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Downloaded from rutracker.org LEMD Airport information: Country: Spain City: MADRID Coordinates: N 40° 28.3', W 003° 33.7' Elevation: 1998 Customs: H24 Fuel: Jet A1 RFF: Cat 9 hours: H24 Runways: Runway 14L Takeoff length: 3500, Landing length: Runway 14R Takeoff length: 3988, Landing length: Runway 18L Takeoff length: , Landing length: 3000 Runway 18R Takeoff length: , Landing length: 3365 Runway 32L Takeoff length: , Landing length: 3060 Runway 32R Takeoff length: , Landing length: 3000 Runway 36L Takeoff length: 4179, Landing length: Runway 36R Takeoff length: 3500, Landing length: If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker. © Navtech - lemd101aorgy 28 JUL 10 Aerodrome Briefing Card Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID 1.2 13 24 22 23 GEOGRAPHICAL DATA The AD is situated on the high tableland 7nm NE of the capital Madrid adjacent to the Janaras river. Surrounding terrain is rather flat, however obstruction and spot- heights up to 3222ft within 10nm. Terrain rising to NW approx 15nm from AD. There are several military ADs within the Madrid area and note especially Torrejon 4nm E of Barajas. Be aware of the restricted areas sector W to NE of the AD. WEATHER The general weather patterns are control- led by the position and intensity of the Azores high and the European continental ridge of high pressure, however, the po: tion of Madrid with respect to the mountain ridge to the west and distance from the ocean gives a much drier climate and pronounced temperatures extremes. The mean MAX/MNM temperature for JAN and JUL is 10.6°/0.3°C and 32.9°/15.5°C respectively, and it has been as cold as -10°C and as hot as 39°C. Long spells of frost during the winter are not uncommon. Precipitation. The rainiest months are OCT through MAY with NOV showing a peak. JUL is representative of the summer drought condition. The summer drought is only interrupted very occasionally by a thunderstorm. Fog constitutes a problem only very seldom during the winter months. DEC and JAN have the greatest frequency of low visibility and ceilings. The period from MAR to OCT is almost free of fog. Surface wind velocities are generally light. The prevailing wind is NE but summer months show a frequency of SW. TRAFFIC High traffic density including military traffic. MISCELLANEOUS Open. REPORTS RWY 15/33 reported slippery when wet. Reverse side blank ‘TObSagA RENE PIPART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org Spain - LEMD / MAD AERODROME Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR "APN GND) TWR ATIS DEP 130.075 £ | 123.25 WN 121.85 s-N | 121.625 @121.75@ | 118.975 © 118.15 @ 120.15 | 130.85 430.38 Ww | 123.0 ws 121.7 ss |124.975 © 123.15@ | 118.675 @ 118.075 @ 120.65, ‘AD Elev 1998 | ARP: N40 28.3 W003 93.7 | RFF: CAT 9] AD HR: H24] ons! 36 woos 3s woos a4 woos!33 ‘woos! 32 woos 1 } = 2w . gee eteV 1919 (@ easesoun | @ ver va | MO 18R) gx @ Easinoth |] @ ver rar | pat FLEW 1098 © Conira-sout || @ DEP 36R ELEV 1991 \ eC ELEV 1991 Fire Station \ ce TWR Ww e LEV 19857 TWRIN © Navtech - lemd0tlaorg0. Change: Hot spot ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY © conta: sort @ EP 36. ELEV 1928 a THR Coordinates RWY 14L, N40.29.7 wo03 33.5] RWY 32R (DTHR) N40 28.4 W003 32.2) N40 RWY 148, N40 29.1, woos 34.6] 3 RWY 32L (DTHR) N40 27.8 RWY 18L (OTHR) N40 31.7 RWY 36R Nao 30.1 RWY 18R (DTHR) N40 31.4 RWY 36L N40.29.6 W003 33.2 W003 33.6] W003 33.6} Wo03 34.5] W003 34.5} pencoe “to@no0S LEV 1982 36R oor See nao_} ELEV 1942 0 ao 29 Fire Station LEV fous ° ELEY 1988 or evey 1088 VORIOME BRA| hs evev te77 28 ~~ eev 1009 ao_} 2 © 500 100m 2000 40008 If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org Spain - LEMD / MAD AERODROME Barajas MADRID RWY Slope TORA mift LDA mift ALS REDL RCLL Additional 14L-0.6 3500/17482Notusable = - «=H tm 32R +0.6 Not usable 3000 / 9842 HB H 15m P3°R (73) 44R -0.7 3988/1084 Notusable = =H tm 32L -+0.7 ~—Notusable 3060/ 10039 HB H 15m = P:3°L/R (77) 18L. +0.2 Not usable 3000 / 9842 HB H 15m P3°L/R (75) 36R 02 3500 / 11482 Not usable - H 15m - 18R 0.4 Not usable 3365/11040 HB H 15m —- P.3°LIR (68) 36L__+0.1__4179/13711 __Notusable —- =H tm Br ae RVR RWY Facilities. ABC D HRCLL + HREDL + Multiple RVR 425m 150m 1auR jou [ROLL REDL + Mutipie RVR 150m 200m RCLL + REDL 200m 250m RCL (day only) or ROL + REDL 250m 300m A RCL (day only) or RCL + REDL 400m 400m NIL (@ay only) 500m 500m © Navtech - lemd02laorg0. Change: Minima ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscristion for nDAC. For rutracker.org ATNO ASN NOLLWINWIS LHOI4 HO4 GIANNI SION SLNWHD HAVMSIAWN 4O LuVd WV SI INWHO SIMI Jods joH :Bueu © Navtech - lemao3gaorgo Barajas CLR ‘APN De-icing ‘END TWR ‘ATIS DEP. 130.075 € | 123.25 WN 124.855-N) 123,325 26 | 121.625 @ 121.75 @ | 118.975 ver 14. 118.15 DEP 14R 120.15 | 130.86 13035 w | 123.0 ws 121.7 ss| 130.25 s6n_| 121.975 © 123.15 @ | 118.075 Dep 3a_118.675 DEP 36R 120.65, i za oo v7 Intersection TORA (8) © Eastsouth RWY 14 — @ Exstnorn (KI -3280m/ 107678 © Cenrat-south Ka} 2900m/ 95141 Conxaiertn 230m / 7545ft ak RWY 14R 9656m/ 11995" 3310m / 10860H m2 RWY 36L . 8 (ZB) 3720m/ 12205 3 3 RWY 36R 8 Firestation [3 446m / 11302" 3 \ = 3345m / 109741 = = 290m / 9514" zwa FS # 8 g 3 3 ys JS fis 8 | ACET aligned on V4, v2, and ¥3 must not access RWY without clearence, due to confusion in the TKOF sequence. HS ACFT coming from RWY 18R by TWY MZ, instructed to hold short of M must stop at the IHP position of MZ3 to avoid conflict with ACFT coming from TWY Mand S. HS ACFT taxiing by TWY M HDG towards RWY 36R must continue straight and ot turn right, in ordor to avoid conflicts with ACFT vacating RWY 32R and possible RWY incursion, Hs © ACET taxiing by A17 must turn left on {14 and not go straight ahead, to avoid conflicts with ACFT taxiing from $3 HS ACFT taxiing by 1413 instructed to slop. must do so at the IHP of M13, to avoid Conflicts with traffic taxiing by TWY H towards Terminal T4. HS ACFT along TWY A must give way to ACFT vacating RWY by rapid exits U3, L5 and L7 HS Terminal 3» ACET taxiing by M10 and A10 without] North — KA? contact with the next unit, must stop ‘Terminal: x KB at transfer points M10-2 and A10-2 TWRS: HS KAS. Terminal 1 ‘Special heed must be paid to apron = management service instructions and signaling (especially to No entry and MAX span). Access to ACFT stands T1, T2 and T3 from TWY 17 is forbidden. Terminal South Cargo terminal # wane GNNOND Treas et [e=O) GINGVW seleea GVW / GWa1- weds If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscriation for nDAC. For rutracker.org Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID 10-4] 18 SEP 13 Spain - LEMD/ MAD GROUND 14, Tas Apron Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR APH Deicing GND TR ATIS DEP a 130.075 & 123.25 WN 121.85SN| 123.325 sl | 121.625@121.75@ | 118.975 der 14. 118.15 DEP 14R 120.15 130.85 & 130.35 w | 123.0 ws 121.7 ss| 130.25 96k | 121.975 © 123.15 @ | 118.075 0eP se 118.675 DEP 36R 120.65 j g z¥o e . z © catsoin Caz Seo wie hos CE \= @ ExstNoth B8+-89;——B10 ——— 611-4221: & cowstsom 87 BN3 EAT £58 ECS ya3- 2 GentrabNonth Ng a Shira. En ee €67—-N32_Ag2 Ne fen"? via EAG Lae | Na i, * ee a i I | FBG ECE ip L M30 As | | Gate 14.614 {as | M29 A29| Kaz | kxer ~ R24 M28 A2B Kcr} Ke2-Ke: Ka, EB2 EC2 4 G5.) es ay aay R-20 i | Joa | 1 /M24 M25. ¢ -M187M197M20-1M21 {M22 ae I mis Az MG ND MET B1 NI EA Bt AM 82: ‘ar? —Tate-fato} a0 A2taz2 | + —A23——1 A241 425 A26 S3-2 i \ { H3-2 7: i \ ' \ \ \ \ LEGENDS ! R11: Ramp 11 | ' \ ' \ i ' XN Fire Station —_ OF | obi0eB popula) - YDeAeN ‘Change: Hot spot THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscriation for nDAC. For rutracker.org © Nawecn - temaosgaorgo Barajas OLR, 7H | ea 130.075 & 123.25 WN 121.85S-N| 123.325 36. 13035 w | 1230 ws 1217 ss| 130.28 368 GND 121.625 @ 121.75 @ 121.975 © 123.150 TWR 118.975 DEP 14. 118.18. DEP 118.075 DEP s6t_ 118.675 DEP ATIS DEP, var 120.15 | 130.85 Jods joH :Bueu AISIMET Terminal 1 Terminal ~ South Area nol visible from TWR, \ ‘Area not visible ATNO SN NOLLYINWIS LHOI4 HO4 GIONILNI SI ONW SLNVH2 HaVHOIAWN 40 LuVd WSIINVHO SIL ACFT washing area LEGENDS R-3: Ramp 3 © cos soun @ Eastern © Conira-souh © Conira-Non @ To stand 11-13: 0700-2259 LT via AS, Ad, C4, 16. 2300-0659 LT via I7 B747, C10, MD114, L1011 When entering stands T2 and T3, following ENG shall be on idle. - B747: ENG 1 and4 -DC10: MD11, L10114:ENG 1 @ ACFT that need push-back from stand 146 - 162 will head NE on TWY A fear CaO RSE Parking coordinates see page 10 - (re ‘Spots Text see 10-3. GING 2a GVW / GWa1- Weds er 8HHes QNNOYD Treas er [S= Oh) If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscriation for nDAC. For rutracker.org Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID 70-6] 18 SEP 13 Spain - LEMD/ MAD GROUND Parking Ta, Tas Barajas MADRID Barajas OLR APN Deicing GND TWR ATIS DEP 430.075 £ | 123.25 wn 124.8554 | 123.325 36 121,625 @ 121.75 @ | 118975 0eP 141 118.15 veP 4 120.15] 130.85 130.35 w | 123.0 ws 121.7 ss| 130.25 36R |121.975@ 123.15 @ | 148.075 0eP 361 118.675 0cP 36R 120.65 | = re fe AY Ya Terminal 4 Terminal 4S y Parking coordinates see page 10-12 Parking coordinates see page 10-12) BY12 BY 13 cw a Weta PED, ae Le Ae eae Pe ain ie verse ia B10 Bit} — B12 B13} V3 wat Peat, i EA7 pe ee RAS, SWNT peat Pg ae Jatt 410 408 408 404 402 400 Ne Ni2 Ni3~)-Y28 wp 32) 92 see 344 998 a8 oS / ¥ ws te { wis + tid Ne Ny12—1 ny13}-vAdl — ‘Ua: u3— t x 3-2 = 000 ees ' Se met ass RAZ tae | | 395 124 oe | er GATE13 o 608 38 . By “ o— one M3035 | «600 J x4 o—10 | INS M4 7 LGaret4— 6141 KAI 1K al Kaz| ads dea ee oin M2 AD Qeaene | R3-2 Eastern }-KBt -KB2 © covimsSoun - R21) +o © Contatnon 2s i oH i soe [KeItKc24 GaTe12 I 38 +0 oon 0 i t a 102 } om xa gs POs Ec2 a EB2 mar AT 395 uso oo i Leas) IR-20 KI : = 16 —m s4 8H +027 371 ' oon =e «us on RAO v2 p22 a M244. yas —< 37 5 = a 3.2 mE EB Ect o Se. n LL aoe te $Thaard s a 423.0) A (fe Spots Sine La Text see 10-3, 3-2 ms DBioeBgopuIa] - WeKeN ‘Change: Hot spot THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscriation for nDAC. For rutracker.org © Nawech - temao7gaorgo of Barajas CLR ‘APN De-icing GND TWR ‘ATIS DEP s 130.075 & 123.25 WN 121.85S-N| 123.325 36. | 121.625 @ 121.75 @ | 118.975 cer 14. 118.15 DEP 14R 120.15 130.85 2] 130.35 w | 123.0 ws 121.7 ss| 130.25 36R | 121.975 © 123.15 @ | 118.075 veP 3et_ 118.675 DE! 120.65 = BT 3 BT ~ @ East-North { © centra-south Fire Station — . NORTH CONFIGURATION = TKOF RWY 36L/R (07-23 LT) TKOF RWY 36L (23-07LT) Uf ¢ \ LDG RWY 32L/R (07-23 LT) LDG RWY 32R (23-07LT) For text INFO see page 10 3 to 1 17 Area not visible from TWR HON UoneMNByUOD MELE VEUMEL GNAQYS Hot Spots [Text see 10-3.) Terminal 2—> TwRs —” AISIMET Terminal Terminal __ South Area not visible from TWR. \ ‘Area not visible from TWR ATNO SN NOLLYINWIS LHOI4 HO4 GIONILNI SI ONW SLNVH2 HaVHOIAWN 40 LuVd WSIINVHO SIL AG {— AS o> Se ACFT washing area LEGENDS \ R-3: Ramp 3 \. CIMGVW seleea GVW / WaT eds ‘APN 123.25 WN 121.8554. 