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546 CHAPTERT ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN INTEGRATION Solution Let X denote the life span of a light bulb. a, The probability that light bulb will have a life span of $00 hours or less is given by PO =X = 500) = i 0012 dy = 3035 b. ‘The probability that a light bulb will have a life span of more than S00 hours is, given by P(X > 500) = I O0le "dx = fim f 001e- "de fim — em = Tim(—e"®" +e) =o = 6065 This result may also be obtained by observing that P(X > 500) = The babii at hub wt tae ie yn of mo an 1 sa Jess than 1500 hours is given by reson << 10) = f° ote ‘The probability density function of Example 5 is called an exponential density function. More generally, we have the following. Exponential Density Function (with Parameter k) Let be the function defined by Sa)=ke® (0=x< 0) where & is a positive constant. Then fis called an exponential density funetion with parameter k on [0, 2). { FIGURE 18 ‘The aaa under he graph of the exponential density function equal © 1 7.5 APPLICATIONS OF CALCULUSTO PROBABLITY 547 ‘The graph of fis shown in Figure 18. Exponential random variables are used to represent the life span of electronic components, the duration of telephone calls, the Te ones eae ees em reece oe a eed Eeparties ta pont ic salon Nota ee sop ilo ‘Another probability density function, and the one most widely usd, i the normal density function, defined by Jae == - (2K wye) ovina ‘where jr and are constants, The graph of the normal distribution is bell-shaped (Figure 19), Many phenomena, such as the heights of people in a given population, the weights of newbom infants, the 1Qs of college students, the actual weights of 16-ounce packages, of cereals, and so on, have probability distributions that are approximately normal Foun 19 ‘The aca under the bell shaped normal dtbution ‘Areas under the standard normal curve (the normal curve with = 0 and o = 1) have been extensively computed and tabulated, Most problems involving the normal distribution can be solved with the aid of these tables. Expected Value ‘The average value, or expected value, of a discrete random variable X that takes on values £1.42... 4%, With associated probabilities p1, pa...» Pais defined by E(X) = mpi + apa t+ + Pa Hfeach of the values x), 2, --, %y o6curs with equal frequency, then p, 1 Ps = and E(X) = a(?) 7 s(t) ~ xy tay tir tay +() the famitiar formuta for computing the average value of the 1 numbers . ie Now, suppose X is a continuous random variable and / is the probability den- sity function associated with it. For simplicity, let's first assume that a = X = bh. Divide the interval [a, 6] into n subintervals of equal length Ax ~ (b — a)/n by means ofthe (m + 1) points x) = @, Xi... y= b (Figure 20). To find an approximation of the average value, or expected value, of X on the interval [a, 6], let's treat X as if it 548 CHAPTERT ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN INTEGRATION ‘were a discrete random variable that takes on the values x1,.%, 5%, With probabili- ties Pip Pas «+s Pye Then, E(X) = sips + aps bo + aps yep FIGURE 20 ‘Approximating the expected value ofa random vaableX cna b]byaflemana sum But py is the probability that X isin the interval [1,.r,], and this is just the area under the graph of f from x = 1x9 to.x = x), which may be approximated by f(x) Ax. The probabilities ps, p, may be approximated in a similar manner. Thus, BUX) ~ a f(a) Ax xa f (aa) Aa tb a f(y) A which is seen to be the Riemann sum of the function g(r) = x/(x) over the interval (a, 6], Letting v approach infinity, we obtain the following formula: Expected Value of a Continuous Random Variable ‘Suppose the function f defined on the interval [a, b] is the probability density function associated with a continuous random variable X. Then the expected value of X is, na) = [ ya as) If cither a= — or b = , then the integral in Equation (18) becomes an improper integral, ‘The expected value of a random variable play’ an important role in many practical applications. For example, if X represents the life span of a certain brand of electronic components, then the expected value of X gives the average life span of these compo- rents. If X measures the waiting time in a doctor’s office, then £(X) gives the average ‘waiting time, and so on. APPLIED EXAMPLE. Life Span of Light Bulbs Show that if a continuous random variable X is exponentially distributed with the probability density function Se) = then the expected value £(X) is equal to 1/k. Using this result, determine the average Tife span of a 200-watt fight bulb manufactured by TKK Products of Example 5. ee sxc) 7.5 APPLICATIONS OF CALCULUSTO PROBABLITY 549 Solution We compute Integrating by parts with so that du= de and p we have Now, by taking a sequence of values of b that