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Departmental statistics

JULY 2022
Dr Tahmeena
Moderator Dr Bharti Uppal
OPD Census
• Gynae opd
New patients Follow up total
Unit 1 : 881 1337 2218
Unit 2 : 1001 1312 2313
Unit 3 : 948 1392 2340
Total : 6871

unit 1 04 52 56
unit 2 24 280 304
unit3 05 106 111
Total: 471
Admissions in GMAT
G1 61

G2 67
UNIT GMAT MNH Periphe total
GU 1 12 21 03 10 05 51

GU 2 16 21 12 07 01 57

GU 3 18 20 06 11 01 56
46 62 21 28 07 164
• UNIT 1 31/51 60.7 %
• UNIT 2 28/57 49.1 %
• UNIT 3 31/56 55.3 %
• Overall caesarian rate: 90/164 54.8%
Total number of
Unit Vaginal LSCS Total
Deliverie Deliveries
Emergency Elective Total
I 20 20 11 31 51
II 29 15 13 28 57
III 25 21 10 31 56
Total 74 56 34 90 164
Gmat 46
Mnh 21
periphery 07

Type GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total

spontaneous 09 08 06 23
Induced 11 21 19 51

total 20 29 25 74
Gmat 46
Mnh 21
periphery 07

Type GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total

VD 05 05 02 12
VD with RMLE 10 11 12 33
VD with 1st degree 03 nil 02 05
VD with 2 degree tear nil nil nil nil
3rd degree tear nil nil nil nil

Forceps Nil Nil Nil Nil

TOTAL 20 29 25 74
Lscs stats
•Emergency lscs indications
GU 1 GU 2 GU3 Total

Cpd in labour 03 02 01 06
Previous CS with ST 02 - 01 03
Prev LSCS in labor 02 01 03 06
APH 01 02 02 05

Breech in labour 02 01 01 04
Unstable lie in labour - - 01 01

NPOL - - - Nil
Failed induction 02 02 02 06
Twin wd 2nd twin FD - 01 - 01

Pre eclampsia with severe features Nil Nil 01 01

Fetal distress 08 07 08 23
2nd stage arrest NIL NIL Nil Nil

TOTAL 20 15 21 56
GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total
Cpd 02 02 03 07
Breech nil 02 01 03
Elective request (maternal 02 05 04 11
and not willing for tolac)
Prev LsCs with poor bishops 02 01 02 05
Prev LSCS with short ICP 01 02 Nil 03

DCDA twins - 01 nil 01

Placenta previa 02 - - 02
2loops of cord 01 - - 01
Prev 2 lscs 01 - - 01
11 13 10 34
GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total

Robsons 1 04 05 04 11
Robs 2A 08 07 07 22
Robs 2B nil nil nil nil

Robs 3 03 03 04 10
Robsons 4a 01 04 00 05
Robsons 5 09 04 08 23

Robsons 6 02 01 01 04
Robs 7 01 00 01 02
Robs 8 0 01 00 01
Robs 9 nil nil nil nil
Robs 10 02 03 03 08
TOTAL 31 28 31 90
High risk GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total
Diabetes complications 20
GDM on diet 00 04 03 07
Gdm on OHA 02 02 04 08
On insulin 00 03 02 05

Hypertension 10
Gest HTN 02 02 02 06
Pre eclampsia 01 - 01 02
Pre eclampsia with severe features - - - -
Chronic HTN
Chronic HTN with superimposed pre 01 01 - 02
eclampsia - - - -
- - - -
Gest 12
Pregest 03 04 03 10
- 02 - 02
High risk GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total

Heart disease
CHD 01 - - 01
RHD - 01 - o1
CKD 01 01 01 03
AKI - - 01 01

Mild anaemia 04 03 o6 13
Anaemia moderate 03 04 04 11
Severe anaemia 01 - 01 02
total 26
IHCP 01 05 03 09

HIV 01 - - 01
HCV positive 01 - - 01

Oligohydramnios 01 03 02 06
Polyhydramnios nil nil 01 01
Post dated 01 04 02 07
PPROM 02 03 01 06
PROM 03 04 03 10

RH negative 01 01 03 05
HIGH RISK GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total
FGR 03 03 02 08
BOH 02 01 01 04
APH ( abruption) 01 01 02 04
Placenta previa 01 01 - 02
Asthma 01 - - 01
Seizure - - 01 01
ITP 01 - 01 02
APLA 01 - - 01
PNC Admissions