123.0 ws 121.7 ss Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID 18 SEP 13 10-8 GROUND Terminal 4, 4S Taxi Configuration North Barajas MADRID Spain - LEMD / MAD NORTH CONFIGURATION TKOF RWY 36L/R (07-23 LT) TKOF RWY 36L (23-07LT) LDG RWY 32LIR (07-23 LT) LDG RWY 32R (23-07LT) For text INFO see page 10-13 to 10-17 If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscriation for nDAC. For rutracker.org 121.625 @ 121.75@ | 118.9750EP 141 118.15 DEP 1uR 120.15 121.975 © 123.15 @ | 118.075 06P 36. 118.675 0EP s6R 120.65 Terminal 4S THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS ANDIS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY ‘Change: Hot spot (B:OeBGOPUI| = UOBINEN G If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscriation for nDAC. For rutracker.org © Nawtech - temaoagaorgo Barajas CLR APN Devicing GND TWR ATIS DEP. 130.075 © | 123.25 WN 121.855.) 123.325 201 |121.625 @ 121.75 @ | 118.975 veP 14. 118.15 DEP 4R 120.15 | 130.85 130.35 W | 123.0 ws 121.7 ss| 130.25 s68_| 121.975 © 123.15 @ | 118.075 DeP 3a_118.675 DEP 36R 120.65 @ Esstsouth @ Exstnorh © centratsouth Noth Jods joH :Bueu ¢ Fire stan Ry . SOUTH CONFIGURATION az TKOF RWY 14LIR (07-23 LT); 14L (23-07LT) 1 se LDG RWY 18L/R (07-23 LT); 18L (23-07LT) Area not visile from TWR nByuog MELE FEUMEL ONAOUD For text INFO see page 10 - 18 to 10-22 | Hot Spots Toxt seo 10-3, 2 g TwRs —” AISIMET Terminal 4 Terminal ~ South Area not visible from TWR \ ‘Area not visible ATNO SN NOLLYINWIS LHOI4 HO4 GIONILNI SI ONW SLNVH2 HaVHOIAWN 40 LuVd WSIINVHO SIL ACFT washing area LEGENDS y Ramp 3 ~ % CIMQVW seer GVW / WaT Ueds If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscriation for nDAC. For rutracker.org 2 g = 3 a 4 & a Spain - LEMD/ MAD i M15 GROUND Terminal 4, 4S Taxi Configuration South I 1aA14 SOUTH CONFIGURATION TKOF RWY 14L/R (07-23 LT); 14L (23-07LT) LDG RWY 18L/R (07-23 LT); 18L (23-07LT) For text INFO see page 10 - 18 to 10 - 22 Barajas MADRID Eat me Q ats. ue EINeno 2 = MS. Terminal 4S CO ( Baris CLR APN Deicing GND TWR ATI DEP Be | 130078 © | 128250. 121.86SN | 123.925 a | 121625@ 121.75@ | 118.97S0cP a 118.18 cep uk 120.18] 130.85 | 9035 w | 123.0 ws 1217 ss] 19025 ose _|124975 © 123.15 | 118.075 oePseL_ 118.675 08m see 120.65 = © ces-Soun = © Eosnorn = © Conral-south s, © Contra arn ‘© 5 a (5108601 PUIB - UOBIAEN ‘Change: Hot spot THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org Spain - LEMD / MAD GROUND parking position coordinates T1 - T3 Barajas MADRID Ramp 0 Ramp 5 1 4028.7 W003 34.5, 50-52 N40.27.5 Wo03 34.2 2 4028.7 W003 34.4 53 N40 27.5 Wo03 34.2 35 4028.6 W003 34.4 54 N40 27.5 W003 34.3, 6 N4028.6 W003 34.3 56-59 N40 27.6 W003 34.3, 60,61 N40 27.4 W003 34.3 Ramp 1 62 N40 27.5 W003 34.3 7,8 N40 28.5 W003 34.3 63, 64, 66-69 N40 27.5 W003 34.4 9 N40 28.5 W003 34.2 70 N40 27.7. W003 34.4 10-13 N40 28.3. W003 34.1 71 N40 27.7 W003 34.5 T22 N40 28.2 W003 34.2 72,73 N40 27.6 W003 34.5 123-126 4028.3 WO03 34.2 74 N40 27.6 Wo003 34.6 127,728 N40.28.4 W003 34.2 150-156 N40 27.3 Wo03 34.2 129-132 4028.4 W003 34.3, 157-160 N40 27.4 Wo00334.1 T33-T35 N40 28.3. W003 34.3 161-162 N40 27.4 W003 34.0 T36-T37 N40 28.2 W003 34.3 T38 N40 28.3. W003 34.4 Ramp 6 39, T40 N40 28.2 W003 34.4 75, 109, 110, N40 27.5 W003 34.6 118, 119 Ramp 2 80-84, 94-98 N40.27.4 Wo03 34.4 14 4028.3 Wo00334.0 | 85, 90, 99, 102-106, N40 27.4 W003 34.5 15-17 N40.28.2 W003 34.0 112-116 T14, 715 N40.28.0 W003 34.1 91-93 N40 27.5 W003 34.5, T16-T18 N40 28.1 W003 34.1 100, 101, 111 N40 27.3. W003 34.4 719-721 N40 28.2 W003 34.1 107, 108, 117, N40 27.4 W003 34.6 124-133, 135 Ramp 3 120A-123B N40 27.3. W003 34.5 22 N40 28.0 W003 34.0 1244 N40 27.3. W003 34.6 23-26 N40 27.9 W003 34.0 134, 138, 140 N40 27.4 W003 34.7 ar 4027.8 W003 34.0 136 N40 27.5 Wo03 34.7 "1 4027.7 W003 34.3 145 N40 27.2 Wo03 34.3, T2, 73 N40 27.7 W003 34.2 146-148 N40 27.3 W003 34.3 14,75 N40 27.8 W003 34.2 16,17 N40 27.8 W003 34.1 Ramp 7 T8-T12 N40 27.9 W003 34.1 200,201 N40 27.5 W003 33.3 T13 4028.0 W003 34.1 202-204 N40 27.5 W003 33.4 205-207 N40 27.5 W003 33.5 Ramp 4 208 N40.27.5 W003 33.6 30, 31 N4027.7 Wo03 34.1 210-213 N40 27.6 W003 33.4 32, 36, 37 N4027.6 W003 34.1 215, 216 N40 27.6 W003 33.5 33-35 N4027.6 wo00334.2 | 217,218 N40 27.6 W003 33.6 40-42 N40 27.6 W003 34.0 220-223 N40 27.6 W003 33.7 43 4027.5 wo00334.0 | 225 N40.27.6 W003 33.8 44 N4027.6 W003 34.1 227 N40 27.6 W003 33.9 45 4027.7 WO03 34.0 230-232 N40.27.5 W003 33.7 163 4027.4 WO03 34.0 233-237 N40.27.5 W003 33.8 BI 165, N4027.4 wo00333.9 | 238,239 N40 27.5 W003 33.9 8| 171 N4027.7 wo0333.8 | 240-242 N40 27.5 W003 33.7 2 173 N4027.8 wo00333.8 | 243-247 N40 27.5 Wo003 33.8 S| 175 N40 27.9 W003 33.8 (248,249 N40 27.5 W003 33.9 5 8 g 2 ® ‘TAts=ogAREISPAPART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. Peeaueteneatioey (10 - 12] 03 APR 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD GROUND Parking position coordinates T4 - T4S Barajas MADRID Ramp 10 Ramp 22 364-370 N40 29.3 wo0335.4 | 540 N40 30.0 W003 34.0 372-378 N40 29.2 wo03364 | 541-549 N40 29.9 W003 34.0 380-386 N40 29.2 wo0336.5 | 550-554 N40 29.8 W003 34.0 388-394 N4029.3 wo0336.5 | 600-604 N40 29.9 WO003.33.8 444,446 N40 29.3 Wo00335.3 | 606 N40 29.8 W003 33.8 448 N40 29.2 W003 35.3 Ramp 23 Ramp 11 500, 501 N40 29.6 W003 34.0 342-346 N40 29.6 W003 35.4 502-505 N40 29.6 W003 34.1 (348-352 N40 29.5 W003 35.4 507-510 N40 29.6 W003 34.1 354-362 N4029.4 wo0336.4 | 512-520 N4029.7 W003 34.1 430,432 N4029.6 wo0336.3 | 522-528 N40.29.8 W003 34.1 434,436 N4029.5 wo00335.3 | 529-538 N40 29.9 W003 34.1 438-442 N40 29.4 W003 35.3 Ramp 12 300 N40 29.6 W003 35.5 302-308 N40 29.7 W003 35.5 310-322 N40 29.8 W003 35.5 324-328 N40 29.8 W003 36.4 329 N40 29.8 W003 35.3 330,332 N40 29.8 Wo03 36.4 334-338 N40 29.7 W003 35.4 340 N40 29.6 W003 35.4 420 N40 29.8 W003 35.4 422-428 N40 29.7 W003 35.3 Ramp 13 400, 402 N4029.9 wo03 36.3 404, 406 N4029.9 W003 36.4 408-414 N40 29.9 W003 35.5 415-417 N40 29.9 W003 35.4 418, 419 N40 29.9 W003 35.3 PE10, PE15 N40 30.0 Wo03 36.2 PE20, PEO N40 29.9 WO03 36.2 Ramp 20 568-576 N40 29.5 W003 34.0 578, 580 N40 29.4 W003 34.0 582-586 N40 29.4 W003 34.1 620, 622 N40 29.5 W003 33.8 624-628 N40 29.4 WO03 33.8 Ramp 24 556 N40 29.8 WO03 34.0 | 558-560 N40 29.7 WO03 34.0 8) 562-566 N40 29.6 W003 34.0 8) 608-610 N40 29.8 W003 33.8 B| 612 N40 29.7 W003 33.8 5 614-618 N40 29.6 W003 33.8 $ g & 2 ° ‘TAbSOgARIEIS PRART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack © Navtech -lemd13gaorg0 WEF 22 AUG 13 GROUND standard Taxi Routes ARRIVALS Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID NORTH CONFIGURATION LDG RWY 32L TO TERMINAL 1-3 Standard route: L7, L5 or L3, TWY A toward A10 (transfer point A10-2), R7: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - AG, C7 straight to stands 200 to 239, or C9 straight to stands 240 to 249. R6: Stand 75: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A4, C4, 16. Stands 80 to 85: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A3, C3. Stands 90 to 110: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A2, C2. Stands 111 to 126: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A1, C1. Stands 130-135: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A1, C1, CA. Stands 136 to 140: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A1, C1, CB Stands 144 to 148: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A1 straight to stand. 6: Stands 50 to 74: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A4, C4, Stands 150 to 162: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A4, A3 or A2 straight to stand. R4: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - AG straight to stands 40-43, 163 and 165 or AS, C6, M6 straight to stands 44, 45; or A8, G1, Gate 1, I7, C5, M5 toward stands 30 to 37; or A7, E1 straight to stand 171, or A8, F2 straight to stand 173; or A8, F1 straight to stand 175. 3: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - AB, G1, Gate 1, 17 or 18. Entry to stands T-1, T-2 and T-3: 0700- 2259 LT via AS, A4, C4, 16; 2300-0659 LT via AS, C5. R2: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A, G3, M9 straight to stands 14 to 17 (inclusive); or A9, G3, Gate 3, 18 or 19. R1: Standard route, A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A9, G3, M9 straight to stands 10 to 13 (inclusive); or G4, Gate 4, 19 or 110 towards stands T-22 to T-29, L7, L5 or L3, TWY Ato A11, G5, Gate 5 (transfer point), 110 straight to stands 7 to 9 or I12 straight to stands T-30 to T-40 of Ramp 1 (R1). L7, L5 or L3, TWY Ato A11, G5, M11 and straight to stands 1 to 5 of Ramp 0 (RO). L7, L5 or L3, TWY Ato A11, G5, Gate 5 (transfer point), 111 straight to stand 6 of Ramp 0 (RO) LDG RWY 32L TO TERMINAL 4 Follow ATC instructions to leave by the left side of RWY 32L, Standard route: L7, L5 or L3, TWY A, TWY M (first possible TWY) to M13, J3 (transfer point J3-2). R10: Stands 380-394: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), to J6 Stands 364-374: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1 ,D2, D3. Stands 372-377: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1, D2 Stand 378: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, J5 Stands 444-446: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, 01- D3, Ra, X3. Stand 448: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1, D2, $4, x2. R11: Stands 342-362: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1-D4. Stands 430-432: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1-D5, W4, X85, X4, Stands 434-442: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1-D3, R4, X3. R12: Stands 300-312: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1-D5, W5, WIS. Stands 320-329: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1-D5, WS Stands 330-340: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1- D4. Stands 420-428: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1-D5, W4, X5, X4, ‘TAbs=OgAIRHIS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracs WEF 22 AUG 13 (40- 14[ 24 JUL 13) GROUND standard Taxi Routes ARRIVALS Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID NORTH CONFIGURATION LDG RWY 32R TO TERMINAL 4 R13: Stands 400-411: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1-D5, WS. Stands 412-419: Standard route, J3 (transfer point J3-2), J4, D1-D5, WS, WN1, WA. LDG RWY 32L TO TERMINAL 4S Follow ATC instructions to leave RWY 32R Standard route: TWY A, H2, H3 (transfer point H3-2) or K5, KA4, KC3, KC2, TWY A, H2, H3 (transfer point H3-2) or 4, KC3, KC2, TWY A, H2, H3 (transfer point H3-2) or K3, KB2, TWY A, H2, H3 (transfer point H3-2). Follow ATC instructions to leave by the right side of RWY 32L. Standard route: L4, L42, L2, B1 or L2, B1. R20: Stands 582-586: Standard route, M21, EA2.