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Downloaded from rutracker.org LFLL Airport information: Country: France City: LYON Coordinates: N 45° 43.5', E005 04.9 Elevation: 821 Customs: Customs Fuel: Jet A1 RFF: CAT9 hours: H24 Runways: Runway 18L Takeoff length: 2670, Landing length: 2670 Runway 18R Takeoff length: 4000, Landing length: 4000 Runway 36L Takeoff length: 4000, Landing length: 4000 Runway 36R Takeoff length: 2670, Landing length: 2670 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack Aerodrome Briefing Card a (5-1 [OT MAY 13) France - LFLL/LYS Saint Exupery LYON 1. GEOGRAPHICAL DATA 1.1 The ADis located 11nm ESE of the city Lyon. The land surrounding the AD is flat, however OBST of 1000ft and more rise to NW and NE of the AD. Lower hills rise to the S, and higher terrain to SE and E with spot heights of 1000ft and above within 10nm. 1.2 Be aware of the adjacent AD Lyon/Bron 2. WEATHER 2.1. Continental climate with warm summers, and relatively cold winters. Mean MAX/MNM temperature +26.0°/+14.1°C and +4.9'/-0.5°C in JUL/ JAN respectively 2.2 Summer. In general good weather. JUL is the least rainy month, After mid SEP cloud amount increases and OCT, NOV are the rainiest months. Most rainfall is of the shower type. 2.3 Winter. Heavy rains of shower type. ‘Snow may fall during NOV through APR. Strong winds with ceilings of 500-1000ft may ocour. The" Mistrals” on occasion blow through the Rhone Valley, bringing cold and unpleasant weather. 3. TRAFFIC Open. 4, MISCELLANEOUS Open. REPORTS Open. © Navtech - If101aorgy Reverse side blank ‘TAlmOgAAIEIS PRART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (40-4 [ot MAY 13) France - LFLL / LYS AERODROME Saint Exupery LYON ‘Saint Exupery CLR (D)] GND] TWR | LyonINFO | Slant Exupery ATIS (0) 121.65 124.825 | 120.45 | 135.525 426.175 132.0 AD Elev 821 | ARP: N45 43.5 £005 04.9 RFF: CAT 9] AD HR: H24 E008: l 04 o 765 VOR/DME LSE Intersection TORA t RWY 18L_ (B4) 2090m / 6856ft RWY 36L N45 42.6 £005 05.4 175 3660m / 12007f {as} 2870m 941A |N#5 (Ad) 2090m/ ease | RWY 36, 1910m / 6266" i, 2570m / 84314 8 3020m / 9908f Bi pS “i 3 L ee we 25 [DMELsN ie ~~, 4 - i eLev 813 ~ ant 1m 36 0 500 1000 36 0 2000 4000n ! Lose Aor ! i RWY Slope TORAmift LOAmift ALS _REDL RCLL Additional Ya +05 2670/6759 2670/8759 + =HE@ H@ avd, PS°(62), EFAS, REIL 36R -0.5 2670/8759 2670/8759 HA H@ avbl REIL 18R +04 4000/13123 4000/73123 HE@ H@ = avd. P:3° (68), EFAS, REIL 36L__-04 —4000/19123 4000/1312 HA H@ avbl__ REIL }@ EFAS 600m. @ EFAS 900m. © White. EU OPS, ANN RWY Facilities asc |b B] 36L/96R HRCLL + HREDL + Multiple RVR + HUD ECM MeN) 75m 75m 8 HRCLL + HREDL + Multiple RVR EE) 125m 450m S RCLL + REDL + Multiple RVR a 150m 200m | RCLL + REDL 200m 250m §| all RCL (day only) or RCL + REDL Ga) 250m 300m 5 RCL (day only) or RCL + REDL 400m 400m a NIL (day only) 500m 500m ‘Change: APN ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutrack AERODROME oveniew (0-2 [OT MAYS) France - LFLL/ LYS Saint Exupery LYON TWY K1 and K3 usable for apron K only. Saint Exupery CLR (D)| GND | TWR | Lyon INFO | Siant Exupery ATIS (0) 121.65 121.825 | 120.45 135.525 126.175 132.0 (7eR\ Itis recommended to crews of aig (8 Fal ‘A340-600, B777-300 & ACFT | TA akictione whose wingspan is over 65m, n" TWY TB MAX wingspan: 36m /118ff. tows with caution, particularly in tums, and use over-steering technique, Intersection TORA RWY 18L 2090m / 6856ft RWY 36R 1690m | 5544ft R RWY 18R a (a3) 3660m / 120071 2870m 1 9475ft 2090m | 6856ft RWY 36L 1910m / 6266n 2570m / 843th 20m | 9908F a \02taorgd Cargo Terminal © Navtech - © & TWY T6, T7 MAX wingspan: 73.3m/240n, TWY TJ MAX wingspan: 74.8m /245tt TWY K1, K3 MAX wingspan: 28.9m /95ft. TWY TN1,TN2,TN3 MAX wingspan: 29m 195ft Cand E areas (in front of terminal) MAX wingspan: 64.5m/212f. Change: Note, APN’ ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (40-3 [01 MAY 13) France - LFLL/ LYS. GROUND taxi routes ARR Saint Exupery LYON ‘Saint Exupery CLR (D)] GND | TWR | Lyon INFO | Siant Exupery ATIS (D) 121.65 121.825 | 120.45 | 135.525 126.175 1320 ‘TWY restrictions TWY K1 and K3 usable for apron K only. TWY TB MAX wingspan: 36m 118A. TWY T6, T7 MAX wingspan: 73.3m/240n. TWY TJ MAX wingspan: 74.8m 245i TWY K1, K3 MAX wingspan: 28.9m /95ft. TWY TN1,TN2,TN3 MAX wingspan: 29m 196M Cand E areas (in front of terminal) MAX wingspan: 64,5m/272ft Itis recommended to crews of ‘340-600, 8777-300 & ACFT whose wingspan is over 65m, tows with caution, particularly in tums, and use over-steering technique, ‘ _ * (ian) (us) N03gaorg0 © Navtech - © Change: Note, APN’ ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (loa [04 MAY 73) France - LFLL / LYS GROUND Taxi routes Rwy 18L/18R DEP Saint Exupery LYON Saint Exupery CLR(D)| GND] TWR | Lyon INFO | Siant Exupery ATIS (0) 121.65 4at.s2s | 120.45 | 135.525 426.175 132.0 Itis recommended to crews of TWY restrictions ‘A340-600, B777-300 & ACFT WY K1 and K3 usable for apron K only whose wingspan is over 65m, TWY TB MAX wingspan: 36m /176ft tows with caution, particularly TWY Té, T7 MAX wingspan: 73.3m/240ft in tums, and use over-steering TWY TJ MAX wingspan: 74.8m /245ft technique, TWY K1, K3 MAX wingspan: 28.9m /95it TWY TN1,TN2,TN3 MAX wingspan: 29m (95h Cand E areas (in front of terminal) MAX wingspan: 64,5m/212f Intersection TORA RWY 18 [)__2090m / ea5er RWY 36R 1690m / 5544ft RWY 18R 360m / 120078 2870m / 94158 2090m | 6856ft RWY 36L (al 1910m/ 6266 (5) 2570m/ 8431ft (As) 3020m/ 9908 D TW 3| = = 5 Cargo Terminal 3 s = <4 2 al © Change: Note, APN’ ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (0-5 [OT MAY 3) France - LFLL/ LYS GROUND Taxi routes Rwy 36L/36R DEP Saint Exupery LYON Saint Exupery CLR(D)| GND | TWR | Lyon INFO | Siant Exupery ATIS (0) 121.65 4at.s2s | 120.45 | 135.525 426.175 132.0 Itis recommended to crews of { TWY restrictions ] ‘A340-600, B777-300 & ACFT TWY K1 and K3 usable for apron K only. whose wingspan is over 65m, TWY TB MAX wingspan: 36m 116M. tows with caution, particularly TWY T6, T7 MAX wingspan: 73.3m/240H inte ease oe 1 Bhs | wv tymaxwingspan 74 om i24st technique, TWY Kt, K3 MAX wingspan: 28.9m 195A TWY TN1,TN2,TN3 MAX wingspan: 29m (95h. Intersection TORA Rn Cand E areas (in front of terminal) RWY 18L MAX wingspan: 64.5m/212f. 2090 / 6856r TT RWY 36R BB) 1600m/ s5eant RWY 18R AZ (RQ) 360m 120078 € 2870m / 9475! (aa) 2000m/ 6856ft RWY 36L 1910m 6266 2570m / 8431ft 3 3020m / 9908" 3 —> 3] =a 3 Cargo Terminal 77) 3 s = <4 g ™ 2 al © Change: Note, APN’ ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY IF you lke to use this charts, For rutracker.org GROUND Parking #8¢, buy a subscription for nDAC. 0-601 MAY 13) France - LFLL/ LYS Saint Exupery LYON ‘Saint Exupery CLR (D)] GND] TWR | LyonINFO | Slant Exupery ATIS (D) 121.65 421.825 | 12045 | 135.525 126.175 41320 74 » 2 : Bes 4 n 2M iy rs A y A As 0 1B 4 | Te iy | 15 Terminal 2 rc Terminal 4 Charter Terminal f \ el wmf / / Ma oD m—, \ foes er Terminal 3 —— 025, Cargo Terminal Change: Stands THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY IF you lke to use this charts, For rutracker.org GROUND Parking m,n #8¢, buy a subscription for nDAC. Go-7 [aT SEPT) France - LLL / LYS Saint Exupery LYON Saint Exupery CLR(D) | GND | TWR | Lyon INFO | Sant Exupery ATIS () ipery ye pery 0) | 121.65 4at.s2s | 120.45 | 135.525 426.175 132.0 I 3 N | Bs T™1 noe Nas NaQ Nat 1 we Nig M2 NT typ Aa nas Nag M2 ‘NA \ \ s nag NO2 NBT TNS. 14 c © General Aviation Woo 4 a | E4 N J 2 a | FA 7 " . s Ar 3 M é 3] B87 m2 ry y | \ | | wit | Sain ™ L\1 3 Change: COM THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. Forslineceerr (40-8 [OT MAY 13) France - LFLL/ LYS GENERAL Saint Exupery LYON [ee GENERAL 1. AERODROME RESTRICTION ‘AD has no general aviation terminal nor any particular facilities for business aviation. It is recommended to business aviation operators to use LYON-BRON airport (LFLY). 2. WARNING Do not mistake Lyon/Bron for Lyon/Exupery situation 6nm W of St. Exupery. 3. PREFERENTIAL RUNWAY SYSTEM Landing; Runway 36R/18L Take-off: Runway 36L/18R 4. VACATING RUNWAY Vacate Runway 36R via exit W4 when possible according with safety except LVP conditions. 5, TAXIWAY RESTRICTION Aircraft moving on apron must switch on taxi lights. 6. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURE - DEPARTURE 6.1 Take-off Runway 18R from intersection Taxiway A3 except on request by special cases. 6.2 Between 22-06 LT reverse thrust is not to exceed reverse idle power position except for operational and safety purposes. 6.3 ICAO standard Noise Abatement Procedure (Procedure A) applies. 6. SPEED ‘7MAX 250kt until transferred to ACC. |08gaorg0 4 3 $ & Z @ ‘TAls#OgART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1 you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscristion for nDAC. For rutracker.org © Navtech - imiovaorgo 3 yon APP Saint Exupery TWR ] Lyon NFO | SiantExuperyGND | _ATIS(D) Roe a 136.075 133.150w 1258 120.45 135.525 121,825 126.175 Arbois: S| 125.425 120.225 1320 132.0 ‘200 GND [TL ATC] AD Elev a2t HABES 8 BUSIL Noe = Nee) BOBS! eooe an be 58 423 BOR R219, [asosn| Saint Coude Sud LesPr 430 SW SALAS ruore-cee N60 ane totes SS ie z Rae emitrs (5000 Toyorax So z Flspeaes g SS ol > Roanne-Renaison 00 2 410.25 ROA Mele, 4 === sana) ny = ———— ‘Lyon Saint Exupary a > Molto ALAR DI1475 LSE 6100 == z Nas 57.4 SaRaee DANBO Chambery % E004 36.8 005 05.4 NAB 55.3, 115.4 CBY a £005.035 > 3 BELEP. = ‘058% & assz9, = Nag a75 3447 BELUS 2 E004 07.9) MADOT. NAS 40.5 s N45 43.8 eer 008 § £004 30.8 ee eee g SOPAD. bi N45 39.2. (N45.46.9) La Tour du Pin} a 004 123 MEBAK -¥ _ £00442) \ .sbct empony 115.58 LTP. 5 ie eer 2 pee! Vienne E005 263 Poor 2 a Reps) Stétiéme 108.2 VNE | ABRET N45 92.3 2 Fs eM 3000) M5205 E0087 2 379E8| fnesaia\ ms PENAR é ad | Baar eS e058 = Peat Vac! s eet 388 BR & Moss z aa 5 BANUS, 4000 a are e000) g MURRO. NAS 19.05] AMVAR 2 ssn \Fo0# 288 = oe 9200 Nas 196 S e004 72.5 st E905 562 3 | 2arws'| “por ~/ et ais: Neer 7 QyNs5.15.7 saesin\ 40400) a pa eee \ 500) Seem ee / 6 N45 18.7 E004 20.1 GOMET fe £ Foe 124 4000) \ARBON tasrte” YY cronabie a Us 7 Eogedes Y eciis a g nas718 = / : 8400 2 = ROLIR. Roma £05238 {eai0) Catner t anc. * Mg s05° Nas 002 ruzoo 3 Nas 077 SoS, Byae kes a wast joes Eon 200 ombae J Gatoir - ELEN = AMON aero ize” Ce & Naor Nast am a a0; E004 967 220 VE| c004500 game ame 2 a 509 Valero PAee None = eters Lew Nas 000 E005 313 & Mentelimar Ne 113.65 MTL range Carta Piet a O 5 10 15 20nm betes tI Reverse side blink sepmniy ww BY GY e Tass Ibe) NOAT Sedna ues SA1/ T1471 > e9Ued5 If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org EEE] ° (Go-4 [21 SEP 11) France - LFLL / LYS RNAV) southwest, Wes! aint Exupery SID Rwy 36L/R JET Southwest, West Saint Ex LYON Saint Exupery CLR (D) | GND | TWR | Lyon INFO "APP ‘Saint Exupery 