Almighty121 2

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1 Hello

2 It's nice to meet you here

3 How are you doing?

4 How is the weather condition over there with you?

5 The world is wonderfully made and its nice to know about your weather condition'
may i call you and where are you from?

5.....Wow I like your name ....

5.....I most say you look good

5.....I mean you are so beautiful

6 I'm philip zane from united state i work with the United State armed force but
we are currently deployed in Afghanistan on a peacekeeping mission assigned by the
Nations about the on going war which i guess you know about...

7 So whats the nature of your job if i may ask?

8 I hope your family is doing well?

Are you married with kids?

9 I'm a single dad with a lovely daughter Alex' i lost my wife on the process of
giving birth to my
second child now i'm left alone with my only daughter Alex

10 Its a very painful experience but i think only god knows why.she is 10 year but
will be 11 years soon

11 How long have you been on net i guess you must have met a lot of friends here?
We just lost my daughter n law two months ago and her daughter are having a hard
time with
their lost so I understand

12 Have you chatted with any of the military personnel before?

I know is wrong to ask a woman her age right?

13 How old are you if i may ask?

Got to leave for work I work 6 to 6 im 55. N u.

14 47 Well i want you to know age is just a number and it does not matters in

15 All that matters most is the trust and understanding for each
16 Well I will appreciate us being good friends in sincerity,
honesty and trust although we just knew each other,,, we can share
ideas and discuss about more issues as we talk more about ourselves, and as time
on there may be something
great for us in the future ...What do you say?

17 Although we just met, with the step of trust and willingness to

begin this friendship okay.
18 Thanks a lot, I assure you that we will be best of friends that
people will envy you and me, all we need to do is to be sincere in
our communication as good friends... Okay.
19 Do you have google hangout so that we can be chatting over
20 Actually, I really don't have the time to chat with friends due
to the nature of my job I'm not always here,' i use the google hangout
to communicate with my men that why I'm always busy
So it will be nice if you get the google hangout so that we can be
chatting over there when we are less busy okay!
21 Hope you can get the google hangout now' or what do you think?
Or do you want me to direct you on how you can install it now? It's
very easy
22 Just go to search for google hangout download it' after
downloading it you will install it
23 You can as well install it from your play store
24 After installing you will go to hangout that you will use to log
into your hangout messenger then we can start chatting there' hope you understand?
25 Ok when you are done just let me know i'm waiting okay!
26 Give me your ID so that i can add you up now okay
27 just sent you request now please check and add me up t your contact list okay
28 I'm waiting
29 We are going to be chatting here from now okay!
30 Can we exchange pictures if you don't mind?
I have your picture from meetme. You should have mine from there too. It's about
years old. My hair is a lot longer now
I am going through you pics
I am trying to send you a pics of you
31 Wow!!!.. you look so beautiful i must say
32 You must have been the second woman GOD created after eve. Apparently GOD must
have lavish abundant time to make such an enchanting, You look so enchanting,
highly like
Wow. Your good for my ego. Lol. Thank you. That was sweet of you to say
33 I see you as a very nice lady and i would like us to be best of friends
34 Hope you gonna be my forever friend?
35 All we need as best of friends is to give each other all our trust and
understand as best
friends okay!
Friends are always honest w each other and understanding
36 i really like you and i would love to see you someday if possible' i guess only
faith and
time can tell about that
37 What are your Hobbies....Interest...Life style...Religious believe....and Plans
for life.
38 My Hobbies: reading new papers, watching tv, listening to music, Sport,
Swimming, Traveling, Religious, Roman Catholic And my plans for my future is going
Investment after my resignation Or Before Retire find a woman and settled down with
daughter and have a good life

39 Tell me more about your self hope you dont mind tell me more about your

40 I'm the only child of my parents i lost them when i was 10 my dad best friend mr
took good care of me and he made me who i'm today but now he is no more i also lost
six years ago

41 Its a painful experience right now Alex is the only family i have and that's why
i wanna
resign my job soon and be with him so that i can put that smile on his face.. again

42 I send him to school before we where deployed for this mission and a patron is
care of him over there....

42....I sent Alex to school and he is well taking care of

42.......But right now Alex is in west African for school execution and will be in
the State soon
I see you as a very caring woman with good heart

