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SPE 119160

A Flow Based Lumping Approach for Compositional Reservoir Simulation

Reza Rastegar and Kristian Jessen, SPE, University of Southern California

Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2009 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium held in The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 2–4 February 2009.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
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reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

In this paper, we present a new and automatic lumping methodology to improve the accuracy and CPU efficiency of
compositional reservoir simulation. Typical equation of state (EOS) based models for prediction of PVT experiments employ
a large number of components. Such detailed EOS models are subsequently lumped into a reduced number of
pseudocomponents for use in compositional reservoir simulation. Traditional lumping approaches do not include any
information regarding the mixture compositions will form during a gas injection process. These mixture compositions can
differ significantly from those investigated by standard PVT and swelling test experiments. Here we demonstrate the benefit
of including displacement characteristics obtained from semi-analytical displacement calculations in the selection of pseudo-
components for compositional reservoir simulation and propose an automated scheme for grouping/lumping.
Components with close proximity in terms of specific velocities and composition space are lumped subject to the
observed variation in equilibrium K values as defined by displacement dynamics. Lumping is performed starting from the
most detailed fluid description in a sequential manner to gauge the quality of the fluid description as we reduce the number of
components in the fluid description. Examples are provided for multicomponent reservoir fluids and CO2 injection where a
substantial amount of data is available (PVT, swelling test and slimtube MMP). We demonstrate that the proposed lumping
strategy provides for additional control of the predictive quality of the reduced EOS model that may not be possible with
currently available lumping approaches.
A majority of oil fields currently under production are candidates for EOR processes such as tertiary gas floods. The
work presented in this paper is directly applicable to the study and design of such EOR processes. In addition, this is to our
best knowledge the first paper that combines displacement dynamics from the analytical theory of gas injection processes
with reservoir fluid characterization towards improved accuracy/efficiency of compositional reservoir simulation.

For the purpose of compositional reservoir simulation and EOR evaluation, working with a large number of components is
computationally expensive and the demand for computer storage can become very large. In order to resolve this issue, it has
been suggested to group/lump the components of a detailed EOS model into a reduced set of pseudocomponents. The success
of such lumping strategies rely on the accuracy of the reduced model relative to the detailed EOS model in capturing the
phase behavior of the composition mixtures that form during a displacement process. Several procedures have been proposed
in literature for lumping crude oil fractions and for calculation of group properties. In this section we present a brief review of
these contributions.
Lee et al. (1981) proposed a simple approach for grouping crude oil components based on the physicochemical properties
of the components. In their work, they plotted the properties such as specific gravity, molecular weight, viscosity etc. versus a
weight-averaged boiling point that served as independent variable. Then they computed the weighted sum of the slopes of
these curves and grouped the fractions with similar values. This procedure requires extensive laboratory data that may not
available due to the cost of detailed compositional analysis and associated PVT measurements (Hong, 1982) (Mehra et al.,
Hong (Hong, 1982) extended the work of Lee et al. (1981) by reducing the number of interrelated properties and
considered the fact that the properties of hydrocarbon fractions, in general, correlates well with the molecular weight. In the
procedure of Hong, C7+ fractions were lumped into one component and in addition C2-C6 are lumped to one component
unless the p-z diagram of the lumped components does not satisfactory reproduce the observed experimental data. Mixing
rules were selected for each lumped fraction based on a the agreement between observed and predicted dew and bubble point
pressures when variable amounts of separator gas were added to the original oil.
2 SPE 119160

