from airspace between panes to second pane
qcond ,2 Conduction through second pane

UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 9 UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 10

Control Volume Analysis:

Conservation of Energy
Closed System
 The 1st Law of Thermodynamics is important • An instant in time
tool in heat transfer analysis. It often provides – 1) At the surface of the control
the basis for determining the temperature of a volume (dashed line)
system. E in , E out » Rate of thermal and/or mechanical energy transfer across the control
surface due to heat transfer, fluid flow, and/or work interactions.

 Analyses based on the 1st Law are approached

from the following bases: – 2) Within the control volume
Eg » Rate of thermal energy generation due to conversion from another
− an instant in time or a time interval energy form (e.g., electrical, nuclear, or chemical); conversion process
occurs within the system.
− a control surface or control volume E st » Rate of change of energy storage in the system.

– The 1st Law would then be expressed  A time interval

dE st
E in E g E out E st Ein + Eg − Eout = ∆Est
dt (Each term has units of J)
(Each term has units of J/s or W)
UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 11 UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 12
Example 1.3: Control Volume Analysis:
Closed System CV Analysis Open System at Steady State
• At an instant in time
– At the surface
 An instant in time
• often
1) Radiation to surroundings
2) Convection with atmosphere
m u + pv + 12 V 2 + gz ) in

– Within the control volume
1) Electrical heat generation
− m u + pv + 12 V 2 + gz ) out
2) Net energy storage resulting in a temperature change •
+ q −W = 0
1st Law: E g E out E st
For Incompressible Liquids For Ideal Gases
' 2 '
• Heat Generation: E g I ∆ V I IRe L I Re L
uin − uout = c (Tin − Tout ) ( u + pv )in − ( u + pv )out = c p (Tin − Tout )
4 4
• Radiation to surroundings: E out , rad ε σ π D L T T sur ( pv )in − ( pv )out ≈0
• Convection with atmosphere: E out , conv h π D L T T • • • •
dU d d π D2 L m c (Tin − Tout ) + q − W = 0 m c p (Tin − Tout ) + q − W = 0
• Net energy storage: E st ρ V cT ρ cT
dt dt dt 4

1st Law: dT =
2 4
I Re′ − π Dh (T − T∞ ) − π Dεσ T 4 − Tsur )
dt (
ρc π D 4 2
UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 13 UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 14

Surface Energy Analysis Steps in 1st Law Analysis

• Specially applied to systems where no volume or mass is
encompassed by the control surface.  Generally stick to the following steps.
• Mass or volume may be semi-infinite − On a schematic of the system, represent the control
• The surface volume has no finite surface by dashed line(s).
amount of matter for E 0, E 0
storage or generation. st g − Choose the appropriate time basis.
• Therefore E in E out 0 − Identify relevant energy transport, generation and/or
storage terms by labeled arrows on the schematic.
′′ − qconv
qcond ′′ − qrad
′′ = 0 − Write the governing form of the Conservation of
Energy requirement.
− Substitute appropriate expressions for terms of the
T −T
k 1 2 − h (T2 − T∞ ) − ε 2σ T24 − Tsur
=0 ) energy equation.
− Solve for the unknown quantity.

UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 15 UTech: MEE3004 - Topic 01 16

Thermophysical Properties:
Outline in Problem Solving
(Tables A.1 - A.7)
 As much as is possible, please cleary label  Thermal Conductivity, k: A measure of a material’s ability to transfer
thermal energy by conduction.
each of the following steps in your solutions.
 Thermal Diffusivity, α: A measure of a material’s heat transfer ability
− Title: Problem number and short description compared to its heat storage ability. α = k /(ρ cp).
− Known: Specify all known properties & parameters  Specific Heat, cp: A measure of a mass' ability to store energy.

− Find: Specify properties & parameters to be found Generally speaking

(ρ cp)solids,liquids ≈ 1000(ρ cp)gases
− Schematic: Graphical representation of the system
− Assumptions: that the problem can be solved  Kinematic viscousity
(Thermal Diffusivity), ν:
− Properties: Other properties from reference tables A measure of a material’s
momentum transfer ability
− Analysis: Mathematical exercise to arrive at soln compared to its momentum
storage ability.
− Comments: Restatement of final soln with additional
comments or observations worth noting
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