I feel i have know you all my life

43 a .I must let you know this' we are not really allowed to chat on net
43 b When we are sent on peace keeping due to security reason
44 You are the first and only lady that i have ever chatted with on net
How long have you been n the army
Twenty three year now
44 ... I must let you know this' we are not really allowed to chat on net When we
are sent on
peace keeping due to security reason
Some of my men were killed by the talibans
45 They Were gotten Through the net
so because of that the UN removed the computers here that has video
cam and replaced it with computers with out video cam for security
cam Reasons
You are the first and only lady that i Have ever chatted With on net
Do not worry best
I am alone in my office
We can chat now okay
46 If they find out if i'm chatting with you I Might loose my job 'so i want us to
keep our
friendship as confidential okay
47 You have to keep this as to secrete Just Between You and I if you really want us
to chat
as best friend here
Do you still love us to always chat?
I do like you and I will always do my best to come here and caht with you
48 Not even your best friend your family or anyone should know about this Because
if any of
my superiors Finds out i might lose my job Might
49 Hope i can trust you as a best friend?
50 I am a very busy man but I will always come here to chat with
you That is the reason I Asked you to create google hangout messenger
51 Sometimes in life, you find a special friend. Someone who
Changes your life just by Being part of it. Someone who makes you
laugh Until you can not stop. Someone who makes you believe That
there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you That
there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.
52 I want you to know this is forever friendship. When you're down and the world
Seems dark
and empty, i'll lifts you up in spirit and That Makes Suddenly dark and empty world
bright and full. i'll Gets You Through the hard times, the sad times and the
confused times. If
you turn and walk away, i'll Follows. If you lose your way, i'll guides you and
cheers you up. i'll
hold your hand and tells you That everything is going to be okay. And if you find
Such a friend,
you feel happy and complete Because you need not worry. You have a forever friend,
forever has no end.
52....I can do any thing for my woman just to make her the happiest woman in the
53 I'm a very busy but i promise to always come and check on you here and give you
my time
as my best friend okay!
54 Like i said before all we need is to give each other our trust and Understand
With honesty
and sincerity
55 Have you met a friend on net wish you get so much close with And Then I eat to
house Have a hand shake with you and Have a meal with your family?
56 Tell me what do you do With your free time?
57 Do you like shopping?
58 So what do you love to buy When you go out for shopping and do you like to go
out With
someone else?
59 I hope you will take me out for shopping When we meet?
60 I Could I really wish we see each other someday Because You sound nice
61 Do you want me to come to you so That We can see each other after my resignation
do you think
Do you want us to see each other?
62 Already I'm working on my resignation so by the end of the month or nest month
United Nations will come over and i will sign my resignation document and leave the
63 When the United Nations call, that i'm gonna let you know okay.
Send to me your email so i can tell you more about my self later
64 I am on a radio call
65 I just got an emergency call that some of my men were shot
66 I will be back later
Do you love to email him?
Send to me your email so i can tell you more about my self
How long have you been a widower
About five year now
63 Tell me more about your self
Whats your favorite food and drink you love most?
64 My favorite food is steak or pork steak on the grill / pizza and drink is
champagne / Asti
Spumante? Frozen raspberry daiquiris
Champagne n orange juice
65 I hope you will drink champagne / Asti Spumante with me soon?
66 What is your favorite color
67 Mine is blue
68 Because I like blue the sky is the beginning of my limit
69 What is your eye color?
69 A Mine is blue?
The color of my eyes are blue'(Adjectives for blue eyes: Energetic, Assertive,
Lively, Kind)
70 Do you know what people there say about people with
brown eyes are attractive and confident. Creative, Independent, Strong, Courageous
The color of my eyes are blue '(Adjectives for blue eyes: Energetic, Assertive,
Lively, Kind
(brown eyes are attractive and confident. Creative, Independent, Strong,
(Adjectives for grey eyes: Wisdom, Mystery, Strength, Leadership, Sensitive,
(Adjectives for green eyes: Youthful, Lively, Innocent, Vibrant, Compassionate,
(Black Eyes
(Adjectives for black eyes: Mysterious, Secretive, Sensual)
(Adjectives for blue eyes: Energetic, Assertive, Lively, Kind)
71 Do you love pets?
72....I like animal'' but right now i don't really have time for all that as i'm a
very busy man
72 I see you as a very nice lady with good heart
73 Like Said before i have all we need as best friend is to be out all give each
trust and
understanding and as time goes on Might
I see you as a very nice person
74 You sound so sweet and good
76 Bless your heart
but right now i do not really Have time for all that as i'm a very busy man
76 Tell me are you happy Being single or you still want a man to put that smile on
your face
Might I get you one as a gift When We Meet
If you want one
77 So what kind of man do you love to spend the rest of your life
78 I know every good woman like you needs a honest and lovely man to take good care
79 Tell me if you find the kind of man you need in your life will you give him back
all what you
want from him?
80 I want you to know That the only way to make it in life is to be ready for your
when it comes
81 So When That Man meat in your life you just Have to stay with him With honesty
understanding and do not let go '
82 You need a very lovely man to take good care of you
84 Do you believe on net That relationship can lead to marriage?
85 what have you head about the net Please tell me because i really new here
Or what actually went wrong if i may ask?
My dear, I have heard about this report before that some importers are
impersonating me and some other generals here on Skype, Facebook, twitter ,
tagged, yahoo messenger, etc . And that's how I get to know about face book, so
please disregard any of them who tries to contact you with such profile or any
other generals OK?
Did she saw him on video call?
Have you seen him on video calls before?
But she would have ask him if they can have video call and see each other life
Then you will know and confirm that the person is real'
then you must be careful
I most tell you this best we are not allowed to chat on net or have video calls
when we are
in the camp due to security reasons Some of my men were killed by the talibans
The men were traced through vedio cam so because of that the United Nation replaced
formal computers with computers with out vedio cam
I most let you know this best
We are not allowed to make calls here in the camp for security reason like i said
Due to security reasons the united nations computer does not have video cam on them
are highly monitored by the united nations security.
We are really not allowed here in the camp due to security reason's but like i just
said now
i promise to come on video for you to see me when ever i have the chance to do it
86....One of my men find a woman on the net and they got married last two months
87....I was the best man and the are happily married
89 most let you know we are not allowed to make any form of calls here for Security
90 Best do you want me to tell you the kind of woman i need in my life now?
91 Am looking for my soul mate, someone Who is exciting and adventurous, you have
sense of humor and enjoys making me laugh. Someone who is so glad to share, so glad
help and give,
someone who i can share my thoughts and Who Will With makes me feel special and
out the best in me Someone who tries to Understand When They even I haven "t got a
Someone that would be ready to give so much of herself and can do anything, go
anywhere, and sacrifice anything she has for sake of LOVE. I want the kind of
leads to marriage That Could
92 I Could go around the world and move mountain for any woman of my dream
93 MOST I tell you one thing i hate MOST
94 I am a very honest man and i hate lies so much with passion
Promise you will be so honest to me no mater what
95 i'm just thinking and Having this great feeling for you as a best friend
96 Do you really want us to meet?
97 After i leave the camp?
98 I just feel I Have Known you for long
I guess you be so special
99 I can tell you any thing
100 When i'm out of the camp gonna let you know so That We can plan on how we can
each other
101 I really like you so much as a best friend 'and i wanna thank you for Being the
Best Friend
I Never Had all my life And from now on you can call on me when ever you need my
help and
i will be there to help you as a best friend no matter what '
Only my late wife
She was my best friend
But death stole her away from me
102 Like i always say we need to give each other all our trust With sincerity and
honesty with
great Understand okay as friends forever
103 I want you to know distance does not matters in friendship ....
104 Distance is just to see how true feelings and emotion can travel Best
friendship is not
Whom you Have Known About the longest ... It's About Who Came, and never left your
side ...
105 Guest what best?
106 I Told her you are a very nice woman
107 He was happy because she said she never heared me mention any woman since I
lost his
momi lost his mom. he has-been asking me to get him a nice woman he can call mom
108 Do you love to here from him?
109 He does not have a phone
110 Here is her email address
111 I know she will be very happy to hear from you
112 Best Radio i am on call
113 I will send to you later message
114 I have to go now
116 I will be coming by the end of this month or next When the UN sign my
116 a write my name accrose
my heart
116 b i hope you dont think im being to forward with this song because i know we
just met
but i love this song and thats why i wanted you to listen to it its from my heart
to yours
Seccond discharging
What is the time over there with you best?
LOL. I'll leave you some try n
Well just kidding
117 Doing some paper works for my resignation I will be resigning
I will be resigning this month or next best ending