121.65 121.825 | 120.45| 135.525 | 133.15 w 125.425e | ATIS(D) 132.0 420.225 132.0 126.175 TA 5000] AD Elev 621 © GNSS or DME/DME or VOR/DME LSE 11361 {JET ACFT only. Nas 557 of EO0s ea BELEP N45 475 RONIS E008 079 MAX 250k B vest N45 469 La Vatoonne| ls ae ee Nis 438 foam) cl, MSS (2500) a Lyonvsxon try l Lyon Saint Exupery [ew tel 0114.75 LSE a5 425 E008 38'9 N45 447, £005 05.4 StEtonne LFW REPSI N45 314 E04 16.5 (@ MSA 32 within 140m | 5 16 @ MSA 32 within 171m = ‘SPEED: MAX 250kt until transfered to ACC. MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: 9% to FL110. ALT RESTRICTION: Climb to siD Routeing Altitudes (NITIAL CLIMB) Climb on 365° to 2500 - LL361 - LL362 - By RONIS (MAX 250kt) - follow SID. 3| Bevep ae MADOT - BELEP. L962 MNM FL140 EB4E EB. L362 MNM FL140 MURRO 4E MEBAK (MAX 250k!) - MURRO. L362 MNMI FL110 REPS| 4E MEBAK (MAX 250k) - REPSI L362 MNM FL140 Change: COM, MT, MSA, Renumbered ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For ntrocher ony SID Rwy 18L/R north, Northeast, Northwest France - LFLL/ LYS Saint Exupery LYON Saint Exupery CLR (D) | GND ] TWR | Lyon INFO ‘APP ‘Saint Exupery 121.65 121.825 | 120.45) 135.525 | 133.15 w 125.425 ATIS (D) 1320 120,225 132.0 126.175 TA 8000 | AD Elev 624 | MOKIP ACURA MNM FL200 SSRIS 042.2 [SE D456 LSE A mess Hem ‘ mets op i ca MOKIP 4S _-MABES { x MOKi4s NAS 20.4 SN E008 18.9 BUS, 036.3 LSE N46 17.8 035 LSE prance, 00s 43:3 Mo 195 a E0581 /Siitzee Cand Ss % fou no DANBO DI1 LSE N45 55.3 Ede 03'5 se == La Vabbonne Lyon Saint Exupery {000 GND 0114.75 LSE Negaa7 005,05.4 Lyeniron \ LLY \ \ Vienne so2vne| ‘SE == SSS La Tour du Pin Eun 115.55 LTP G tee, som eooeae MSA 32 within 44nm Losi ad MSA 32 within 17m SPEED: MAX 250kt until transfered to ACC. MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: 6% to FL140 ALT RESTRICTION: Climb to ED SID Routeing Altitudes 2) GNTIAL CLIB) | limb on 175° - at D4.2 LSE turn loft to 013° §] (NITIAL CLIMB) | 3328 LTP - DANBO - folow SID. ‘S| ALURA 4s Turn right - R852 LSE - ALURA. =| BUSIL 4S BUSIL 3] apes 4s R352 LSE - at D33 LSE turn right -084" towards GLA - MABES. | 033 LSE MNM FL160 <1 MOKIP 4S Tum right - R352 LSE - BOBS! - MOKIP. D33 LSE MNM FL160 a MOKIP MNM FL200 Change: COM, MT, MSA, Renumbered ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (30-3 [05 SEP 12) France - LFLL / LYS SID rwy 18L/R west Saint Exupery LYON Saint Exupery CLR (0) | GND | TWR | Lyon INFO "APP ‘Saint Exupery 121.65 121.825 | 120.45) 135.525 | 133.15 w 125.425£| ATIS(O) 132.0 420.225 132.0 126.175 TA 5000 | AD Elev 624 | Lyon Saint Exupery BELEP 114.75 LSE 024.8 TIS saa P1175 boot dF MADOT 005 05.4 Tis" R103, 024.3 LSE = Ae. Nas 138 oy Beso Cap Ete) ELER gg fours eels NS StEtienne| ~A & 379 EB) st etomneRB 4 281°(35 : M5388 LEM 298 Ke3 265° 28} EPSI 4S REDS! REPSES 0368 LSE os Ere Vienne asst 180, 108.2 VNE E008 165 Ge? Sane 00453. Grenoble oins MURRO —& D39 LSE N45 200 E008 22:5, '@ MSA 32 within 140m @ MSA 32 within 179m EEE} SPEED: MAX 250kt until transfered to ACC. MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: 8% to FL90. ALT RESTRICTION: Climb to SID Routeing a Clb on 76" tD4-2LSE ep R75 SE. tT LSE un t= 2507RO7E VME 8] Beer 4s | Tum ight wo R08 VNE - MADOT - 283° - BELEP, | Bas Turn right to R261 VNE - EB. i MURRO 4S —_| Turn eft to R238 VNE - MURRO. Ol RePsi 4s Turn right © R265 VNE - REPS Change: SID text ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (30-4 [21 SEP 11) France - LFLL / LYS SID rwy 18U/R east, south Saint Exupery LYON Saint Exupery CLR (D) | GND | TWR | Lyon INFO "APP ‘Saint Exupery 121.65 121.825 | 120.45| 135.525 | 133.15 w 125.425e| ATIS(D) 132.0 420.225 132.0 126.175 TA 5000] AD Elev 821 VIRIE = (@ MSA 32 within 14nm 24.2 LSE 4 © MSA 32 within 171m Lyon Saint Exupery nas51.3. 114.75 LSE 0th"7 eoefar BELUS Nag aa, (ee) £005 05.4 VIRIE 4S so] mas za ors eo” Lyoh/Bron VRS Nas 405 er ’ E005 3515 2 x 7 4 & Crambena, @RISOR 4M ¢ une OF RISOIM So. os, [PLP REAR / ORISOR 4S SF /Na5304 RISOKS Org Li re] & Eo0s 3718 i“ eo oa7> HOM 4a) 082 iS up 08 ApAT iRisoR 7 oil _[RISOR 4S ONLY Nes 300, ‘un FL130 >| ir} AIC MAX FL90 ad 22.4 LTP 220 Grenoble \ Fess == Nab 5283 Stanton TS py \ Ta Tour du Pn E005 57:9 Fuss, MON-FRI DSLTP DUS.SS LTE SRSS 0) 5208 soi 005 26.3 a2 3 2 sz = o ROMAM 039 LSE 145,062 0 5 © 40mm E005 08.8 Loita) ‘SPEED: MAX 250k until transfered to ACC. ALT RESTRICTION: BELUS 4SIVIRIE 4S: Climb to ETD. RISOR 4W/ROMAM 4S: Climb to EET RISOR 48: Climb to S10 MNM Climb [Routeing Altitudes INITIAL CLIMB) Climb on 175° to D4.2 LSE - intep R175 LSE - follow SID. BELUS 4S — [6% to FL80 [At D9 LSE turn left - 114°/R294 LTP - at D3.5 LTP turn left- RO3O LTP - BELUS | RISOR 4M [9.5% to FL190 |At 015.5 LSE tum left -077°/R257 LTP -LTP - RISOR.|Snm before LTP B] (ATC only) IMNM FL130 3 RISOR MNM FL130] S| risor4s — [6% toFL90 [At D9LSE tumleft-LTP - RISOR RISOR MNM FL130] g| ROMAM 4s [6% toFLI40_[ROMAM, 3 | vile 4s 16% toFL80 | ALDOLSE tum left- 114°/R294 LTP - at 04.7 LTP 2 turn left- RO13 LTP - at D18.5 LTP tum right - Q R074 LSE - VIRIE. Change: COM, ALT, MSA, Renumbered ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (Go-5 [21 SEP 11) France - LFLL / LYS SID Rwy 18L/R prop west Saint Exupery LYON Saint Exupery CLR (D) | GND | TWR | Lyon INFO APP Saint Exupery 121.65 121.825 | 120.45| 135.525 | 133.15 w 125.425e| ATIS(D) 132.0 420.225 132.0 126.175 TA 000] AD Elev 824 Propeller ACFT only BELEP 1024.8 TIS. N45 47.5 E008 07.9 St Etienne S79 EB NaS 38.3 E008 17.0 MADOT. 