Mehra et al. (1982) presented a statistical approach for lumping components. Their approach was based on the fact that
phase saturations play an important role in mobility and displacement calculations. In their approach errors in predicted phase
saturations of a lumped model was minimized relative to the saturations predicted by the original EOS model.
Montel & Gouel (1984) proposed an iterative clustering algorithm that is applicable to any number of components and
any EOS model. This method utilizes the molecular weight (Mw) and EOS parameters as input to define groups by
minimizing a distance function that relates the properties of a given component to a predetermined number of clusters. The
optimal clustering then defines the lumped components and the properties of the lumped components can be calculated.
Schlijper (1986) proposed an approach that is referred to as the pseudo-potential method. The pseudocomponents are
formally associated with mixture-like characters that are not treated similarly to pure components. For EOS related
calculations Schlijper suggested that the chemical potential should be replaced by the pseudopotential which represents the
lumped components as a mixture rather than a single component. The pseudocomponents were selected based on minimizing
the difference in Gibbs free energy between the lumped fluid description and the original fluid description (Joergensen 1996).
Wu and Batycky (1988) pointed out the need to check the accuracy of the EOS model based on the selected
pseudocomponents and their properties, not only for the oil, but also for the mixtures of oil and solvent. In their approach
they used Pc, Tc, the critical volume (Vc), ω, Mw and the binary interaction coefficients (BIC) as the input parameters and
applied a combination of molar and weight based mixing rules. In this approach, components are lumped based on the ability
of the resultant model to match the observed solvent-oil phase behavior. They concluded that lumping may have a greater
impact on the predicted solvent-oil phase behavior than on the predicted gas-oil ratio (GOR) and demonstrated that the latter
may not be affected significantly by the selected lumping scheme or the mixing rules used for calculating the
pseudocomponent properties.
Newley & Merill (1991) proposed the use of empirical mixing rules that employ information from coexisting phases near
saturation pressures of the original fluid to condition the EOS model. This aim at improving the phase behavior
representation near saturation points of the lumped fluid description. The grouping scheme proposed in their work is based on
minimizing the K-value differences between the pure components and pseudocomponents.
Danesh et al. (1992) proposed a lumping scheme based on concentrations and molecular weights of the original fluid
description. In their approach the components are initially sorted by ascending boiling points. The components are
subsequently lumped into groups by balancing the summation of the component mole fractions times the natural logarithm of
the molecular weight of the components for each group. Based on the selected groups, a new set of mixing rules were
suggested to calculate the properties of the pseudocomponents. In this study, VLE experiments were also designed to mimic
the conditions at the leading and trailing edge of a gas-oil displacement process.
Hustad and Dalen (1993) used a statistical approach based on principal component analysis (PCA) to lump components.
In this PCA approach, an eigenvalue problem was formulated that provides eigenvectors and eigenvalues for a multivariate
set. In the context of lumping, eigenvectors account for the importance of the components in the compositional space and
eigenvectors account for the significance of a given direction. Based on this analysis, Hustad and Dalen proposed to lump
components with similar contributions to the delineation of the compositional space.
Leibovici et al. (1993) proposed a new method for calculating the physical properties of the lumped components
regardless of lumping schemes. They proposed a set of equations in which Pc and Tc of the pseudo components are treated as
unknowns. Dependent on the type of EOS used they introduced the temperature dependency into the set of equations and
minimized the difference between the full and lumped descriptions.
Joergensen & Stenby (1995) studied and tested twelve different available lumping schemes. The results of this study
demonstrated that none of these methods may function considerably better than others. They also recommended using the
temperature dependent mixing rules for estimating the pseudocomponents physical properties as proposed by Leibovici et al.
(1993). Based on their analysis, they suggested using 6 to 8 pseudocomponents to provide for optimal predictive capabilities.
Liu (1999, 2001) proposed an algorithm referred to as the “best lumping scheme” that promises to find an optimal lumped
fluid description based on the accuracy of the predicted phase behavior of the fluid system and proposed an automatic
regression procedure to improve the predictive capabilities of the resultant EOS model. This work included experimental
observation from standard PVT experiments.
Egwuenu et al. (2008) extended the approach of Newley & Merill (1991) by generating K-values for a linear combination
of the reservoir fluid and the injection gas in the study of combined condensing and vaporizing displacement processes. They
demonstrated that the number of components used in the fluid description can be reduced significantly as long as the lumped
model is re-tuned to the experimental observations.
The above lumping approaches do, in generally, not include a significant amount of information regarding the mixture
compositions that will form during a gas injection process. The mixture composition that forms during a gas injection process
differs significantly from those investigated by standard PVT and swelling experiments (Jessen & Stenby, 2007; Orr, 2007).
Accordingly, valuable information from the dynamics of gas injection processes in the selection of pseudocomponent has so
far not been included in any proposed grouping/lumping scheme. In the following section, we propose a lumping scheme that
includes such information to define the pseudocomponents of a reduced fluid description.
SPE 119160 3