i'm n Been honest with you and feel love for you and
118 want to put smile on your beautiful face and treat you like a queen That you
truly deserve
119 You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but you the best advice
from your heart; it never lies; trust it.
I listen to my heart I do believe in my heart it has not failed me before and will
never do
120 I have always prayed to god for a woman in my life since i lost my wife.
Although in my
heart i want to morn my wife
Because of the love i have for her
Because i do not want to be hurt
But there is this strong bond i have for you and feelings
121 I've prayed to God for someone to share my life n Have been disappointed. I
not wanting to be hurt. Life is to short. Just want to be loved n be happy
122 Tell me about your hurts if you do not mind sharing with me
123 For you can love many, but you have nothing without trust. Already the heart
knows what
the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.
124 Distance can not, They are on the inside, but When one Betrays your trust, They
Become the ugliest person in the world. Love is patient.
125 May there be many People that are trustworthy, but only a few are worth
trusting With
your heart; choose wisely. To be trusted is a Greater compliment than to be loved
126 my dear do not be tired ok, When there is life you still have hope in life
ok ,,,, just take
things easy my dear ,,,, Because you can not think a man hurt you .. you want to
finally .. your life if you dump a man, a Man That it will love you and pit smile
on your face
127 my dear do not Think About Have happen to you much ,,, You have to think about
beautiful plan Still Have god for you in future ,,, They are a lot beautiful things
waiting you and
a lot of passion and happiness for the rest of your life
128 stand up and be strong To have aa better future for your self ,, hold my hands
and let go
on a love adventure
130 Taken from the album 'My Love
132 my dear just cool down and listen to them both and message me of what you think
about life and love
133 I purposely find the song for you because i was thinking about you
134 Can we talk about love and trust now?
Because love is the key to happiness
135 Looking at your beautiful pics
136 Love the teddy bears Do you love them?
137 I would love to get one for you when i resign
I am just being me best
Thanks best
138 Have you forgotten all past relationship and hurts you?
139 Can you tell me about the happiest moment of you life and your hurts if you do
not mind?
140 When Alex was Mine was burn
And the saddest was when i lost my wife
141.....You MOST be a very nice woman with good heart
I am so lucky to meet a sweet woman like you
142 How tall are you
143 ......5.8 ft
144 What if i ask you to be the mother of Alex?
And make me so happy for the rest of my life
Please try I am so email him Because His worried
............He Said I want to hear from you
That you can now just do best
Or what do you think best /
146 The first time i saw you i was best stock on you and my body long for you i
feel like
coming into your dreams and you and kiss and make you mine for ever.
Fourth Discharging
Hello best
How are you doing?
Doing ok. Wait for time to pass to go home
What is the time over there with you best?
147 Going Through Your profile
Looking your beautiful face
Thoughts of you and me forever
148 Not just your pics
Your words
Your persons
149 It has been so long i saw my daughter alex
150 I am so worried About alex
I miss her so much
151 I know i am not a good dad to alex
We are only allowed off duty once a year
So i just see alex once in a year
153 I want to go meet my son soon
Lansing, Michigan
I is in a boarding school
9 in grade school reading medicine
153 So many restrictions here in the camp
So worried
Yes i do but MOST busy times
154 The United Nations does not Have computers here video cam for security Reasons.
155 some of my men killed by the Taliban
156 It was some men in the camp That Were tracked Through video cam
157 So the United Nation Replaced all the computers in the camp with computer that
has no
video cam For Security Reasons
157 Our bank account are frozen even Immediately we are deployed here in the camp
Security Reasons
158 So we have no access to our bank account here For Security Reasons
159 We only get access to our bank account when we leave the camp
160 I most let you know we are not allowed to make any form of calls here and chat
we can
only chat with our men and any other official maters for Security Reasons
161 But the UN Takes very good care of us here in the camp
That is our job
162 But we are well paid
Do you want to know how much I get paid?
163 You MOST be a very strong woman with good heart
For you to be alone
164 I admire you somuch
165 Tell me do you love your job?
Sometimes I hate that bring family problems to me all Their
I love my job. Been there 17 yrs. w kids love working.
166 Are you Financial stressed?
I would love to Meet With your family soon if you would love that
Wow love to hear that from you
167 How much do you get paid?
168 Wow That is okay
169 Mine is 10000 USD
A month
170 I want to go in a business when i resign my job
172 I want to buy and build houses buy houses and sell. Real estate management.
That I
will do with my pay off
173 I want to go into investment with my pay off
174 I want To have time for alex that is th reason i want to resign and go into
bussiness, so i
can give him all the love he truely deserve
175 I want to be a father
176 A good father That i have never been to Alex
177 Yes about That you are right but not with out a wife by side
178 Tell me more about your work
Might I go into it
179 I mean your kind of business
School bus. Driving a route Taking kids to school n pick them up
Tell me more about it
Tell me about your construction company
180 I think going into Such
Or what do you think
I am new in business field
I ek in the office take care of paper work. On drivers and buses. Their training do
drug testing
all drive a route n When a driver does not show
I'll tell you later About construction. Just notice time. I'm going to be late. Got
to shower n
run. Be careful.
181 I have to go now,
I will be right back
182 Take very good care of your self okay
182 I will send email to you later
FIFTH discharging
183 Hello gorgeous
184 How are you doing?
186 Yes All His fine and okay gorgeous
188 You are Such an interesting woman I am so proud of you
Lucky is the man Who Will Marry You
189 I pray to have you I swear
And if i have you i will cherish you all my life and put that smile on your face
all the rest of my
life lol
190 What i want i go for it
If i want to marry you i tell you i don't want to go in to long relationship once i
am out from
here. I would love to mary you once i am out from here because i do not want any
man to
take you away from
191 I'think big. I'm not afraid to get what i want. Anything worth Having is worth
working for.
That I learn from my Daddy friend but he is late now.
I would not Have what I have if I sat and Waited for someone to give it to me
192 Do you think things can work for us? I am serous
192 I want you to tell me more about your love life on you next email
193 I love you so much as a firend and if god permite may be some thing more what
do you
194 am so happy chatting with you I do not know how
195 That has never Happened to me before
Tell me how is Alex doing?
Okay nice
Ideal Good
Send it to Alex now
I will be right back OKAY
I56 I Said You Are So Beautiful
157 If you would not mind about the Distance Between Us, Distance
between two hearts is not an obstacle; rather a great reminder of
just how strong true love can be, About Love is not finding the
right person, but creating a right relationship. It's Not About How
Much Love You have in the beginning but how much love you build
till the end. And do not forget this ... I HOPE Wish I could see
through your eyes so I know what you would like to see. I wish I
knew your wishes, so I Could give you everything you want. I wish I
dreamed the same dreams you do, and together Could we make them
come true. I wish I knew what Makes You Happy, so I Could make you
the happiest person in the whole world. And lastly, I Wish I Were a
cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in your
heart. "When you are low With nowhere to go remember this, When you
open your eyes, your heart, your spirit, yourself , there you will
find the stranger called hope. "Without faith and hope you have
nothing, but With It, You have everything, so never lose hope
160 I find this just because of you songs
Get back to me after you listen to them
162 I am supportive and caring and Have a loyal and tolerant character's very
humble, honest,
understanding and truthful. I'm a very passionate, physical That person would want
the same
in a dull, deeply romantic, optimistic, hopeful, wise, & smart.
163 I have a good honest heart and do not like being lied to. I do not need to be
buttered up.
If you are straight with me from the get-go, I'm more likely to grow to care for
164 I am affectionate by nature, but believe That trying to sense the boundaries of
shows caring, sensitivity and awillingness to look beyond yourself to See That
concerned Instead of Being With only your own desires and needs. I'm 5.8, with an
physique, and I have always Been a very sports-oriented / active person. I enjoy
music, fine dining, traveling. A quiet walk or just talking over some wine and soft
Music with
someone special is always a great pastime too.
165 The quality of a woman is in you. When I saw your profile picture and I made up
mind it got to be you and as if i found my missing rib. I really love you but not
for gratification
channal for intimacy. I will love to love you no more without reservation, and make
my world
as my destiny
Emotional Audition Boy`s Reveals His Love - Britain's Got Talent
EIGHT Discharging
167 How gorgeous are you doing?
Reading your email
168 What is the time over there with you babe?
169 I would love to be doing for you coffee every morning for you
170 What do you think?
172 I am a Country Man at heart. I am quiet but yet I love to meet people, open to
new things
in life love to treat people the way i wanted to be treated, love shopping,
camping, country,
beach, traveling and animals
You seem so interesting and i will like to know more you want to get close to you
and really
close to your heart
173 I Looked at your smooth feature and I longed to hold you in my hands.It's not
how long
you've Known That I really matters but how the chemistry Between Both of us clicks.
174 Giving away a heart can hurt .... Having a broken heart can be life
