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BAM: Cronobacter https://www.fda.


March 2012

BAM Table of Contents (/food/laboratory-methods/bacteriological-analytical-manual-bam)

Authors: Yi Chen (, Keith Lampel, and Thomas Hammack

Revision History:

March 2012: New Chapter (This chapter has replaced the method for Isolation and Enumeration of
Enterobacter sakazakii from Dehydrated Powdered Infant Formula (available as archived content
/LaboratoryMethods/ucm114665.htm) (
April 2012: Sections D.1.a, D.1.b, D.2.3; Correction: The fluorescence is recorded at the end of each annealing
step, not at the end of each extension step.

Cronobacter is a Gram-negative rod within the family Enterobacteriaceae (7). The organism was called "yellow-
pigmented Enterobacter cloacae" until it was renamed Enterobacter sakazakii (6) in 1980. Urmenyi and Franklin
reported the first two known cases of meningitis caused by E. sakazakii in 1961 (11). Subsequently, cases of
meningitis, septicemia, and necrotizing enterocolitis due to E. sakazakii have been reported worldwide (9). Although
most documented cases involve infants, reports describe infections in adults as well. Overall, case-fatality rates vary
considerably with some as high as 80 percent (8). While a reservoir for E. sakazakii is unknown, a growing number
of reports suggest powdered infant formulas as a vehicle for infection (12).

Recently obtained evidence using amplified fragment length polymorphism, phenotypic arrays, automated
ribotyping, 16S rRNA gene sequencing and DNA-DNA hybridization has resulted in a nomenclature change. E.
sakazakii was reclassified into a new genus, Cronobacter, comprising five species including Cronobacter sakazakii
gen. nov., Cronobacter malonaticus sp. nov., Cronobacter turicensis sp. nov., Cronobacter muytjensii sp. nov., and
Cronobacter dublinensis sp. nov. These species have all been previously involved in clinical cases. One additional
new species was also proposed, Cronobacter genomospecies I (Table 1) (7).

Table 1. Biochemical tests for the differentiation of species and subspecies of the genus Cronobacter

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BAM: Cronobacter

+: 90% Positive; V: 20-80% positive; −: 10% positive

The method described here contains both a real-time PCR method for rapid screening and a cultural method for the
detection/isolation of Cronobacter spp. (3). Chromogenic agars are used to isolate the culture for confirmation. A
pre-enrichment step is used to grow the bacteria to an amount (≥ 103 CFU/ mL) detectable by PCR and chromogenic
agars. The cultural portion of this method is a complete detection/isolation method, so it can be used as a stand alone
method if PCR technology is unavailable. The PCR portion of the method is a screening method, whose positive
results should always be confirmed with the cultural method. The PCR method may be used to confirm pure cultures
as Cronobacter spp. This method was validated in pre-collaborative and collaborative studies (1,2).

A. Equipment and materials

1. Balance with capacity of 2 kg and sensitivity of 0.1 g
2. Incubator, 36 ± 1º C
3. Sterile Erlenmeyer flasks with polyethylene screw caps equipped with teflon liners, 2 liter
4. Micropipette and tips to dispense 1 µL , 100 µL, 150 µL, and 200 µL volumes
5. Pipets, 1, 5, and 10 mL, graduated in 0.1 mL units
6. Sterile inoculating loops, 3 mm loop size
7. Glass spreading rods (e.g., hockey stick) 3-4 mm diameter with 45-55 mm spreading area
8. Sterile utensils for sample handling (see BAM Chapter 1)
9. Centrifuge with a swinging bucket rotor, capable of 3,000 × g
10. Microcentrifuge, capable of 10,000 × g
11. Centrifuge tubes, polypropylene, 50 mL tubes with conical bottoms; 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes

12. Vortex mixer

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13. Water bath, capable of 100 °C

14. Thermal cyclers: ABI Prism 7500 Fast Sequence Detection System (Life Technologies, Inc. Carlsbad, CA
92008), SmartCycler Real-Time PCR system (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA 94089)