A flow-based lumping scheme

Jessen and Stenby (2007) and Egwuenu et al. (2008) demonstrated the need for including compositional information beyond
the standard PVT experiments (constant mass expansion and/or differential liberation experiments) and swelling test data to
ensure an accurate prediction of the development of miscibility in terms of the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP). This
observation is due to the nature of gas/oil displacement processes where mixture compositions that differ significantly from
those that can be constructed by linear combinations of the reservoir oil and the injected gas are formed as a result of the
interplay of flow and phase behavior (Orr and Jessen, 2007).
In this work we investigate the potential benefit of including such additional information from displacement dynamics in
the selection of component groups to form EOS models with a reduced number of components suitable for compositional
reservoir simulation. To do this, we use analytical solutions for one dimensional (1D) gas/oil displacement processes (Orr,
2007) to define an optimal lumping/grouping strategy based on the observed displacement characteristics. We then use the
approach of Leibivici et al. (1993) to calculate the properties of the selected groups (pseudocomponents).
The variation in equilibrium K values that are observed along the compositional path that defines a near-miscible gas
injection process can differ significantly from the K values that are observed for the original reservoir fluid at the saturation
pressure and also from the K values that are observed for two-phase mixtures of oil and injection gas (Orr and Jessen, 2007).
The variations in K-values that are observed during a gas/oil displacement process are dictated by the coupling between the
phase behavior and flow of equilibrated phases (Orr, 2007). Accordingly, we wish to investigate the benefit of defining a
grouping scheme that is based on the observed relative proximity of the K-values during a displacement process. The key
idea behind this approach is that components that exhibit a similar K-value behavior (magnitude and variation) throughout a
displacement process must be good candidates for lumping.
To demonstrate this idea, we consider initially the reservoir fluid #6 presented by Jaubert et al. (2002). We refer to this
fluid system as Fluid A. This fluid system was analyzed in detail by Jessen and Stenby (2007) who generated a 15 component
fluid description by the approach of Pedersen et al. (1989) for use with the SRK EOS (Soave, 1972). The EOS model was
subsequently tuned to all available experimental observations from standard PVT experiments, swelling test and slimtube
displacement experiments (MMP) to condition the detailed fluid description. The EOS input for Fluid A is reported in Table
1. Table 1 also reports and injection gas composition (Gas 1) that was used in measuring the slimtube MMP as reported by
Jaubert et al. (2002). The experimental MMP for the displacement of Fluid A by Gas 1 is 309 bar whereas the predicted
MMP is 300 bar; well within the accuracy of slimtube displacement experiments. The variation of K-values along the
displacement direction is generated by 1D semi-analytical calculations based on the method of characteristics (Orr, 2007).
Figures 1-2 report the gas saturation and the component K-values as a function of the specific velocity for a near-miscible
displacement of Fluid A by Gas 1 at 383.15K and 288 bar. This displacement process is a combined condensing and
vaporizing drive as can be seen from the hour-glass shape of the K-value profiles at the downstream portion. From this initial
displacement calculation, we find that the K-values of nC5 and iC5 follow each other closely along the entire composition
path that connects the injection composition to the initial oil composition. Accordingly, these components are initially
grouped and the properties of the lumped component are calculated by the approach of Leibovici et al. (1993). The quality of
the new (and reduced) fluid description can readily be checked against experimental observations (PVT, swelling and MMP)
in an automated manner before repeating the process. By continuing this approach the number of components can gradually
be reduced in a sequential manner while ensuring that an appropriate accuracy of the reduced EOS model is maintained. We
note that the semi-analytical calculations can be replaced by a 1D numerical simulator. However, the efficiency of the semi-
analytical calculations combined with well-defined segments (K-value variations) along the displacement path makes the
semi-analytical calculations our preferred approach. The algorithm for our proposed sequential flow based lumping scheme is
summarized below:

a) Generate a detailed and accurate fluid description.

