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Footprinting and Scanning (Part 1)

Instructor :
Eng / Bishoy Gamel Tawfik
Network Discovery and Mapping
 After collecting information about the target organization during the information
gathering stage, a penetration tester proceeds to the fingerprinting and
enumeration of the nodes running on the client's network.
 The techniques you are going to see work both on local and remote networks.
 As you know, every host connected to the Internet or a private network must
have a unique IP address which identifies it.

 How can a penetration tester determine what

hosts, sitting in an in-scope network,
are up and running ???
Why Map a (Remote) Network ?
 A company asks for a penetration test, and the following address block is
considered in scope:

 A sixteen-bit long netmask means the network could contain up to 216

(65535) hosts with IP addresses in the - range.

 The penetration tester needs a way to find which of the 65535 IP addresses are
assigned to a node.
Why Map a (Remote) Network ?
 We need a way to transform an unknown network into a useful map, starting
from something like this :-

 We will get something like this !

Scanning Goals
 Goals of Scanning :-

 Determine network addresses of live hosts, firewalls, routers, and such on the
network .
 Determine the network topology of the target environment .

 Determine operating system types of discovered hosts .

 Determine open ports and network services in a target environment .

 Determine lists of potential vulnerabilities .

 Do these in a manner that minimizes risk of impairing host or service .

Scanning Types
 Scan Types :-

 Network sweeping
- Send a series of probe packets to identify live hosts at IP addresses in the target
network .
 OS fingerprinting
- Determine target operating system type based on network .
 Port scanning
- Determine listening TCP and UDP ports on target systems .
 Version scanning
- Determine the version of services and protocols spoken by open TCP and UDP ports .
 Vulnerability scanning
- Determine a list of potential vulnerabilities (misconfigurations, unpatched services,
and so on) in the target environment .
Scanning Topology
Network Sweeping
 The previous example shows how mapping the remote network completely
changes your understanding of it.
 Trying to blindly exploit 65536 hosts would be a massive waste of time and
resources !

Q) How do you determine which IP addresses in scope are assigned to a host ??

A) The simplest way is through Network Sweeping !

Ping Sweep
 Identify devices connected to the network by sending ping them all.
 ( Online – Offline )

 Ping scan involves sending ICMP ECHO requests to multiple hosts. If a host is
online, it will return an ICMB ECHO reply.

 Attackers calculate subnet masks to identify the number

of hosts present in the subnet.

 This scan is useful for locating active devices

or determining is ICMB is passing through a firewall.

Example Ping Sweep
 nmap -sn (Network IP Address) / ( subnet mask {8-16-24-32})
Advanced Host Discovery and Much More ByNMAP
 You can specify your targets on the command line in CIDR format as a range and
by using wildcard notation.

nmap –sn

nmap –sn
nmap –sn 192.168.1.*
nmap –sn 192.168.*.10

 You can save your host list and invoke it with Nmap by using the input command
line switch in conjunction with -sn. This way you will conduct a ping scan against
each host that is in the given list.
 Please note, that in this example we are naming our saved file hostslist.txt.
nmap -sn -iL hostslist.txt
Advanced Host Discovery and Much More ByNMAP

 In fact, the scanner does not just use ping packets to find live hosts.
 Here is an extract of the output of the nmap command.
OS Fingerprinting
 To transform a list of live IP addresses into something more useful, we need to
know what software (i.e., what operating system) responded to our probes.

 OS Fingerprinting :-
 Identify the target OS using both active and passive techniques.

 To fingerprint an operating system you have to send network requests to the

host and then analyze the responses you get back.

 Finally, the signature is compared against a database of known operating

systems signatures.
OS Fingerprinting
 During a penetration test, you will have to perform this reconnaissance step on
every network node, including :-
 Routers - Firewalls - Hosts - Servers - Printers - And so on...

 The goal of this phase is to write a table like the following :-

IP Address OS Confidence Linux 3.7 100% Linux 2.6.19 – 2.6.36 90% Windows 7 SP1 100% Windows 7 SP1 75% FreeBSD 85% HP-OS 78%
OS Fingerprinting
 There are two types of OS Fingerprinting :-

 Active OS Fingerprinting :
 Sends packets and waits for a response (or lack of one).
 Active OS fingerprinting sometimes sends unexpected packets, because
different implementations respond differently to such errors.

 Passive OS Fingerprinting :
 Identifies the remote operating system with packets that are received, without
sending any packets.
 For example: analyzing traffic that we have already captured.
OS Fingerprinting
 Operating System DNA
0 4 8 16 31
4 bit
4 bit 8-bit type of service
Header 16-bit total length ( in bytes )
Version Length (TOS)=0
3 bit
16-bit identification 13-bit Fragment Offset
8-bit time to live 8-bit protocol=1 20
16-bit header checksum
( TTL ) (ICMP) bytes

32-bit source IP address

32-bit destination IP address

Options ( if any )

Type Code Checksum 4 bytes

IP Data ICMP data (depending on the type of message)

Active OS Fingerprinting
 Active OS Fingerprinting (Manually) :-
 By Using ping command + (Target IP Address)
Active OS Fingerprinting
 Active OS Fingerprinting (Automatically) :-
 By Using Nmap tool, the command to enable OS detection is -O
 We will run the scan against a single target, our command will be as follows :-
 nmap -O (OS detection) (IP Target Address)
 You can also add the -Pn switch to skip the ping scan if you already know that the
targets are alive.
Passive OS Fingerprinting
 Passive OS Fingerprinting (Automatically) :-
 By Using (p0f tool) to read the conversation between two victim.

 p0f -read < Location conversation >

 Ex:- p0f -r /Desktop/conversation.pcap

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