approaches infinity—for example, ‘b= 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, . .. —we see that, for a fixed &, b a0 (This limit can be proved by using I Hépital’s Rule. See Appendix B.) Therefore, 1 BO) = as we set out to show. From Example 5, we have k — 001. So we see that the aver- age life span of the TKK light bulbs is 1/(.001) ~ 1000 hours. a Before considering another example, let's summarize the important result ob- tained in Example 6, ‘The Expected Value of an Exponential Random Variable Tf a continuous random variable X is exponentially distributed with probability density function flx)=ke* (0sx<=) then the expected (average) value of X is given by 1 BX) 550 CHAPTERT ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN INTEGRATION i APPLIED EXAMPLE? Airport Traffic On a typical Monday morning, the time between successive arrivals of planes at Jackson International Airport is an exponentially distributed random variable X with expected value of 10 (minutes). a, Find the probability density function associated with X. b. What is the probability that between 6 and 8 minutes will elapse between su sive artivals of planes? ‘¢. What is the probability that the time between successive arrivals of planes will be ‘more than 15 minutes? Solution a, Since X is exponentially distributed, the associated probability density function has the form f(x) = ke. Next, since the expected value of X is 10, we see that E(X) = 7 = 10 1 k 1 ‘10 =A so the required probability density function is F(x) = ste b. ‘The probability that between 6 and 8 minutes will elapse between successive arrivals is given by P(6 =8)-[ tear Lajas = 10 ¢. The probability that the time between successive arrivals will be more than eno n> 1) « “L see (ot) “le ¢ 1 EB self check Exercises 1. Determine the yluc ofthe constant kuch tht he fone- 2 Suppose X's a continuous random variable with he prob tion f(x) = k(4x — 2) is a probability density function ability density function of Self-Check Exercise 1. Find the ‘on the interval [0, 4]. probability that X will assume a value between | and 3. Solutions to Self-Check Exercises 75 can be found on page 554, 7S APPLICATIONS OF CALCULUS TOPROBABIITY 551 7.5 | Concept Questions 1, What is a probability density function of a random vaci- able X on an interval J? Give an example. 2. a, What i the expocted valve of a random variable X associated with a probability density function f defined on (a, b? 1b. What is the expected value of a random variable X where f(x) = ke® (0 = x< 2)? 7.5 | Exercises In Exercises 1-10, show thatthe function fsa probably den- sty function an the specie itera Lf) = Fg @=r=6) Laeelte-mosss8 46) =2e4oes<3) 4. f0) = Fle VS — 9s =5) 5. fle) = 2089 — x4; (0= x= 1) 6. fl) 0 —1) @. P(X =0) Bs) = V0.4) a Pex<3) b= 2) © Pv =2) a Px=1) Bf = ZeslL9l a. PW=d) b. PUSX<38) © PX=3) a P\x=4) a fy -heesio) 2. PW=4) b PUb) = -[ nou 68.16 J 42) de = 1 then on [a]. 1 proba density funetion 69. Iffis a probability density function of 3 continuous ran- ddom variable X in the interval [a], then the expected value of X is given by f” x2f(x) dr. 70, 1¢fis a probability density function on an interval a, then fs a probability density function on [c,d] for any teal numbers ¢ and d satisfying a 0, then the point (x,y, z) is f(xy) units above the ay-plane; if f(x,y) <0, then the point (x, y, 2) is [f(x y)| units below the xy-plane. In general, it is quite difficult to draw the graph of a function of two variables, But techniques have been developed that enable us to generate such graphs with a minimum of effort, using a computer. Figure 6 shows the computer-generated graphs of some functions of two variables. cost + 2) erfiuy) se ay ties a, tofizy)~ eye (6) 0,9) ~ Ine + 2y* +1) FIGURE 6 Four computer-generated graphs of functions oftwo variables 8.1 FUNCTIONS OF SEVERALVARIABLES 565 Level Curves We can visualize the graph of a function of two vatiables by using level curves. To define the level curve of a function f of two variables, let z = f(x, ») and consider the trace of f in the plane z = k (k, a constant), as shown in Figure 7a. If we project this ‘trace onto the xy-plane, we obtain a curve C with equation f(x, y) = &, called a level ‘curve of f (Figure 7b). (2) The level curve Cith equation f(y) = (0) The level curve C Is the projection of the race of fin the plane z= kranto they pane, FIGURE 7 Level Curves The level curves of a function f of two variables are the curves with equations lx») = &, where & is a constant in the range of f. Go ry Notice that the level curve with equation f(x, ») = kis the set of all points in the domain of f corresponding to the points on the surface = = f(x, y) having the same height or depth k. By drawing the level curves corresponding to several admissible values of k, we obtain a contour map. The map enables us to visualize the surface represented by the graph of z = f(x, y): We simply lift or depress the level curve to see the “cross sections” of the surface. Figure 8a shows a hill, and Figure 8b shows a contour map associated with that hill. (anit (©) A contour map ofthe hill, Figure 8 ie tee late niga Ogee, 566 CHAPTERS CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES FIGURE 10 Level curves fo fy) = 2 — EXAMPLE 5 Skeich a contour map for the function f(x, y) = x7 + y* Solution The level curves are the graphs of the equation x” + tive numbers k. Taking & = 0, 1, 4,9, and 16, for example, we obtain k=Q Hy?