b) Perform a 1D displacement calculation by semi-analytical calculations or by numerical calculations.
c) Group two components (i, j) that minimize the integral

∫ (K
j − K i )dx , (1)

where L denotes the length along the 1D displacement path.

d) Evaluate the properties of the lumped component.
e) Check accuracy of the new EOS model relative to the available experimental observations
f) Repeat from b) until the desired number of components in the lumped description is reached while still maintaining
the desired accuracy.

The above algorithm does not include a regression step. A regression step can easily be included between stage e) and f) and
be activated automatically if the error between predictions and experimental data exceed a preset tolerance. However, in this
work, we have omitted this stage to investigate the predictive capabilities of the proposed lumping scheme. In the following
section, we test the algorithm for two reservoir fluids and a total of 4 injection gas compositions.
4 SPE 119160

The performance of the proposed lumping approach has been tested for two reservoir fluids; fluid #6 and fluid #5 from the
data base of Jaubert et al. (2002) and we refer in the flowing to these as Fluid A and B. Experimental observations from
constant mass expansion experiments (CME), swelling test experiments and slimtube displacement experiments (MMP) are
available for both reservoir fluids. Additional differential liberation (DLE) data are available for Fluid B. The detailed fluid
descriptions were generated by the characterization approach of Pedersen et al. (1989) followed by regression to all
experimental data. Additional detail regarding characterization and regression strategy can be found in Jessen and Stenby
(2007). A total of 15 components are used in the detailed fluid descriptions. Tables 1 and 2 report the properties of the
detailed fluid descriptions. We use the SRK EOS throughout this work.

Fluid A
Initially, we apply the proposed lumping approach to Fluid A and target a reduced model with 7 components. The
experimental MMP for Fluid A and associated separator gas (Table 1) is 396 bar at 383.15K (see Table 3) and the MMP
predicted by the detailed fluid description is 300 bar (-3% error). We used a displacement pressure of 288 bar in the semi-
analytical calculations to create a near-miscible displacement process and reduced the number of components to 7 according
to the algorithm presented in the previous section. The lumped fluid description is reported in Table 4. The MMP predicted
by the lumped fluid description is 307 bar (-1% error), as slight improvement over the full description. Both predictions are,
however, below the accuracy of experimental MMP data obtained from slimtube experiments (~5%). Figure 3 compares the
experimental observations for a CME experiment with the original oil along with CME experiments for mixtures of the
original oil and the injected gas relative to the predictions of the detailed and the lumped fluid description. The accuracy of
the lumped fluid description is found to be in good agreement with the experimental CME observations. Figure 4 compares
the available swelling test data in terms of saturation pressures and saturated liquid densities with the detailed and lumped
fluid descriptions. Again, we see a good agreement between the lumped fluid description and the experimental observations
with a moderate deviation in the saturation pressure at the maximum solvent fraction. Figure 5 reports the gas saturation
profiles from semi-analytical calculations using the detailed and the lumped fluid description. The two fluid descriptions are
in excellent agreement with respect to the specific velocity of the leading edge of the displacement. In addition to the MMP
for the separator gas, we generated an artificial MMP data point (185 bar at 383.15K) for the injection of CO2 based on the
detailed fluid descriptions and predicted the MMP based on the lumped fluid description to be 196 bar at 383.15K. The
observed difference in the predicted MMP (6% error) is very reasonable considering that no CO2/oil data were available for
conditioning the detailed EOS model. Figure 6 compares the predicted displacement behavior of a near-miscible CO2 flood
(173 bar and 383.15K) and shows that the lumped and the detailed fluid descriptions are in good agreement. Table 3
summarizes the displacement pressures, saturation pressures and miscibility pressures for Fluid A and associated gases.