'D41.3 TIS Nas 433 282 / BEL Eoos 308 N, Lyon Saint Exupery D114.751SE NaS447 008 05.4 Lyonvren a 1230 LFLY (4230), D32LSE~}R ro a & yee 35 m= aioe 1 100.7 NE Ona a ak REST AU se REPS! Ens REPS|_—~ E 036.8 LSE renen Nast Coates t iy weed , murro oS D39 LSE nusz00 (Ny. Beedees 32 ae ° 5 ‘tonm ® e EVE SPEED: MAX 250kt until transfered to ACC. MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: 6% to 5000. ALT RESTRICTION: Climb to EX SID Routeing TIAL CLIMB) | Climb on 175° - at 1230 (but not before 03.2 LSE) tum right - 250° - 221°/RO41 VNE - VNE - follow SID. BELEP 4U Tum right - R304 VNE - MADOT - 282°7R102 TIS - BELEP. EB4U Tum right - R281 VNE - EB. | MURRO 4U Tum right - R238 VNE - MURRO. 3 | RePsi au ‘Tum right - R265 VNE - REPSI Change: COM, MT, MSA, Renumbered ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY IF you like to For rutrack use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. 9 (Go-6 [21 SEP 11) France - LFLL / LYS SID Rwy 36L/R north, Northeast, Northwest Saint Exupery LYON Saint Exupery CLR (D) | GND | TWR | Lyon INFO APP Saint Exupery 121.65 121.825 | 120.45| 135.525 | 133.15 w 125.425e| ATIS(D) 132.0 420.225 132.0 426.175 TA 000 AD Elev 821 SU RTL ALURA MOKIP 45.618 \ unm FL200 neo Ny D42.2 LSE / Eas s2 panes i pho MER, i & 268 MOKIP 4N XN S28 Monin 2 gga? BUSIL ea Aare Ea ‘basse MABES 4N 4617.6 Wasen | MABES _ Fos 43:3, ve R019 VNE ieee MABESAN —_NAG204 Avie a a MBA, Lint is 3, a FL160 bo 5 oF 2 “D3 LSE 7 i cB Gg M% @ MSA 32 within 14nm, DANES: @ MSA 32 within 171m / 0114 LSE E005 03.5 VIRIE J) ses / paz Boo eno" Gas a ane LSE SS RIE. ) endl io“, ot ik 43 ose Pa owe Lyorr00 Rehr LeLY % A __ es [La Tour du Pin Lyon Saint Exupery 115.55 LTP cchamoery 0114.75 LSE ts Vienne N45 283 108.2 VNE wees, | e036 N45 33.4 \ "pony £08 530 ® Gobi SPEED: MAX 250kt until transfered to ACC MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: 6% to FL140. VIRIE 4N: 8% to FLO. ALT RESTRICTION: Climb to GIREDI. VIRIE 4N: Climb to GE SID Routeing Altitudes: {INITIAL CLIMB) Cimb on 355° to D3.4 LSE - intcp R952 LSE - follow SID. B) ALURAAN —/ALURA | BUSW aN [Tum left R328 LTP - DANBO -BUSIL =| MABES4N — ALD33 LSE tur right - 084° towards GLA- MABES. 33 LSE MNM FL160 St-wore an — [eons tan agu-097"- OK TSE Fen 3 MOKIP MNM FL200 | virte an ‘AtDA.2 LSE tum right - R328 LTP - at D19.6 LTP turn left -VIRIE Change: COM, MT, MSA, Renumbered ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org France - LFLL/ LYS SID rwy 36L/R east, south Saint Exupery LYON (‘Saint Exupery CLR (D) | GND | TWR | Lyon INFO ‘APP Saint Exupery 121.65 121.825 | 120.45| 135.525 | 133.15 w 125425<| ATIS(D) 1320 420.225 132.0 126.175 TA 5000] AD Elev 821 RONIS MNM FL110 pu sat LSE, La Vabbonna nese, f ico co e008 826 os ABAD0 _ BELUS 4N Ae, 0 oN Re77 ~ [D11.8LTP. BELUIN BELUS Lyorron, Iniss04 ws fc [ete wets, Bee's x = K Chambery Pad la/ \p305 (yen Sain Exp OF enan' Os LSE =< € 026.7LSE ~ masaa7, 3, § N5304 = £005 05.4 me ~ S20 E005 37.6 StEtienne 2 RISOR 4N 4 379 EB 28 SOR AN Ng 3 ea p a 082" eer zg & aa i58 = RISOR. Mas ama 3 BR Z| crenctie AS ¢y fees “Dee LTP —= su Nis 329, 4 GrenobllSt Coors ta TourduPin| M59, \\muRRO 291 WS. rh aa MSzL7 ros” MBs as 200 ie NON FR A = SRS Noam zomam D39 LSE Sis ide (@ MSA 32 within 14m | MSA 32 within 17Am ‘SPEED: MAX 250kt until transfered to ACC. MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: 8% to F100. ALT RESTRICTION: Climb to MURRO 4N: Climb tol]. SID Routeing Altitudes TAL CLIMB) |Climb on 365° to D3.4 LSE - intep R352 LSE - follow SID. (INI 3 BELUS 4N At D4.2 LSE turn right - R328 LTP - at 09.8 LSE tum left - BELUS. g MURRO 4N ‘At D7.3 LSE tum left - 239° - RONIS - 244° towards EB - RONIS MNM FL110 § at D905 LSE tum lef- 168° ftom EB - MURRO. 8] risor an | aLD4219¢ tun ight- R928 LTP-ABADO-PENAR-RISOR. | RISOR MINM FLI30 3 &| romam an | A1042LS€ wn right - 180° to WS -WS - ROMAN. Change: COM, MT, MSA, Renumbered ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (Go-8 [27 SEP 11) France - LFLL/LYS SID rwy 36L/R prop East, South Saint Exupery LYON Saint Exupery CLR (D) | GND | TWR | Lyon INFO "APP ‘Saint Exupery 121.65 121.825 | 120.45| 135.525 | 133.15 w 125.425e| ATIS(D) 132.0 420.225 132.0 126.175 TA 5000 | AD Elev 624 | = mead cael Propeller ACFT only Lavatwonne |” 0174.75 LSE ‘000 GND, NaS 447 005 05:4 o ABADO BELUS DIO LSE /129LTP Lyowien Wis 094 M5405: FOS gory Tae tus AR RISOR eo ar iS ; 022.4 LTP q i Nas 3233 Cy Pe: 25.3 Shas a = LSE \ : wr Vienne == = RISOR, a 408.2 VNE La Tour du Pin PENAR or 0115.55 LTP PRT LSE Nas 33.4 004 55.0 a5 2033 N45 30.4 00626 3 E008 37.8 R220 bE a eee Grenoble/St Geoirs MON-FRI 2018 SR-Ss Ni5287 stan PY £005 08.2 2 Bs Et aes = 2 _ROMAM ‘@ MSA 32 within 14am ~~ 039 LSE 0 5 40nm i 2 @ MSA 32 within 17am} a“ 962, ‘SPEED: MAX 250kt until transfered to ACC. MNM CLIMB GRADIENT: 8ELUS 4R/ROMAM 4R: 8% to FL100, RISOR 4R: 8% to FL9O, ALT RESTRICTION: Climb to ETD SID Routeing Altitudes | TAL CLime) | Climb on 355° at 1280 (but not before D0.8 LSE) - 8 tum right - 180° towards WS - follow SID. ‘S| BeLUs 4R ‘At RO6O VNE tum left - RO76 VNE - BELUS. | Rison 4R | ALROBO VNE turn oft- 083° - ABADO - R122 LSE - RISOR NM FL130 3 PENAR - at 025.3 LSE turn left - RO82 LTP - RISOR. | _Romam 4k WS - 178° from WS - ROMAM, Change: COM, MT, MSA ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (30-9 21 SEP 11) France - LFLL / LYS SID Rwy 36L/R prop southwest, West Saint Exupery LYON Saint Exupery CLR (D) | GND | TWR | Lyon INFO "APP Saint Exupery 121.65 121.825 | 120.45| 135.525 | 133.15 w 125.425e| ATIS(D) 132.0 420.225 132.0 126.175 TA 000] AD Elev 821 BELEP 024.8 TIS 084 M5475 RONIS. LSE E008 079 DIGLSE e D117, N45 46.9 s Pe Rio See, 004 428 sd TisMio\, pete, Sagi Z er 7 is Razr LyoaBron LFLY B Lyon Saint Exupery ES D114.75 LSE nas 447 E008 05.4 Lew ere MURRO 145 20.0 foot 28s \ (@ MSA 32 within 14nm © surat @ MSA 32 within 17m SPEED: MAX 250kt unti transfered to ACC. MNM CLIMB RESTRICTION: 6% to FL70. ALT RESTRICTION: Climb to EEX. SID Routeing Climb on 365° at 1230 (but not before 00.6 LSE) -tum left - 269° - R314 LSE - TIAL CLINE) at D8.4 LSE tum left- 238" - RONIS - follow SID. 9) BeLEP 4k 244° towards EB - at D23 LSE tur right - 282°/R102 TIS - MADOT - BELEP. 8] ee ar EB. z 4 a 8] murro4r (RNAV) | MEBAK-MURRO. 3 3 : Q| REPSI4R (RNAV) MEBAK - REPSI. & Change: COM, MT, MSA ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1f you liks to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org © Navtech - Ifl0taaorg0 a Z of yar Saint Exupery TWR ] Lyon INFO | Sant Exupery GND | ATIS (D) Fa Gonna © © | 136.075 w 125.86 120.45 135.525 121.825 126.175 Lut01 Nas 18.2 €005 43.0 £4 | 120.225 1320 4320 (ioe Nas 177 eons 388 3 o[m atc] ad Elev 821 LL103 _N45 08.9 £005 31.2 a3 2 ees When VOR/DME LTP UiS| > S| (@ when voRIOME LSE UIs Te Laooat Opera BE] | max zaoe Dit4.75LSE a| ls 3 2] Jost nas a4, 85 Ey ze 5 = ceeveeer ie, : Vienne La Tour de Pin pf OPELSE 108.2 VNE D115.55 LTP a. g Ree, NaS203 q 2 C0383 By £ wr @ 5 y GOMET ue @ t 2 DBLTP AMVAR a 3 Je 2 is 24 3 ARBON 34 come & X Moe, MAX 250Kt zg i é PREEN Wf eV, | eww 12000 Lan FLA : Das LSE erro S24 MB GZocorG Mave 3 R240 NTL BEE wax zou EF 000 3 MAX 250k MAX 220K Fe J “7500 anya 3 D34LSE = Souza 3 fg MIS 11102 AMVAR 38 © g mezies ‘sg BN. seuas 3 AGREV_MEZIN 3S a era R327 MTL 2 Nis0a9 L103, B BOQ) Eeos'h 5 Boot 81 33 = MAK 250k g Ww we D45 LSE 2 MezIN _/ ® PINES PINED 5 Nene eee PINED 3S@ [wax FLTS0, 3 a TEE, 0143.65 MTL & 0 5 10nm J @ NSA 32 within 14nm Loti ir tN @ WSA32 within 17am 8 haat a Ss ISNOD NOBUV AVI Q] ANE WLS TOT] OF) NOAT Seaman ures QUIELEEN SATIT1d1 = 20ues5 If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org France - LFLL/ LYS Saint Exupery LYON 5 3 STAR awy 18 tar RUNOM, TALAR Lyon APP. ‘Saint Exupary TWR | Lyon INFO 136.075 W 125.8 e 120.225 132.0 120.45 135.525 132.0 ‘Saint Exupary GND ] ATIS (0) 121.825 126.175 ‘@ When VORIDME LSE U/S TL ATC] AD Elev 821 ‘Moulins Montbeugny’ 0116.7 MOU ARSOM Na 08.2 003 26.2 LABAL a6 017, E003 21.3 Nag.27.4 Eon 46 3g MOU Nag 06.8 ae wax FL120) DIBBA IfFPL above FL195 MAX 220Kt 029 LSE Na6_00.0. E00¢ 30.2 “3 SK 4500 0 0 Roame-Rerlaison IAF 110.25 ROA TARO (Oana) Was (@ When VORIDME LSE U/S MAX 230k MILPA Max FL180 047 LSE MAX 250k Ne-182 £05 52.8 orKoL MAX 220K 027 LSE Ne6 08.1 00s 288 N46 11.8 E003 385, f ue ei s Sma ch € D22LSE otPos tard MAX 220K ‘S sient iar Ra0vD24 SE Lyon Saint Exipery] Moca. wax FLIOO choo Nas ra DiW475LSE | 005212 Sopa 3 == ii Mey Thiers on Bae D175 TIS a a (O117.5 TIS] Lyon Bron Glermond Ferrand mus 528 oO D114.35 CFA eRe ia Mea stEtenne 118.85 LTP oh 0 6 t0nm a @ MSA 32 within 14 Uelid @ MSA 32 within 170m rE] DOOERTON ATEN © Change: Completely Revised THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 1f you liks to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org © Naviech - ifl03aaorg0 2 Z of loarr Salt Exupeyy TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) REF Coordinates © © | 136.075 w 125.86 120.45 135.525 121.825 126.175 Lut01 Nas 18.2 €005 43.0 FE | 120225 1320 132.0 LLtoz N45 17,7 E005 33.8 22 TL ATC|AD Elev 621 2108 _ N49 00.9 008 O12 a >” | Ohm REC US (when VOR/DME LTP Urs} v Lyon Saint Exupery 2 Mie aotit D114.75 LSE a Dat N45 44.7 g 005 08.4 z 5 —— SEs ee, z Vienne La Tour de Pin me DRBLSE z 108.2 VNE 11555 LTP te. Eee 4s 293 < z Cae Rs £ wr @ 5 H 5 GOMET. ar @ Ltw zB pete AMVAR g ARBON s <4 crete MES, MAX 250Kt DooLsE ze? us 101 [wax L160) a MAX 220K 1 - 500 wax FLI50 2 Das LSE wei 2 GB Leo Eons 562 = R340 MTL se aa) 5 Reece: wax za SSH mx 2201 a ven 3 D34LSE e Feeez> se se fees L102 AMVAR 3N © g a Len] OSMAS- 3 AGREV__MEZIN 3N “_ROLIR, ia MET R327 MTL 036 LSE o 2 Nis0a9 hus 105 1L103/Q RQ) tessa 5 out 193 Enae'808 ge a “AMON Xx czooie g aa Be \FL120 we iS LSE = MEZIN ° = 7% hy Re PINESN PINED. & G3t8 ML Eos 307 = PINED3N© Yui.x FLT30 3 oot 11.8 Montelimar r ies § © 5 — 40nm Bris 6e MTL t @ NSA 32 within 140m Loti ir DN @ WSA32 within 17am 3 | soi ass Zz is ISNOD NOBUV AVI QE ANE YW ILS TOS EOF) NOAT Seaman ures QUIELEEN SATIT1d1 = 20ues5 If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org France - LFLL/ LYS Saint Exupery LYON 5 3 STAR awy 36 tar RUNOM, TALAR Lyon APP. ‘Saint Exupary TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND ] ATIS (0) 136.075 W 125.8 e 120.45 135.525 121.825 126.175 120.225 132.0 132.0 TL ATC[AD Elev 821] | Scale distorted ARSOM Na 08.2 003 26.2 LABAL iis |\LABAL SN... (Clermond Ferrand 114.35 CFA N45 47.2 e0ua 11 3g MOU Nag 06.8 008 57.5, st Yan Die MOU Nag.27.4 Eon 46 IfFPL above FL195 Reanne-Rergicon 110.25 ROA MAX FL120 DIBBA. MAX 220Kt 029 LSE Na6_00.0. E00¢ 30.2 230kt ‘@ When VORIDME LSE U/S @ RNAV only ok (@ When VORIDME LSE U/S MAX MILPA Max FL180 D47 LSE MAX 250k: Nas 142 F008 52.8 orKoL MAX 220K 027 LSE Ne6 08.1 00s 288 1aF D22LSE raed? NTALAR ©. MAX 220kt ne fv R0VD24 LSE Mecoe FL190 e004 020 Nas 574 So0521°2 Max FL190 £004 96.5 == ii Ney, Thiers cn Brida D175 TIS a a (B15 TS Ce beni Nasaze LnY eu 382 La Tour de Pin stEtene 145.55 LTP 0 5 40mm Le @ NiSA32 within tan Lilia @ MSA 32 within 170m OBIOEEPOI - SVEN O Change: New THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (50-4 [09 JAN 73) France - LFLL/ LYS ILS Rwy 18L Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 W 125.86 120.45, 135.525 121.825 126.175 420.225 132.0 132.0 ILS/DME 109.1 LSS | FAT 175" | THR Elev 780| AD Elov 624] TL ATC] TA 5000 TT Eoodso TTT Eooslog "Za coos! sa Eonsl20 \LsioME q DME Required Max FL100 fl PANS OPS. ae La Tour de Fin Vienne |. 