15. Sample tubes with centrifuge adapters for SmartCycler II (minimum reaction volume of 25 µL)
16. 96-well microwell plate
17. Optical adhesive covers
18. Petri dishes, plastic, sterile, 15 × 150 mm
19. VITEK® 2 Compact (bioMerieux, Hazelwood, MO 63402)
20. NanoDrop ND1000 (Thermal Scientific, Wilmington, DE, 19810)

B. Media and reagents

1. Phosphate-buffered saline (BAM R59 (/food/laboratory-methods/bam-r59-phosphate-buffered-saline-
2. Buffered peptone water (BPW) (BAM M192 (/food/laboratory-methods/bam-media-m192-buffered-
3. Brilliance Enterobacter sakazakii agar (DFI formulation) (Cat. No. CM1055, Oxoid, Lenexa, KS). Prepare
media according to the instructions on the packaging label. After the plates have been poured and dried
upside down at room temperature, they can be placed in petri plate sleeves and stored upside down at 2-8
ºC in the dark for up to 2 weeks.
4. Enterobacter sakazakii chromogenic plating agar (R&F agar), (Cat. No. M-0700, R & F Laboratories,
Downers Grove, IL). Prepare media according to the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging label.
After the plates have been poured, they should be stored upside down in the dark for 48 hours at room
temperature to dry the agar surface. Then the plates can be placed in petri plate sleeves (cutting a 0.5" to 1"
hole in the sleeves to allow condensation to escape) and stored upside down at 2-8 ºC in the dark for up to
45 days.

5. Oxidase test reagent (BAM R54 (/food/laboratory-methods/bam-r54-oxidase-reagent))

6. PrepMan Ultra® sample preparation reagent (Cat. No. 4318930. Life Technologies)
7. iQ™ Supermix PCR master mix (Cat. No. 170-8860, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA 94547). 2×mix contains 100
mM KCl, 40 mM Tris-HCl, pH8.4, 0.4 mM each dNTP, 50 U/ml iTaq DNA polymerase and 6 mM MgCl2.
8. Rapid ID 32 E biochemical strips (bioMerieux)
9. VITEK Gram Negative Identification Card (bioMérieux)
10. Platinum® Taq DNA Polymerase (Cat. No. 10966-018, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA 92008)
11. Primers and probes (Table 2). PCR primers are commercially synthesized with basic desalt purification
and then reconstituted using PCR grade water to 100 µM for prolonged storage. They are diluted to 40 µM
working stock concentrations. PCR probes are commercially synthesized with HPLC purification and
reconstituted to 2.5 µM in single use aliquots using 1× PCR grade TE buffer. Primers and probes need to be
stored frozen (-20 to -70 ºC). Discard leftover thawed probes and avoid repeating freeze-thawing.

Table 2. Primers and probes for the PCR assay

Oligos Name Sequences (5' to 3')


Cronobacter reverse CronoR CGAGAATAAGCCGCGCATT



Internal control reverse InCR GATCAGCTACGTGAGGTCCTAC

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Oligos Name Sequences (5' to 3')

Internal control probe InCP Cy5-AGCTAGTCGATGCACTCCAGTCCTCCT-Iowa Black RQ-Sp.

12. Internal Control DNA (3): Internal control (InC) DNA is constructed by generating a 198 bp sequence that
is synthesized and inserted into a pZErO-2 vector and transformed into Escherichia coli pDMD801 partial
sequence representation containing the internal control is shown below (GenBank accession no.
FJ357008, Figure 1). The internal control DNA (IAC in Figure 1) sequence is in grey, T7 promoter is
represented in a box, and M13, internal control forward and reverse primers and probe targets are
represented by arrows. The plasmid is extracted by Qiagen Plasmid Mini Kit (Cat. No. 12125, Qiagen,
Valencia, CA 91355) from the transformed Escherichia coli cells following manufacturer's instructions and
quantified by NanoDrop ND1000. The internal control DNA can also be commercially synthesized and
diluted to a stock solution which will provide a reliable Ct of no less than 24 when Cronobacter DNA are
present and no more than 34 when Cronobacter are not present.