| R10: Stands 380- 394: Standard route, H3 Stands 568-580: Standard route, M21-M24, (transfer point H3-2), X1, J4-J6. EB2, Stands 364-370: Standard route, H3 Stands 620-628: Standard route, M21-M27 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2, D3. Stands 372-377: Standard route, H3 R21 Stands 556-566: Standard route, M21-M23, (transfer point H3-2), Ha, D2. EB2, EBS. Stand 378: Standard route, H3 ‘Stands 608-618: Standard route, M21-M30. (transfer point H3-2), X1, J4, J5 Stands 444-446: Standard route, H3 R22 Stands 540-554: Standard route, M21-M23, (transfer point H3-2), H4,02, D3, R4, X3. EB2, EB6. Stand 448: Standard route, H3 ‘Stands 600-606: Standard route, M21-M31 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2,S4, X2. R23. Stands 500-526: Standard route, B2-B5, | R11: Stands 342-362: Standard route, H3 Gate 13, EAS (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D4. Stands 528-530: Standard route, B2-B5 ‘Stands 430-432: Standard route, H3 Gate 13. (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D5, W4, X5, Stands 532-536: Standard route, x4, B1-B9,EA7, EAS. Stands 434-442: Standard route, H3 Stand 538: Standard route, B1-B9, EA7, (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2, D3, R4, X3. N10 R12: Stands 300-312: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4,02-D5, W5, WIG. Stands 320-329: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D5, WS. Stands 330 340: Standard route, H3. (transfer point H3-2), Ha, D2-D4 Stands 420- 428: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D5, W4, XS, X4, LDG RWY 32R TO TERMINAL 1-3 TWY Ato A10 (transfer point A10-2) and the same routes for RWY 32L. KS, KA4, KA3, KB2 or K5, KA4, KC3, KC2 or K4,KA3, KB2 or K3, KB2 to TWY A to 10 (transfer point A10-2) and the same routes for RWY 32L. ae Stands 400-411: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D5, WS. Stands 412-419: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D5, W5, WN1, WA. ‘© Navtech - lemd14gaorg0 ‘TAbs=OgAIREIS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org 10 = 15] 24 JUL 13 Spain - LEMD / MAD GROUND standard Taxi Routes ARRIVALS Barajas MADRID NORTH CONFIGURATION LDG RWY 32R TO TERMINAL 4S. Follow ATC instructions to leave RWY 32R and TWY A. Standard route K5, KA4, KA3, KB2, TWY A or K5, KA4, KC3, KC2, TWY A or K3, KB2, TWY Aor K5, KA4-KAT, or K4, KA3-KA1, or K3, KA2, KAT R20 Stands 582-588: Standard route, A23, EA1, EA2, Stands 568-580: Standard route, A25, EC1, Ec2 Stands 620-628: Standard route, A26, AM1, a7. R21 Stands 556-558: Standard route, Gate 14, G14. ‘Stands 562-566: Standard route, A25, EC1, EC2 Stand 612: KS, KA4, KA3, KB2, KB1, M29. Stand 614: KS, KA4, KA3, KB2, KB1 or K5, KA4, KC3-KC1, M28 or K4, KC3, KC1, M28 or K3, KB2, A28, KC1, M28. Stands 616: K5, KA4, KC3-KC1, M28 or K4, KC3-KC1, M28 or K3, KB2, A28, KC1, M28. Stand 618: K5, KA4, KC3-KC1 or K4, KC3-KC1 or K3, KB2, A28, KC1 Stand 608: Standard route, M30, R22 Stands 540-556: Standard route, Gate 14, ECé. Stands 600-606: Standard route M30, M31 R23 Stands 500-530: Standard route, Gate 14, EC6, EC7, N11, N10, EAG, EAS. Stands 532-536: Standard route, Gate 14,EC6, EC7, N11, N10, EAG. Stand 538: Standard route, Gate 14, EC6, EC7, N14, N10. © Navtech -lemd15gaorg0 ‘TRIO BAPOOS AleAIRT@ISRAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracs © Navtech - lemd16gaorg0 WEF 22 AUG 13 10-16] 24 JUL 13) GROUND standard Taxi Routes DEPARTURES Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID NORTH CONFIGURATION TKOF RWY 36L FROM TERMINAL 1-3 Standard route: (from TWY) M10 (transfer point M10-2) - M17, RS or R6 or R7, R8, 22. R7: Stands 200 to 208: C11, £3, £2, £1, A7, G1, M8 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Stands 210 to 227: Direct to E2, £1, A7, G1, M8 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), stand- ard route. Stands 230 to 249: Direct to C8, A6, AS, C6, M6, M7, M8 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. R6: Stands 80 to 85, 98, 99: C3, M3, ..., M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Stands 75, 90 to 97, 100 to 110: C2, M2, M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Stands 111 to 126: C1, M1, ..., M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Stands 130 to 135: CA, C1, M1, ..., M10 (transper point M10-2), standard route. Stands 136 to 140: CB, C1, M1, ..., M10 (transper point M10-2), standard route. RS: Stands 50 to 69: C3 or C5, M5 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Stands 72, 73 and 74: 16, C3, M3 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Stands 70 and 71: 16, C5, M5 - M10 (trans fer point M10-2), standard route. In R6 and R5, ACFT which are in stands 145 to 162 (inclusive) and need push-back to leave, will proceed nosing to SW on TWY A, taxiing on the first possible intersection to TWY M to join it. R4: 17, C5, MS - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route; or C6, M6 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Stands 163 and 165: A6, AS, C6, M6 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Stands 174 and 173: F2, G1, M8 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Stand 175: F1, A8, G1, M8 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. 3: 18, M7 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route; or I7, C5, M5 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Stands 22 to 27 inclusive: straight to M8 - M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. R2: 18 or I9, Gate 2, M9, M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route. Rt: Stands T-22 to T-29 and 10 to 13:19 or 10, Gate 4, M10 (transfer point M10-2), standard route, Stands 7 to 9 straight to M10 - M17, R5 or R6 or R7, R8, 22. Stands T-30 to T-40: 112, 111, Gate 6 (transfer point), M12 - M17, R5 or R6 or R7, R8, 22. RO: Stands 1 to 5: 111, Gate 6 (transfer point), M12- M17, R5 or R6 or R7, RB, 22 Stands 6 straight to M11 - M17, R5 or R6 or R7, R8, 22. TKOF RWY 36L FROM TERMINAL 4 Standard route: R3 (transfer point R3-2) - RI, Z4. R10: Stands 380-304: JI6, JI5, D2, D3, R, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. Stands 372-377: D2, D3, R4, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. Stand 378: JI5, D2, D3, R4, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. Stands 364-370: DI3, D3, R4, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. Stands 444-448; D2, D3, Rd, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. R11: Stands 342-346: Di4, R4, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. Stands 348-362: DI3, D3, R4, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. Stands 430-432: D4, D5, W4, X5, X4, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. Stands 434-442: D3, R4, R3 (transfer point 3-2), standard route. R12: Stands 300-312: W6, WN1, WN2, WN3, W4, X5, X4, R3 (lransfer point R3-2), standard route. Stands 320-329: W5, WN1, WN2, WN3, W4, X5, X4, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. Stands 330-340: DI4, Rd, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route Stands 420-428: D4, D5, W4, X5, X4, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. ‘TAbs=OgAIRFIS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. nora Spain - LEMD / MAD GROUND standard Taxi Routes DEPARTURES Barajas MADRID NORTH CONFIGURATION For rutracs - lemdt7gaorg0 © Navtech R13: Stands 400-419: WN2, WN3, W4, X5, X4, R3 (transfer point R3-2), standard route. TKOF RWY 36L FROM TERMINAL 4S, R20 Stands 582-586: Gate 11, G11, 21. Stands 568-580: EB2, EB6, EB7, N10, N9, N6-N4, BN1, Z3 or N3, G11, Z1. Stands 620-628: EC2, EC6, EC7, N11-N9, N6-N4, BN1, Z3 or N3, G11, 21 R21 Stands 556-566: EB2, EB6, EB7, N10-N4, BN1, Z3 or N3, G11, 21. Stands 608-618: EC2, EC6, EC7, N11-N4, BN1, Z3 or N3, G11, 21. R22 Stands 540-554: EB6, EB7, N10-N4, BN1, Z3 or N3, G11, Z1. Stands 600-606: EC6, EC7, N11-N4, BN1, Z3 or N3, G11, 21 R23. Stands 500-536: EA6, EAS, Gate 12, N4, BN1, Z3 or N3, G11, Z1. ‘Stand 538: N10-N4, BN1, Z3 or N3, G11, Zz TKOF RWY 36R FROM TERMINAL 1-3 The same routes as for RWY 36L, to M17. From M18-M31, NY13, Y1 or M18-M32, N13, Y2 or M18-M33, B13, Y3. TKOF RWY 36R FROM TERMINAL 4 Standard route: $3 (transfer point 3-2), M15-M31, NY13, Y1 or M32, N13, Y2 or M33, B13, Y3 R10: Stands 380-394: JI6, JIS, D1, D2, S4, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 364-370: DI3, $4, S3 (transfer point '$3-2), standard route. Stands 372-377: D2, S4, $3 (transfer point '$3-2), standard route. Stand 378: JI5, D2, $4, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 444-446: D3, R4, X3, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stand 448: D2, $4, S3 (transfer point $3.2), standard route. R11: Stands 342-362: DI4, DI3, $4, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 430-432: D4, D5, W4, X5-X3, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 434-442: D3, R4, X3, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. R12: Stands 300-312: W6, WN1, WN2, WN3, W4, X5-X3, S3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. Stands 320-329: W5, WN1, WN2, WN3, W4, X5-X3, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 330-340: DI4, DIS, S4, S3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. Stands 420-428: D4, D5, W4, X5, X3, S3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. R13; Stands 400-419: WN2, WN3, W4, X5, X4, X3, $3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. TKOF RWY 36R FROM TERMINAL 4S, R20 Stands 582-586: Gate 11, G11, B3-B13, Y3 or EC8, N12, N13, Y2 or ECB, EC7, NY12, NY13, Y1 or EC9, BY12, M34, B13, 3, Stands 568-580: EB2, EC2, EC6, NY12, NY13, Y1 Stands 620-628: EC2, EC6, NY12, NY13, YA. R21 Stands 556-566: EB2, EC2, EC6, NY12, NY13, Y1 Stands 608-618: EC2, EC6, NY12, NY13, v1 R22_ Stands 540-554: EB6, EC6, NY12, NY13, YI. Stands 600-606: EC6, NY12, NY13, Y1 R23 Stands 500-536: EA6, EAS, Gate 12, G12, B5-B13, Y3 or EC8, N12, N13, Y2 or ECB, EC7, NY12, NY13, Y1 or EC9, BY12, M34, B13, Y3. Stand 538: N10, EA7, B10-B13, Y3 or EC8, N12, N13, Y2 or EC8, EC7, NY12, NY13, Y1 or EC9, BY12, M34, B13, Y3. ‘TAbs=OgAIRLES R PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org © Naviech - lemd18gaorg0 WEF 22 AUG 13 (10- 18[ 24 JUL 13) GROUND standard Taxi Routes DEPARTURES Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID SOUTH CONFIGURATION TKOF RWY 14L FROM TERMINAL 1-3 Follow the same routes as for RWY 14R to TWY A12, From A12-A29, K1 or A28, KB2, K2 or K3. TKOF RWY 14L FROM TERMINAL 4 R10: R11 R12: R13: Standard route: S3 (transfer point $3-2), $2, A17-A28, A29, K1, RWY holding point or A28, KB2, K2 or K3, RWY holding point. Stands 380-394: JI6, JIS, D1, D2, $4, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 364-370: DI3, $4, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 372-377: D2, $4, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stand 378: JI5, D2, $4, S3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 444-446: D3, R4, X3, $3 (transfer point 3-2), standard route. Stand 448: D2, S4, S3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 