7S Framework Guide

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McKinsey 7S Framework w/ Guide Questions

Strategy The plan of action the organization takes in order to achieve its
long-term goals.
a. What is our strategy?
b. How do we intend to achieve our objectives?
c. How is strategy adjusted for internal or external issues or

Structure The way the organization is structured. (hierarchies, departments,

a. What is the organizational structure?
b. Are there hierarchies within the organization? Describe.
c. How do the various departments coordinate activities?
d. How do the members organize and align themselves?
e. Is decision-making and controlling centralized or
f. Is this type of decision-making structure the best for our

Systems The systems and processes that are internal to the organization.
Administrative arms of the org and how communication and
information flows within the org.
a. What are the main systems that run the organization?
(Communication, documentation, admin, information
dissemination, etc.)
b. Where are the controls and how are they monitored and
c. What internal rules and processes does the team use to keep
on track? (Membership, deadlines, projects, efforts, etc.)
Shared Values The core values of the organization that are evidenced in the culture
and the general work ethic. Norms and values of the organization
that guides member behavior and disposition.
a. What are the core values?
b. How strongly are these values enforced?
c. What is the organization’s culture? Do the members exhibit
these values?

Style The style of leadership adopted. The way the organization is

managed by its leaders.
a. How participative is the management/leadership style?
b. How effective is that leadership? How much influence does it
have on its members?
c. Do members tend to be cooperative or passive towards

Staff The members of the organization. May include, but are not limited to:
recruitment, motivation, development, and incentives.
a. How are members recruited? Motivated? Developed?
b. Are these systems efficient? Are you able to recruit, motivate,
develop, and/or reward the members?

Skills The actual (both hard and soft) skills, knowledge, and competencies
of the members. These may also include both institutional and
individual skills.
a. What are the strongest skills represented within the
b. Are there any skills or knowledge gaps?
c. What are the members known for doing well?
d. Do the members have the knowledge they need in order to
perform well in their tasks?
e. How are the skills developed, monitored, and assessed?
f. Are there gaps in institutional and individual skills?

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