=0 & for nonnega- =1 k=4 k=9) ) k= 16: oy? ‘The five level curves are concentric circles with center at the origin and radius given by r= 0, 1, 2,3, and 4, respectively (Figure 9a). A sketch of the graph of fly) (2) Contour map for 9) Figures. a EXAMPLE 6 Sketch the level curves for the function f(x, y) = 2x? — yeorre- sponding to 2 = —2, =1,0, 1, and 2 Solution The level curves are the graphs of the equation 2x” — y = k or ~ k fork = —2, 1,0, 1, and 2, The required level curves are shown in Figure 10. ry Level curves of functions of two variables are found in many practical applica- tions, For example, if f(x. y) denotes the temperature at a location within the conti- rental United States with longitude x and latitude y at a certain point in time, then the temperature at the point (x, y) is given by the “height” of the surface, represented by (x. ). In this situation, the level curve f(x y) = & is a curve superimposed on ‘a map of the United States, connecting points having the same temperature at a given time (Figure 11), These level curves are called isotherms. Similarly. if f(x,y) gives the barometric pressure at the location (x, y), then the level curves of the function f are called isobars, lines connecting points having the ‘same barometric pressure at a given time, As a final example, suppose P(., 2) is a function of three variables x, y, and 2 that gives the profit realized when x, y, and z units of three products, A, B, and C, respectively, are produced and sold. Then, the equation P(x, y.2) = k, where & is constant, represents a surface in three-dimensional space called a level surface of P. In this situation, the level surface represented by P(x, y. 2) = k represents the product 8.1. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERALARIAELES S67 mix that results in a profit of exactly & dollars. Such a level surface is called an iso- profit surface. FIGURE TT Isoterms: curves connecting points that have the same temperature Ea Self-Check Exercises 1 Let f(xy) — Bry + Vx + y. Compute (1, 3) and (1,1). the pine (1,0) i he domain off? 2. Find the domain of f(x,y -ety x xny 23. Errect oF Apvennisins on Revenue Odyssey Travel Agency thas a monthly advertising budget of $20,000, Ouyssey"s ‘management estimates that if they spend dollars on newspaper advertising and y dotlars on television adver- tising, then the monthly revenue will be Sx. y) = 30rMy dollars. What will be the monthly revenue if Odyssey spends $5000/month on newspaper ads and $15,000/month fn television ads? If Odyssey spends $4000/month on newspaper ads and $16,000/month on television ads? Solutions to Sei Check Exercises 8.1 can be found on page 572. FERID concept Questions |, What is a funetion of two variables? Give an example of a function of two variables, and state its ule of definition and. domain. 2. IF fis a function of two variables, what ean you say about the relationship between f(a, ) and f(e, d), if (a,b) is in the domain of f und ¢ = a and d = b? 3. Define (a) the graph of f(x,y) and (b) a level curve off 4. Suppose fis a function of two variables, and lt P= f(x,y) denote the profit realized when x units of Product A and Y units of Product B ae produced and sold, Give an inter [retaton of the level curve off defined by the equation Fl.) = ke where kis a positive constant Ea Exercises 1, Let f(x,y) = 2 + 3y~ 4. Compute f(0, 0), f(150), FOO. 1).f(0. 2). and f(2. =1). 2. Let g(x, y) = 2x? ~ y2. Compute g( 1,2). (2, 1). (1. Leg(—1, Deand g(2, =1), ie tee laren ipa ge esi, 3 Let f(x,y 4 2xy — x +3, Compute f(1,2), $21), H(A, 2), and f(2, 1). A, Let h(x, ») = (a + y}/(o — y). Compute A(0, 1), (=1, 1). 4(2. 1), and Aor, =). 568 CHAPTERS CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES 5. Let g(s.1) = 30-Vi + 1V% + 2. Compute g(t. 2), (2, 1),4(0,4), and g(4,9) 6, Let fay) = ave!" Compute f(0, 0). f(0. 1). 0. Ds and f(—1, 1) 7. Lot h(s.4) = sin —1Ins, Compute K(1,e), he, 1, and ife,e), 8. Let flan) = (wi + A. Compute f(0, 1), S(-1. -1), flab), and f(b, a). 9 Let g(r, 5,0) = re”. Compute g(1, 1, 1), g(1,0, 1), and a(-1 1-1). 