threatening, even to
the strongest people. But, receiving one is the greatest gift.Getting close to me
is the
sweetest thing you can ever get.
175 All relationships have some adjustment periods, but shouldnt be hurt Being part
of Being
in love. Loving relationships have good qualities, Such as support from your
partner, a
willingness to Communicate, a desire to compromise, an honest and open
When You Do not Have These essential qualities in a relationship, That relationship
is not
likely to grow, and Become Something That you desire.
176 If I can not tell Where you are coming from and what is that you 't really want
from me
and / or for yourself, Then it is not likely to go anywhere Further than
177 I'm looking for the same things as you. But I will not lie That I'm not afraid.
Been hurt to many times. I know That all men are like my ex ....
I do have hope and faith to try again. I want to find someone to love and grow old
Someone to love me inreturn
We all turn to our loved ones for support from time to time. When your loved one
does not
offer you Their support it May be time to look at your relationship. As we all want
to nurture
Those That we love. We want the best in life For Those That we care about. If your
partner is
unwilling to listen to you, and to your problems, They are not meeting your needs
When you
need support. Support can come in many forms, someone lending an ear, someone going
out of their way to help you, or something as easy as a phone call to cheer you up.
Make sure
your partner support Gives You When You Need It.
178 When Engaging in a relationship With another person there is always going to be
things that you 'do not agree upon. You want to Have the Ability to compromise so
partners are getting Their wishes met. This May mean you watch football one night,
and one
night your partner watches a movie you enjoy. It Might Mean That your partner can
agree to
try a dish that you 'enjoy cooking. In any organization With more than one person
in it, there
will be more than one review, Work With That your partner to see both of you can
compromise on different subjects. If someone is not willing to compromise, They are
willing to acknowledge your wants and desires. If They can not acknowledge your
They are likely not emotionally developed enough for you To have your needs met.
179 Open and honest communication is one of the more desirable qualities you Want
have in a relationship. Watch to see That your partner is not secretive, nor are
they willing to
tell lies to avoid Certain subjects. For example, if a partner is married, and
fails to tell you
That, you can rightfully assume About If They can lie big things, They can lie
About small
things. While you May not like everything your partner May say, freedom to be
honest Should
be there in your relationship. Likewise, you need to be open and honest With your
partner; a
relationship based upon false truths is not likely to be successful, Because Both
don 't have the correct frame of reference in the relationship. There are many
qualities That
Make good support relationships, compromise, and open and honest communication is
a few of These qualities That You May desire in a relationship. Engage only in
Where Both partners can Openly discuss Their wants and needs, This can take
Remember loving relationships grow and only Become better, Eliminate Those Who do
meet your needs Continually When They fail to support you, will not compromise, and
will not
be honest. These three qualities alone will help you nurture and Develop a deeper
relationship With Your Partner
Yes and i Learnt so much from my life
Life thought me so many things
I do love reading on my free times
180I Have Been Praying for long to send to me That woman will spend the rest of my
with me and grow old with me
night dischaging
181 I miss you so much gorgeous you are always on my heart even when i am with my
Did you just say That gorgeous?
Are you sure you miss me
And it is. I miss you. Your company. I listen to what you tell me. 183 You make me
dream of
the possible. You haunt my mind. How would you feel .... in my life .. In my
arms .... In my bed
... in me
184 And i could no longer hide it from you
185Do you have any feelings of love for me?
I have feelings for you. Love ... It could be the beginning of love
Can I fall in love with a man I never met. God does work miracles ..... so yes I
can fall in love
with a man I never met
185 I love you so much and i want you to know now
186 I mean everything i say and i wonder why it has to happen now but i'm very
serious about
187 To love me is to accept me as I am. I do not want to be Judged for the things I
do I want
you to trust me with your life because i do the same already. i feel it deep down
in my soul
we are met for each other and my heart has never failed me before and let me do
what I feel
is right. We men are always "right" - it is a matter of love. When I feel alone,
empty, a stranger,
I want your eyes to tell me I am the person you love and you want me for who I am.
Do not do
or say things Because you think you are "honest" do them Because of your love for
me, and
trust me even though you think I am wrong. Just as we do not judge our children
They are our children and we love them
188 Already if i love i love and i want you to think about this we just Have to be
honest to our
189 I mean everything i'm telling you now i swear with my life
190 The quality of a woman i desire is in you. When I saw your picture and profile
I prayed to
god i have found my eve made up my mind it got to be you and i it got to be you and
That you
are my missing ribI really love you but not for gratification channel for intimacy.
191 I will love to love you no more without reservation, you see my world as my
destiny and
make you mine for ever and make you Alex mother Please i want you to think about
this very
well and and very deeply and give me a positive reply because i do not want to get
192 I do not want Alex to get hurt and i promise to take your as well as mine and
not mater
what to be for them as my own blood and soul
193 Do not just say yes now and hurt me
194 Thanks you are so sweet. Please do not promise anything you can say or do
Because It
will not hurt to see you fail your promises I mean everything i say and i want us
to be serious
With Each Other
I do not play with peoples heart in serious issues like this so please think about
this very well
192 I want you in my life and soon i will be leaving the camp and we can be
together. I am
waiting for the UN to sign my resign later.
193 The UN will be doing that by the end of this month on next
194 Do you really love me or are you just here to past time with me
195 Talk to me because i really wanna put that smile on your face
And make you mine for eternity
196 I truly love you and i want to be with you soon
197 When i lost my late wife Since Then i have not met any other lady and i Have
Been single
Since Then i said in my heart i will morn my wife Because she was my world and i
wanted to
get hurt
But you just came and changed my world
What do you mean my gorgeous?
198 You are my heart, soul, world and body
You have eating every part of me
199 There are many rich women dying in the state to spend the rest of there lifes
with me but
I turn them down
I turn them down because i'm a man of choice and desire i do not want any lady to
hurt me or
make me cry
200 But now i'm giving you my heart with trust and Understand 200 Because of the
love i
have for you so it will be very sweet if we can be more honest and sincere to each
other with
great trust and want you to Understand that this love is till death do us part
tenth discharging
201 I just go Through your words it makes me fall for you all over again
202 Already I give all to you
202 We just Have to know more about each other and i want you to be honest to each
203 Do you really love me?
204 Hope you are not going to let me down if i give you all of my heart?
205 Do you really love me?
206 Just tell me you love me and i will be the happiest man on earth
207 How deep?
208 I mean how deep is your love for me?
209 I want to stand by all my word and all that I say to you now
210 I would love to meet your family and make them as mine, gorgeous
211Honey i love you so much I'm just looking at your pictures i save now and i love
your soft
212 you are just too sweet darling
213 I love them
I see your heart smile
214 I just want to dream about you to night and think of meeting you soon. you've
Been That Because my habit
215 By the end this month or next month the UN Might come over and i will sign my
resignation document and leave the camp
216 Me and you will always together soon
217 When the UN call on That gonna let you know okay
218 You are so sweet and God Has Already Given you all you heart desires OK
219 Like i always say all we need is to give each other all our trust and not
without reservation
220 Also Alex is your son and Please promise me
221 Hope you are going to be a good Mother to alex
222 Hope you will take alex as your own biological alex and treat him well
223 Ok baby i trust you so much with all my life and you can always call on me when
you need my help and i will be there as you till death do us part and no matter
what it take
224 Oh that nice baby i know we can make a beautiful world together only if you can
give it
all for love
225 Hun you need trust to love, but first you need to love in order to trust.
226 trust Someone is To Understand To love each other, to laugh together, to smile
with your
heart and to trust one another
227 One Important thing is to let each other go if you can not do this.
228 Love is like a wonderful feeling of compassion and satisfaction. It Should be
respect and trust; It Should
The best proof of love is trust..True love is the greatest thing finding love and
finding trust
was a gift from you to me.
229 Relationships Should never be taken for granted. The choice of Being With
another life is
an amazing thing. Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness. No
matter how
much you love someone if you do not Have These ingredients you will never succeed.
Both of us imagined it
230 To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him/her
can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing that
will never
fade until you die, your heart.
I ask the same question too gorgeous
231 Love is like trust, when you find your special someone it is as if you're
trusting them
with your heart.Trust is what you put in someone's hands. Faith is what you hold on
is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for them. Faith is what