408.2 vne | 1764 uff [Do not mistake LyorvBron| LOTIS-SSUTP 3 ‘ TRBON Vr ‘ for Lyon/Saint Eaveery D7Lss D4LSS [mart] o1 tss/002 Use | Seppe ztse 03.2 LSE LSE Cute ar TTESCARDES — turn right ‘3000 ae 175 * and intep = R196 [CSE climbing to Join 1880 oor ARBON HP. LSS reads DO.3 at THR 1620 _MDA m 0 9 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TCH 49 AcrT | ILS+DME |LOC+DME Circling ©} @ includes CAT D i | OME | 3.4° | Dme | 3.1° | LOA 2670x45 % 1350 620 | @ Right-hand circuit. | LSE | ALT | LSS | ALT | 8759x147" g ‘120 240 acim | RWys6 6 | 3000] 68 | 3000) °* SEY ® | 980 200) om ‘ek 5 _| 2660] 6 | 2730 | 2am ROE | TBD or 4_| 2330] 5 | 2400 - im m ei 1120 (340) | 1770 (240) 3_| 2000] 4 | 2060 § 100m 3.8km 2 | 1660| 3 | 1730 z 1 | 4330| 2 | 1400 3 =| Gs 80 | 100 | 120 | 140 | 160 0.4 | 1120] 1.2 | 1120 & Q ROD 3.1° | 430 | 540 | 650 | 760 | 860, Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (09 JANTS France = LFLL/ LYS. ILS Y rwy 36L comer Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 w 1258 120.45 138.525 421.825 426.175 120.225 1320 1320 ILS/DME 410.75 SAN] FAT 385° | THR Elev 813 AD Elev 624] TL ATC | TA 5000 rT eoodso of etoatg "OK cade ° 27. 1234 | a ones 5 @Pmmeowyoyacet) \ 4 | ore se |with ILS 50 khz equipment) ae D1.8 SAN 1001 D37LSE No) (1126 oN R | A suas A} Ossi 50d 08.2 LSE x 1319 al yaar x g 5 9 q 1676" D10 SAN a Warning Do not mistake Lyor/Bron Due | 3.0° for Lyoni/Saint Exupery 1764.) ise | ALT 11.9 | 4000) r 10 | 3400) 3 | 3080 8 | 2760 7_| 2450 6 | 2130 5 | 1810 o 4 | 4490) (@ sa 32 within 14nm 3.3 | 1250) (@MSA 32 within 171m n i MAP] 02 S1SE 01 SAN OBTUSE DOZLSE D731SE @DITOLSE Climb on 355"AtD18 «LSE_—«T.8 SAN. 4.3 SAN 5.4 SAN DIWSAN Fo [LSE] tum right som a5 See, (MAX 185k\) to 050° ‘40006 and nen RoaO LSE) climbing to ED ‘At 027 [LSE] turn right and join RUNOM HP. oe [SAN reads DO.2 at THR TCH 59 O12 5 § 6 6 7 8 8 BS mm acer] CATINB | ACFT| CAT II[ILS+DME|LOC+DME | Circling | | ove | 3.0° | L0A.000sa5 z 4320 20;] |SAN| ALT | 1312307470 8 }, Ask _| 3 - 7430 on | | 121 4000 s RAST | 1020 (200) | 1250240) | “f.6km 8 _| 3370 SRY Available 300m | 550m | 130m 4sgoc7er] | 6 | 2730 | cle °o 2.4km 5 | 2410 ci > 41730 200) 3 3.6km 4 | 2090 z @includes CAT 0, [~3_| 1780 3 2 GS_| 80] 100] 120] 140] 160 2 | 1460 = a ROD 30° | 420 [530 | 640 | 740 | 650 14 | 1250 Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (Go-3 [09 JAN 13) France - LFLL / LYS ILS Z rwy 36L arson Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 W 1258 120.45 135.525 121.825 126.175 120.225 132.0 132.0 ILS/DME 110.75 SAN | FAT 385° | THR Elev 813 | AD Elev 624] TL ATC TA 000 re eoodso ' 008 0 st Soong "gi Yeast ° Su 1234, ise Pe : x 1e toss = with ILS 50 khz equipment. tyon8ion p1.ggan 1001 LOtT4- 75 LSE os) 037 LSE NY 0, 1126 * a aI ~ MeV sopaise 588 K R1a19 a iz g ALT D731SE 8.8 LSE a 739 2780 en x 2abt! Warning oR 2130 D13LSE Do not mistake Lyon/Bron 1764 1800 MAX 200kt for Lyon/Saint Exupery 1480 1250, 1 Sw @ MSA 32 within 14nm | © a @MSA 32 within 17m | > i ARBON | | ! [WaPe] D291SE/D1 SAN] DS7ISE D62LSE D7SLSE DB BLSE Climb on 355". ALD1.8 LSE —=«DYBSAN._D43SAN D54SAN DEOSAN [ESE] turn right . (MAX 185k1) to 050° s and intep R020 [LSE] 2190 —— 355°-3000 imbing © SU SLesec0 A027 [LSE] turn right “FW 1390 ‘and join RUNOM HP. ~eaH{DA 630) 1360 SAN reads D0.2 at THR| TCH 59 ¢ 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 om acer] CATINB | AcrT|GATI[ILS+DME| LOC+DME | Circling | ] ome | 3.0° [LDA <000:a5 | A Fagin | [SAN | ALT | 12047 s 7430 omy | |S 2750 = 8 | ea97 | 1020.20] 1250.40) | 488m 5_| 2420 SRY Available 300m | 550m | 130m 4ggocrer] | 4 | 2100 ¢ = o}| 0 24km 3 Tazo 4 > 1730 (900) 3 3.6km 2_| 1450 g includes CATD, [7.4 | 1250 3 a Gs__| 80] 100] 120 | 140 | 160 z Ron 3.0°| 420 | 30 | 640 | 740 | 850 Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (0-4 [09 JAN 13) France - LFLL / LYS ILS Z Rwy 36L RUNOMTALAR Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP ‘Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (D) 136.075 w 125.86 120.45 135.525 121.825 126.175 420.225 132.0 132.0 ILS/DME 110.75 SAN | FAT 355°] THR Elev 813 | AD Elev 821| TL ATC] TA 5000 Fo 1” evodso ' runom ** ' )?( Eons ' o Warning 4 Do not mistake Lyon/Bron \, for Lyon/Saint Exupery | 1696, \ x x SY ar 2189 ALAR. Pe 2051 50 EL00 227 rs 8 Ye g max FL100 bon |a\ ay 9 1234, saa pita7sise} or’, & | 6 pea30) 2 \, ¢ * 5_| 1800 & 4, “1467 4/1480) | ae 33 | 1250 “FLY D1.8SAN | 994 “ (5000) D3.7 LSE} (1126 ~ R179 L 1221 passan A / oY nas] x 1118 De2LsE 1598 fa 0 psasan a, A119 Baise 08.9 SAN a6 7 | a 08.8 LSE !