10. Let g(t, v, w) = (ue™ + ve" + we™)/(u? + v? + w?). ‘Compute g(1, 2, 3) and g(3, 2, 1). In Exercises 11-18, find the domain of the function, MW fQy)=2+3y Bg yeatty ee 13. salu, v) = =e 14 fl.) = VEEP 18. gir) = VB 16. fxs) =e" 17. x.y) = Ince + y — 5) 18 Muyo) = Va In Exercises 19-24, sketch the level curves of the function cor responding to each value of 2. 28. Find an equation ofthe evel curve of f(x,y) = Wik + 2 thar consis the point (3.4). 26, Find an equation of the level surface of 3y" =< that contains the point In Exercises 27 and 28, match the graph of the surface with one ‘of the contour maps labeled (a) and (b). w o rs a» 27. sey) 28. slxy) =e 29. Can wo level curves ofa function fof two vatiables x and y intersect? Explain, 30. A level set of fis the set $ = {(x, y) [f(x y) = kb, where ‘is im the range of f Let sor= {2 Pe tyta ety ct ite + yet ‘Sketch the level set of f for k = 0 and 3. 31. The volume of « cylindrical tank of radius r and heixht fr is given by rh V=f(r.h) Find the volume of a eylindrial tank of radius 1.5 ft and height 4 32, 105 The 1Q (intelligence quotiend of a person whose mental age ism years and whose chronological age i, years is defined as, 100m Slme) = What isthe IQ of a 9-yearold child who has a mental age of 135 years? 33, Price-to-Enwunes Ramio The current PIE ratio (prieet0- ‘earings rao) of a stock is defined as where P is the current market prive ofa single share of the stock and E is the earnings per shate for the most recent 12-month period. ‘a, What is the domain of the function R? 1b, The earings per share of IBM Corporation for 2011 ‘were $13.09, and its prive per share on March 19, 2012 ‘was $205.56, What was the PYE ratio of IBM at that time? Source: IBM Corporate Amal Repos. 34. Cunssyr Diviosno Yisto The current dividend yield for ‘common stock is calculated by using the formula, D ye ies hevnrtelctnn itp Cy ang 38. 36. where D is the most recent full-year dividend and P is the ‘current share price (both measured in dollars). a, What is the domain of the function ¥? b. The annualized dividend of IBM Corporation for the year 2011 was $3, and its price per share was $205.56 ‘on Mareb 19, 2012, What was the current dividend yield for the Common stock of IBM at that time? Source: BM Coxpeation Annual Report. Booy Mass Inoex The body mass index (BMI) is used to identify, evaluate, and treat overweight and obese adults. ‘The BMI value for an adult of weight w Gin kilograms) and height / (in meters) is defined to be M= (wh) =" e According (o federal guidelines, an adult is overweight if Ihe or she has a BMI value greater than 25 but less than 30 and is “obese” ifthe value is greater than or equal to 30. ‘a, What is the BMI of an adult who weighs in at 80 ky. and stands 1.8 m tall? 1b, What is the maximum weight for an adult of height 18 m, who is not classified as overweight or obese? Posseuie’s Law Poiseulle’s Law states that the resistance R of blood flowing in a blood vessel of length / and radius ris given by ‘where kis a constant that depends on the viscosity of blood. What is the resistance, in terms of kof blood. ‘lowing through an arteriole 4 cm long and of radius O.l em? ‘Cost Funcrion ror & Lounseaxen System Acrosonic man factures a bookshelf loudspeaker system that may be ‘bought fully assembled or in a kit. The costs in labor and ‘material incurred in manufacturing a fully assembled sys- tem and a kit are $200 and $120, respectively. In addi tion, Acrosonic has fixed costs of $20,000/month, ‘a, Write the monthly cost function C for Acrosonie in terms of the number of fully assembled systems x and the number of kits y manufactured. bb. What is the domain of C? ‘e., What is the total cost incurred in manufacturing 1000) fully assembled systems and 200 kits in a month? Revewue Function ror E.ecraie Cans. Bell Motors manufae- tures two models of electric cars. The demand equations. giving the relationship between the unit price, p and 4, ‘and the number of cars demanded per year, x and y, of Models $1 and $2 are p= 60,000 ~ 4x ~ 2y andy = 50,000 ~ 2x ~ dy respectively. ‘a, What is the total yearly revenue function R(x, »)? bb. What is the domain of R? Skerch the domain R. 40. 4 2. 4. 8.1. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERALUARIAELES 569 Is the point (3000, 2000) in the domain of R? Inter- pret your result, Hint: Show that x ~ 3000 andy = 2000 satisfy the system ‘of inequalities obtained in part () 4d, What is the total revenue realized by Bell Motors if i sells 3000 Model S1s and 2000 Model S28? Revewue Functions fom Desks Country Workshop manufac~ tures both finished and unfinished furniture for the home ‘The estimated quantities demanded each week of its roll: top desks in the finished and unfinished versions are x and _y units when the corresponding unit prices are dollars, respectively. aa, What is the weekly total revenue function R(x, »)? bb Find the domain of the function R, Revue Funcrion ror Desks For the total revenue function R(x, y) of