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Article Review 1: “Does Water Expire?

” by Derek Davies

Part 1 Multiple Choice: Read the article and choose the best answer to the best of your ability.
1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) People in the US can see when the bottled water they bought expires.
(B) Bottled water causes damage to humans' health, as does tap water.
(C) Water that tastes strange is best discarded.
(D) It's best to use plastic bottles because some nutrients can go through them.

2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
(A) Why water stored in plastic bottles is better than tap water.
(B) Why tap water and bottled water are not always safe to drink.
(C) Why drinking tap water is more likely to cause health problems.
(D) Why there aren't expiration dates on the packaging of bottled water.

3. Danny bought a carton* of bottled water for emergencies. Which of the following is the best way for
him to store the water?
(A) Place the carton in a warm spot to prevent harmful chemicals from building up
(B) Put the carton in the location where household cleaners are stored.
(C) Store the water in an area with sufficient sunlight to kill bacteria.
(D) Keep the water in a place with cool temperatures.

Part 2 Short Answer: Read the article and answer to the best of your ability.
1. Why must companies put an expiration date on the bottled water? Explain.
2. What will happen if you do not store the water properly? Explain.
3. Which container is not recommended for storing water? Why? Explain.
4. How do we know when to discard the water? Explain.

Part 3 Table Completion: Look at the table and read the article. Then, write down the key
points based on the reading.
5Ws, 1H Why is this important?






Part 4 Hamburger Practice: Look at the picture and read the article. Then, write down your
answer based on the structure.

Part 5 Summary: Finally, describe the article in the form of a 5-7 sentence paragraph using the
table and structure above.

Article Review 2: “Toilet Trivia” by Brian Foden

Part 1 Mixed Questions: Read the article and answer the question to the best of your ability.
1. In what order is the information about toilets of different cultures organized in the Day 1 passage?
(A) In order of time. (B) By cause and effect.
(C) From the West to the East. (D) With a problem-solution organization.

2. Please complete the form with the information contained in the Day 1 passage.

Write your answers here:

(A)_____________ (B) _____________ (C) _____________ (D) _____________
3. Please fill in the blanks with the information about the Israeli researcher's study.
On average, bowel movements on squat toilets took the participants ____(a)_____ seconds, while they
spent seconds ____(b)_____ using sitting ones.
Write your answers here:
(A)_____________ (B) _____________
4. Why would squatting be better than sitting on the toilet? Pick 2 points and explain.

Part 2 Table Completion: Look at the table and read the article. Then, write down the key
points based on the reading.
5Ws, 1H Why is this important?






Part 3 Hamburger Practice: Look at the picture and read the article. Then, write down your
answer based on the structure.

Part 4 Summary: Finally, describe the article in the form of a 5-7 sentence paragraph using the
table and structure above.

Article Review Presentation

Instruction: Choose one of the following discussion questions using what you have learned from the
article into key points. You must complete a 1–2 minute presentation (it will be recorded) based on the
information discussed within this unit or other material the students found on the Internet.

1. Which type of toilet do you prefer? Why or why not? Explain.

2. Have you ever drank water that has gone bad before? Describe your experience.

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