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Anit Terrance Abner

FEBRUARY 20, 2023
Page 1 of 4


Article …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Business Topic Analysis …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Business Term …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Personal Impact …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Works Cited …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

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I chose the article ‘’Freshii’s outsourcing of jobs isn’t new. We just don’t like being forced to
see it happen’’ written by Robyn Urback. She wrote about Freshii, a Canadian restaurant chain, that
adopted a ‘’virtual cashier’’ named ‘’Percy’’. However, it received backlash from various minister as well
as the general public.

Freshii received backlash because it outsourced it’s employee from other countries who worked as
cashiers from this new advanced video calling system and were paid 3.75 dollars per hour which is way
below the minimum wage job standard in Ontario. Machines and Technology are slowly replacing
workers. According to Miami Herald columnist Andre’s Oppenheimer, he was surprised when he visited
a sushi restaurant in Tokyo which was run entirely by robots. Even the chefs were robots. And he
believes that this might become a new standard in Europe and North America. Lastly, according to the
author, Freshii’s error was that it failed to expect what people would react if they introduced such
system. Instead of paying less than minimum wage to it’s employees, they should have simply removed
them altogether like most restaurants are doing nowadays and make the system completely remote.


This article is related to ‘’Introduction to Business’’ which is chapter one of the textbook. In this
article we can see how businesses such as Freshii as mentioned in the article try to increase their profit
by decreasing wages of their employees and using machinery and technology to replace their
employees. We can assume that if capitalism increases and remains unchecked, it can have a negative
influence on the economy and can even cause a recession.

The business term used in this article is capitalism which is described as ‘’ An economic system based on
competition in the marketplace and private ownership of the factors of production (resources); also
known as the private enterprise system.’’ (Wade 14.1)
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The thing I have understood from this article is that although good competition is need to have a
successful business, and capitalism is required to achieve a higher profit, it may also have some
obstructive influence on the economy as a whole.

Having done this research, I really liked some of the things I did like finding articles in the Seneca Library
through the Seneca Libraries Business Research tutorial. I also liked the fact that I had to learn to make a
professional report using Microsoft Word and for that I had to revise my knowledge on it.

I chose this article and topic because I find it intriguing how businesses adapt to capitalism and take
various steps to increase their profit margin and compete with others like them in their field. Although
maximizing profit is considered as the main objectives of business, we should follow all the guidelines
and rules that are made by the government, be ethical and be considerate of the economy, workforce
and environment to continue business operations.
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Urback, Robyn.  The Globe and Mail; Toronto, Ont. [Toronto, Ont]. 29 Apr 2022: A13

Wade, Michael. Introduction to Business. Adapted for Seneca College, BAM101.

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