342-362: DI4, DIS, $4, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 430-432: D4, D5, W4, X5-X3, S3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 434-442: D3, R4, X3, S3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 300-312: We, WN1, WN2, WN3, W4, X5-X3, S3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. Stands 320-329: W5, WN1, WN2, WN3, W4, X5-X3, S3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route, Stands 330-340: DI4, DIS, $4, 3 (transfer point 3-2), standard route. Stands 420-428: D4, D5, W4, X5, X3, S3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. ‘Stands 400-419: WN2, WN3, W4, X5, X4, X3, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. TKOF RWY 14L FROM TERMINAL 4S R20 ‘Stands 582-586: Gate 11, G11, B3-B12, M33, M30, KA1, K1. Stands 568-580: EB2, EC2, Gate 14, KA1, Kt. Stands 620-628: EC2, Gate 14, KA1, K1 R21 R22 R23 TKOF RWY 14R FROM TERMINAL 1-3 RT: RG: RS: Stands 556-560: EB6, EC6, NY12, M31, M30, KA, K1 Stands 562-566: EB2, EC2, Gate 14, KA1, KA Stands 610-608: EC6, NY12, M31, M30, KA1, Kt Stands 612-618: EC2, Gate14, KA1, K1 Stands 540-554: EB6, EC6, NY12, M31, M30, KA1, K1. Stands 600-608: EC6, NY12, M31, M30, KAI, Kt ‘Stands 500-538: EA6, EAS, Gate 12, B5-B12, M33-M30, KA1, K1, RWY holding position. Stand 538: N10, EA7, B10-B12, M33-M30, KA, K1, RWY holding position. ‘Standard route: (from TWY) A10 (transfer point A10-2) - A12, RWY holding position LAL. Stands 200 to 208: C11, E3, £2, £1, A7 - 10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 210 to 227: Straight to E2, 1, A7 - ‘A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 230 to 249: Straight to C8, A6 - A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 80 to 85, 98, 99: C3, A3, ..., A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 75, 90 to 97, 100: C2, A2, ..., A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 111 to 126: C1, Al, ..., A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 130 to 135: CA, C1, A1, ..., A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 136 to 140: CB, C1, A1, ..., A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 144 to 148: A1, ..., A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 50 to 69: C3 or C5, A5 - A10 (transfer point 410-2), standard route. Stands 72, 73 and 74: 16, C3, A3 - A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 70 and 71: 16, C5, A5- A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. ‘TAbs=OgAIRT I RFART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack © Navtech - lemd19gaorg0 WEF 22 AUG 13) GROUND Standard Taxi Routes DEPARTURES. Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID SOUTH CONFIGURATION In R6 and R5, ACFT which need push- back to leave the stands and are parked in stands 146 to 162 (inclusive), will proceed nosing to NE on TWY A, taxiing on it directly. Ra: From stands 30 to 37: I7, C5, A5 - A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 40 to 45: M6, C6, A5 - A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 163 and 165: A5-A10 (transfer point 10-2), standard route. Stands 171 and 173: F2, A8 - A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stand 175: F1, A8 - A10 (transfer point 10-2), standard route. R3: 18, Gate 1, G1, A8 - A10 (transfer point 10-2), standard route; or |7, C5, AS - A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 22 to 27: MB, G1, A8 - A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. 18 or 19, Gate 2, G2, A9, A10 (transfer point 10-2), standard route. Rt: Stands T-22 to T-29 and 10 to 13: 19 o 110, Gate 4, G4, A10 (transfer point A10-2), standard route. Stands 7 to 9 straight to M10, G5, A11, ‘A12, RWY holding position LA/LB. Stands T-30 to T-40: 112, 111, Gate 6 (transfer point), A12, RWY holding position LAB. RO: Stands 1 to 5: 111, Gate 6 (transfer point), ‘A12, RWY holding position LA/LB. Stand 6 straight to G5, A11, A12, RWY holding position LLB. TKOF RWY 14R FROM TERMINAL 4 Standard route: $3 (transfer point $3-2), $2, A17, RWY holding points LC, LD, LE. R3 and transfer point R3-2 will be used as alternative route. R10: Stands 380-394: JI6, JIS, D1, D2, $4, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. Stands 372-377: D2, $4, S3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. Stand 378: JI5, D1, D2, $4, $3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. Stands 364-370: DI3, $4, S3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. Stand 448: D2, S4, S3 (transfer point '$3-2), standard route. Stands 444-446; D3, R4, X3, $3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. R11: Stands 342-362: Di4, 013, $4, S3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. ‘Stands 430-432: D4, D5, W4, X5, X4, X3, 3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. Stands 434-442: D3, R4, X3, S3 (transfer point 3-2), standard route. R12: Stands 300-312: W6, WN1, WN2, WN3, WA, XS, X4, X3, S3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route, ‘Stands 320-329: W5, WN1, WN2, WN3, W4, X5, X4, X3, S3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route Stands 330-340: DI4, D13, $4, $3 (transfer point S3-2), standard route. ‘Stands 420-428: D4, D5, W4, X5, X4, X3, 3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. R13: Stands 400-419: WN2, WN3, W4, X5, X4, X3, $3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. ‘Stands PE10-PE30: X6, X5, X4, X3, S3 (transfer point $3-2), standard route. TKOF RWY 14R FROM TERMINAL 4S, R20. Stands 582-586: Gate 11, N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. ‘Stands 568-580: EB2, EB6, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. Stands 620-628: EC2, EB2, EB6, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. R21. Stands 556-560: EB6, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. Stands 562-566: EB2, EB6, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. Stands 608-618: EC6, EB2, EB6, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. ‘TAbs=OgAIRFIS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. Pensetoeenatorg: Spain - LEMD / MAD GROUND standard Taxi Routes ARRIVALS Barajas MADRID SOUTH CONFIGURATION R22. Stands 540-554: EBS, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. Stands 600-606: EC6, EBS, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. R23 Stands 500-536: EA6, EAS, Gate 12, N4-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. Stand 538: N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. R21 Stands 556-560: EB6, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. Stands 562-566: EB2, EB6, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. Stands 608-618: EC6, EB2, EB6, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. R22. Stands 540-554: EB6, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. Stands 600-606: EC6, EB6, EB7, N10-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. R23_ Stands 500-536: EAG, EAS, Gate 12, N4-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. Stand 538: N9-N2, M21, B1, LE. Runway holding position LE. LDG RWY 18L TO TERMINAL 1-3 Y5, AY, BY13, M34-M12, or Y4, BY13, M34-M12 or Y3, A33, N13, M32-M12 and then follow the same route as for RWY 18R. LDG RWY 18L TO TERMINAL 4 Follow ATC instructions. Standard route: Y5, AY, BY13, M34-M14, H3 (transfer point H3-2); or Y4, BY 13, M34-M14, H3 (transfer point H3-2); or Y3, A33, N13, M32-M14, H3 (transfer point H3-2). R10: Stands 380-394: Standard route, H3. (transfer point H3-2), X1,J4,-J6. Stands 364-370: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2, D3. Stands 372-377: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2. © Navtech - lemd20gaorg0 R12: Stands 300-31: Stand 378: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), X1, J4, JB. Stands 444-446: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2, D3, R4, X3. Stand 448: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2, $4, X2. R14; Stands 342-362: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D4. Stands 430-432: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D5, W4, XS, X4. Stands 434-442: Standard route, HS (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2, D3, R4, X3. Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2,-D5, W5, WI6. Stands 320-329: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D5, WS. Stands 330-340: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D4. Stands 420-428: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D5, W4, 5, X4. R13: Stands 400-411: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-D5, WS. Stands 412-419: Standard route, H3 (transfer point H3-2), H4, D2-DS, WS, WN1, WA. LDG RWY 18L TO TERMINAL 4S ‘Standard route: Y5, AY, BY13, M34, M33, or Y4, BY13, M34, M33, or Y3, A33, N13. R20 Stands 582-586: Standard route, M32- M23, EA2, Stands 568-580: Standard route, M32- M24, EB2. Stands 620-628: Standard route, M32- 27. R21 Stands 556-566: Standard route, M32- M24, EB2, ‘Stands 608-610: Standard route, M32- M30. Stands 612-618: Standard route, M32-M29. ‘TAbs=OgAIRLIS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY {If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org © Navtech - lemd21gaorgd (0 24] 24 JUL 73) Spain - LEMD / MAD GROUND standard Taxi Routes ARRIVALS Barajas MADRID SOUTH CONFIGURATION Stands 540-554: Standard route, M32-M24, R22 R23 EB2, EBS. Stands 600-608: Standard route, M32, M31. Stands 500-530: Standard route, N12-N10, EA6, EAS. Stands 532-536: Standard Route, N12-N10, EAG, Stand 538: Standard Route, N12-N10. LDG RWY 18R TO TERMINAL 1-3 RT: RG: RS: Standard route: 210, ZW3, W1, W2, MZ6 - MZ3, M15 - M12 or Z8, W1, W2, MZ6 - MZ3, M15 - M12 or 24, ZW1, V1, V2, MZ4, MZ3, M15 - M10 (transfer point M10-2) Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2) - M6, C6, A5, C9 straight to stands 240 to 249, or A6, C7 straight to stands 200 to 239. Stand 75: Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2), ..., M4, C4, 16. Stands 80 to 85: Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2), ..., M3, C3. Stands 90-110: Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2), ..., M2, C2. Stands 110 to 126: Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2), .., M1, C1 Stands 130 to 135: Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2), ..., M1, C1, CA. Stands 136 to 140: Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2), ..., M1, C1, CB. Stands 144 to 148: Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2), ..., M1, C1, A1 straight to stand, Stands 50 to 74: Standard route, M11, M10 (transfer point M10-2) - M4, C4. Stands 159 to 162: Standard route, M11, M10 (transfer point M10-2) - M4, C4, A4 straight to stand, Stands 154 to 157: Standard route, M11, M10 (transfer point M10-2) - M3, C3, A3 straight to stand. Stands 150 to 153: Standard route, M11, M10 (transfer point M10-2) - M2, C2, AZ straight to stand Ra: R3: R2: RI Rt RO: Ro: LDG RWY 18R TO TERMINAL 4 ‘Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2) = MB, Gate 1, 17, C5; straight to stands 30-37; or M6, C6 to stands 44, 45; or M6, C6, AS to stands 163 and 165; or M6, C6, ‘AS, A6 to stands 40-43; or - M6, C6, AS, A6, E1, straight to stand 171; or M8, G1, F2 straight to stand 173; or M8, G1, A8, F1 straight to stand 175. Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2) - MB, Gate 1, 17 or 18. Stands T-1, T-2, T-3: 0700-2259 LT, MB - M4, C4, 16; 2300-0659 LT, M8 - M5, C5. Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2), M9, straight to stands 14 to 17 or Gate 3, 18 oF 19. Stands T-22 to T-29: Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2), Gate 4, 19 or 110. Stands 10 to 13: Standard route, M10 (transfer point M10-2), M9, straight to stand. Z10, ZW3, W1, W2, MZ6 - MZ3, M15 - M12 or 28, W1, W2, MZ6 - MZ3, M15 - M12 or 24, ZW1, V1, V2, MZ4, MZ3, M15 - M11, Gate 5 (transfer point), Stands 7 to 9: 110. Stands T-30 to T-40: 110, 112. Stand 6: 111 Z10, ZW3, W1, W2, MZ6 - MZ3, M15 = M12 or Z8, W1, W2, MZ6 - MZ3, M15 - M12 or 24, ZW1, V1, V2, MZ4, MZ3, M15 - M11, straight to stands, Stands 1 to 5. Standard route: RWY 18R will be vacated right of the runway. * 210, ZW3, W1, W2, WS (transfer point W3-2) + 28, W1, W2, WS (transfer point W3-2) + 24, ZW1, V1, AZ5, AZ6, W2, W3 (transfer point W3-2) TRIBOBARS R&ART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracs WEF 22 AUG 13 (40-221 24 JUL 13) GROUND standard Taxi Routes ARRIVALS Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID SOUTH CONFIGURATION R10: Stands 380-394: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5-X1, J4-J6. Stands 364-370: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5, U4, Did, DIS. Stands 372-377: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5-X2, H4, D2. Stand 378: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5-X1, J4, J5. Stands 444-446: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5, X4, X3. Stand 448: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5-X2. R11: Stands 342-362: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5, U4, Di4, DI3. Stands 430-432: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5, X4. Stands 434-442: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5-X3. R12: Stands 300-312: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5, U4, D5, WS, 16. Stands 320-329: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5, U4, D5, WS. Stands 330-340: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5, U4, Did. Stands 420-428: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5, X4. R13: Stands 400-411: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5, U4, D5, WS. Stands 412-419: Standard route, W3 (transfer point W3-2), X5, U4, D5, WS, WN1, WA. LDG RWY 18R TO TERMINAL 4S For R20, R21, R22 and R23, RWY 18R will be left by the left side of the RWY. R20 Stands 582-586: Z7, B6-B12, M33-M23, EA2. ‘Stands 568-580: Z7, B6-B12, M33-M24, EB2. Stands 620-628: Z7, B6-B12, M33-M27. R21 Stands 562-56: 27, B6-B12, M33-M24, EB2. Stands 608-610: Z7, B6-B12, M33-M30. Stands 612-618: Z7, B6-B12, M33-M29. © Navtech - lemd22gaorg0 R22 Stands 540-554: 27, B6-B12, M33-M24, EB2, EB6. Stands 600-606: Z7, B6-B12, M33-M31 R23 Stands 500-526: Z7, G13, Gate 13, EAS. Stands 528-530: Z7, G13, Gate 13. Stands 532-536: Z7, B6-B9, EA7, EAS. Stands 538: 27, B6, B9, EA7, N10. ‘TAbs=OgAIRLIS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org © Naviech - lemd23gaorg0 (40 - 2303 APR 13 Spain - LEMD / MAD. GENERAL Barajas MADRID MES 3. RESTRICTED AREAS D17A Colmenar Viejo 3500ft 4. NIGHT FLIGHT RESTRICTION MON-FRI 07-22. Non-noise certificated and ACFT certificated acc ICAO Annex 16 chapter 2: D17B Colmenar Viejo 5200ft a 22 23 TKOF/LDG : NA AUXILLARY POWER UNIT RESTRICTIONS DAY PERIOD: Stand restrictions from T-1 to T35, 70-74, 300-312, 330-394 and 500-586: Itis obligatory to use GPU (the 400 Hz facilities). The use of air-conditioning facilities will be obligatory when ACFT air conditioning is needed Use of APU forbidden in these stands in the period between 2min after on-block and 5min before off-block. The APU may only be used when fixed units are not operative and mobile units are not available. Stand position 1-49, T36-T41, 50-69, 80-162, 163-175, 200-227, 320-329, 400-448, 600-628: No restrictions. NIGHT PERIOD: Use of APU forbidden 23-07 LT. Stand restrictions from T-1 to T35, 300-312, 330-394, 500-586: Check day period. Stand restrictions from 1 to 49, T36 to T41, 163-175: Use of APU forbidden except 10min after on-blocks and 10min before off-blocks. Wide body ACFT will be allowed 50min before DEP and 15min after ARR. Stand restrictions from 50-69, 70-74, 80-162: Operation not allowed. Stand position 200-227, 320-329, 400-448, 600-628: No restrictions. ACFT WITH NIGHT RESTRICTIONS FOR USE OF APU Ie Dcs* F50 8727" * All models. MD8* B717* MD11 £120 B747" CRUZ 5.2 MON-FRI 07-22. D17C Colmenar Viejo 7500ft MON-FRI 07-22. D40 Alpedrete de la Sierra 8500ft TUE+THU 08-16, 19-24 WED 00-02, 08-16 FRI 00-02, 08-14. D411 Casas de Uceda 5000ft TUE+THU 08-16, 19-24 WED 00-02, 08-16 FRI 00-02, 08-14. D60 El Palancar 10000ft GND MON-FRI 08-17: NOTAM, D69 Grinon 3000ft GND MON-FRI 08-13. PREFERENTIAL RWY SYSTEM North confi guration (07-23LT) TKOF - RWY 36UiR LDG -RWY 32UR North confi guration (23-07LT) TKOF -RWY 36L LDG -RWY32R South confi guration (07-23LT): TKOF -RWY 14UR LOG -RWY 18U/R South confi guration (23-07LT), FRI and SAT 23-09LT): TKOF -RWY 14L LDG -RWY 18L TAXI Follow-me vehicle will not be available to proceed to any stand position, except for ‘exceptional cases and on request. When an ACFT is taxiing through manoeuvring area, it will stop and hold at all Intermedi- ate Holding Positions, except when author- ized by ATC in other way. ACFT vacating RWY via rapid exit taxiway. will always have priority. Other ACFT must give way by using intermediate holds. ‘TAH OgAIRETS/AIPARY, GPYBIVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack © Naviech - lemd24gaorgo WEF 02 MAY 13 GENERAL (40 = 24] 03 APR 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID 5.3 Restrictions to TWYs and access to apron gate: s due to MAX wingspan: 5.3.1 Following are limited to be used by ACFT type B: TWY: CA, CB, C1 (from stands 116 to 119), C8 and C9 5.3.2 Following are limited to be used by ACFT type c: TWY: C1, C2, JS, JIS, JI6, W5, WE, WI6, WN1, WN2, WA and Gate 7. TWY WNS if stand 400 is occupied. TWY Dis, Did if TWY D3, D4 occupied by type E ACFT. TWY Xz if stand 448 is occupied by A346. TWY |12 segment between stands 36 to 40 is limited to be used by ACFT with MAX wingspan 31m/102ft 5.3.3 Following are limited to be used by ACFT type D: TWY DI3, Di4, 18 to 111, Gate 2, GATE 4 and Gate 5. TWY 111 segment between stands 1 105, C11 and Gate 6 are limited to be used by ACFT with a MAX wingspan 38m/125ht. TWY D3, D4 if TWY DI3, Di4 are ‘occupied by type D ACFT. 5.3.4 Following are limited to be used by ACFT type E: TWY At to A17, E1 to E4, Ft to F4, M1 to M17, M27 to M34, TWYs of ramps 4, 5 and 6 EXC C2, Gate 1, Gate 3, ‘TWYs of RWY 14R/32L, EXC L2, L4, LE, L42. TWYs of RWY 18R/36L EXC Z1, Z3, Z7, de-icing area of RWY 36L and access TWYs to apron T-4. TWY AZ2 to AZ6, MZ3 to MZ6, EBT, EB2, EB6 to EB8, EC1, EC2, EC4, EC6, ECB, KAB. 5.3.5 Following are limited to be used by ACFT type F: TWY: A18 to A34, L2, L4, L42, LE, ME1, M32, M18 to M25, MC, MD, 21, Z3, 27. TWY of apron T-4S EXC EB and EC, de-icing area of RWY 36R, Gate 11 and Gate 12. 6.1 62 63 64 LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES During low visibility procedures Ramp 0 will be closed and a follow me vehicle will be required for: * Ramp 7 + Stands 1-5 on Ramp 0. + TWY Cé and M6 on Ramp 4. During low visibility procedures in the manoeuvring area, taxiing via LB is forbidden. Transfer point Gate 5 will not be used unless authorised by ATC. During the low visibility procedures in the apron: LVP in South Apron (T 1-3) * Taxing in the end segment of 12 (trom parking position T-36) is forbidden. * Taxing in F1 is forbidden. * Taxing via TWYs C7, C8, C9 and C11 is forbidden. LVP in Ramp 7: * Taxing via TWYs C7, C8, C9 and C11 is forbidden. LVP in apron T-4: + Taxiing in X6 is forbidden, In the following parking positions the operations are forbidden except with express authorization of the Executive on duty and with the guidance of the “Follow me” vehicle’ * Ramp 1: Parking positions from T-36 to T-40. * Ramp 4: Parking position 171, 173 and 175. + Ramp 6: Parking positions 87, 88, 89, 97, 98 and 100. + Ramp 7: Parking positions 200 to 208 and 230 to 249. ‘TAbs= Og REIS/AIPARY, GFA AMIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack © Naviech -lemd25gaorg0 ora (10=25[03 APR 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD GENERAL Barajas MADRID 1. SPEED RWY 32R 1.1 MAX 180kt when crossing: K5 ——1800m/S905f = KA4 D12 ILS RWY 32UR, 18L/R. K4 —-2400m/7873A KAS, KC3, KC2 1.2 MAX 160kt when crossing: LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES D6 ILS RWY 32U/R, 18L/R. LDG permission will not be given after 2nm from TDZ. MISAP instructions will be 1.3 Advice ATC if unable to comply with issued. Leave the RWY according to TWY descent profile below, if not otherwise authorized by ATC. - RWY 321 via LS, L4, L3, L2 2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURE - RWY 32R via KS, K4, K3. 2.1 Reverse thrust above idle regime forbidden - RWY 481 via Y5, Y4, Y3. during night, 23-07 LT. When necessary for = RWY 48R via Z10, 28, 27 safety reasons, notify TWR. If disoriented or in doubt, stop ACFT, notify 2.2 Landing and approach procedures on visual to ATC, and request * Follow me” vehicle. meteorological conditions will be performed with an angle equal to or higher than the When leaving the RWY sensitive area ILS GP or PAPI of each RWY. pilots will report: - RWY sensitive area vacated 2.3. Inthe approaches to RWY 18R the - TWY used. following landing procedure with reduced flaps is recommended, although its use In the following parking positions, is subject to the decision of the pilot and operations are forbidden except with safety must prevail at all times: express authorization of the Executive on - Intercept the ILS with a minimum duty and with the guidance of the * Follow ‘configuration of the flaps and landing me” gear retracted. vehicle: - Lower the landing gear and keep the + Ramp 7: Parking positions from 210 to landing flaps minimum certificated 227. configuration up to D5 IMR (ILS/DME). VISUAL APCH 3. MINIMUM RWY OCCUPANCY TIME Visual APCH and LDG will be performed at Use Rapid Exit TWY if possible and reach following TWYs. AVBL for all ACFT. EXIT DIST from THR TWY RWY 18L. Y5 1800m/5905f = AY Y4 —-2400m/7873f = BY13 RWY 18R, Z10 © 1926m/6318f ZW3 ZB 2352m/7716f = W1 zz 2352m/7716R BG RWY 32L, ur 1660m/5446f — A10 Ls 2010m/e5g4ft 11 La 2010m/es5o4ft — L42 L3 2515m/8251f = A12 L2 2130m/6geeft = LAG an angle not below ILS GP or PAPI. INTERCEPTING FINAL APPROACH TRACK After receiving a radar vector intercepting the assigned runway centreline at an angle less than 70°, pilots are to intercept the localizer or replacement approach aid unless previously instructed to cross the centreline by ATC. ‘TAbs=OgAIRETS/AIPARY OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack © Naviech -lemd26gaorg0 ora (10 26] 03 APR 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD GENERAL Barajas MADRID Pew - If ACFT REQ de-icing after having begun to taxi it will be included in the 4. START UP, PUSH BACK de-icing sequence only if can meet its 1.1 REQ Start-up CLR on Barajas CLR when CTOT/ETOT and does not risk CTOT/ ready to start up: 130.36 if proceeding via SIE, ZMR, BARDI, CCS or VIB (NASOS if South Configuration in OPS). 