Figure 1. Illustration of the internal control DNA

C. Preparation of infant formula samples for isolation of Cronobacter

1. Wear double gloves at all times. Change outer gloves, wipe clean the balance and working area after
processing each sample
2. Sterilize the container margins and the spoons used for sampling prior to withdrawing the samples.

3. Aseptically weigh out 100 g of the powdered infant formula and add to 2 liter size Erlenmeyer flasks.
4. Add 900 mL (1:10 dilution) of sterile buffered peptone water (BPW) and gently shake by hand until the
powder is uniformly suspended. Incubate for 24 ± 2 h at 36 ± 1 °C.
5. Thoroughly mix the enrichment mix and remove four aliquots of 40 mL each from the incubated sample
and place them into four 50 mL centrifuge tubes. Centrifuge the aliquots at 3,000 × g for ten minutes in a
swinging bucket centrifuge (fixed angle centrifuges are not recommended because of problems separating
the fats from the pellet).
6. Aspirate the supernatants of each centrifuge tube.
7. Use sterile cotton swabs or equivalent tools to remove the fat precipitate on the side wall of the centrifuge
tube, if necessary.
8. Suspend the resultant pellet in 200 µL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) by vortexing at maximum speed
for at least 20 sec. Two of the aliquots will be used for PCR. Two of the aliquots will be used for culture
confirmation if necessary.

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D. PCR screening of Cronobacter

DNA extraction. Centrifuge 200 µL suspended cells (in PBS) at 3,000 × g for 5 min in a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge
tube. Depending on the presence and absence of bacterial cells and the efficiency of fat removal at the previous
step, there could be 4 layers after centrifugation. The top layer is fat residues, the second layer is supernatant,
the third layer is bacterial cell pellets which are brown/yellow and the bottom pellets are milk particles. Discard
the supernatants and any fat residues of each centrifuge tube. Add 400 µl of PrepMan Ultra® sample
preparation reagent to each tube and vortex at maximum speed to allow complete suspension. Heat the sample
for 10 min at 100 °C in a boiling water bath or heating block, then cool the sample to room temperature for 2
min. Centrifuge the sample for 2 min at a speed of at least 15,000 × g. Transfer 50 µl of the supernatant into a
new tube for PCR analysis. For each DNA extract, run both PCR protocols with and without InC. If any of the
PCR result is positive, the sample is considered presumptive positive or cannot rule out (CRO) and proceed to
the culture confirmation (Section E). If both DNA extracts are negative by PCR, the sample is considered
negative and stop analysis.
Include a positive control (prepared by 1:10 dilution of a pure culture of Cronobacter strain, i.e. E604) and a no
template (water) control in each PCR run. The PCR is designed to detect very low level of Cronobacter cells. If
after enrichment, a significant large amount cells are grown, the PCR could yield high fluorescence. One solution
is to dilute the DNA (1:10 or 1:100) and rerun the PCR.
1. Cepheid SmartCycler Thermal Cycler (software version 2.0d).
Prepare PCR reactions from the reaction components and final concentrations listed in Table 3 and Table
4. Create a "run" on SmartCycler. Give each run a unique run name, select dye set FCTC25, select 3-step
PCR protocol as described below and assign appropriate sites on the cycler block.

a. PCR setup without InC

PCR condition: 95 °C for 3 min followed by 40 cycles of 95 °C for 15 sec, 52 °C for 20 sec and 72 °C
for 30 sec. The fluorescence is recorded at the end of each annealing step.
Table 3. PCR reaction components for SmartCycler without InC

Component Volume/reaction Final Concentration

IQ Supermix 12.5 µL 50 mM KCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.2 mM each