Seizure Disorder - 01 -
(Headache &

Rectus sheath 01 - -
Stats of babies delivered
• Total no. of babies born 166 (including 2 twin) male
80, females 86
• Live births 164 (02 twins)
• Still births 05

• Total deliveries (mothers) 164

• Term babies 135
• Pre term 29

• Pre term percent 17.6%

• Low birth weight 46
1.5 to 2.5 kg 41
1 to 1.5 kg 03
Family planning opd stats
total 136 male 18 female 118

Mala N packs 94packs

Tablet chhaya 3
Condom 2845

B/L tubal ligation 27 ( 16 in lscs and 06 with

laparotomy for ectopic,02 lap ligation, 02 with MTP)
Vasectomy 01
Copper T removal 10
Copper t insertion 12
Interval iucd 10
PP IUCD insertion 25
Post abortion iucd 04
Total MTP. 12
MTP wd CuT. 05
Only MTP 04
Medical Abortion. 02
MTP wd DMPA. 01
Minor OT stats
procedures GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total
EA for HPE 03 nil nil 03
EB 37 23 25 85
ECC 02 02 11 15
Cervical biopsy (VIA + nil nil nil nil
Eb for tb pcr 13 09 07 29
LBC 03 01 02 06
Eb for afb 15 10 11 36
polypectomy NIL NIL 01 01
Cu T insertion Nil 01 Nil 01
Cu T trimming Nil 01 Nil 01
Bm douching Nil 01 Nil 01

Stitch removal 29 32 31 92
Dressings 07 06 04 17
Foleys insertion 01 Nil Nil 01
Polypectomy Nil 01 Nil 01
Cu T removal 01 nil nil 01
Minor OT stats
Total no of procedures 302 , total pts: 210
procedures GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total
Ring pessary NIL NIL NIL NIL
Wound swab cs 04 05 NIL 09
AG tamponing nil nil nil nil
Emily insertion nil 01 nil 01
HSG 02 04 Nil 06
Total 115 94 93 302
Minor OT room 10 stats
Total no of procedures 302
major nil
• minor 302
• day care 301
• Admission 01

• major procedures 05
• minor 123
procedures GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total

EB 08 14 09 31
ECC 01 07 03 11
D &C 06 04 01 11
Emily insertion 01 (usg) - 01 02
LBC - 01 - 01
Cervical biopsy - 02 02 04
Polypectomy 04 08 - 12
D&E - 01 01 02
S&E 04 - - 04
TB PCR 03 03 02 08
AFB stain 03 03 01 07
Ascitic tapping - - 01 01
Resuturing 01 - 01 02
AFB culture - 01 - 01
I&D 01 - - 01
Pyometra drainage 01 - - 01
Hysteroscopy 01 06 - 07
Cu T Removal 01 02 - 03
MTP 02 - - 02
Lap ligation 02 01 - 03
Mtp with CuT insertion 01 01 02 04
•Main OT stats
• Total 50
• Major 39
• Minor 11
• Day care nil
GU 1 GU 2 GU3 Total
LSCS 04 01 04 09
TAH 03 00 01 04
TAH wd BSO 01 00 01 02
TLH 02 04 00 06

Manchesters repair nil nil 01 01

Myomectomy Nil nil nil nil
Staging laparotomy 02 02 Nil 04
Exploratory laparotomy 01 01 nil 02
VH 02 nil Nil 02
Laproscopic myomectomy nil 01 Nil 01
Laparoscopic cystctomy Nil 01 01 02
Laparoscopic guided accessory horn nil 01 nil 01
DHL nil 01 03 04
Hysteroscopy guided EB 01 nil 01 02
Hysteroscopy guided D and C 03 Nil Nil 03
USG guided D&C 01 NIL NIL 01
Hysteroscopic polypectomy 01 02 nil 03
Debridement 01 Nil Nil 01
trauma triage data total patients seen 208
admitted 90
GU 1 GU 2 GU3 total
ANC admissions 28 27 16 71

ANC patients for follow up 06 15 17 38

PNC patients 03 08 04 15

PNC admissions 02 04 nil 06

Gynae admissions 03 04 04 11
Admission in medicine 02 03 01 06

SSI 00 02 00 02
Maternal near miss NIL NIL 03 03
Maternal moratlity 01 NIL NIL 01

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