Fluid B
Next, we consider Fluid B (see Table 2). Fluid B is a slightly heavier oil than Fluid A. Again we target a lumped fluid
description with 7 components. For this fluid, the experimental MMP for injection of the associated separator gas reported in
Table 2 is 366 bar at 394.25K. The detailed fluid description predicts an MMP of 364 bar (1% error). We set the
displacement pressure used in the semi-analytical calculations to 352 bar, again, to generate a near-miscible displacement
process. The number of components was then reduced to 7 in the proposed sequential manner resulting in the lumped fluid
description reported in Table 5. The MMP predicted by the lumped fluid description is 396 bar (7.5% error), a less accurate
prediction than what we observed for Fluid A. Figure 7 compares the experimental CME behavior of the original oil with the
behavior predicted by the lumped and detailed fluid descriptions. In addition, Fig. 7 also shows a comparison of the
experimental CME behavior during a swelling test with the behavior predicted by the two EOS models. For all the available
CME data, the two fluid descriptions are found to be in excellent agreement. Figure 8 reports the observed liquid densities
from a DLE and compare the experimental data with predictions from the two fluid descriptions. Moderate deviations are
observed between the experimental values and the predicted values. However, the predicted values are in good agreement.
Additional experimental swelling test data are shown in Figure 9 and compared favorably with the predictions of the lumped
and detailed EOS models. Figure 10 shows a comparison of the gas saturation profile from semi-analytical displacement
calculations based on the two EOS models at 352 bar. From Fig. 10 we see that the gas saturation profiles predicted by two
EOS models differ slightly at the leading edge of the displacement. This should be expected given the difference in the
predicted MMP (7.5% error for the lumped model) and suggests that we are approaching the limit in terms of accuracy in
lumping without including the additional regression step as discussed above. As for Fluid A, the MMP based on a
displacement of Fluid B by pure CO2 was generated from the detailed fluid description and compared to the MMP predicted
by the lumped fluid description. The calculated values of the MMP were 195 bar and 210 bar respectively. The observed
difference (7%) in again reasonable considering that the detailed model was developed without any CO2/oil data. Figure 11
compares the gas saturation profiles predicted by the two fluid descriptions for a near-miscible CO2 flood at 179 bar and
394.25 bar. The two displacement calculations are seen to be in better agreement than for the separator gas (Fig. 10).
SPE 119160 5

3D compositional simulation of CO2 floods

In order to test the performance of the proposed lumping approach in more realistic settings, a synthetic anticline reservoir
model derived from the PUNQ3 comparative study was prepared with four production wells and one injection well arranged
in a top-down injection scheme. Two scenarios were constructed based on the two reservoir fluids: a) Fluid A displaced by
CO2 at 383.14K and Fluid B displaced by CO2 at 394.25K. In both cases, the injection well and the production wells were
operated at constant bottom hole pressure as listed in Table 6. Additional model information is also listed in Table 6. For
each of the two scenarios, we simulated the injection of CO2 for 4000 days based on the detailed and the lumped fluid
descriptions. The results in terms of cumulative oil production and producing gas/oil ratio are reported in Fig. 13 for Fluid A
and in Fig. 14 for Fluid B. An additional comparison of the cumulative production of CO2 for the two scenarios is reported in
Fig. 15. For both scenarios, we see that the oil production, the GOR and the cumulative CO2 production are predicted in good
agreement by the lumped and the detailed fluid descriptions. These results suggest that the proposed lumping scheme
provides for a reasonably good accuracy for larg scale simulations even if moderate differences are observed in the 1D semi-
analytical and dispersion-free displacement calculations.

