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And the business that I know and immense or wide and so can I right so really you have nothing

to worry
because you're only here because I know I can make you a lot of money help you bring your business
form and I know that the system I built through my other various online businesses it works and that
takes us to the next point which is people open to new ideas we are gonna push the boundaries of
what's possible so be open to new ideas no one thing I'd like to say about that is you will always have the
final say you are the client will always have the font that final scene all we can do is recommend personal
experience but the you also have the final the final say and the final decision I'm gonna throw ideas your
way and I'm really had clients where I I've come in I've suggested things their entire business has done
A1 really they're entire business and then this new side of their business most time I but most of my
clients I really emphasize maybe you should build out the training side of your business not only doing
you know senior state normally during your real estate investing teaching how to do the same thing lot
of clients that ioffer that to or I suggest that to their training business makes 3-4 times what they're but
their actual first business was OK so I'm gonna throw a bunch of different ideas your way and look you
can take any of them he was a client you always have the final say must take your final decision the next
thing is be response any coke in the operational comparable slow down how quickly uh you can results
so quite simply at the balls in your you know we are equipped to respond myself my team we're quick to
respond so you know if it takes you four or five days to maybe get us photos or videos that you know last
four or five days that we're just kind of having to to sit around and do Jupiter 2 you know maybe sorry
sent us photos or stuff like that but we need something up did I want to see people almost try to keep
the bomb word but you know the more responsive you are the better the service no this is how to make
sure this partnership gets disconnected harassing not any sort of disrespectful behavior to the team will
most certainly it's the termination of this partnership I know you never do that be rude for myself word
team members but obviously insert disrespectful behavior and that's probably the number one way we
trump it is any sort for any sort of very interesting emotionally charged behavior the next thing see
Myself and I you stop so basically you'll have your own dedicated channel I'm sure he was a businessman
probably already use slack with your most businesses but you have your own dedicated show with your
accounts and ads manager and that is the way in which so any communication outside of slack to be as I
said we're trying to make this as simpler process for yourself and of course those as Poss it's not making
sure that posters at agency we have all of our clients in one place this means that we'll be able to get
back to you OK so this is really this is just we offer better service to making sure that all of our so one
plus so slack is the way in which you'll get some instructions later down the line how to get you know get
your own show the next thing is not showing so Please ensure 24 on our notice for cancelled boring
emergency first look you have someone in your family sick are you they're really anything stay the
plumber needs to come there's an issue at the Home Office emergencies come but continuous respect
for our always see that stress that's that's either if you could courteously sort of let our team know and
myself know anytime that council reschedule a call there's no issues whatsoever 24 hour this using just
so that we can slot it in week schedule and whenever you need to cancel you know when you when you
actually book it you'll should so most of the time the scheduler so you're actually able to reschedule are
you using that surface the next yes so how would you like your customers yourself as a business owner
you know engineer tree perfect ideal customer how would they OK keep that picture morning to you
because in the same this partnership partnership you know I really start see most stuff is just common
knowledge common I've never fire um but I reaches any of these continuously you more than once visa I
have I really scare you off you know you there respect this partnership so probably put this in here just a
couple of additional details so the program can be paid so you can give the tire 90 days with the 10%
discount OK so if you percent discount for a three page so they zero at day 30 and day 6 that's how we so
there's three parts and you pay the full amount hello you full payments it's a one page and we'll give you
a 10% discount off of no the next thing

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