0.625 U iTaq DNA polymerase and 3 mM MgCl2

CronoF 0.5625 µL (40 µM stock solution) 900 nM

CronoR 0.5625 µL (40 µM stock solution) 900 nM

CronoP 2.5 µL (2.5 µM stock solution) 250 nM

Taq Polymerase 0.1 µL (5 U/ µL) 0.5 U

DNA extract or 2 µL

PCR grade water Appropriate amount to reach 25


b. PCR setup with InC

PCR condition: 95 °C for 3 min followed by 40 cycles of 95 °C for 20 sec, 50 °C for 60 sec and 72 °C
for 30 sec. The fluorescence is recorded at the end of each annealing step.

Table 4. PCR reaction components for SmartCycler with InC

Component Volume/reaction Final Concentration

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Component Volume/reaction Final Concentration

IQ Supermix 12.5 µL 50 mM KCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.2 mM each

0.625 U iTaq DNA polymerase and 3 mM MgCl2

CronoF 0.5625 µL (40 µM stock solution) 900 nM

CronoR 0.5625 µL (40 µM stock solution) 900 nM

CronoP 2.5 µL (2.5 µM stock solution) 250 nM

InCF 0.625 µL (40 µM stock solution) 1000 nM

InCR 0.625 µL (40 µM stock solution) 1000 nM

InCP 2.5 µL (2.5 µM stock solution) 250 nM

InC DNA 1 µL (0.01 pg/µL; equivalent to 0.01 pg

3 ×103 plasmid copies per µL)

Taq Polymerase 0.5 µL (5 U/ µL) 2.5 U

MgCl2 1.5 µL (50 mM solution) 3 mM

DNA extract or 2 µL

PCR grade water Appropriate amount to reach 25


c. Qualitative Data Interpretation

On the SmartCycler Instrument, set the following analysis settings for FAM and Cy5 channels.
Update analysis settings if they are changed before recording results.
1. Usage: Assay
2. Curve Analysis: Primary

3. Threshold Setting: Manual

4. Manual Threshold Fluorescence Units: FAM channel set at 20 units. Cy5 channel set at 30
5. Auto Min Cycle: 5

6. Auto Max Cycle: 10

7. Valid Min Cycle: 3
8. Valid Max. Cycle: 60

9. Background subtraction: ON
10. Boxcar Avg. Cycles: 0

11. Background Min. Cycle: 5

12. Background Max. Cycle: 40

Primary fluorescence curves that cross the threshold will be recorded as "POS" and the cycle number
when it crosses the threshold will be displayed in the "Results Table" view. Negative results are
shown as "NEG". The FAM and Cy5 channels correlate to Cronobacter and InC targets, respectively.
Results can also be viewed graphically (Figure 2).

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Figure 2. Sample screenshots of the SmartCycler result (graph and table views). The
amplification curves of Cronobacter (labeled with FAM) and internal control (labeled
with Cy5) are shown in the graph. The Ct values, positive/negative results and dye sets
are shown in the result table. FCTC25 dye set contains FAM, Cy3, TxR and Cy5. Cy3
and TxR are not used in the PCR assay.

A DNA extract is considered PCR positive if either of the PCR runs (with and without InC) is positive.
For PCR with InC, DNA extracts that have Ct values for FAM and also demonstrate sigmoidal
amplification curves are considered CRO. If there is no Ct value in FAM for a DNA extract, or the
curve is not the typical sigmoidal shape, the InC for that DNA extract must be analyzed:
1. The DNA extract is considered negative if there is Ct value in Cy5 and the curve for Cy5 is
2. If there is no Ct value in Cy5, then there is possible inhibitory substance in the sample and PCR
result is invalid. The DNA extracts need to be diluted (1/10, in PCR grade water) or centrifuged
for further purification, and the PCR repeated; or directly proceed with culture confirmation
(Section E).
For PCR without InC, DNA extracts that have Ct values for FAM and also demonstrate a sigmoidal
amplification curve are considered CRO and proceed to culture confirmation. If there are no Ct
values in FAM, the DNA extract is considered negative. If PCR without InC is negative, but the PCR
with InC shows possible presence of inhibitory substances in the sample, then further purified DNA
extracts need to be diluted and repeated with the PCR without InC.
With both protocols, a positive template control should generate positive signal for the PCR results to
be valid. If the no template control shows amplification, then the reaction may be contaminated and
the PCR result is invalid. Repeat PCR; or directly proceed with culture confirmation.

