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The original digital marketing can be traced to 1994, when the first banner ad appeared on the
first commercial web magazine, Hot Wired.
Since then, the digital advertising market has evolved and in 1996 the United States Digital

DIGITAL advertising market was worth $ 301 million. A year later, the market experienced phenomenal
growth, touching the figure of $ 1 billion. Around 1997, the companies began thinking about
placing advertisements on Related websites and linking thereby pages to the banners. In 1998,
Hotwired started selling banner advertising space. Do companies and achieved a sensational

MARKETING 30% click through rate.

Search engine Yahoo! Adopted this idea by offering advertising space on its homepage. Yahoo!
Acquired Overture Services (Formerly in 2003 for placing ads on its search engine

Unit -1 results, which allowed Yahoo to provide advertisers an option to select a bid amount and
compete with other bidders to rank their ads higher. Another search engine named Google had
already launched its advertising platform, called AdWords in the year 2000 to provide
advertisers a sponsored link of their website and a description natively in its Search engine
results page.
The year 2002 saw the launch of LinkedIn. The year 2004 witnessed the launch of Facebook,
and in 2006 Twitter was launched. Hence 2010 Was the decade of social media which attained
Evolution Of Digital Marketing, Difference Between penetration worldwide alongside revolution happening in mobile, with smartphone prices
dropping sharply, enabling greater penetration among masses. The penetration of the Internet
Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing, Digital
also increased dramatically During the period. Hence, While the decade of 1990s was fueled
Marketing Strategy, Affiliate Marketing, Viral by display advertising, the early part of the decade of 2000 was fueled by search advertising
Marketing. and later part by social media and the decade of 2010 was fueled by mobile.



Digital marketing is very different from traditional marketing in multiple ways. While
traditional marketing is spray and pray wherein marketers spreads the message among many
audiences and hopes that some customers Will be in the market to buy the product, digital
marketing Can be targeted to specific audiences who have interest in the product and hence
they are already in the market to buy those products.


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Digital marketing is about maximizing efficiency since it is possible to measure performance Direction of Unidirectional (one to many) Multidirectional (many to many)
of digital marketing in real time, there is ample scope to tweak in the campaigns and improve communication information spread by company both company and consumers talk
ROI, marketers can do A/B Testing to find the most effective messages, images, ads. Targeting (active) consumers only listen and listen (both active). Consumers
and layout in digital, there is always scope of improvement. (passive) can also create content like or post

While mass media is priced on rate card basis for 10 second spot On TV or column centimeter
Scheduling Long term Short term
for newspaper, digital is priced based on auction instead of fixed rate Card, marketers bid in
auction and price is determined based on bid as well as quality score. Hence there is fair price
Communication Private (communication only Public (anyone can read and join in
discovery that happens in digital Marketing.
with consumer between company and consumer) the discussion)

Digital marketing creates a level playing field for all marketers as it does not distinguish
between small and large businesses. The entry barrier is low as one can engage in digital Availability Working hours All the time (24*7)
marketing even with a little budget. The media rates are the same for small as well as big
businesses. Language Formal, legally safe, official Genuine, direct personal responses
and short answers
The cost of failure is low in digital marketing. Even if the campaign does not work, you will
Response Time Longer Quick
know immediately and can take corrective actions. You may lose only a small amount if your
plan fails. Hence, it is a smart strategy to be a bit edgy and try new ideas and different mediums
of digital marketing to check out What works for you and what does not.
Digital marketing is like walking in the fog. Visibility is there only for the first 10 meters. If
Digital marketing strategy is shaped by Four major steps:
you want more visibility, you must walk the first 10 meters to be able to see the next 10. Hence,
instead of waiting for the perfect plan or blueprint, you should start digital marketing and learn • The Consumer Decision Journey
on the go. Instead of perfecting your strategy from day one, it is better to make 1% • The P-O-E-M Framework
improvement every day and at the end of the year you will have 365% improvement.
• Segmenting And Customising Messages




In Today's world consumers, even after the purchases, remain engaged and promote the
Type of marketing Structured and clear advertising Unstructured and unclear status
purchased product amongst their friends, family or colleagues, If they are satisfied with the
campaigns, service hotlines updates, ad campaigns, blogs, post
product. The basic AIDA model of marketing applies to digital marketing too, for the consumer
comments, social media etc
decision process. AIDA is an acronym that stands for A-Awareness, I-Interest, D-Desire, A-
Action. The consumer moves through successive stages in the buying process.