Exercise 39, compute R(100, 60) and ‘R(60, 100). Interpret your results, Revenue Functions fom a Book Pususuex Weston Publish- ing publishes a deluxe edition and a standard edition of its Spanish-English dictionary. Weston’s management estimates that the number of deluxe editions demanded is -x copies/day and the number of standard editions demanded is y copies/day when the unit prices are p= W ~ 0.005x — 0.001y 4 = 15 ~ 0.00Lx ~ 0.008y dollars, respectively. a. Find the daily total revenue function R(x, ). bb. Find the domain of the function R. Revenue Funcrion ror a Book Puausen For the total rev= enue function R(x, y) of Exercise 41, compute ‘R(300, 200) and £(200, 300). Interpret your results. Vowne of AGas The volume of a certain mass of gas is related to its pressure and temperature by the formula y= 3097 P ‘where the volume Vis measured in liters, the temperature is measured in kelvins (obtained by adding 273 to the Celsius temperature), and the pressure P is measured in millimeters of mercury pressure. fa. Find the domain of the function V, bb Calculate the volume ofthe gas at standard tempera- ture and pressuro—that is, when T= 273 K and P= 760 mm of mercury. 570 CHAPTERS CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES 44, Suneace Anca oF a Human Booy An empirical formula by E. F. Dubois relates the surface area $ of a human body in square meters) to its weight W (in kilograms) and its hheiuht HT (in centimeters), The Formula, given by = 0.007184 is used by physiologists in metabolism studies, ‘a. Find the domain of the function S. 1b. What is the surface area of a human body that weighs 70 kg and has a height of 178 em? 45, Esrmanie tie Weienr oF aTRouT A formula for estimating the weight of a tout (from measurements) is w 800 where L is its length and G is its girth (the distance around the body of the fish at its largest point), both mea- sured in inches. The weight ofthe fish Wis in pounds. a. What is the domain of the function W? DB. Sue caught a trout and measured its length to be 20 in and its girth to be 12 in, What is its approximate weight? 46, Esrmanne nie Weient oF a Fish A formula for estimating the weight of a trout (from measurements) is wee $00 where Lis its Tength and G is its girth (the distance around the body of the fish a its largest pind), both measured in inches. The weight of the fish Wisin pounds, A trout ‘caught by Ashley is 20% longer and has a girth that is 10% shorter than the one caught by Jane. Whose catch is heavier? By how much does the weight of the tout caught by Ashley differ from the weight of the one caught by Jane? 47. Prooucrion Funcrion ron a Coury Suppose the output of a certain country is given by f(y) = Loox)" billion dollars if x billion dollars ane spent on labor and y billion dollars are spent on capital. Find the output if the ‘country spent $32 billion on labor and $243 billion on ‘capital. 48, Prooucrion Funcrion Economists have found that the out- put ofa finished product, /(x, »), is sometimes described by the function Shey) saxty? where x stands for the amount of money expended on labor, y stands for the amount expended on capital, and a and b are positive constants with 0 be amortized in r years, then the principal repayment at the end of i months is given by B= fart) Ute - mag pec] sre Suppose the Blakelys borrow a sum of $280,000 from a ‘bank to help finance the purchase of @ house and the bank ‘charges interest at a rate of 6f/year Ifthe Blakelys agree to repay the loan in equal installments over 30 years, how ‘much will they owe the bank after the 60th payment (5 years)? The 240th payment (20 years)? 53, 56, ‘Wuson Lor-Siz Fonts The Wilson lot-size formula in ‘economies states that the optimal quantity Q of goods for a store to order is given by O=f(C.NA) = where C is the eost of placing an order, Nis the number of items the store sells per week, and fis the weekly holding enst for each item. Find the most ceanomical ‘quantity of 10-speed bicycles to order if it eosts the store ‘$20 to place an order, $5 to hold a bicycle for a week, and the store expects ta sell 40 bicyclevweek. |. Wino Powen The power output (in watts) ofa certain Drand of wind turbine generators is estimated (0 be: P= (RV) = 0772 ‘where Ris the radius (in meters) ofa rotor blade and Vis the wind speed (in meters per second). Estimate the power output of a model of these generators if its radius '30 mand the wind speed is 16 mis. 5. InreRwarionat Auenca’s Cur C.ass Drafted by an interna- tional committee in 1989, the rules for the mew Intema- tional America’s Cup Class (LACC) include a formula ‘that governs the basic yacht dimensions. The formula Jl, 8,D) = 42 where fb, D) = = op balances the rated length L (in meters), the rated sail area ‘5 (in square meters), and the displacement D (in eubie meters). All changes in the