everyone realize that you are always there to help them in case they need some
232 Love makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is special, think
that you are
always there for her, to be with her, to cherish her, to fulfill her dreams, to
share with her and
most of all, to make her realize how much you really love her.
233 Distance doesn't matter if you really love the person, what matters most is
honesty and trust for that relationship to work out..Without romance, love gets
dry. Without
respect, love gets lost. Without caring, love gets boring. Without honesty, love
gets unhappy,
and without trust, love gets unstable.
234 Love is a wonderful gift; trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will be
returned to you to
give again and again.
235 You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice
comes from
your heart; it never lies - trust it.There may be many people that are trustworthy,
but only a
few are worth trusting with your heart; choose wisely.To be trusted is a greater
than to be loved. For you can love many, but without trust you have nothing.The
heart already
knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.Distance cannot, and will
not hurt a
bond between two people that is based on mutual respect, trust, commitment, and
love.Jealousy is not a sign of true love; it's insecurities that comes in the way,
'cause love
has just one important ingredient: Trust.
Robert Steven I swear with my life
236 Do you trust me?
237 Love means never doubting anything. It means trusting and being honest with
otherSomeone can be as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside, but when
he or
she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person in the world.Love is
patient. Love is
kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude. It is
not self-seeking. It
is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrong doing. It does not delight in
evil, but
rejoices in the truth.
237 Yes hun i do trust you with my whole heart and soul body spirit
238 It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres.Love takes many things: trust,
hope, wishes,
dreams, and everything you've got, even when you know it's not going be enough.Love
is not
always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple understanding and
between two people..
239 You are so sweet hun
Bye for now and do remember to email to our son okay
elevent discharging
240 Good morning hun .. I just wanted you to know how much i truly do care. You're
in my thought
Robert Steven King am going to love you
241 Hun 6 of my men Were There Were killed while coming back from patrol by suicide
242 Hello hun
243 Gorgeous i miss you so much
Did you get the latest news in Afghanistan today?
Were 6 of my men killed by the Taliban today
By suicide attack
When There Were coming back from patrol
I was in a different patrol van
Were my men behind me when it Happened
244 thanks hun
I have so many things in my mind right now hun
I am so worried i do not want want to loose any of you
245 Alex is my world and you hun
Yes hun
246 If you want to get really close to my heart hun Is Through Alex
You are my heart hun
So hun You have to be there for Alex okay
He Has Been Been the source of my joy
247 But thank god for you coming into my life
You are god sent to me
Thanks hun
248 Hun Alex as been the source of my happiness
And i Have Been fighting to come out from here
So i can give him all that happiness
249 Aand I want to marry Immediately form i get out here so we can give him all the
happiness i have not Been Able to give to him
Yes hun
250 Your kids are mine
And i swear to show them all the love in the world
351 OMG
I forgot Alex birth day
252 Alex will be so mad at me
I promised to make it up to him next on His birth day
And surprise him with a gift
But i can not hun
253 I have so many things going on now in my life and i do not want our son to know
about it
or be it by Affect
Yes hun
Yes hun
Thanks for your love and care hun
254 How is Alex doing hun i am so worried
I hope he is doing fine?
hun i got a email from him today and he said that hes happy and he was glad to get
the email
from me lastnight and he told me that he had to get back to his work
sharon manheim: and he sounded real happy to me hun
robertsteven502: Really
robertsteven502: I think he loves you already
robertsteven502: You have won his heart
sharon manheim: yes hun i think he dose to he said he wants a puppy
robertsteven502: Wow really
robertsteven502: ?
robertsteven502: For his birthday?
sharon manheim: yes hun but i already have a god here and i know that he will love
alex alot
sharon manheim: yes he said for his birthday hun
robertsteven502: I wish I was there with him I would love to get him one
robertsteven502: What do you think getting him one
robertsteven502: For his birthday
robertsteven502: I think he will be so happy over there in the school\
robertsteven502: What do you think getting our so a puppy for his birthday as his
new mom
robertsteven502: Just to win his heart
sharon manheim: i have no money to get him one right now babe and no way to get it
to him
robertsteven502: Yes babe
robertsteven502: You know Alex is just a kid
sharon manheim: i know he is babe
robertsteven502: And he does not know getting him apuppy over there willl be
robertsteven502: The dog might even die before it get to him
sharon manheim: i know what you mean how about we wait till you get home then we
see about one for him ok
robertsteven502: And the expencises of even getting a dog to him over there
robertsteven502: The cost of send a present and recieving it
robertsteven502: And Alex is just a kid
sharon manheim: i know what you mean hun
robertsteven502: I don't want you to stress your self much okay
robertsteven502: Why don't you ask Alex to tell his patron to get the price of a
sharon manheim: ok i will So you can send him the money to buy him self over there in the
state so
he can make him self so happy
robertsteven502: I know he will be so happy to recieve a gift form you as his new
sharon manheim is typing...
Yes hun
I will be in the school Because there is no one in our house in Michigan
I will be going home so lonely so I will be in the school till i resign hun
Yes hun
255 That is why i need to resign my job and be for him
I Have Been a bad dad to him
I really want to make it up to him
Hun i am thinking of some thing hun
256 Hun remember I Told You I'm the only child of my parents.
my dad best friend mr james Took good care of me and I have made me who i'm today
now I is not more i Also lost him six years ago
257 I was thinking You should get him a present birth day as His new mom
258 I know I will be so happy to recieve it from you as His new mom
And That will make him so happy.
What do you think hun?
Yes i do but not always
You are right hun
I do but not always
At times twice a day
256 Thanks hun
257 You Most be the best wife and mom
I am so proud of you
Yes hun
I got them hun
You are a very strong woman \
258 I admire you alot
I can not wait to meet with you
I want to resign soon next month is that too long hun
259 I would really want to meet you and know more about you
Okay hun
I Told You in my first email
I was little when i lost my dad
The thoughts on him made her died
My father's friend dumped me
Then I was very little
Yes he was the father I Never Had
I have made me what I am today
I just want you to know His Name
I was a discipline very man
I always want the best for us
260 I guess he likes you
Twelve discharging
And mom really wanted to in his life
261 And he misses the love of a mom
He always ask me to get him a woman to call mom
Because he so lonely and misses His mom so much
birth day billing
Robert Steven King
Now You Understand how i feel?
That is why i really need to resign and be for him and i want you to do for Alex
That Because
Of The Both of Us
Till I Come ending this month or next
He was just a kid His
He never tells me how he feels but i know how he feels
I think he loves you That is why I have is always open to you
You need to tell him that you 'are waiting till you get home and Celebrate with
him. You
wanted to be there to do Both With Him and That we will
You Know That is not possible
You know I is in grade 9 and I needs to finish His exams
Before I can be back to house
You do not That is not possible
Robert He Said He Had Tears In His Eyes When I was writing That
I's sad. I'm getting off here so I can email him. I'm going to tell him that you
'and I are
celebrating Christmas and his birthday as soon as you get home. And it will be a
special one
We do not need to ague but on esta With the way things are right now I need to
finish His
grade 9 exams before I gets back home. You know i am here on a peace keeping you
know i
lost 6 of my boys here today. You have to Understand what is going on here this is
not a
grand playing i want to marry you Because all because i saw that you 'are a good
mother and
i saw passion in you and in times of good and bad times like this We Have to be
there for
each other in life and That shows the good qualities of a strong relationship. \
You know you are what you take for it to be better for worst for worst for better.
I, May not be
there with you but with love and trust and the passion I have for you and all my
and good house wife as in you i
I'm not arguing with you. Alex is hurting. And I 've been made to seem its my
fault. If I had
know a lot Earlier I would've done something for him of. I just found out today
That his
birthday was Christmas Eve
I will try and and console him. Do not know what I likes or wants With the mail but
right now
it will not reach him till next week
Gorgeous we do not need to ague or prolong This Issue all what we are preaching to
our self
and a strong happy home and we all hope to to see the best in life do not say it is
top late if
you are thinking is too beats if you are thinking of a true love., honesty and
trust to strong
happy home with me you will always be there for me in my absence and Both for me in
Presence even if you can not send him a present Because right now When you are
thinking of
sending it to him, one it will cost you much money to buy His present. you will pay
charges to send a present three will't get it to him on time, what i think of you
as a mother is
for you to just send him a little money and I gets what ever I want and That will
make him
That happy and see you tried all possible your best to prove to him THTT Being you
worth more than His mother and mother is because i am counting on you my love Do
for me