2. ABI 7500 Fast Thermal Cycler (software version 2.0.4)

Prepare PCR reactions from the reaction components and final concentrations listed in Table 5 and Table
6. Create a "new experiment" on 7500 Fast. Give each experiment a unique name. Select the following
1. In "Experimental properties", select quantitation-standard curve as the type of experiments; Taqman
reagents and standard ramp speed,
2. In "Plate Setup", select none for reference dye, TAMRA as quencher for Cronobacter probe and
none as quencher for InC probe. Assign appropriate sites on the cycler block.
3. In "Run Method", set reaction volume per well to 25 µL. Select the PCR conditions: 95 °C for 3 min
followed by 40 cycles of 95 °C for 15 sec, 52 °C for 40 sec and 72 °C for 15 sec. The fluorescence is
recorded at the end of each annealing step. The PCR with and without InC employ the same PCR

a. PCR setup without InC

Table 5. PCR reaction components for ABI 7500 Fast without InC

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Component Volume/reaction Final Concentration

IQ Supermix 12.5 µL 50 mM KCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.2 mM each dNTP,

0.625 U iTaq DNA polymerase and 3 mM MgCl2

CronoF 0.25 µL (40 µM stock solution) 400 nM

CronoR 0.25 µL (40 µM stock solution) 400 nM

CronoP 3 µL (2.5 µM stock solution) 300 nM

Taq Polymerase 0.1 µL (5 U/ µL) 0.5 U

DNA extract or control 2 µL

PCR grade water Appropriate amount to reach 25 µL

b. PCR setup with InC

Table 6. PCR reaction components for ABI 7500 Fast with InC

Component Volume/reaction Final Concentration

IQ Supermix 12.5 µL 50 mM KCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.2 mM each

0.625 U iTaq DNA polymerase and 3 mM MgCl2

CronoF 0.25 µL (40 µM stock solution) 400 nM

CronoR 0.25 µL (40 µM stock solution) 400 nM

CronoP 3 µL (2.5 µM stock solution) 300 nM

InCF 0.09375 µL (40 µM stock 150 nM


InCR 0.09375 µL (40 µM stock 150 nM


InCP 1.5 µL (2.5 µM stock solution) 150 nM

InC DNA 0.005 pg/µL (equivalent to 0.005 pg

1.5 ×103 plasmid copies per µL)

Taq Polymerase 0.5 µL (5 U/µL) 2.5 U

MgCl2 1.5 µL (50 mM solution) 3 mM

DNA extract or 2 µL

PCR grade water Appropriate amount to reach 25 µL

To analyze the data, set auto baseline and set the threshold value to 50,000 units for both FAM and
Cy5. Sample screen shots of the graph and table view is shown in Figure 3. Follow the data
interpretation criteria for the SmartCycler to interpret the data.

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Figure 3. Sample screenshots of the 7500 Fast result. The amplification curves
of Cronobacter (assigned as target 1) and InC (assigned as target 2) are shown
in the graph and the Ct values and dye sets are shown in the result table.
E. Isolation of Cronobacter
For CRO samples, spread 100 µL aliquots of suspended cells (obtained in C8) evenly onto each of the two DFI
chromogenic agar (4) and two R&F Cronobacter chromogenic plating agar (9) with sterile spreading rods. In
addition, streak a loopful of aliquots of suspended cells onto the surface of two DFI and two R&F agar with
sterile inoculation loops. Incubate the agar plates at 36 ± 1 °C for 18 to 24 h. Observe plates for colonial
morphology typical of Cronobacter (Figure 4). If the cultures overgrow on the plates, streak a 3 mm loopful (10
µL) of lawn materials to at least three quadrants of a new plate for isolation of single colonies.