Discussion and Conclusions

In the previous sections we have proposed and tested a flow-based lumping scheme that includes information from dynamic
displacement calculations in reducing detailed fluid descriptions that are commonly used for modeling PVT behavior into
lumped fluid descriptions that are more suitable for compositional reservoir simulation. This is to our best knowledge the first
attempt to include displacement dynamics in an automated lumping framework. We have demonstrated the application of the
proposed lumping scheme for two reservoir fluids with associated injection gases for which a rich set of experimental data
was available to gauge the accuracy of the lumped fluid description. In the current work, we have deliberately refrained from
including regression in the lumping strategy to test the predictive quality of the proposed approach. The presented results
suggest that the proposed scheme for reducing the number of components in a fluid description is capable of maintaining a
good accuracy of the predicted PVT behavior as well as of the predicted displacement characteristics. It is, however, very
likely that a regression stage must be included in the proposed approach in order to maintain a reasonable accuracy if a
detailed fluid description is lumped into 6 or less pseudocomponents.

a, b = EOS parameters
BIC = binary interaction coefficient
K = equilibrium coefficient or K value
Mw = molecular weight
nc = number of components
no = exponent for oil rel. perm.
ng = exponent for gas rel. perm.
P = pressure
Pc = critical pressure
Sgc = critical gas saturation
Sor = residual oil saturation
T = temperature
Tc = critical temperature
Vc = critical volume
Zc = critical compressibility factor

Greek Symbols
ω = acentric factor


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SPE 119160 7

Table 1: Detailed representation of reservoir fluid A

Tc Pc Mw
Comp ω Zc Shift BIC N2 BIC CO2 Feed Gas 1
(K) (bar) (g/mole)
N2 126.20 34.045 0.0400 28.01 0.2857 -0.00790 0 0.00015484 0.0001 0.0045
CO2 304.27 73.88 0.2278 43.99 0.2850 0.08330 0.00015 0 0.00775 0.0219
C1 190.60 46.00 0.0080 16.04 0.2850 0.02340 0.02 0.11995 0.36203 0.7665
C2 305.40 48.83 0.0980 30.06 0.2817 0.06050 0.06 0.1499 0.09736 0.1202
C3 369.80 42.45 0.1520 44.09 0.2779 0.08250 0.08 0.1499 0.06745 0.0526
iC4 408.10 36.47 0.1760 58.12 0.2742 0.08300 0.08 0.14988 0.01287 0.0074
nC4 425.20 37.99 0.1930 58.12 0.2742 0.09750 0.08 0.14988 0.03672 0.0149
iC5 460.40 33.84 0.2270 72.15 0.2707 0.10220 0.08 0.14988 0.01557 0.0033
nC5 469.60 33.74 0.2510 72.15 0.2702 0.12090 0.08 0.14988 0.02337 0.0041
C6 507.40 29.68 0.2960 86.17 0.2658 0.14670 0.08 0.14987 0.03290 0.0026
C7-11 612.12 29.43 0.2043 117.54 0.2596 0.14490 0.08 0.14985 0.15586 0.0020
C12-16 642.55 23.35 0.4526 183.10 0.2506 0.01740 0.08 0.14985 0.07826 0
C17-23 688.51 19.43 0.7516 268.11 0.2409 -0.09040 0.08 0.14985 0.05032 0
C24-35 758.82 16.97 1.1131 396.24 0.2303 -0.23770 0.08 0.14985 0.03651 0
C36-80 898.89 15.41 1.1198 653.78 0.2165 -0.48450 0.08 0.14985 0.02304 0