So the best way for you right now to solve all this in time is to send him the
money to him
right now even if it is little money I can use it to buy what ever I wants right
now and feel
No I will not send him money. Money does not come from the heart. I want to talk to
him on
the phone want him to know I'm here.
Money is too impersonal
You are here doing what?
Anita Gomez
5:28 pm
He's feeling unlove. Money does not take that away. I want to talk to him and tell
him I'm
here. I care. I love you. And when to Were a family you'll never be alone
You are asking you money in staff?
You can care in whet way you can my love
Can you care with words?
No money will not help. He's feeling unlove. Alone. If I could I go there. Babe I
need a hug and
reassurance. He's alone
And Also feeling a pain for him as a father for not being there for him Assuming my
was not frozen i Would Have sent him the money to get him self any birth and Xmas
and his present would get him any present I wants from His heart. Do not Take This
staff and do not think i am Influencing you i am just giving you an feedback as a
man that i
am and your husband to be very soon
Just send him 300 dollar I will be okay With That
His patron Washington will pick it for him
Ask alex to give you the address of His teacher
Wait for His reply
I will reply When I get your reply
You can sent it Through Western Union or money gram
Yes western union
Ask alex
Just do it for hun okay?
I promise to make you happy when i am done with my mission
Alex will be so happy
262 I am so proud of you gorgeous
263 You are always so sweet and kind
I Knew That You are the missing ribs from the first time i saw you
I love talking with you "would make me lose my mind.
264 Hello hun are you still there with me?
Okay hun
What are you doing at the moment while chatting with me?
265 honey you know we need to start making plans on our happy home
now ,, so that we can be sure and clear about what we are having in our
love life soon
266 Yes baby but I want us to start with the plans because as soon as I come home
we will
just get married
267 Love is a precious gift that you receive, and you need to give it with
caution..Love is
happiness given back and forth.Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust,
faith, and
loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't
become less of
who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones.Relationships are like
branded, once you get into one it sticks with you forever.To live life to its
fullest is to know
how to really love someone even if it means having a heart broken or an
love.Saying I LOVE YOU is a major decision in one's life.
268 Love is like a beautiful red rose. Love is about sharing and caring. It is not
about what
you or I want individually, but it is about what we want it together. Love is not
just about two
human bodies fulfilling their desires, but it is about heart and soul meeting at
the crossroads
where two becomes one. Love is what you feel inside for that person. Love is when
you can't
stop your tears falling from your eyes, when the person is away from you and every
your heart beats is only for the person you love. Love is about writing a love
letter to your
loved one at night in the dark. love is what she feels that you feel. Love is a
sweet kiss, a
warm hug and a beautiful smile on your loved ones face. Love is a powerful feeling,
your in love, you never want to spend a minute away from each other. A kiss can
mean so
much, the way he touches you body. Just to be held in his arms, feel the warmth
your bodies. When you in love, you have a feel special, to know that someone loves
love is hard to find so Never regret to FALL IN LOVE
269 baby that is why i want to make our relationship strong and let have
a strong trust in our love life
270 If you wouldn't mind about the Distance between us ,Distance between two hearts
is not
an obstacle; rather a great reminder of just how strong true love can be,Love is
not about
finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how
much love you
have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end. And don't forget
this HOPE ...I
wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I
knew your
wishes, so I could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams
you do,
and together we could make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I
could make you the happiest person in the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a
cell in your
blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in your heart."When you are low with
nowhere to
go remember this, when you open your eyes, your heart, your spirit, yourself, there
you will
find the stranger called hope."Without faith and hope you have nothing, but with
it, you have
everything,so never lose Hope
271 i just want you to stay focus on our love and be honest with me ok
272 i know and i can see that in you and i will never doubt your love for me
273 and i want us to have a strong love and never allow the intruder to
come in between us
274 baby there is something i need to tell you and i want you to always
understand me and always do that to make me happy
275 i want you to take good care of my son and always be there for him in
my absent and my present ,, you know he is the only child i have and if you
love me you have to give my son all the care in needs in life
276 i want you to take good care of my son and always be there for him in
my absent and my present ,, you know he is the only child i have and if you
love me you have to give my son all the care in needs in life
277 and you know i'm here at war zone and there will be sometime
that he will need something urgently which i can n0t be able to provide for him at
the moment
and you will be there to make him feel loved that even though i'm no there for
him ,, you his mother is there for him always
278 What is the time over there with you my love?
279 so what are you having for dinner ?
279 baby how do you plan our first night together ?
280 wow my love you are driving me crazy right now and right now i
feel like been with you now my love
281 Don't Forget
Breath my air and feel
My love
Kiss my lips and taste
My love
Watch my eyes and see
My love
Don't forget to be
My love
282 Deep Inside My Heart
Now that you are here
I have nothing to fear
With you is where I belong
I know it, I feel it so strong
Nothing has been more clear
That it is your love I hold so dear
Deep inside is the cry of my heart
I never ever want us to part
I am a hopeless, romantic man
Doing the best he can
To show you for sure
That my love for you is pure
I will do whatever it takes
I don ? care about the stakes
You and only you I want
A prayer I know God will grant.
282 Deep Inside My Heart
Now that you are here
I have nothing to fear
With you is where I belong
I know it, I feel it so strong
Nothing has been more clear
That it is your love I hold so dear
Deep inside is the cry of my heart
I never ever want us to part
I am a hopeless, romantic man
Doing the best he can
To show you for sure
That my love for you is pure
I will do whatever it takes
I don ? care about the stakes
You and only you I want
A prayer I know God will grant.
1 OK. Kristine FineAddress. Washington state transfer means. That does sound right.
where to wire him the money?
OK. What I have on here They are young but I will
266 Send me photos of my grand child That you are watching tv with
Babe i want you to make it to our son tomorrow or latest Wednesday morning
Are you going to pay it tomorrow or Wednesday latest money?
So you are quarantining me That our son is going to get it
Sending it to him is not a problem When you send it I will get it Within thirty
So what are your plans now About our love life
Hun Tell me what will you do and feel when i eat hun?
I will show you the best of love and care that you 'truly deserve
You know you are my world and you mean the world to me
Yes hun
Do not worry hun i will always hope it to you
263 Hun the thought of kissing you is stuck in my head. Your beauty so bright and
shinning Through the darkest storm.
264 You are my inspiration to all the sweet words
I see all this in you hun
Wow she looks just like you
My grand kids
I love to meet them soon With
Kisses to them hun
Wow so smart lovely and innocent
265 You're the one I can not live without This fact is true, I have no doubt my
love the way
you care for me the attention. I love the way together we're free You May be
slightly strange
and not okay to your But all this means nothing to me Because you are who you are
And I
can see your beauty inside and out Which is what I Threw
266 I am just smiling hun
I love children a lot
I love playing with kids
When ever i am With them I forget my pains
Okay our daughter
I want to know all Their names
267 Hun everyday I see you, Then I can not wait to know what we will Go Through,All
Are in
the hands of fate. The first time That I Saw You I Knew I must steal your heart I
hope That it's
mine for ever and That we never do part
268 MOST You Have a very good heart
I know you are a very good woman
269 Wow i would really love to see you and kisses you all over your body
I love you tattoo
But i can not really see the position of your tattoo
270 Hun you are the one I love And to this fact here I propose a toast; May we grow
old and
still have fun Because I love you and you've won my heart
You are so sweet hun
271 Tell me hun When did you last had sex?
272 Just asking
You are my wife right?
273 I had sex five years now
Since i lost my late wife Alex mom
274 Tell me how do take see sex in a relationship?
I understand hun
275 Is sex important to you in a relationship?
276 Do you like new thing in sex
Or do you love doing new thing in love making?
277 I like to do new things in love making
But i love to satisfy my partner
278 To give you maximun on satisfaction
279 Do you love oral sex?
280 My late wife Said i am very good at sex
That no man ever sexed her the way i did
281 I would love to give you the best sex of your life if you let me
Really hun
282 How many hours can you make love to me in a round?
283 Do not worry hun i will be coming soon and you will Have me all your live
284 I wish i could make love to you right now hun
284 Do you love to make sex all over the house or just on the bed?
285 Would you love me bathe you all morning?
286 I would finger you in the process of That
In the process of bathing you my babe and bathe your pussy with my tounge
287 I Would you love me to make love to you in the process?
288 And l suck your pussy and lick your clitoris at the proces
How many minutes can you last in love making?