Figure 4a. Cronobacter colonies on DFI agar.

Figure 4b. Cronobacter colonies on R&F agar. The plate on the right shows an infant formula
sample with Cronobacter and background flora. The background flora changes the background color
of the agar from red to yellow in most areas. Cronobacter colonies are green with yellow background
and black with red background.

F. Identification of Cronobacter
Presumptive Cronobacter colonies on DFI agar appear either dark green, weak green, or brownish green. Some
colonies only have a green center with a white/yellow border. Presumptive Cronobacter colonies on R&F agar
appear blue to black, or blue to grey with the red background. The red background can appear purplish red with
different strain or under different light conditions. Cronobacter does not change the color of R&F agar, but in
the presence of background microflora which change the color of R&F agar from red to yellow, Cronobacter
colonies appear blue to green (Figure 4b).
1. Biochemical confirmation

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Cultures for biochemical identification must be no older than 24 h. With a sterile inoculating loop, pick
one presumptive Cronobacter colony from each DFI agar and R&F agar plate and confirm using Rapid ID
32 E or VITEK 2.0 biochemical identification system according to the manufacturer's instructions. For
positive identification with Rapid ID 32 E, the oxidase test must be included.
2. PCR confirmation
Prepare DNA of presumptive positive colonies on DFI and R&F agar plates. Add a small amount of colony
material to 150 µL of PCR grade dH2O contained in a 1.5 mL plastic centrifuge tube and boil for 5 min in a
boiling water bath. Chill the tubes in ice and centrifuge at 10,000 × g for 2 min. Use 1 µL of this lysed
material as DNA template for the real-time PCR assay with any of the mentioned PCR protocols above.
G. Optional: enumeration of Cronobacter

Use the three-tube Most Probably Number (MPN) procedure (BAM Manual, Appendix 2; Most Probable
Number Determination from Serial Dilutions; ). Aseptically weigh out in triplicate, 100 g, 10 g and 1 g of the
powdered infant formula and add to 2 liter, 250 mL and 125 mL size Erlenmeyer flasks, respectively and proceed
with sample preparation, culture isolation and identification. Calculate MPN of Cronobacter cells/g of sample
based on the number of "tubes" at each dilution in which the presence of Cronobacter was confirmed.

H. Flowchart of the complete procedure

Figure 5. Flowchart of the complete procedure

1. Chen, Y., K.E. Noe, S. Thompson, C.A. Elems, E.A. Brown, K.A. Lampel, and T.S. Hammack. 2011. Evaluation of
a revised FDA method for the detection of Cronobacter in powdered infant formula: Collaborative study. J. Food
Prot. In Press.
2. Chen, Y., T.S. Hammack, K.Y. Song, and K.A. Lampel. 2009. Evaluation of a revised U.S. Food and Drug
Administration method for the detection and isolation of Enterobacter sakazakii in powdered infant formula:
precollaborative study. J. AOAC Int. 92:862-872.
3. Chen, Y., K.Y. Song, E.W. Brown and K.A. Lampel. 2010. Development of an improved protocol for the isolation
and detection of Enterobacter sakazakii (Cronobacter) from powdered infant formula. J. Food Prot.