130.075 if proceeding via RBO, PINAR, NANDO, TEMIR or NASOS. 1.2. Give callsign, ACFT type + series, stand number and ATIS received. 1.3 When delays are expected to exceed 15min ATC will provide with the appropriate engine| start-up time. 1.4 Once engine start-up CLR or time has been provided, Barajas CLR will issue the corresponding ATC CLR. When ACFT request pushback or taxiing, CLR will give instructions to communicate with Apron Management Service on appropriate freq. Apron Management Service will issue instructions and approval of pushback and/or taxiing 1.5 _ tis forbidden to start-up ENG higher than idle at all stands position in contact with terminal, until ACFT is lined up with TWY. 1.6 tis forbidden the use of reverse power to leave stands, except for express clearance of the airport authority. 2. INTERSECTION TKOF Pilots who request or accept intersection TKOF shall inform ATC at initial contact with| GND. 3. DE-ICING PROCEDURE - De-icing areas have been established in the vicinity of THR RWY 36L and THR RWY 36R. - FREQ RWY 36L area — 123.325 FREQ RWY 36R area — 130.250 - REQ de-icing to Iberia handling agent (MADKIIB or MADKOIB) MNM 30min before ETD 05-10, 60min before ETD 10-05, stating company name, ACFT registration, callsign, ACFT type and ETD. ETOT of other ACFT already in the sequence. Otherwise ACFT will return to APN. - Maintain permanent watch on TWR DEP FREQ during taxiing and de-icing, - During busy periods TWR may offer a change in assigned de-icing area. TWR will then assign a new SID corresponding to the new RWY. - During procedure ACFT ENG shall be idle and ready for TKOF. 4 ENG ACFT may be required to tum off outer ENG. - When procedure is complete ACFT will report" Ready for departure” to TWR DEP and vacate area as soon as possible. - tis not authorized to carry out engine tests in de-icing area. - _ Procedures of preferential taxiing to de-icing area: - _ Entry to de-icing area close to. threshold of RWY 36L: - North confi guration: and R7, - South confi guration: Via R8 to R5, R6 and R7. - _ Enity to de-icing area close to threshold of RWY 36R: - For both configurations: Via B10 to N12, B12 and BY12. ENTRY ROUTES De-icing area RWY 36L: North confi guration: Via TWY M17 to R5, R6 and R7. De-icing area RWY 36L: South confi guration: Via TWY R8 to R5, R6 and R7. De-icing area RWY 36R: Both configurations: Via B10 to N12, B12 and BY12. M17 to RS, Ré| TAXI Pilots should be aware that taxi time to RWY 361 is between approximately 10 and 20min from South apron. ‘TAbsOgAIRETS/AIPAIRY OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack © Naviech -lemd27gaorg0 GENERAL Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID 6. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES 6.1. Entry of exit to/from the following parking positions will be carried out under the following conditions: = Access to parking positions T-1, T-2, T-3 via A5, C5 in north confi guration and via M5, C5 in south confi guration. - The exit of parking positions 70 and 71 carried out previous request, with express authorisation of the Executive ‘on duty and the guidance of the * Follow Me’ vehicle. = Pushback manoeuvre will be controlled by TOAM, afterwards aircraft will be moved forward by the towing tractor Until the service road has been vacated, on stands: - Ramp 1: stands T-22 and 1-23 {nosing to NW); - Ramp 2: stands T-20 and -T21 {nosing to SE), and stands T-14, T-16 and T-16 (nosing to N). - Ramp 3: stands T-12 and T-13 (nosing to S). - The entries and exits of parking positions from 500 to 502 and 584 to 586 will be carried out with the guidance of the ' Follow me’ vehicle. 6.2 _ In the following parking positions the operations are forbidden except with express authorisation of the Executive on duly and with the guidance of the * Follow me’ vehicle: - Arrivals: - Ramp 7: Parking positions from 210 to 227. - Departures: > Apron T-123: parking position 6. - Apron T-4: parking positions PE-10, PE-15, PE-20 and PE-30. - Forbidden entries and exits: = Ramp 1: parking positions from T-36 to T-40. - Ramp 4 parking positions 171, 173 and 175, - Ramp 6: parking positions 87, 88, 89, 97, 98 and 100. 8. 84 8.2 83 - Ramp 7: parking positions 200 to 208 and 230 to 249. IMMEDIATE TKOF ACFT not ready to initiate take-off roll mediately when cleared for TKOF, will have TKOF CLR cancelled and will receive instructions to vacate the runway at first available taxiway. AIRPORT-COLLABORATIVE DECISION MAKING (A-CDM) Target Off Blocks Time (TOBT) Confirmation For TOBT confirmation at TOBT-30min in order to issue TSAT, is a necessary condition having passed Flight Plan Check and have TOBT which complies with the validation criteria listed below: 4. TOBT later than Airport slot within a tolerance of -10min 2. Flight Plan EOBT updated to TOBT within a tolerance of +/-10min. 3. TOBT could not be earlier than Caloulated Off Block Time base on related incoming flight. If TOBT available on the CDM platform does not fit these criteria, it changes to an invalid state in which is necessary to update TOBT/EOBT value by Airline Company or Handling Agent. Target Start-Up Approval Time (TSAT) TSAT will be calculated from TOBT-30min onwards. TSAT will be obtained base on confirmed TOBT. Ifno TOBT update is sent the flight will then be considered to adhere the later between its departure time in the flight plan, Estimated Off Blocks Time (EOBT) and the Calculated Off Block Time base on Estimated/Actual In Block Time and Estimated/Minimum Turn Round Time. Start-Up Request Pilot must report Start-up Request to Madrid-Barajas Delivery from TOBT -5min to TSAT +5min. Madrid/Barajas Delivery will then either approve start or advise the TSAT. If the Pilot has called ready but the flight is then delayed by ATC there is no requirement for TOBT to be updated to that TSAT. ‘TAtsogi@T Is A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack © Naviech -lemd28gaorg0 GENERAL (10 - 28] 18 SEP 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID If at TSAT + Smin Delivery has not received a start-up request the aircraft will lose its TSAT and anew TOBT is required. Once a new TOBT is entered the flight will be re-sequenced with a new TSAT. Aircraft will not be allowed to depart until a valid TOBT is entered and revised TSAT given and complied with. 84 Push-back Request Push-back must be requested from apron management system and start no later than ‘5min after being transferred from Delivery. If unable to meet this constraint, the aircraft may have start-up approval removed and will not be allowed to push-back. A new TOBT is required; once a new TOBT is entered the flight will be resequenced with anew TSAT. Aircraft will not be allowed to depart until a valid TOBT is entered and revised TSAT given and complied with. 85 Regulated Flights Regulated Flights should keep TOBT updated to an accuracy of +/- Smin according to the time that the aircraft could be ready to leave stand if CTOT is removed. Regulated flights should keep their Flight Plan update with TOBT within a tolerance of +/-10min. Regulated Flights will have TSAT since CTOT reception based on CTOT. If CTOT is removed a new TSAT will be issue based on TOBT available 8.6 Coordination with the Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) A permanent and fully automatic data exchange with the CFMU has been established. This data transfer enables highly accurate early predictions of landing and departure times. Furthermore, it allows for more accurate and efficient CTOT calculations due to the use of more acourate local target take-off times. 9 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURE - TAKE-OFF The following procedures have been established to avoid excessive noise to the surroundings or Madrid/Barajas airport 94 9.1.1 Up to 450m/1500ft above aerodrome elevation: - Take-off power - Take off flaps = Climb maintaining V2 + 20 to 40 Kmih (V2 + 10 to 20 kt) (or limited by fuselage angle), 9.1.2 At 450m/1500ft: - Reduce power not less than ascent power. 9.1.3 From 450m/1500ft to 900m/30008: - Climb maintaining V2 + 20 to 40 km/h (V2 + 10 to 20 kt) 9.1.4 At 900m/30008t - Accelerate gradually to reach climbing cruising speed with flaps retraction at the proper time. Note: Aircraft may be exempted when using different procedures, duly reported to Airport Management in advance, which are proved to lead to a less acoustic impact, or due to properly justifi ed safety reasons. 9.2. These procedures are applicable to all landings and take-offs. Non-compliance with these procedures will be a cause of sanctions to aircraft operators, 9.3. Pilots may omit these procedures only when requested by aircraft safely 94 In North configuration RWY 36L - Usable for take-off 07-23 LT. - SID BARDI 1X, BARDI 1AX, CCS 1X, CCS 1AX, SIE 1X, VTB 1AX, VTB 1XE, ZMR 1AX, ZMR 1XN are mandatory for aircraft included in the following list N72, A124, A340-600, B721, B722, 8731, B732, 741, B742, 8743, B74, B74D, B74R, B74S, B748, DC85, DC86, DC87, DC10, H25A, 1L62, L401, MD11, SBR1, 7134, YK42 ircraft not included in the list are allowed to use SID BARDI 1Y, BARDI 1AY, CCS 1Y CSS 1AY, SIE 2L, SIE 1AL, VTB 1AY, VTB 1YD, ZMR 2L, ZMR 1AL. ‘TAtsagi@T Is A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack ae (10 - 29] 18 SEP 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD GENERAL Barajas MADRID RWY 36R, RWY 36 - Usable for take-of 23-07 LT. In South configurat RWY 14R/L = They will be used for take-off 07-23 LT, following the initial segments of all published SID. - 23-07 LT, RWY 14L will be used following the initial segments of all published SID. RWY 48R/L - Usable for landing 07-23 LT. RWY 18L_ = Usable for landing 23-07 LT. In any configuration Test or training flights: are forbidden. 9.5 Aircraft operations are forbidden to aircraft with ICAO Chapter Il Annex 16, Vol 1 9.6 Departure and arrival paths will be radar monitored and noise level will be measured for each operation. Location of SIRMA system noise sensors is shown in the corre- sponding general chart. This measurement system works 24 hours a day in automatic form and beeps radar data, flight plan and aircraft position at every moment of the aircraft identification. 