\\ 3 Ky 4 a ‘fsone 9) = ==) ert — 10. & @ MSA 32 within 14nm os i @ MSA 32 within 17am o a L L API] 02 S15E 101 SAN DS7LSE O62USE D73LSEDSBISE Ciba ESCARDL A LSE DI.BSAN 43 SAN D5.4 SAND6.9 SAN turn right | 185kt) to 050" ‘and intep azo [SE] climbing to EXO At D27 [LSE] turn right andloRONOM EP SAN reads D0.2 at THR ToH 59 7 8 9 1 1 mm acer] CATINB | ACFT| CAT II[ILS#DME|LOC+DME| Circling | | ve | 3.0° | LOA.000sa5 z 4320 wo0,] | SAN| ALT | 191230470 ‘.5km, },Askm__| [6 | 2750 8 | e97 | 1020 200) | 1250 eo) | 143900 5 | 2420 ALL) Available 300m | 550m 1300m [7590 (760) 4 | 2100 = cle oe 2.4km 3 | 4770 fe > 4730 (800) § 3.6km. 2_| 1450 Z| Olncludes CAT D, [4.4 [ 1250) 9 a @s | 80 100] 120 | 140 | 160 & be ROD 3.0°| 420 | 630 | 640 | 740 | 850 Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (Go-5 [09 JAN 73) France - LFLL / LYS ILS Y rwy 36R comet Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 W 1258 120.45 135.525 121.825 126.175 120.225 132.0 132.0 ILS/DME 114.5 LSN] FAT 355° | THR Elev 621] AD Elev 821] TL ATC] TA 5000 we, ome A * ig toss Lyon Bron *« =o - Lia Daiuan 1001 pita. 75 LSE DBBLSE~Foqg - D4.5LSN. 1598 y ie D6.4LSE & K 2g 1319 6 2g z 1676" el Vienne _=DIOLSN ISA 32 within 14nm ISA 32 within 17mm, WAPI] OF LSNTO2OISE D2LSN D45LSN DIOLSN oy Climb onaes’ alazoo | (SE D39LSE 64 LSE D14.9 LSE . See tat ese Se and intep R020 40000 [ESE] cimbing ‘o EO ~ At 027 [LSE] turn right 1459) a and join RUNOM HP. SUA 2140 LSN reads D0.2 at THR, TCH 49 O42 5 4 6 6 7 8 8 DN 13 om acer] CATINB | AcFr| CAT II|ILS+DME|LOC+DME| Circling we | 3.0° | LOA2670xa5 x 7340 ay] | LSN| ALT | a75axra7n zl Fraga cay] [12 | 4000 | 8 | raga | 1030 (200) | 4959 «430 | feu 8 | 3370 Bau} available 300m | 50m | 1300m [4580 US 6 | 2750 = ce 24k aE a 1040 21 41730 (00) 3 a 550m @| 3.6km 4 | 2100 3 Note: GAT Ill acht CAT D/D| landing speed < 161K [3 | 1780 3 = cs 80 | 100 | 120 | 140 | 160 |@ includes 2 | 1460 z a Ron 3.0°| 420 | 530 | 640 | 740 [850 |caTo. _| 1.4 | 1250 Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (S0-6 [09 JAN 13) France - LFLL / LYS ILS Z rwy 36R arson Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 W 1258 120.45 135.525 121.825 126.175 120.225 132.0 132.0 ILS/DME 114.5 LSN] FAT 355° | THR Elev 621] AD Elev 821] TL ATC] TA 5000 T 1 T Too" T 1 Ty 1 e004 50 Eds oo 2 4 en0stt9 00820 & 977% . tm § ‘A x ig toss raeTao| sme \ = ae Toot | Lyon use | at | LFLY D2LSN eres 88 | 3000]. o4s DaSisE ~F 94, || 8 | 27a0| A 4128 JK 7 toaa _ it DAS ISN 6 | 2130 a 1 g S| 1810 a S| ("4/4480 Yan, 2] (33 | 1250) . a Ne 1676 | 738 or ‘Warning Do not mistake Lyon/Bron for Lyon/Saint Exupery MAK 200 ? Do 5 fy 8) ¢g P= : éf i % od oY a See | Se. EY ser fas} ¥, nn & Aa Use Sd (O 14SA 32 within tanm | ise av GA ay |@ MSA 32 within 17am IAF i 1 ARBON | l I [WAPR] D1 USN /02.91SE D2USN D45LSN D69LSN Climb on 355°. At 1200 LSE D39LSE D64LSE 08.8LSE D13 LSE tum right (MAX 185k!) and intep R020 re 22355-30005 Se, to A ‘At027 [LSE] turn right 2350 join RUNOM HP. ene LSN reads 00.2 at THR TCH 49 12 35 8 5 6 7 6 8 OH om acer] CATINB | AcFr| CAT II|ILS+DME|LOC+DME| Circling DWE | 3.0° | LOA267Oxa5 x 7340 a)] | LSN| ALT | a75oxra7n Frazocar) | 82 {3000 8 | raga | 1030 (200) | 4959 «430 | fein 6 | 2750 aut} Available 300m | 50m | 1300m [4580 US 5_| 2430 =| cle 2.4km, 4) 2100 a 1040 27 41730 (00) 3 a ‘550m ©| ‘3.6km 3 | 1780 3 Note: CAT iil act CAT D/O: landing speed < 161kt_ [2 _| 1450 3 = GS] 80] 100 [120] 740] 160 J@inciudes [1.4 | 1250 = a Ron 3.0°| 420 | 530 | 640 | 740 | 850 |CAT Oy Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org France - LFLL/ LYS ILS Z rwy 36R RuNomTaLaR Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 W 1258 120.45 135.525 121.825 126.175 120.225 132.0 132.0 ILS/DME 114.5 LSN] FAT 355° | THR Elev 621] AD Elev 621] TL ATC] TA 8000 Y y TTT Gooslo TT aos T ° Do not mistake Lyon/Bron | for LyoniSaint Exupery st Raise L “2051 *® lar tar 8 a TALAR 7 a y 9 1234. ‘tid 6 [2130] z \. I * 5 | 1810] | 3 f 1487 4_| 1480 of Ra80--- cousw 10H | 3.3 | 1250 Lyon Bron 7 ley pas Lse\ | Rito, 5000) ot (@ MSA 32 within 141m @ MSA 32 within 171m (MAX 180K?) ware [DTLSNTOZSISE D2ISN D4SLSN DsgLSN Climb on 355°. at 1200 LSE D3GLSE Dé4iSE DBBLSE turn right (MAX 185Kt) s a and intep R020 + 355°-3000: imbing ~ = she. 221 eit «1450, 60 2350 ss. 1630 ene fone RUNOM AP, mpa_1430 LSN reads 00.2 at THR TCH 49 CO oh mm cet] CATINB [AcE | CAT II]ILS+DME|LOC+DME| Circling | | DWE | 3.0" | LoA2e70.a5 . 73t0 we] | LSN| ALT | e7s9xtern g | sKm—| [6.9 | 3000 = 8 | eagz | 1980°)) 260 as | APR” | [6 | 2750) SR] Avaliable | 300m 1300m Asan] [5 | 2430 =| e 2.4km 4) 2100 A A 1040 iy 1730 (20) 3 550m 3.6km 3_| 1780 z Note: CAT ill actt CAT D/D[= landing speed < t61kt [~2 | 1450 3 a Gs | 80] 100] 120] 140 | 160 l@incudes [1.4 | 1250 & a ROD 30°] 420 | 640 | 650 | 760 | 870 |CAT OL Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY IF you like to For rutrack se this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. org (50-8 [09 JAN 73) France - LFLL / LYS VOR rwy 18R Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 W 125.86 120.45, 135.525 121.825 126.175 420.225 132.0 132.0 VORIDME 114.75 LSE | FAT 169° | THR Elev 758] AD Elev 824] TL ATC | TA 5000 T TT Fahad BS LL PANS OPS. FAT offset Lyon/Bron for 6 right of RCL Lyon/Saint Exupery s iv T T I, T I Ena Eabeloo todo 4 MAK 200Kt (5000) Jrunom (Warming | Dieise TAF — | Do not mistake (@ MSA 32 wihin tan] J@ MSA 32 within 17am) (F100) “1 Vienne 