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Fingerless Gloves with Mitten Top

Emily Dame-Gibes

Fits Child Large-Womans Medium hand size

-Approximately 310 yards of worsted weight wool -size G hook -size H hook -size I hook -2 small buttons of your choice -stitch marker or piece of contrasting yarn to mark beginning of rounds

I hook, in Mitten Body pattern stitch: (7 rows and 7 stitches=2)

Fingerless Gloves (Make 2)

Foundation (fc): With H hook and worsted weight wool, ch 13 Row 1: dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 3 (counts as 1st dc now and throughout), turn (11 dc) Row 2: (Note: all stitches from now on are worked in back loop only) sk 1st dc, dc in each dc across and top of ch 3, ch 3, turn (11 dc) Row 3: Repeat Row 2 until piece measures 6.5, DO NOT FASTEN OFF, TURN

Fold piece in half, work following Row through 2 pieces of fabric, sl st into FC and dc row stitches (11 sl sts), DO NOT FASTEN OFF. Turn cuff inside-out, switch to I hook.

Mitten Body (continue in I hook)

Note: Mitten Body is worked in spirals with no joining sts Rnd 1: ch 2 (counts as 1st sc), mark st as beginning of round, with RS facing, work 34 sc evenly in cuff row ends (35 sc total) *Continue to move marker up in succeeding rounds, to mark beg of round* Rnd 2: dc in top of ch 2 sp (beginning of round). *sc in next sc, dc in next sc* around, ending with dc Rnd 3: *sc in next dc, dc in next sc* around Rnd 4: *dc in next sc, sc in next dc* around Continue working Rounds 3 & 4 until mitten body measures approximately 1.5, making sure to end with Round 4 (ending with dc). Next Round: ch 2, (dont forget to mark beg of round!), sk next 6 sts, *sc in next dc, dc in next sc*, around, ending with w/sc (thumb opening made) (29 sts, 2 ch 1 spaces) Next Round: 1 dc, 1sc in thumb opening, *dc in next sc, sc in next dc*, around Repeat Rounds 3 & 4 of mitten body until total mitten body measures approximately 3, DO NOT FASTEN OFF, switch to G hook Rnd 1: sc in next 6 st, sl st next st and st directly across from current st (thus joining 2 fabrics), sc in next 3 sts, sl st next st and st across, sc in next 3 st, sl st next st and st across, sc in next 5 sts, sl st in next sl st space, sc in next 3 sts, sl st in next sl st space, sc in next 3 sts, sl st in next sl st space, sc in last 2 sts *from now on, each finger will be finished separately, worked in spirals* Finger 1: (remove marker that previously marked beginning of round) sc in next 6 sc, sk next sl st, sc in next 4 sc on opposite side of glove (hence, a spiral), continue to work in spirals over 10 sc for 4 more rounds or until finger is desired length, join with sl st to first st. Fasten off, weave in ends. Finger 2: join yarn with sl st in next finger opening (on other side of sl st), ch 1, sc in next 7 st, sc in ch 1 sp, mark, continue to spiral over 8 sc for 5 rounds or until finger is desired length., join with sl st to first st. Fasten off, weave in ends. Finger 3: join yarn with sl st in next finger opening (on other side of sl st), ch 1, sc in next 7 sc, sc in next ch 1 sp, mark, continue to spiral over 8 sc for 4 more rounds or until finger is desired length, join with sl st to first st. Fasten off, weave in ends.

Finger 4: join yarn with sl st in next finger opening (on other side of sl st), ch 1, sc in next 5 sc, sc in next ch 1 sp, mark, continue to work in spiral over 6 sc for 3 more rounds or until finger is desired length, join with sl st to first st. Fasten off, weave in ends. Thumb: join yarn with sl st in thumb opening, ch 1, sc in next 11 sts and next ch 1 sp, mark, continue to spiral over 12 sc for 7 more rounds, DO NOT FASTEN OFF. Next Round: *sc in next sc, sc2tog*, around (8 sc) Next Round: sc2tog, around (4 sc), join with sl st to 1st st. Fasten off, weave in ends.

Mitten Flap
Note: Mitten Flap is worked in spirals, with no joining sts. Foundation: with H hook, ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across, (working across other side of ch), sc in each ch across (12 sc) Round 1: 2sc in 1st sc (mark beginning of round), sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in last sc (16 sc) Round 2: 2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in last sc (20 sc) Round 3: 2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in last sc (24 sc) Round 4: 2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next 10 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 10 sc , 2 sc in last sc (28 sc) Round 5: 2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in last sc (32 sc) Round 6: 2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next 14 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 14 sc, 2 sc in last sc (36) Round 7: sc in each sc, around (36 sc) Round 8: (buttonhole round) sc in next 8 sc, ch 2, sk next 2 sc, sc in remaining sc (34 sc, 2 ch 1 spaces) Round 9: *sc in 1st sc, dc in next sc*, to ch 2 sp, sc in ch 2 sp, *dc in next sc, sc in next sc*, around, ending with sc Round 10: *dc in next sc, sc in next dc*, around

Continue in established pattern of (*sc in each dc, dc in each sc*, around) until piece measures 3.5 from beginning, DO NOT FASTEN OFF Next Round: (buttonhole round) sc in next 26 sts, ch 2 loosely, sk next 2 sts, sc in next 8 sts (34 sc, 2 ch spaces) Next Round: sc in each sc and ch 2 sp, around, join with sl st to first sc. Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing.

With top buttonhole facing out and bottom hole facing palm, sew mitten flap to back of glove, even with top of thumb opening. Fasten off, weave in ends. Sew one button on palm, even with palm buttonhole. Open mitten flap and sew other button on back of glove, even with securing buttonhole.

2008 Emily Dame-Gibes. All rights reserved. This pattern may not be copied, sold, or otherwise reproduced without express permission of the owner. Items made from this pattern may not be sold for profit without written permission. Please inquire.

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