9.7 Change on the procedures must not be requested until reaching 10,0008, except for propeller aircraft 10. SPEED MAX 250kt below 10000ft. 11. CONTINGENCY DEPARTURE RWY 14L Day (VOR/DME BRA or PDT INOP) Verify take off frequency, before starting take off. Climb on RWY HDG to 5000 and expect ATC instructions. MNM climb gradient 5.5%. Night (VOR/DME PDT INOP): Verify take off frequency, before starting take off, Climb on RWY HDG to 5000 and expect ATC instructions. MNNM climb gradient 5.5%. © Naviech -lemd29gaorg0 Night (VOR/DME BRA INOP): Verify take off frequency, before starting take off. Climb on RWY HDG direct to VORIDME SSY. Proceed on R018 SSY direct to D5.6 SSY Turn left to intop R176 SIE to reach 8500ft and expect ATC instruction MNM climb gradient 6.4%. ‘TAbs=OgAIRETS/AIPARY OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. Peeanetemeatioey (10 - 30] 18 SEP 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD GENERAL 747-8F Barajas MADRID 1. TAXI RESTRICTION 1.1 B747-8F cannot be used at the same time with other ACFT in RWY holding position Z2| on RWY 36L or LA and LB on RWY 14R. 1.2. B747-8F cannot use RWY holding position LC and LD on RWY 14R 1.3 Exit from stand 40 on Ré for B747-8F will be by tow to North in AG. 2. TAXIING ROUTES 2.1. North Configuration - Entry from RWY 32L/R standard taxiing| routes. - Departure RWY 36L via A6, G1, M8-MZ3, R1 or 24 or via AG, G1, M8-M20, B2, 21 or Z3. - Departure RWY 36R via A6, G1, M8-M20, B2 - TWY B, RWY holding position RWY 36. 2.2 South Configuration - Entry from RWY 18R standard taxiing routes. = Entry from RWY 18L follow ATC instructions via N, M21-M8, G1, A6. - Departure RWY 14L/R standard taxiing routes, 3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES With Low Visibility Procedures activated, the operation of ACFT B747-8F is not allowed. © Naviech -lemd30gaorg0 ‘TAbsOgAIRETS/AIPAIRY OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. ———s (40 -31] 18 SEP 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD GENERAL Barzjas MADRID ; DEP and ARR paths will be radar monitored and noise level will be measured for each OPS. v SS De Los Reyes D17.85 SS wowa Co Barajas eu 0116.45 BRA PEG TF Hetero ws V¥_ 9 Madrid ¥ v Sas vnce Lecu a MaciaiGetate Lest Reverse side Blank © Naviech - lemd31gaorg0 Change: Renumbered ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (20-1[26 JUN 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD RADAR minimum Attitudes Barajas MADRID Madrid APP cr Barajas TWR GND 1184 118.75 134.95 1287 124.025 | 130.075 c| 118.15@ 118.075@ 120.15 | 121.625 121.75 136.1 127.4 127.5 130.8 134.025 | 130.35 w| 118.975 @ 118.675@ 120.65 | 121.975 123.15 TL _ATC| AD Elev 1998 i ATIS piled 118.25 arr ARR IER 430.85 oP ‘ARR iL Colmenar Viejo D117.3CNR N40.36.6 wos 41 Navas 8 D114.95 NVS- Snel D116.45 BRA, woos 150 Toledo 113.2 TLD ‘wood 20.3, o 5 10 15 20 25nm Loud 1 1 © Navtech - lemd0tvaorgd ‘Somosierra D115.4 SIE N41 08:1 wos 363 Nai 18 Barahona 0112.8 BAN woo2'37.8 4 Nao 51.2 ous 14:8 NAO 32.8, woos 34:5 Perales 116.95 POT. Nao 152 woos 209 Robledillo 113.95 REO SS De Los Reyes 117.85 SSY Castejon 115.6 CIN N40 22.3 wou2 33.7 PORE) Change: MSA’ Reverse ade Blank ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (30-4 [24 JUL 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD SID rwy 14L DME/DME Day OPS North, East Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR) GND TWR Madrid APP 430.075 € (121.625 es 124.756N| 119.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 |118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 130.35_w [121.975 cs 123.150N | 118.075@ 118.675 © 120.65 136.1 127.4 127.5 130.8 134.025 TA 13000 [AD Elev 1998] /p-RNav required) | a DEP ATS zs | puta 124.225 € |130.85 oeP TAMAR APY pian) [131.175 w 43000 j PMoni? — (13000) | = | nossa | Roba [scatodsiotoa __ oe sto | 113.95 RBO Naosi2 Woes te WARNING. Due to nearby traffic on APCH or DEP to/from MADRID Torrejon (LETO). stay all the time within procedure. SS De Los Reyes] 2 D117.85 SSY Loe de Ya Nao 32.8, gs 6 woos a AR 1AU 30-1 Barajas D116.45 BRA manzse Wt wos ts a (43000 (43008) \ wanes Na0 21.6 wos 48.9 fae \ 116.95 POT { @ woos 20.9 [Scale distorted AVBL: 07-23 LT. SPEED: MAX 250kt until 10000ft. HINM CLIMB GRADIENTS” ATS equromont are shown within rackts ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain and REQ FL change en-route. sid Routeing Altitudes: NANDO 1AU ‘Climb on 144° - MD034 - MD035 - NANDO. MDO34 MNM 2600 (7%) M035. MNM 5700 (5.5%) NANDO MNM 13000 PINAR 1AU Climb on 144° - MD034 - MDO35 - RBO - PINAR. M034 MINM 2600 (72%) M035 MNM 5700 (6%) RBO MNM 13000 (6%) PINAR: MNM 13000 RBO 1AU ‘Climb on 144° - MDO34 - MDO35 - RBO. MDO34 MIN 2600 (7%) M036 MNM 5700 (6%) RBO MNM 13000 (6%) © Navtech - lemdotdaorgd Change: CJN TAU removed ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (30-2]22 AUG 12) Spain - LEMD / MAD SID Rwy 14R DME/DME Day OPS North, West Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR) GND TWR Madrid APP 130.075 © | 121.625 £ 121.75EN| 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 130.35 w_|121.975 cs 123.15cN| 118.075 @ 118.675 © 120.65 |136.1 127.1 127.5 130.8 134.025 TA 13000 AD Elev 1998 DEP, ATS. 124.225 € |130.85 oeP P-RNAV required 131.175 w Somosiova = Bris 4SIe Zamora ms 117.1 ZMR ‘W003 36.3 mas as wea, wea, ana) 2400 cy ZUR 29S a M033 $ b (43000) = N40 18.2 WI Wood 09.6 G9 sie 2x7 2032 MD031. 6200 Mao71 Ws 32.4 Nao 118 ‘W003 25.5, SIE 2AS MD045 12000 ‘BARD! 2AS, ZR 2AS, MDO31 Nao 118 Wo03 25.5 oO 5 Yonm| Loooitisiit AVBL: 07-23 LT SPEED: MAX 250kt until 100008 MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: 5.5% to 2400, other ATC requirement are shown within brackets. ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain EKMINII and REQ FL change en-route, D033 MNM 13000 ZMR MNM 43000 SID Routeing Altitudes Climb on 144° to 2400 - MD030 - foliow SID, | MDO30 MNM 6200 (5.5%) 8) Barbi 2as MDO31 - BARD! ‘MDO31 MNM 6800 B|_(Subject to R71 BIC activity) BARD! MNM 13000 S| SE 2as MDO31 - MD045 - CNR - SIE. MDO31 MNM 7500 (4.59) E MD045 MNM 12000 (4.5%) rl CNR MNM 13000 (4.5%) 3 SIE MNM 13000 3 ZMR 2AS MDO31 - MD033 - ZUR, MDO31 MNM 6800 Q| Change: COM, SID designator, RWY designator, MT ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (30-3] 24 JUL 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD SID Rwy 14R DME/DME Day OPS South Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR GND TWR Madrid APP 130.075 © | 121.625 £ 121.75EN| 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 130.35 w_|121.975 cs 123.15cN| 118.075 @ 118.675 © 120.65 |136.1 127.1 127.5 130.8 134.025 TA 13000 AD Elev 1998 @ oer aR DEP, ATS. 124.225 © |130.85 DEP DEP 384, P-RNAV required 3 eeu 134.175 w @ de? 258 Barajas 0116.45 BRA naozea Woes }, (2400) moo30 (6200) co Wooe : eB id BS 1 e | / ' | a ' ' s D031 Caceres | cos 2h cs 2as prazces | | ser 0 ron \ ee ! | rere | andes 2B 8 aS a3 Villatobas p17 vB Taeaee Woe fs 0 5 40mm © Loootisiit ‘VBL: 07-23LT | SPEED: MAX 250kt until 100008. 8| MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: 5.5% to 2400, other ATC requirement are shown within brackets. 8|_ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain BRUM and REQ FL change en-route =| SID Routeing - Altitudes *|(QNITIAL CLIMB) Climb on 144° to 2400 - MD030 - follow SID. MD030 MNM 6200 (5.5%) §| ccs 2as MD031 - CCS. D031 MNM 6800 z CCS MNM 13000 2) VTB 2AS MDO031 - VTB. MDO31 MNM 7600 (5.5%) 9 TB MNM_ 13000 Change: NASOS 2AS removed ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (30- 4] 22 AUG 12) Spain - LEMD / MAD SID rwy 36L DME/DME Day OPS North Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR) GND TWR Madrid APP 130.075 © | 121.625 £ 121.75EN| 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 130.35 _w_|121.975 cs 123.15cN| 118.075 @ 118.675 © 120.65 136.1 127.1 127.5 130.8 134.025 TA 13000 [AD Elev 1998 Dep | amis (12000 @ ber un, 124.225 & |130.85 DEP oot 431.175 w Somosieral paras D115.4 SIE © le Nat 08:1 woos 38.3 RNAV required [za pire ‘Colmenar Viejo 7500 MON-FRI: 07-22 = < aa a ie [20 | a | 7aow [2100 | 240K | MD039 © (2400 Nso38 4 Lf - W003 40.7 oe ‘SS De Los Reyes 117.85 SSY Nao 328 woos 34.5 Barajas 0116.45 BRA a0 262 wo0s335 9 5 40mm 3| zg AVBL: 07-23 LT | SPEED: MAX 250Kt until reaching 100008 3] ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain EEQJand REQ FL change en-route. 0) Routeing Altitudes 3| SIE TAL | Climb on 001" to DER - 002°- SSY @ - MD039- SIE ‘SSY MNM 2400 (7.5%) é D039 MNM 5200 (7.5%) SIE MNM 12000 (6%) Change: COM, MT ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (30- 5] 22 AUG 12) Spain - LEMD / MAD SID rwy 36L DME/DME Day OPS South Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR) GND TWR Madrid APP 130.075 € |121.625 es 124.75EN| 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 |118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 130.35 _w_|121.975 cs 123.15c-n| 118.075@ 118.675 © 120.65 |136.1 1271 127.5 130.8 134.025 TA 13000 AD Elev 1998 DEP ATS ‘D049 124.225 € |130.85 oeP P-RNAV req 8000 134.175 Ww N40 48.0 12000 @VTB 1AY + Woos’Ss vase oe" Tee WE hy, wove Ning [pee [ae [am [ae | 5400) S< max | 180Kt| 210Kt| 240Kt | Nao 398 won WBE IE oor oo ) woos 22 Ovens R © ver ta. g © DEP 258 vreiay 0 96.0 Woo 34.5 SS De Los Ri 0117.85 S: Nag 32.8 woos 34:5 eyes SY N39 468 woos 27.9 Villatobas Scale distorted EVE Barajas 0116.45 BRA N40 262 woos 33.5 7 AVBL: 07-23 LT SPEED: MAX 250kt until reaching 100008. ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain EET anc REQ FL change en-route. MD043 - BRA - VTB, © Naviech - lemd0Sdaorgd siD Rout Altitudes | VTB TAY " Climb on 001° to DER - 002° - SSY (MAX 180Kt)- | SSY@MNM 2400(7.5%) | MDO12 (MAX 240k!) - MDO41 (MAX 240k!) -BRA- | MDO12MNM $400 (7.5%) vi. MDO41 MNM 6400 (6%) BRA MNM 12000 (6%) YTB MNM 13000 VTB TAX ‘Climb on 002° - MDO16 - MDO17 - M040 - MDO42 - | MDO76 MNM 3600 (6.4%) MDO17 MNM 4300 (6.4%) MD040 MNM 8000 (6.4%) M042 MNM 12000 (6.4%) M043 MNM 13000 BRA MNM 13000 TB MNM 13000 Change: COM, MT THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID 0-6] 22 AUG 12 SID rwy 36L Buy oMe/DME Day OPS West WEF 20 SEP 12 (Barajas CLR GND TWR Madrid APP DEP ATS. MDOdO 130.075 € | 121.625 Es 121.75EN | 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 |118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 |124.225 & | 130.85 ver 130.35 _w |121.975 c-s 123.15 cn| 118.075@ 118.675 @ 120.65 |136.1 127.1 127.5 130.8 134.025 131.175 w anys TA 13000] AD Elev 1998 woos 33.9 P-RNAV required N40 975 Wood 33.0 an al (13000) 1 (43000) ; 1 ee ' me fe 200 at_| a> Ss! ; we ' 114.2 CCS N39 31.5, wo0e 26:1 AVBL: 07-23LT SPEED: MAX 250it until reaching 1000081 ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain and REQFL change en-route. INITIAL CLIMB: (BARD! 1AX, CCS 1AX) Climb on 002° to MDO16 - MDO17 - MD040- AVILA - LONGA - follow SID. Cross: MD016 MNM 3600 (6.4%) MDO17 MNM 4300 (6.4%) MD040 MNM 8000 (6.4%) AVILA MINM 12000 (6.4%) LONGA MNta 43000 CCS 1AY Na0a7.8 ‘W003 42.2 4036.0, SS De Los Reyes! 