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Awareness. website should have smooth navigation so that customers can easily find products That they
The consumer Is aware of the brand, has heard of its name. The goal of the marketer at this are looking for at the right price and at the right time. Consumers may drop off at any stage as
stage is to get to the top of the mind, recall. Awareness is the first step in the buying process they may not like the design of this site or it may be slow to load or they may not find the right
and is the most important one. Without awareness, the consumer will not consider the brand variant of the product, or maybe seeking discounts or payment may not go through. Marketers
for purchase. Digital marketing can play an important role in creating awareness and some must ensure that all hurdles are removed in the digital marketing marketers have a Plethora of
channels of digital marketing are more apt for it. There is display advertising on websites, channels to choose from Search engines, websites, blogs, social networks, mobile applications,
social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. Forums And depending on the stage of the customers buying cycle Marketers can choose the
Interest. most appropriate channels.

It is not enough for a marketer that a consumer is aware of the brand. Consumers must be Marketers have traditionally put more emphasis on desire and action stages of the journey. In
interested in the brand. They must want to know more about the brand by intrigued by it. This this process, they may end up allocating more resources for building awareness through
is only known as consideration stage. Consumers must consider the brand for purchase and it advertising, incurring huge costs and encouraging purchase with retail promotions. Traditional
must be included in their ‘consideration set’. In the funnel model, Interest stage has a large AIDA model has only four stages, As marketers have not given importance to post purchase,
number of brands. Consumers consider the brands that they have heard about in traditional but with the advent of digital marketing, advocacy stage has become important in influencing
channels or on social media or have seen their friends using it. interest can be sparked by other customers and building loyalty. Hence it is the fifth stage in the consumer buying funnel.
running highly creative campaigns that break the clutter and stand out. Interesting posts
highlighting the unique benefits of the brand can also spark interest. Highly emotional
messaging can also create emotional connect triggering interest. Consumers experience satisfaction or dissatisfaction after purchase. They may share their
experience on social media and spread word of mouth. If consumers are highly satisfied, they
may develop a bond with the brand and become loyal and purchase repeatedly or in larger
New media makes it easy for customers to evaluate the competing choices. Using inputs from quantities. They may purchase again without undergoing all these stages of the decision
reviewers, peers, retailers, Influencers, Specialist, Marketer and competitors. Smart marketers process. Social media is most apt for Advocacy and word of mouth post purchase.
assist consumers in the evaluation process by providing comparative analysis. Economic value
The P-O-E-M Network
calculations, collecting feedback, reviews and ratings and guiding customers to the channels
which can help them in making choices. De Beers, for example, educates customers about what The good framework that can help you organize your digital marketing strategies paid, owned,
criteria to look for while selecting diamonds. It emphasizes on four C’s, carat, colour, clarity and earned media.
and cut. Some digital channels that are more apt for this teach our community forums, blogs,
Paid media
and review rating sites. Based on evaluation of different brands, consumers develop preference
Includes sponsored advertisements in different channels of digital marketing, such as search
for certain brands and they become part of the choice set. This site has Much fewer members
of brands than awareness set or consideration set. engines, websites, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. They include campaigns Run through
different platforms such as Google AdWords and campaign manager of Facebook, LinkedIn
and Twitter. It also includes campaign run through ad networks or demand side platforms.
In this stage, consumers purchase the product that they desire and prefer. This stage generates
Owned Media
revenues for the brand and is the outcome every marketer desires. Having conveniently located
retail outlets or online purchase facility will help the consumers in making the purchase. The