10 de 15 10/05/2019 18:07
BAM: Cronobacter

4. Deer, D.M., K.A. Lampel, and N. Gonzalez-Escalona. 2010. A versatile internal control for use as DNA in
real-time PCR and as RNA in real-time reverse transcription PCR assays. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 50:366-372.
5. Druggan, P. and C.Iversen. 2009. Culture media for the isolation of Cronobacter spp. Int. J. Food Microbiol.
6. Farmer J.J., III, M.A. Asbury, F.W. Hickman. The Enterobacteriaceae Study Group and D.J. Brenner. 1980.
Enterobacter sakazakii: A new species of "Enterobacteriaceae" isolated from clinical specimens. Intl. J. Syst.
Evol. Microbiol. 30:569-584.
7. Iversen, C., N. Mullane, B. McCardell, B.D. Tall, A. Lehner, S. Fanning, R. Stephan, and H. Joosten. 2008.
Cronobacter gen. nov., a new genus to accommodate the biogroups of Enterobacter sakazakii, and proposal of
Cronobacter sakazakii gen. nov., comb. nov., Cronobacter malonaticus sp. nov., Cronobacter turicensis sp.
nov., Cronobacter muytjensii sp. nov., Cronobacter dublinensis sp. nov., Cronobacter genomospecies 1, and of
three subspecies, Cronobacter dublinensis subsp. dublinensis subsp. nov., Cronobacter blinensis subsp.
lausannensis subsp. nov. and Cronobacter dublinensis subsp. lactaridi subsp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.
8. Lai, K.K. 2001. Enterobacter sakazakii infections among neonates, infants, children, and adults. Case reports
and a review of the literature. Medicine (Baltimore). 80:113-122.
9. Nazarowec-White, M. and J.M. Farber. 1997. Enterobacter sakazakii: a review. Int. J. Food Microbiol.
10. Restaino, L., E.W. Frampton, W.C. Lionberg, and R.J. Becker. 2006. A chromogenic plating medium for the
isolation and identification of Enterobacter sakazakii from foods, food ingredients, and environmental sources.
J. Food Prot. 69:315-322.

11. Urmenyi, A.M. and A.W. Franklin. 1961. Neonatal death from pigmented coliform infection. Lancet. 1:313-315.
12. World Health Organization. Enterobacter sakazakii and other microorganisms in powdered infant formula:
meeting report.disclaimer icon 2004.

Table A. Inclusivity Testing Results for Cronobacter

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a Positive of DFI shows green colony as Cronobacter

b Positive of R&F shows blue-green-black colony as Cronobacter
c UCD: S. Fanning, Centre for Food Safety, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
UZH: R. Stefan, Institute for Food Safety, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 270, CH-8057, Switzerland
NRC: Nestlé Research Centre, Vers-Chez-les-Blanc, Lausanne, CH-1000, Switzerland
ILSI: R. Ivy, Food Safety Lab, Cornell University, 412 Stocking Hall, Ithaca, NY, USA
g ATCC: American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA, USA

h NCTC: National Collection of Type Cultures, London, UK

FDA: R. Buchanan, FDA-CFSAN, College Park, MD, USA
HCSC: F. Pagotto, Health Products and Food branch, Health Canada
k CDC: Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, USA

l RAD: Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Nijmegen, Radboud, Netherlands

RF: L. Restaino, R&F Laboratories, Downers Grove, IL, USA
disclaimer icon (

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Table B. Exclusivity Testing Results for Cronobacter

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BAM: Cronobacter

Positive of DFI shows green colony as Cronobacter
Positive of R&F shows blue-green-black colony as Cronobacter
c ATCC: American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA, USA

d UZH: R. Stephan, Institute for Food Safety, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 270, CH-8057, Switzerland

e UCD: S. Fanning, Centre for Food Safety, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland

f NRC: Nestlé Research Center, Vers-Chez-les-Blanc, Lausanne, CH-1000, Switzerland

g ILSI: R. Ivy, Food Safety Lab, Cornell University, 412 Stocking Hall, Ithaca, NY, USA

LMG: BCCM/LMG Bacteria Collection ( (
policies/website-disclaimer), Ghent, Belgium
i FDA: K. Lampel, FDA-CFSAN, College Park, MD, USA

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