basic dimensions are trade- offs. For example, if you want to pick up speed by increasing the sal area, you must pay for it by decreasing, the length or increasing the displacement, both of whic slow down the boat. Show that Yacht A of rated length 20.95 m, rated sail area 277.3 m’, and displacement 17.56 m’ and the longer and heavier Yacht B with L = 21.87, $ = 311.78, and D = 22.48 both satisfy the formula, Source: americascup com, Fonce Genenareo ay 4 Cenravuce A centrifuge is a machine «designed for the specifie purpose of subjecting materials toa sustained centrifugal force. The actual amount of centrifugal force, F, expressed in dynes (I gram of force = 980 dynes) is given by SMR 900 F=f(M.S,R) = revolutions per minute (rpm), Mis in grams, ‘and Ris in centimeters. Show that an object revolving at the rate of 600 rpm in a circle with radius of 10 em gener- ‘ates a centrifugal force that is approximately 40 times ravity, 8.1. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERALARIAELES 571 157, loeat Gas Law According tothe ideal gas law, the volume V of an ideal gas is related to its pressure P and tempera- ture Ty the formula where & is a positive constant. Describe the level curves of V and give a physical interpretation of your result, 8, Isoauants Let f(a.)) denote the output of a county if "units of its resources are spent on labor and y units are spent on cupital. Then the level eurve off with equation f(s.) = ks where k denotes a constant output, is called an fsoquan. Each point (x,y) on the isoquant corre= sponds 0 level of investment in Labor and investment Jncapital,y, that cesults inthe same level of output k Suppose the output of «certain county is Flay) = 100x™y"* billion dollas ifs billion dollars ate spent on labor and _y billion dollars are spent on capital ‘a. Find the output if the country spends $81 billion on labor and $16 billion on capital Find an equation giving the relationship between x and y if the output remains constant atthe level found in par (a. Complete the following table forthe equation found in part (). ae wm y Hint: Solve dhe equation fur yin terms of x 4. Use the results of part (c) to sketch the isoquant of f ‘corresponding to the constant ourput found in part (b). In Beercises 59-64, determine whether the statement is true or false. itis tue, explain why itis tru. its false, explain why, for give an example to show why itis false 59. If isa function of x and y, then there are functions f and 4g of one variable such that A(x, y) = F(X) + ay) (60, IF Fis a function of x and y and ais a real number, then Flas, ay) = afte.) 61, The domain of f(x,y) = 1/(x* - y*) is {a y)ly # xh (62, Every point on the level curve f(x,y) = c eomesponds to point on the graph off that is c units above the x»-plane if > O and [| units below the xy-plane if c < 0, 63, fis.a function of x and y ifand only if for any two points Pix, yy) and Ps, yx) im the domain off, HEI 91) = Flas. 93) implies that Pr. 91) = Ptr 99). (64, If fis a funetion of x and y, and & isa real number in the range of f then there exists at most one point PCa, b) in the domain of f such that f(a, b) = k: 572 CHAPTERS CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES Solutions to Self-Check Exercises 1. (1,3) 3(1)(3) + VI#3 = -6 f(=1,1) = (-18 = 3(-1)(01) + V=T FT = ‘The point (~1, 0)is not in the domain of fbecause the term Vx + is not defined when.x = I and y= 0. In fact, the domain of fconsists of all real values of and y that satisty the inequality x + y = O, the shaded half- plane shown in the accompanying figure Partial Derivatives Partial Derivatives 2. Since division by zero is not permitted, we sce that x + 0 and x ~ y # 0, Therefore, the domain of fis Uhe set ofall points in the sy-plane except forthe axis (x = 0) and the straight line x = y: 3. If Odyssey spends $5000/month on newspaper ads (x = 5000) and $15,000/month on television ads (y = 15,000), then its monthly revenue will be given by {£(5000, 15,000) = 30(5000)"(15,000)** ~ 341,926.06 ‘or approximately $341,926. Ifthe agency spends ‘$4000/month on newspaper ads and $16,000/month ‘on television ads, then its monthly revenue will be siven by {7(4000, 16,000) = 30(4000)"(16,000)** ~ 339,411.26 ‘or approximately $339,411 Fora function /(x) of one variable x, there is no ambiguity when we speak about the rate of change of f(x) with respect to x, since x must be constrained (0 move along the x is. The situation becomes more complicated, however, when we study the rate ‘of change of a function of two or more variables. For example, the domain D of a function of two variables /(x, y) is a subset of the plane, so if (a, b) is any point in the domain of f, there are infinitely many directions from which one ean approach the point (4,5) (Figure 12). We may therefore ask for the rate of change of f at (a, 6) along