108.2 VNE @ Dt La Tour de Pin 115.55 LTP 1 ; Do not mistake RWY with highway located between 3nm and 1.5nm before THRI8R LSE Ls I 3000——_ to R176 [LSE At 69° bo ‘tum right to 226°and intep 3 2 a . aa 1960) 2277 RI96ILSE] climbing od 1520 -- ‘o BE MDA Join ARBON HP. m 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 crt |VOR+DME| Circling ©] @ Right-hand circuit RWY36. DME | 3.0° | LDA 4000x45 a 1370 640) Use | ALT | r312ser4m 1200 (440) 1.5km 69 | 3000] °%'9) ‘600m | 41480 (20) | 1800 tek, 6 | 2690 1650 (620) ©] 4200 00) | "Pam oe 2000m 1790 (960) 2050 e 3.6km 3 | 1730 2_| 1420 a Gs 80 | 100 | 120 | 140 | 160 1.3 | 1200 3 RoD 3.0°| 420 | 30 | 640 | 740 | 850 Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (50-9 ]09 JAN 13. France - LFLL/ LYS VOR rwy 36L arBon/comMeT Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 w 1258 120.45 138.525 421.825 426.175 120.225 1320 1320 VORIOME 114.75 LSE | FAT 357° | THR Elev 613] AD Elev 621|TL ATG| TA 000 TT eaoalea f secs ; oT } eaoslig " "ST He evostad o N 1 * ie a 2 8 2 z| 739 a A Sy 9° 1764, Vienne 108.2 VNE [ware] 02.4 se] D377, G2 DB8 Climb on 357". ato1e LSE tse USE tse 5 [LSE] turn right *—3000 4 See (MAX 185kt) to 050° ae Chart and intep R020 [LSE| z a eo 2170 ae 1370 Pal id RUNOM HP. ~——. oer ‘MDA | 1360 gem: oof 2 3 4 8 6 7 6 8 mm acét |VOR+DME| Circling Me | 3.0° | LDA 400045 & 4310 (480) use| ALT | 131230470 Hast 88 | 3000 1420 (590) ® | 4260 0) | _1.6km 8 | 2740 | 1300m | FB80 050) 7_| 2420 - im a T7530 wor 6 | 2100 3 3.6km_ 5 _| 1790 = 4 | 1470 3 2l 6s 80 | 100 | 120 | 140 | 160 3.3 | 1260 z (Roo 310" 420 [540 | 640 | 750 | 860 Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (s0- 10 [09 JAN 13) France - LFLL / LYS VOR rwy 36L RUNOMTALAR Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (D) 136.075 w 1258 120.45 138.525 421.825 426.175 120.225 1320 1320 VORIOME 114.75 LSE | FAT 357° | THR Elev 613 AD Elev 624 F TT Ecodso | 77! 0 DME required | [racag 2051 TAF 2g a 1234) q en Bron 5 Be ose ang UE 108 ~h 5000 Moe - "1 use XR] Rf ay wis 1224 — Vienne 108.2 VNE *>-R185-—__. war [DEA LSE Climb on 357°. At D1.8 turn right (MAX 185kt) to 050° and intep R020 [LSE] Em] climbing At 027 [LSE] tum right and join RUNOM HP. cif 3 4 8 8 t 8 9 Wm ‘crt |(VOR+DME| Circling DWE | 3.0° | LDA.000%a5 % 1340 (480) LSE | ALT | 1912301470 g 1.5km a atts [3 [2000 2 4260 0) | —1.6km @ | 2740 | 300m | F580 50 7_| 2420 = m ei. 4730 (200) 6_| 2400 § ‘3.6km 5_| 4790 = 4 | 1470 3 =!" cs__| 80 | 100 | 120 | 140 | 160 3.3 | 1260 é © (eon a0" 420 [530 | 640 | 740 [850 Change: New Print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org France - LFLL / LYS VOR rwy 36R arsoncomeT Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 w 1258 120.45 138.525 421.825 426.175 120.225 1320 1320 VORIDME 114.75 LSE | FAT 385*|THR Elev 621] AD Elev 821| TL ATC] TA 5000 1 T Te ttt 1 T etteh ae che TT Fae ST ee as x ie 1467 \ | toss — ——EE | yen son # | __Lyon UFLY o39 We [oia75Lse use]. 7126 945 xo0q Py r ais) 284 1508 . / SE x x x 1319 a g 08.8 2 LSE z| a A en DISLSE MAX 200K —~ ffleining 0 not mistake Lyon Bron {or LyoniSaint Exupery apt] 02.91SE 03.9 064 E88 Climb on 355°. At D1.8 Ge. LE ie ia [LSE turn right . -¥—3000 + See (MAX 185kt) to 050° es Chart and intcp R020 |LSE_ ° Ea ~ 1440, o—[2240 2430 im right a NS Hiss and join RUNOM HP. ~~ oi 2 3 4 8 6 7 8 8m acét |VOR+DME| Circling me | 3.0° | LOA 2670x45, A 1310 (480) LSE | ALT | S8759xr470 g 1.5km 2), 1420 (650) Be ao 3 1260 (420) | _7.6km. 8 | 2750 c 1300m ee 7_| 2430 - m eM 1730 (800) SL Sng § 3.6km 5_| 1790 z 4 | 1480 3 =| eS | 80] 100] 120] 140) 160 3.3 [1260 = 9 ROD 3.0° | 420 | 530 | 640 | 740 | 850. Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (0-12 [09 JAN 13) France - LFLL / LYS VOR rwy 36R RUNOMTALAR Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 w 1258 120.45 138.525 421.825 426.175 120.225 1320 1320 VORIOME 114.75 LSE | FAT 355° | THR Elev 621 [AD Elev 624 F TT" Ecos |"! Warning Do not mistake Lyon/Bron for Lyon/Saint Exupery Raise “2051 12 PANS OPS. I @ MSA 32 within 14m |@ MSA 32 within 171m | ge a L L 1) L APY] D2STSE Dad Daa Dae Glimb on 357°, Ato1.8 LSE ie Use USE turn right (MAX 185kt) to 050° and intep R020 [LSE] climbing to EAI ~~ ‘ AtD27. tum right mY 2 2240 2430 and join RUNOM HP. 5 [a6 1630 bits 48 87 8 8 0 Tm AcFT |VOR+DME| Circling DME | 3.0" | LOADe7OH5 a 1310 #2) use | att | s7sexta7e e *15km 8.8 | 3000 2A, 1420 20) | 8.8 | 3000) g 1260 +40) | “Tb 8 | 2750 ce) "300m [4589 7 7_| 2430 = m a 4730 (20) 6 _| 2410 3 3.6km 5 | 1790 g 4_| 1480 5 2! 6S_| 80] 100] 120 140] 160 | 3.3 | 1260 z ©(Ron 3.0°| 420 [530 | 640 | 740 | 850 Change: New print ‘THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY If you like to use this charts, please, buy a subscription for nDAC. For rutracker.org (50- 43[09 JAN 13) France - LFLL/ LYS RNAV (GNSS) rwy18R Saint Exupery LYON Lyon APP Saint Exupery TWR | Lyon INFO | Saint Exupery GND | ATIS (0) 136.075 w 125.86 120.45 135.525 121.825 126.175 420.225 132.0 132.0 RNAV EGNOS CH87203 E18A | FAT 175° THR Elev 758| AD Elev 821 [TL ATC |TA 5000] re Eooalea "7" T Favs|eo OTT pooslio TT" cooslan |" | we Warning TEMP RESTRICTION Do not mistake RWY with | Baro VNAV systems NA highway located between 3nm |, I | [below -10°¢ and 1.5nm before THR18R Warning Do not mistake Lyon/Bron for Lyon/Saint Exupery == oor QI K 5 3p a g

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