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1- The tongue is attached to the floor of buccal cavity by which of the

following structures?
A. Falciform ligament
B. Frenulum
C. Lingual papilla
D. Mesentery

2- What are the bones forming the roof of the oral cavity?
A. Maxilla and palatine
B. Maxilla and frontal
C. Maxilla and zygomatic D. Palatine and ethmoid
E. Palatine and temporal

3- The parotid duct opens in the vestibule of the mouth opposite which of
the following?
A. First upper molar tooth
B. Second upper premolar tooth
C. First upper premolar tooth
D. Second upper molar tooth
E. Third upper molar tooth
4- The opening of the submandibular gland duct into the oral cavity is at
which of the following structures?
A. Maxillary second molar
B. Mandibular third molar
C. Dorsum of tongue
D. Sublingual papilla
5- What is the name of the peritoneal fold (or ligament) that connects the
liver to the anterior abdominal wall?
A. Upper layer of the coronary ligament
B. Lower layer of the coronary ligament
C. Falciform ligament
D. Right triangular ligament
E. Left triangular ligament

6- Where does the esophagus pierce the diaphragm?

A. C. 7
B. T. 11
C. T.8
D. T.10

7- The opening of the ileum is guarded by which of the following

A. Ileocecal valve
B. Mitral valve
C. Sphincter
D. Villi
8-Which of the following is true concerning the vermiform appendix?
E. It is a fixed structure
F. It is attached to the posterolateral aspect of the caecum
G. It varies in length and position from one person to another
H. It has no mesentery
I. It is supplied by a branch from the right colic artery

9-The portal vein is formed by the union of which of the following veins?
A. Superior mesenteric and splenic
B. Inferior mesenteric and splenic
C. Hepatic and splenic
D. Left gastric and splenic
E. Superior rectal and splenic

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