Table 2: Detailed representation of reservoir fluid B

Tc Pc Mw BIC CO2
Comp ω Zc Shift BIC N2 Oil B Gas 2
(K) (bar) (g/mole) /H2S
N2 126.20 34.04 0.0400 28.01 0.2857 -0.00790 0 0.0187 0.00450 0
CO2/H2S 312.88 75.84 0.2094 42.45 0.2850 0.07760 0.0187 0 0.02453 0
C1 190.60 46.00 0.0080 16.04 0.2850 0.02340 0.02 0.1137 0.26576 0.880
C2 305.40 48.83 0.0980 30.06 0.2817 0.06050 0.06 0.1375 0.07894 0.070
C3 369.80 42.45 0.1520 44.09 0.2779 0.08250 0.08 0.1375 0.06730 0.030
iC4 408.10 36.47 0.1760 58.12 0.2742 0.08300 0.08 0.1359 0.01485 0.005
nC4 425.20 37.99 0.1930 58.12 0.2742 0.09750 0.08 0.1359 0.03899 0.005
iC5 460.40 33.84 0.2270 72.15 0.2707 0.10220 0.08 0.1359 0.01937 0.005
nC5 469.60 33.74 0.2510 72.15 0.2702 0.12090 0.08 0.1359 0.02505 0.005
C6 507.40 29.68 0.2960 86.17 0.2658 0.14670 0.08 0.1343 0.03351 0
C7-12 639.28 28.85 0.2539 122.56 0.2589 0.14050 0.08 0.1312 0.18448 0
C13-18 683.17 22.23 0.6002 207.39 0.2481 -0.01180 0.08 0.1312 0.10498 0
C19-26 738.30 18.60 0.9882 307.10 0.2378 -0.13500 0.08 0.1312 0.06079 0
C27-39 815.53 16.71 1.3577 443.82 0.2281 -0.28980 0.08 0.1312 0.04822 0
C40-80 962.74 15.61 1.1778 710.03 0.2157 -0.54310 0.08 0.1312 0.02871 0

Table 3: Displacement Pressure, Temperature and MMP

Fluid A + CO2 Fluid A + Gas 1 Fluid B + CO2 Fluid B + Gas 2
Temperature (K) 383.15 383.15 394.25 394.25
Oil saturation pressure (bar) 172.9* 145.8*
Displacement Pressure (bar) 173 288 179 352
MMP (bar) – calculated (detailed) 185 300 195 364
MMP (bar) – calculated (lumped) 196 307 210 396
MMP (bar) - experimental n/a 309* n/a 366*
*) Reported by Jaubert et al. 2002

Table 4: Fluid A + Gas 1 lumped to 7 components

Tc Pc Mw
Comp ω Zc Shift BIC N2 BIC CO2 Oil A Gas 1
(K) (bar) (g/mole)
N2/C1 190.58 45.99 0.0080 16.04 0.28500 0.02338 0 0.11991 0.36213 0.7710
CO2 304.26 73.88 0.2278 43.99 0.28500 0.08330 0.11991 0 0.0077499 0.0219
C2 305.40 48.83 0.0980 30.07 0.28170 0.06050 0 0.1499 0.097359 0.1202
C3-4 392.08 40.16 0.1676 50.03 0.27608 0.08803 0 0.14989 0.11704 0.0749
C5-6 485.53 31.72 0.2669 78.57 0.26809 0.13014 0 0.1499 0.071839 0.0100
C7-16 623.02 27.04 0.2920 139.45 0.25565 0.08894 0 0.14987 0.23412 0.0020
C17+ 764.08 17.64 0.9525 391.56 0.22879 -0.27791 0 0.14983 0.10987 0
8 SPE 119160

Table 5: Fluid B + Gas 2 - Lumped to 7 components

Tc Pc Mw BIC CO2
Comp ω Zc Shift BIC N2 Oil B Gas 2
(K) (bar) (g/mole) /H2S
N2/C1 189.38 45.78 0.00840 16.24 0.28502 0.02250 0 0.11248 0.27026 0.88
CO2/H2S 312.88 75.84 0.20942 42.45 0.28500 0.07760 0.11248 0 0.02453 0
C2 305.40 48.83 0.09801 30.06 0.28170 0.06050 0.00044 0.13751 0.07894 0.07
C3-5 413.86 38.04 0.18846 56.18 0.27408 0.09662 0.00063 0.13645 0.16556 0.05
C6 507.40 29.68 0.29599 86.17 0.26580 0.14670 0.00062 0.13437 0.03351 0
C7-18 657.18 26.01 0.38696 153.33 0.25360 0.06579 0.00050 0.13123 0.28946 0
C19+ 817.53 17.22 1.15462 438.97 0.22691 -0.32741 0.00054 0.13128 0.13774 0