230 What are you doing at the moment hun?
231 Are you alone?
232 I want you alone
232 Do you like cuddling When you lie in bed?
233 Hun you are so romantic
I am so hard right now
234 What do you wear When you go to bed?
235 I would love to put my hands inside you pant while i sleep
236 I would love to play with you nipples and pussy When we are sleeping to get you
to bed
237 Then you got it already
238 I will give it to you all day and night
239 Will you sex me when i wake you up With It?
Sure you Have me all times
That I promise you
240 I will never deprive you
241 You are my wife right?
Or am all your
242 Do you like to be kissed on the neck
It turn me hun
Y Tu?
243 Me too. It gets me in the mood
244 Are you alone now?
Stand behind me and kiss my neck and I'm butter in your arms
245 Is your pussy dripping?
246 What do you think you look sexiest in?
I think in bed sleeping with just pant is okay
247 I love you on skirt in the house is still okay
It will be much Easier to make love to you, I could rise your skirt up and just
plug in my big
hard dick on you pussy Were any in the house
Even in the kitchen
Leaving room
And all part of the house
248 Have you ever made out with a guy Just Because You Were horny at
249 Do you have a sex toy
Do you have one?
250 I would love to see it hun
251 I mean I see you use it
I want you to imagine me using it on you
252 I will make love to you as if That was my last sex
As if i am gonna loose you
253 I'm going to love you like I'm going to lose you
You sent it This Morning
254 am going to love you
256 Listen and get back to me
Listen hun so deeply from my heart just specially for you hun
259 Listen to the last one hun
261 Thas from my heart to you
263 I want you to make love to so much
264 Hun i will soon go join my men
266Please hun listen to every bit of the words okay
I am on a call Radio
FOURTEENT Discharging
Hello hun
I mis you hun
How are you doing?
I'm ok
........ 1 I was with some of my injured men in the hospital all day and the burial
on my lost
Sorry hun
Alex called you hun?
2 I'm sorry. Its good that you were with your men. N yes
I always call you hun when i text our son
You know i love you so much and you mean the world to me
He said as much
Tell me hun
What did he say
I hope he is fine?
That you call me that
Yes hun
He says he is. What did he mean about if his food stuff was ready? I asked but he
I don't understand hun
Ask him
I did
What did our son said hun?
He said if I knew if his food stuff was ready. I told him I didn't understand. N
what he meant
by that
You can ask him later
Alex don't like saying any thing to me
I think he loves you more than me
He said as much too. Said he doesn't like you to worry
He is a very nice kid
No he does not
Yes he does
Yes he is
I think he is more open to you
He is the reason i want to resign my good hun
I want to give him all the time i have
Tell me hun how are you doing today ?
He wants that too
I miss you so much hun
How are you doing hun?
Did you miss me?
Doing OK. Taking my grandkids bowling and to see the new star wars movie tonight
Okay hun
Yes I did
I wise i was right there with you hun
To threat you as my queen
That would be nice
I.....miss you so much. You ? e became something necessary for my soul and my
What month did you say your birthday is
Hun are you busy ?
What are you doing while chatting with me?
No kids are just talking to me
What is the time over there with you gorgeous?
12:30 am
11:01 PM
Is late here
I have been so busy all this while
Yes it is. You need to go to sleep
I hope you ate breakfast hun?
Yes hun
But i am so happy being with you
I forget all my stress when we chat
Sleep will chat tomorrow
That's good to know
You are my day and my night, my moon and my sun, the queen of my heart.
Awe there's that romantic soul. Love that about you
TUE 12:15PM
Hello hun
So sorry about the late reply hun
The signal was so poor
So i slept off
Hello hun
Are you still there with me?
Hun i am so tired hun i have to rest now tomorrow hun i
OK sleep well
TUE 4:49PM
Hun food stuff means provisions
TUE 7:48PM
TUE 10:32PM
Luther Vandross - Always And Forever - Royal Albert Hall 1994
Watch this live performance of 'Always and Forever' at Royal Albert Hall in 1994,
released on Luther Vandross' Grammy Award winning 1991 album, Po...
WED 2:18AM
Each time i go into our conversation
I feel so happy deep down inside my heart soul and body and thank god
I just go Through your words it makes me fall for you all over
WED 7:38AM
Hun what are you doing at the moment?
This is unlike my love
Why are you silent hun?
Your lying to me
What do you mean by that?
I am liying to you
What do you take me for?
Your not who you say you are. In your picture in uniform you've mixed Marines n
army stuff.
My cousin said that is never done. He should know. He served for 25 yrs in the
Anita missed a call from you.
Why are you not answering my calls
I can answer calls that way
I want to go for patrol
Can't answer calls that way
Were do you hear all those news from?
I am just so disapionted in you
I feel so bad
I knew you were gonna break my heart
You most be so stupid to say such a word to me
And you think I don't? I have a trusting soul and you tried to take advantage of
If you know you were gonna break up my heart this way you should have let me know
the start
Prove me wrong
So i can move on with my life
You broke mine Robert
No you did that
You would have asked me question right from the start
I thought you were my best friend and my soul mate
So did i
I don't even understand you what are you talking about
You think you can just come and play with my son's heart and i
You most be a very wicked woman
Hun right now i am so mad
I don't feel like chatting
I have to go join my men
Or i have to block you and move on with my life
Don't know if you call them medals or what but what's on your uniform is a mixture
Marines n army it cousin says that is never done
What do you want me to prove
I guess you are out of your mind
I made a mistake by given you all my heart
If you say who you are contact me when your in the states meet me face to face
You know i will be resigning my job by the end of this month or next
I am waiting for the UN to sign my resignation later
What are you saying when i come to the state ?
Meet me then. When you come home
With this you broke my heart if i come over to the state i will have to move on
with my life
Because i know now you are not the right woman for me
Fine. You broke mine too. Bye
I think i now understand why you are doing this
What do you take me for
We promised never to lie to each other
I thought you are my best friend
You were just playing wth my heart all this while
And just passing time with me
You made me waste all my time with you
I didn't lie. I'm hurt Robert. You lied to me. I was not passing time w you. I've
told you my
story. My broken hearts
The lies. Can't stand lies
If i don't love you why should i be wasting my time with you
You know i am a very busy man\
I think i have to tell alex to be strong for his mom
Can i ask you a question ?
What does your heart tells you about me
I believe the heart never lies
Please all i need right now is your honesty
Want to believe you. But my mind says there are things that don't make since
Hun do you know how i feel right now?
Sad like me. Hurt
I Love You hun
Forever in my heart is where you will be. Nobody else will enter because you have
the only
My heart is bleeding
I don't want to loose you because you brought back life into my world
But I am crying right now which has never happened to me
I need to be very strong for my son
No mater what happens
I have to be strong for my wife
I want to promise you one thing
This is our last chart once i leave here
If its meant to be it will. Only God will show me the truth
Fuck you
THU 4:08AM
Hello how are you doing?
Go find out the meaning of a 4 start general
I don't ague with a woman
Don't you know i am a United Nations 4 star general
Go find out the meaning of it and get back to me
If you want to fight after you find out then i guess we are not meant for each
I am a very disciplining man because i am a man of authority. I have lots of men
authority my
authority so i am a very discipline man
I have nothing to prove to you
All i have to prove to you is my love and my self
I's that why you told me last. Fuck you? Look I don't want to argue
You got me so mad why should you ever doubt me
We would you listen to side talks
Don't you know side talks will end our marriage
And remember
I could even loose my job for that
If my superiors find out
Remember i am working for the United Nations
You don't keep to your words
I admire you a lot
I guess because you don't keep tp your words that is why you want to end all we
because of side talks
You even want to break my sons heart
My cousin doesn't know anything just showed him a picture and I asked him tell me
the uniform. And believe it or not Robert we strangers no matter how you make me
You know yourself that the world is not a safe one. Especially for a woman. If you
understand my concerns I'm sorry
So i think you don't trust me
Well i do understand you
You hurt me with all your words
I look at your pics
I want to hate you but i can't because i love you
If you can hurt me and my son this way i wonder how you will treat my son when we
I promised my self never to get involve in any relationship because i don't want to
be hurt
Its not the trust with. You. Its that I've never seen you. Be able to look in your
eyes when you
tell me things. See if your sincere.
You So you want to see me
?You want me to loose my job right?
I under stand hurt. Been there many times. No I don't want you to loose your job.
I'm not
going anywhere. I'll be here when you get out and your back in the states
I will do any thing for the woman i love
But i see you don't love me
I f you can't be there for me in my absence
Them why should i call you my wife
I understand. But it seems you don't understand my concerns either. I know its hard
for both
of us to give in. We don't want to be hurt
Hun we are still still saying the same thing
Before i could be a general i can serve under marine under army just for me to be
and worth being a general
But we need to understand and give love to our self
Because love is the source to happiness
I know it is.....but I have questions in my head.....concerns.....I'm skittle
confuse on
things.....I'm not an educated woman...just a simple one
My dear quilt get the conscience and heart speak the truth. some times we have to
go true
the hard pains in life to get the happiness we need in life and every thing happen
for a reason