any of these ditections, ‘aby Figure 12 \Wecan approach point inthe plane from infritely many direction, However, we will not deal with this general problem. Instead, we will restrict ‘ourselves to studying the rate of change of the function (x, y) at a point (a, b) in each of two preferred directions—namely, the direction parallel to the x-axis and the direc- tion parallel to the y-axis. Let = b, where b is a constant, so that f(x, 6) is a function of the one variable x, Since the equation z = (x, y) is the equation of a surface, the 8.2 PARTIALOERATVES 573, equation z = f(x, b) is the equation of the curve C on the surface formed by the inter section of the surface and the plane y = b (Figure 13) Because /(x, b) isa function of one variable x, we may compute the derivative of J with respect 10 x at x = a. This derivative, obtained by keeping the variable y fixed ‘at b and differentiating the resulting function (x, b) with respect to x, is called the first partial derivative of f with respect tox at (a, 6), written a af py (eb) or (a,b) or f(a) ax Fioure 13 y (a + hb) ~ f(a, 8) Thecunre Ce fomedby the inenecton L (a,b) = f(a, b) = tim LO eb) = Hab) ofthe plane y = bwith the surface ox ho A ao tey provided that the limit exists. The first partial derivative of f with respect tox at (a, b) ‘measures both the slope of the tangent line T'to the curve C and the rate of change of the function fin the x-direction when x = a and y = b. We also write af ain) = flab) Similarly, we define the first partial derivative of f with respect to y at (a,b), written F(ab) or Pag b) or f,(a.b) as the derivative obtained by keeping the variable « fixed at « and differentiating the resulting function f(a, y) with respect to y. That is, az af ay) ay () = HG) mf(4b + K) ~ f(a,b) 0 k ifthe limit exists. "The first partial derivative off with respect to at (4, b) measures both the slope of the tangent line To the curve C, ebained by holding x constant (Figure 14), and the rate of change of the function fin the y-ditection when x = aand y = B. We write Figure 14 af The first porta denvave off with respect f) - (ab) toy at (0) measures the slope ofthe ay haw tangentline Tro the curve Cth hel costar Before looking at some examples, let’s summarize these definitions. First Partial Derivatives of fix y) ‘Suppose f(x, ») isa function of the two variables x and y. Then the first partial derivative of f with respect to x at the point (x,y) is a (e+ hey) = fla fy f+ my) = Ml) ax i h provided that the limit exists. The first partial derivative of f with respect to y at the point (x,y) is Figg fy +8) = flay) ay no k provided that the limit exists 574 CHAPTERS CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES PORTFOLIO. INSTITUTION. Iron Mountain Trsttoan ever pet eee tons Aight como trom pup doce age Pace essen age eae Sarce ate Cid acting ses bn Mua ci cos pal oar mertmorognent on. ase eaecicemreen ereree ee See eae Eee eee eee crerae Mra tramp knew cate ono tete pe ae ae fee eerie eee ee Set eae eee eee recta oreo eer mere Seen tough ta ae atin rin Peet ee te eT ce EXAMPLE 1 Find the partial derivati Karthik Ramachandran TITLE Principal Software Engineer When word sets are very large it important to focus on particu lar words and phrases that convey vita information. At Iron Moun= tain, we se optimization techniques involving partial derivatives to detect the mast informative words and phrases within docu- ‘ments and allot them an apportioned weightin the organization process. “The methods outlined above allow us to organize data into folders—or lusters—of elated documents, Ukimately this ‘enables us to improve upon traditional search capabilities by ‘grouping search results into concept folders, minimizing cost and reducing the time needed for lawyers to Find elevant documents With the aid of mathematical analysis, we provide robust eDiscovery products and services that raically improve legal ‘orion. As the amount of electronically stored information grows, our application of satis and calculus allows us to temain atthe forefiont of ou fel, Cag hater (eu0 Seogtetn/ ioe Texas a and © of the Function flr,y) =? — ay? + y What is the rate of change of the function fin the x-direction at the point (1, 2)? What is the rate of change of the function fin the y-direction at the point (1, 2)? resulting function of x with respect to x. Let's write Sy) Pty ‘where the variable y to be treated as a constant is shown in color. Then, a 7 J or ‘To compute 4 think of the variable « as being fixed—that is, as a constant—and y ifferentiate the resulting function of y with respect to y. In this case, fly) a8 = ay? ty so Fo aay + ay? ay ‘The rate of change of the function fin the a-direction at the point (1,2) is given by a ar Sls 2) 8.2 PARTIAL DERIVATIVES 575 ‘That is, fdecreases 2 units for each unit inerease