0117.85 SSY N40 328 = woos 34.5 Barajas 116.45 BRA "a0 282 INITIAL GLIMB: (BARDI 1AY, GCS 1AY) ESE Climb on 001° to DER - 002° - SSY - tum tet TS - © - M0039- AVILA -LONGA--follow SID. || Bank __| 15° | 20° | 25: | Cross: SSY MNM 2400 (7.5%) max | 180Kt| 210K | 240K J MDO039 MNM 5200 (6%) AVILA MNM 12000 (6%) om LONGA MNM 13000 (6%) SID, Altitudes BARDI 1AX (Subject to R71 BIC activiy) BARDL /BARDI MNM 13000 BARDI 1AY (Subject to D60, R71 BIC activity) ECS TAY (Subjectto DOO activi) CCS AAK__|COS. [CCS MNM 13000 3 a ‘QBsOEPgOPUIB| - YoaIAEN G Change: COM, MT THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org Spain - LEMD / MAD SID rwy 36L DME/DME ZMR 1AL/1AX Day OPS Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR) GND TWR Madrid APP 130.075 © | 121.625 €-s 124.75EN| 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025) 130.35 _w _|121.975 os 123.15 0N| 118.075 @ 118.675 © 120.65 |136.1 127.1 127.5 130.8 134.025] TA 43000 AD Elev 1998, - DEP ATIS. © ~ “IL P-RNAV required 124,225 € |130.85 DEP 131.175 w Ne. 12000 a oe } Ze 1AL DISko Zamora fboss ora? | (42000) A N41 31.8 1 N40.46.8 Wats Ses SS cate tated | "x woos385. D025 VW, Nyoa7s 9070 WO03 93.5 2 Ne Ye, oe 7 Naz 009 30-7 iS Ns037.8 g wood 422 N40.36.0 Woo 38.5 i bak | 15° 2s: | ; = max | 180i] 2101 240Kt SS De Los Reyes —= D117.85 SSY Barajas 0116.45 BRA woos 385 ° Loss tai i AVBL: 07-23 LT SPEED: MAX 250kt until reaching 100008. MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: ATC requirement are shown within brackets, ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain and REQ FL change en-route. sid) Routeing Altitudes =| ZMRIAL Climb on 007° to DER - 002" - SSY @ - MDO39- ‘SSY MNM 2400 (7.5%) 3 MD044 - DISKO - ZMR. MD039 MNM 5200 (7.5%) 8 M044 MNM 7600 (6%) s DISKO MNM 12000 (6%) | ZMR MNM 12000 4 Climb on 002° - MDOT - MDO17 - NDO25 - DISKO - MD076 MNM 3600 (7%) | g ZMR, MDO17 MNM 4300 (7%) 3 MD025 MNM 7200 (7%) a DISKO MNM 12000 Q ZMRMNM 12000 Change: COM, MT THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org Spain - LEMD / MAD SID Rwy 36R DME/DME Day OPS East Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR GND TWR Madrid APP 130.075 © | 121.625 £ 121.75EN| 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 130.35 w_|121.975 cs 123.15cN| 118.075 @ 118.675 © 120.65 |136.1 127.1 127.5 130.8 134.025 TA 13000 AD Elev 1998 DEP, ATS. 124.225 & |130.85 DEP P-RNAV required 131.475 w (g000 Robledillo 113.95 RBO a0 572 woos 14.8 5) OTT" PINAR oe 13000 Nao588 Wee seo Em Barajas : > D116 45 BRA (28 40 28.2 wwoos'33.5 AVBL: 07 - 23LT SPEED: MAX 250kt until reaching 100008. 8] MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: ATC requirement are shown within brackets. 8] ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain §RTIWM and REQ FL change en-route. | sip Routeing Altitudes :| PINAR 2AR Climb on 017°- MD047 - RBO - PINAR. MDO47 MNM 2900 (5%) 3 RBO MNM 8000 (5%) 3 PINAR MNM 13000 =) RBO2AR Climb on 017° - MDO47 - RBO. M047 MNM 2900 (5%) Q| FBO MNM 8000 (5%) Change: COM, MT THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org Spain - LEMD / MAD SID Rwy 36R DME/DME Day OPS South Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR GND TWR Madrid APP 130.075 © | 121.625 £ 121.75EN| 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 130.35 w_|121.975 cs 123.15cN| 118.075 @ 118.675 © 120.65 |136.1 127.1 127.5 130.8 134.025 TA 13000 [AD Elev 1998 DEP ATIS. 124.225 © |130.85 DEP 131.175 w M0048 P-RNAV required 7000 N40 452 were, moog 8000 “2s, No se2 Nye ‘woos 16.3 mo047 “ N40 35.6 W003 32.9 iN Qe. EEE] g ~ 2 Barajas 0116.45 BRA Naa 282 va 385 A Na; ican LO 3, _ 126) 195.9AR N99 wage ‘oo 2 Waa woos 0.9 7 ARI \o17 | @ 45 / 0 5 jonm | forse tiiiad | scale distorted AVBL: 07-23 LT 3 SPEED: MAX 250kt until reaching 10000. 8 MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: ATC requirement are shown within brackets. S| ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain BRMMM and REQ FL change en-route. E ‘SID Routeing Altitudes “| NANDO 3AR Climb on 017° - MD047 - MD048 - MD049 - PDT - MD047 MNM 2900 (6%) 3 NANDO. MD048 MNM 7000 (6%) z MDO49 MINM 8000 (6%) a PDT MNM 13000 (6%) NANDO MNM 13000 Change: Completely revised ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (30-10 24 JUL 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD SID Rwy 14L bay oPs North Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR GND TWR Madrid APP 130.075 121.625 £5 121.75EN| 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 |118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 130.35 _w_|124.975 cs 123.15c%| 118.075@ 118.675 @ 120.65 (136.1 127.1 127.5 130.8 134.025 TA 13000 [AD Elev 1988 Sse dstetea T DEP ATS i 124.225 & |130.85 oP I i ~s i 131.175 w ' Somosierra| ! ‘—_— Ww 01154 SIE | | jpn ARS ! Naor | om wiooss83 | u re war, Contingency Departure i Dap RSO see page 10-28 1 Mane8e ‘Colmenar Viejo 117.3 CNR a WARNING. Due to nearby traffic on APCH or DEP tolfrom MADRID Torrejon (LETO), stay all the time within procedure. ‘SS De Los Reyes D117.85 SSY N40 92.8 woos 345 Barajas 116.45 BRA Nao 28.2 was 335 24 Robledillo 1113.95 RBO 40 51.2 vwioo3 148 \ a a © \ Perales ‘ (@ No tum before DS SSY (DER). 0116.95 PDT 0 5 “orm MOE? woos 20.9 AVBL: 07-2317 SPEED: MAX 250kt until reaching 10000. | ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain EMI and REQ FL change en-route 8 | sip MNM Climb _ | Routeing Altitudes 8] PINAR 1UV | 7% to 2200 then) Climb on 129° - at D10 BRA - tum left- R125 BRA| D10 BRA MNM 4800 Z| 6% to 13000 | = at D22 BRA tum left - intcp 349°7R169 RBO- | D22 BRA MNM 7200 2 RBO - R077 RBO - PINAR 17.8 RBO MNM 13000 3] RBO AV | 7% to 2200 then] Ciimb on 129° - ai D10 BRA tum left- R125 BRA| D10 BRA MNM 4800 4 6% to 13000 | - at D22 BRA tum left- intcp 349°/R169 RBO- | D22 BRAMNM 7200 3 REO. 17.8 RBO MNM 13000 B| SIE2V 5.5% to 5000 | Climb on 144°- at D5.4 PDT turn right - intcp 262°/| D5.4 PDT MNM 5000 R102 NVS - at D24 NVS tun right -intep Q 013°7R193 CNR - CNR - SIE. Change: Contingency DEP proc ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack (30-41 [24 JUL 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD SID rwy 14L bay ops south Barajas MADRID (Barajas CLR ‘GND TWR Madrid APP 130.075 € | 121.625 £5 121.75EN) 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 | 118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025. 130.35 _w_|121.975 cs 123.15cN| 118.075 @ 118.675 © 120.65 |136.1 127.1 127.5 130.8 134.025 TA 43000 [AD Elev 1998 DEP ATIS. © Navtech - lemd1 tdaorg0 124.225 © | 130.85 Dep ‘SS De Los Reyes 0117.85 SSY 131.175 w MO SS Wiasts @ No tum before D5 SSY (DER) \ ‘ _ _ 25, 4800 Fy D10 BRA "aR Barajas 116.45 BRA We TR, BN a Angi, 200 4 Se 725. = ae . 5000 A 54 POT Contingency Departure = Perales ee 116.95 PDT Nao 152 woos 20.3 (9300) WARNING | Noose Due to nearby traffic on APCH or DEP tofom MADRIO Torrejon (LETO), stay al the time within procedure ao (Tiled) Villatobas 1000 GND-8000 Daze VIB Loriitiiiind AVBL: 07-23 LT SPEEI MAX 250kt until reaching 10000ft. ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain and REQ FL change en-route. SID MNM Climb Routeing Altitudes NANDO 1UV | 7% to 2200 then| Climb on 129° - at D10 BRA - turn left - R125 BRA- |D10 BRA MNM 4800 5.8% to 4800 at D33 BRA turn left - R108 PDT - NANDO. D33 BRA MNM 9300 SS] REDE Son vec aU POT a ATER] USA PTH SD R338 PDT - PDT - intcp 192°/RO12 VBT - VTB. Change: CJN 1UV, NASOS 1V removed, Contingency DEP proc ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org Spain - LEMD / MAD Barajas MADRID 30-12] 24 JUL 13 WEF 22 AUG 13) SID rwy 14L pay ops west (Barajas CLR GND TWR Madrid APP DEP ATS 430.075 c 121.625 es 121.75EN| 118.45 @ 118.975 © 120.15 | 118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 124.225 « | 130.85 ocr 130.35 w [121.975 cs 123.45 cn | 118.075 @ 118.675 © 12055 |136.1 1271 1275 130.8 134.025 131.175 w TA 13000 [AD Elev 1996 —— iardesst - © No tun before DS SSY (DER). f ‘amora 1 | ttz.1zMr LDUELEME 9 1\. Weasel S De los Ri iI $& De Los Reyes BARDI I I cee a 117.85 SSY Nase. % Contingency Departure N4092.8 Xe ' 2 gency Dep ME ey || GEO ae . Ba ' = %, —— a. i Barajas 116.45 BRA n0782, Perales aS (S000) 0116.95 POT Caceres 7230 pit4.2.ccs woos 20 R: 114.95 NVS Mee WARNING: Due to nearby traffic on APCH or DEP Naoz2.1 woos 180 to/from MADRID Torrejon (LETO), stay all the time within procedure. AVBL: 07-231T SPEED: MAX 250kt until reaching 100008. MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: 9.5% to 5000. ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain and REQ FL change en-route. SID Routeing Altitudes Climb on 144° - at D54 POT - tum right [05.4 POT MNM 5000 “tgp 2821102 NYS flow SIO BARDI 1V (Subject to R71 B/C actvity)| NVS - R280 NVS - BARDI. NVS MN 8000 CcsiV NVS = intop 24477 ROG4 CCS-CCS._[NVSMNM 8000 ZMR1V NVS- intep 319° R139 2NR-7MR__[NVS MNM 8000 5 4onm, ‘96s0epz 1 puss} - YosTAeN G) Change: Contingency DEP proc THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (30-13] 24 JUL 13) Spain - LEMD / MAD SID Rwy 14L night oPs North Barajas MADRID Barajas CLR) GND TWR Madrid APP 130.075 € |121.625 £5 121.75EN | 118.15 @ 118.975 © 120.15 | 118.4 118.75 134.95 128.7 124.025 130.35 _w_|124.975 cs 123.151] 118.075@ 118.675 @ 120.65 (136.1 127.1 127.5 130.8 134.025 TA 19000[ADElev 1908) | A Saledeored) 1 | DEP | ATS ! \ | Robeane 124.225 © |130.85 DEP e I | Lor13.95RB0 | [131.175 w Cer 14n | ‘Somosierra i @ ver sat | Diucrere| | opie, I ANK © veP sa I ype. ipiNAG > @ DEP 36R | Nees \ wits363 | SD) inane ~~ i | 030.4 RBO Contingency Departure 1 ea see page 10-28 L ‘Scale distorted SSS = Colmenar Viejo fa) D117.3 CNR f Fe i038. woos 441 by WARNING DIRE BES Due to nearby traffic on APCH or DEP tolfrom MADRID Torrejon (LETO), stay all the time within procedure, "Perales 0116.95 PDT B N4n262 “D7 PDT es wots 209 AVBL: 23-07 LT SPEED: MAX 250k until reaching 10000f. ALT RESTRICTION: Maintain BEEN and REQ FL change en-route. SID MNM Climb |Routeing Altitudes PINAR 1VX | 7% to 2200 then [Climb on 144° - at D5.4 PDT - tum right- intep |D5.4 PDT MNM 5000 a 6% to 13000 | R338 PDT - al D3.7 PDT tum left -R052 PDT - |D17.8 RBO MNM 13000 3 at D11.7 PDT tum left - intep 349°/R169 RBO - § RBO - RO77 RBO - PINAR. S]RBO AVX [7% to 2200 then [Climb on 144° - at DS.4 PDT - tum right intop [D5.4 PDT MNW 5000 z 5% to 13000 | R338 PDT - at D3.7 PDT tum left- R052 PDT- |D17.8 RBO MNM 13000 al fat D11.7 PDT tum left -intop 349°/R169 RBO - 4 RBO. 3| sIEZv 5.5% to 5000 | Climb on 144°. at D5.4 PDT - turn right - intcp _|D5.4 PDT MNM 5000 2 282°/ R102 NVS - at D24 NVS tum right - intep Q| 013°/ R193 CNR - CNR - SIE. Change: Contingency DEP proc ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY

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