and god knows why we keep talking to each other
I know. Happiness ever comes easy for me
That is why you need to open your heart and tolerate any thing you see because in
relationship love patient and trust maters in any situation of life
Baby we all strangers in this world but we get used to this world from the day we
are born
and so its with mankind. We get so close to each other after liking each other.
I know you right. But I have to be cautious with my heart. Its been broken to much.
I might
not survive another heartbreak. Please understand
I try to letb you understand my feelings but you seem not to understand
Because if a man hurts you is only a man that will make you happy and put that
smile on your
I do understand. You have responsibilities to our country.. Your men...Alex. You
care for me. I
Life is what you take it to be because no one can predict what is gonna be tomorrow
because we all are human being no one is perfect
Live is not perfect...people are not perfect.....I'm not perfect. We all make
mistakes..... life
goes on....
???? Don't understand
Do you want to feel guilty for the rest of your life? When the is life there is
still hope
Every thing happen for a reason in life
Yes things happen for a reason.. We don't understand why but they happen. I wasn't
for anyone... You just happen
And i fall so deep for you charms
Me too
Hun can you feel my heart
Yes. It makes me want to cry
What does it says?
We have not met but we can feel each other heart
Don't you think is a miracle?
My heart is telling me to trust
That is what never lies
It never lies hun
Look did inside
Even if i don't want you because i am angry for not making me happy right now
One thing i know hun is that i found true happiness
I've got to go. My grandson is waking up. He ran a fever last night. Want to check
on him.
Make sure he's OK. I'll looking and I'll try to listen to my heart. I want
Okay hun
Alex has been so worried about you
He loves you so much
I have never seen Alex this way
What did you do to my son?
Please hun take very good care of our grand son
You are kind
You are unique
You are lovable
You are talented
You are amazing
You are joyful And you are gorgeous. I love you hun
I love you hun
I never knew one can fall in love here but it happened to me. You can stole my
You stole of it and the most you stole alex heart
I Wanna Grow Old With You - Westlife
Another one of my lyric videos XD. Having come back to see this video I realized
inaccurate my explanation was. Since posting this I have been hurt over ...
This I promise you ('The Notebook')
No Copyright Infringment Intended. Video with some of the most romantic and
scenes from 'The Notebook', with music by N'Sync 'This I promise you'. ...
Hun please listen to every words one after the other please hun
It's from my heart
I searched for it because of what i feel for you
I don't want to loose you
I am so happy chatting with you hun
THU 8:44AM
Hello hun
Just a quick hi. Got slot to do. We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. And I do
all the
cooking. Have cleaning to do too.
Okay hun
Hun i am planing to get a wedding ring for us
Will you marry me?
I have been looking at your photos all day
I love you hun
You do remember I told you from the beginning that I won't move. If you want a life
with me
you'll have to move here. I made a promise to Mateo and janayah when their Mom died
Hun any thing for you
Your wish
As long as i will make you forget all your hurts
And put that smile of your face forever
Good cause I won't break my promise to them. I'm making a late breakfast for us
all. Chat
'Baby i really wish we can be together soon so that i can show you what i mean and
how i
love you
THU 3:38PM
Hello babe
THU 5:43PM
Hello my love. Can't chat. Full house be safe out there. This woman cares. Hugs n
THU 8:28PM
I love you babe
Love you too
Are you still therewith me?
Yes I'm here
My heart beats for you so fast
I don't want to loose you
I'm not going any where
I want to laugh, laugh, laugh with you. I want to dance with you, listen to music
with you, and
laugh with you. Let's laugh, let's free up, laughing together!
Lol. Your in a jolly mood. That's good it's the season to be happy
Yes babe
I like going to the ocean and walking on the beach together with you
What are you doing
That be nice. Love the ocean. I try and go when I can. Just sit and watch the waves
In my office hun
Hun i got information that the UN will be coming soon
The water and the sound of the waves ate so peaceful
That's great news
Don't worry hun i will soon be all yours
OK. : )
I love surprise gifts. A dinner invitation is nice too, but it has to be a
What will you do for you husband when he returns soon ?
Don't know. I live far away from your home. Kiss you when I first see you
Baby i really wish we can be together soon so that i can show you what i mean and
how i
love you
Would like that too
Babe can i really trust you that you will not let me down
Let you down how
You will always be there for my and never to break my heart and Alex
I mean wait for me?
I'm here. I'm not going anywhere.
Can i really trust you my queen
With my heart
That you will never hurt me and grow with me till death do us part
Told you I'm here. I'm going to trust you with my heart too
You know my pain and sorrow, but I'm going to give you a chance
I promise i will make you happy for the rest of your life
Then I give you that same promise
Hun i will get a wedding ring and send you picture of it if you will like it
Don't need one. Didn't have one with the others.
I don't really wear jewelry. Just earrings
I want us to swear and take a oat now never to leave each other' if you truly love
I swear
Can you swear now if you are not going to let me down
Baby you have to be serious with me and say this from the bottom of your heart if
you really
care for me as you say
Robert if you move here to be with me I swear I will love you and Alex and try my
best to
make you both happy
I swear with my life never to leave you for any other woman or you leaving me for
any other
man till death do us part
Say it exactly the same way i just did if you really love me
I will never leave you for another man or you leave me for another woman I promise
I want you to know i'm serious with you baby and we really need to swear from the
bottom of
our heart
I swear
So that we should always remember this as our special day and never leave each
other no
matter what
I Robert Steven swear with my life if i leave you for any other woman i will be
shot dead by
gun here in the war zone and never see my son
I Robert Steven swear with my late wife grave
Now swear and tell me yours' what will happen to you if you break my heart
Tell me yours now if you really love me as you say
Robert why are you serious. Is something wrong? And don't say things like that. I
don't need
that kind of promise. You don't have to swear like that
I want this to be so serious and i want you to know how deep i truly love you
I want you to know i am not here to pass time with you
Or play games with your heart
I will always be with you. If you and I commit to each other n marriage. I will
always be there
I have never done before babe
I will love you with all that I am
I believe you
Babe if you truly love me and you want to marry me then do it for us and for or
It sounds to much like a marriage by proxy. So I can't. My daughter got married
that way
cause my son n law was out of country.
Won't marry a man I haven't met. I may be falling in love with you but I need to
see you so
you can tell me you still want me after we meet
Hun i am a man of my words
And i mean all the words i have ben telling you
Hun do you know how i feel right now?
I understand that and I believe you but we are from two different world's and I
want you to be
sure. You're in love with a picture and the words we have spoken. You need to be
Yes I know
Hun i am very sure if i am not then why should i be wasting all my time with you ?
You know i am a very busy man and i can even loose my job for this
I can only do this for the woman i want to get married to
Because if hour really sure meeting me won't change that and its not a waste of
Hun can i ask you a question?
I don't feel like I'm wasting my time.
Remember we promised to be honest to each other no mater what and how better the
Yes. Ask me what ever
Do you love me?
Yes I'm falling in love with you
What do you feel for me?
Love. And it scares me cause I don't want to be hurt. You sound to good to be true.
Honorable. Romantic. Strong. Someone I can count on. Someone who will always be
I've been alone and on my own for over 15 years. Ive depended only on myself
You are too romantic babe
So I'm afraid
If you don't give out your heart how can you find happiness ?
Don't know. You just have to be patient with me or leave me alone. Cause I can't
change how
I feel over night
I wish I didn't have to miss you. If only you could be with me always. I know I
could never be
any happier. But then again, I know that the day will come when I will be able to
spend my
every waking moment with you. I even miss you when I am sleeping!
Looks who's romantic now. You have a poet soul Robert
You are romantic because you are my inpiration
Happiness is the only thing on earth that cannot be paid by any diamonds, gold or
Got to go my family is ready to play another round of 31. They got me out quick.
Chat with
you in the morning. Miss you. Hugs n kisses. And your right on that. I am a simple
who only need love to make her happy
Hello hun are you still there with me?
Son told me you said he can't write to you
He his your son so you can always write to him okay
Merry Christmas Robert. Stay safe
Hello babe
Happy Xmas hun
What are you doing babe?
i guess you are asking me to move on with my life right?
Well may the lord bless you
Chat Conversation End
Seen 6:16pm
Type a message... i donn't wanna run away to the
end of the road Have you
ever brandy make
you fall in love with me look
into my eyes
We don't even talk no more no
body baby I WILL BE THERE JUST CALL MY NAME there can be miracles when you belive
maria caria i cant liev with out you any more unbreak my heart
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Patti's first signature solo anthem. Lyrics below: "You Are My Friend" (P.
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Patti LaBelle - Love, Need and Want You
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3 off "I'm in Love Again". Sampled later by Flesh and Bone, O...
The Power Of Love - Celine Dion with Lyrics!
Comment, Subscribe, and Thumbs Up! =)
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