Table 6: Data for 3D calculation examples

Parameters Fluid A + CO2 Fluid B + CO2
Producing Well Pressure (bar) 123 134
Injector Well Pressure (bar) 223 234
Initial Reservoir Pressure (bar) 173 184
Reservoir Temperature (K) 383.15 394.25
Injection Gas CO2 CO2
Simulation time (days) 4000 4000
Corey-type relative permeability:
Sor = 0.10, Sgc = 0.05, ng = 2, no = 2

Figure 1 : Gas saturation vs. specific velocity for a displacement of Fluid A

by Gas 1 at T = 383.15 K, p = 288 bar.

Figure 2: K-value variations along a 1D displacement process:

Fluid A + Gas 1, T = 383.15 K, p = 288 bar
SPE 119160 9

Xgas = 0
Xgas = 0.167
Xgas = 0.286
Xgas = 0.375
Xgas = 0.444

Xgas = 0.5

Figure 3: Comparison of CME data for Fluid A and mixtures of Fluid A and Gas 1 with
predictions based on a detailed (full) and a lumped fluid description. T = 383.15K

Figure 4: Comparison of Swelling test data (Fluid A + Gas 1) with predictions

based on a detailed (full) and a lumped fluid description. T = 383.15K

Figure 5: Comparison of gas saturation vs. specific velocity for a displacement of Fluid A
by Gas 1 at T = 383.15 K, p = 288 bar: Lumped (nc = 7) vs Full (nc = 15) description.
10 SPE 119160

Figure 6: Comparison of gas saturation vs. specific velocity for a displacement of Fluid A
by pure CO2 at T = 383.15 K and p = 173 bar: Lumped (nc = 7) vs Full (nc = 15) description.

Xgas = 0

Xgas = 0.231
Xgas = 0.333
Xgas = 0.394
Xgas = 0.429
Xgas = 0.460

Figure 7: Comparison of CME data for Fluid B and mixtures of Fluid B and Gas 2
with predictions based on a detailed (full) and a lumped fluid description. T = 394.25K

Figure 8: Comparison of Differential Libration Experiment data with predictions

based on a lumped and a detailed (full) fluid description. Fluid B at T = 394.25K
SPE 119160 11

Figure 9: Comparison of swelling test data (Fluid B + Gas 2) with predictions

based on a detailed (full) and a lumped fluid description. T = 394.25K

Figure 10: Comparison of gas saturation vs. specific velocity for the displacement of Fluid B by Gas 2 at
T = 394.25K and P = 352 bar as predicted by a detailed fluid description and a lumped fluid description.

Figure 11: Comparison of gas saturation vs. specific velocity for the displacement of Fluid B by CO2 at
T = 394.25K and P = 179 bar as predicted by a detailed and a lumped fluid description
12 SPE 119160

Figure 12: Schematic of the synthetic reservoir model (derived from PUNQ3) showing
the permeability variability and the configuration of injection and production wells

Figure 13: Comparison of the oil production and the producing GOR as predictiod by the lumped and
the original fluid model. Fluid A displaced by CO2 at 383.15K with well conditions given in Table 7.

Figure 14: Comparison of the oil production and the producing GOR as predictiod by the lumped and the
original fluid model. Fluid B displaced by CO2 at 394.25K with well conditions given in Table 6.
SPE 119160 13

Figure 15: Comparison of cumulative CO2 production as predicted by the full and lumped
descriptionsof fluids A and B during the production reported in Figs. 13-14.

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