in the x-direction, v being kept constant (y= 2). The rate of change of the function fin the y-direction at the point (1, 2) is given by = =2(1)(2) + 32)? Toa) ‘That is, f increases 8 units for each unit increase in the y-direction, x being kept con stant (x= 1). a Eiplore and Discuss Refer tothe Explore and Discos on page S62, Suppose management has decided that the project sles ofthe fst product a unis, Destte how you might Help matagement {cde how many units of the second prot the company shuld prodce and alin onder to maximize the company’s ol profit Justify your met vo managenent. Suppose. hov- cover, ha management fees that unt ofthe second product shouldbe manufictured and {old How would you beip management decide how many units ofthe fis predtet o mane nacre a one to maximize he company's toa pro? EXAMPLE 2 Compute the first partial derivatives of each function. b. a(s.t) a flay) st + PS ©. h(u.0) f(x. y) = Inka? + 2y?) Solution a Tocomput ik of he vale ya ont Tas S(xy) = Then using the Quotient Rule, we have af _ (8 ty2y— 92) ax (2 + ¥)? _»0?=*) ry ¥ upon simplification and factorization, To compute “think ofthe variable x as a constant. Thus, = 576 ‘CHAPTERS CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES Using the General Power Rule, we find a = 5(s? = st + PY (25-8) = 5(28- N(e - + PY ‘To compute * ‘we treat the variable s as if it were a constant, Thus, a(st) = (8-0 + PY Mf = 5652 — 1 + PK (-5 + 2) 2r— s\(st— s+ ey oh «To compute (7 think of the variable vas a constant. Thus, Aw, v) =e" Using the Chain Rule for Exponential Functions, we have ah z Oh Le oy = Duel? ou Next, we treat the variable w as if it were a constant, hlu,v) =e and we obtain a think of the variable y as « constant. Thus, Hx, y) = In(x? + 2y?) so the Chain Rule for Logarithmic Functions gives yo ax aye 4. To comput Next, treating the variable x as if it were a constant, we find Aes y) = In? + 29°) af ay ay + “ To compute the ps tive of a function of several variables with respect 10 one variable—say, x—we think of the other variables as if they were constants and 0. A similar argument with p fixed shows that if A and B are substitute commodities, then dj/iq > 0. Thus, the two commodities A and B are substitute commodities if a t0 ond 2 aq ap Similarly, A and B ate complementary commodities if y PY if <0 and og op <0 Substitute and Complementary Commodities ‘Two commodities A and B are substitute commodities if a a obs, ay 7 0 and ep 0 6) Two commodities A and B are complementary commodities if co mi “<0 o a4 ap APPLIED EXAMPLE 5 Substitute and Complementary Commodities Suppose that the daily demand for butter is given by 3a 1+p and the daily demand for margarine is given by 2» - -—72, >0q> yrara~ Tyg (p> 0q>0) where p and g denote the prices per pound (in dollars) of butter and margarine, respectively, and x and y are measured in millions of pounds. Determine whether these two commodities are substitute, complementary. or neither. Solution We compute Since of og forall values of p > 0 and q > 0, we conclude that butter and margarine are substi ‘ute commodities a a >0 and Soo ® 580 ‘CHAPTERS CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES Second-Order Partial Derivatives ‘The first partial derivatives f,(x, y) and f,(x, y) of a function f(x, y) of the two vari- ables.x and y are also functions of x and y. AS such, we may differentiate each of the functions f, and f, to obtain the second-order partial derivatives of f (Figure 15). ‘Thus, differentiating the function j, with respect to x leads to the second partial cerivative a -20 a Lp 2 afar). af x a adit) “3 ar afar 2 a f ya a 2(y me ili) ; ee oat a Hla) 5 FIGURE 15 ‘schematic showin the four second-order parti devivaives of F However, differentiation of f, with respect to y leads to the second partial derivative ef 9 ayox ay Loy Similarly, differentiation of the function f, with respect to x and with respect to y leads to ay? respectively. Although it is not always true that f,, both f., and f,, are continuous. We might add that thi applic: fr they are equal, however, if the ease in most practical EXAMPLE 6 Find the second-order partial derivatives of the function Sa. y) = x9 — Bx*y + Sry? + y? Solution The first partial derivatives of fare Ler: eer Sola! = ax'y + Say? +9?) Soa 3 (8 ary + 30? +94) 3x? + 6ry + 2y 8.2 PARTIAL OERWATVES 581 ‘Therefore, fou = FU) = $38? ~ Guy + 39°) = 6x — 6y = 6(x — y) 2 ° (3x2 — Gay + 3)" f= y U) = 5y OP? ~ Oy + 394) 6x + 6 = 6(y 9) a Da ‘ yeh) = Se (388 + Gy + 2y) = ~6r + 6y = 6(y — x) a a bo = ay (G) = Gy (30 + Gy + 29) = 6r42 Note that fy = fy everywhere. a EXAMPLE 7 Find the second-order partial derivatives of the function Sy) Solution We have so the required second-order partial derivatives of fare a 8 Eyre0' fam th) = 50%") = ye

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