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Is like an asset of the company that is, the company has the ownership of these media. It homogeneous groups which are similar in characteristics. The targeted Segment should
includes company’s official website microsite and social media pages such as Facebook page, respond better to marketing stimuli than General population as the marketing mix will be more
LinkedIn page, YouTube channel and Twitter handle. It also includes mobile apps or blogs and customized for the chosen segment. Hyper local targeting can be useful for local businesses
also the original content created by the company, such as videos, images, infographics and and for retailers and outlets who wish to attract customers in the vicinity. Another popular
posts. method of targeting is behavioural, wherein the intent of the user is tapped based on online
behaviour to determine if the user is in the market to buy a product or not. Another upcoming
Earned media
method of targeting is your CRM data targeting where in your Target database of leads or
It is organic and unpaid. It includes publicity that is generated through recommendations and customers you have generated. These customers are more likely to purchase your brand as they
word of mouth. It also includes social media engagement, such as likes, Shares, comments, have engaged with your brand in the past. An objective of targeting CRM data could be Cross
replies, retweets, favourites, etc. Earned media is generated by users and hence is more credible sell or upsell Marketers are hiring data providers to add layers of social media data and other
and has the power to give exponential reach to the marketer. Earned media accrues only when demographic and geographic data to their CRM data to make it richer, thus enabling more
users like the content and engage with it. customized messages. A new method of targeting which is gaining popularity Is Look alike

The combination of Owned, Earned and Paid Media is regarded as one of the best practices in targeting. To reach out to more people, you target users who are like your best customer.

digital marketing. There should be a balance between all media and it should not be lopsided
The Digital Landscape
towards one. It means, as a brand you should not focus only on one media and ignore others.
For instance, it is not a good strategy to depend largely on Paid ads and not focus on earned Digital marketing consists of different channels such as search engines, social media, mobile

media. focus is related to budget allocation. A simple thumb rule is to divide the budget equally marketing, influencer marketing, digital pr, etc. Search engine marketing done either through

between paid and owned/ earned media. This is the best practice Which means that you must paid advertising or search engine optimization is good for customer acquisition. Search engines

allocate 50% of your digital marketing budget to create content for your digital assets and captured the intent of the user, and hence are more of pull medium. Thus, getting higher click

getting engagement and remaining 50% on running paid ads. Though the owned and earned through and conversion rates than other mediums. User is interested in finding out information

media are organic and hence more credible and provide higher quality traffic, they take longer about a product or service and is hence typing a query on search engine. This user is more

time to show results. hence owned and earned media should be a part of your long-term likely to click and take their desired action. The click through rates of search engine is among

strategy. the highest of all digital channels.

Paid media, on the other hand, will increase your reach, impressions in the short term, but once Popular portals and websites such as Yahoo! India Times and YouTube Are very good for

you stop running paid ads, you may not get repeated engagement or traction. Hence the best brand building. Because the first step in brand building is creating awareness. These websites

practice is to strike a balance between long term and short-term mediums. Moreover, while or mobile applications have millions of unique users and page views per month and hence have

marketer may not have Control on whether fans will engage with content or not. Organically huge reach. If you place banner ad on these websites then it will reach large number of users,

paid media guarantees certain reach and impressions. thus creating awareness. A standard banner ad is more like a push medium unless it is
remarketing to visitors of the website or doing behavioural targeting.
Segmenting And Customizing Message
Social media is very apt for customer engagement as it is about building a community and
One of the strengths of digital media is the enormous data that is collected through customers. nurturing a bond with members. It is not so apt for generating sales or conversions as users do
This data enables rich segmentation based on geographic, demographic, psychographic and not come to social media to buy products or services, but to engage with friends. Marketers
behavioural variables. Segmenting Is dividing heterogeneous population into smaller sometimes are disappointed that they are not getting enough leads or conversions from social


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media. You must understand that each medium of digital marketing has its Own unique Advertiser
strengths and characteristics and hence marketing objectives must be aligned to each medium’s
The advertiser is the owner of the product or service that is going to be sold through affiliate
unique characteristics.
marketing. This can be a large enterprise or a solo entrepreneur. The product or service can be
Microblogging platforms such as Twitter app for disseminating information rapidly, they are anything, from kitchen utensils to magazine subscriptions or online classes.
more about what's happening, Good for trending or for spreading word of mouth. This is
The advertiser sells his product or service through the affiliates. Affiliate marketing can be his
because they are open networks where users can follow anyone without seeking any
only marketing tool, but mostly they also use more traditional marketing tools, like advertising.
permission, and one can view tweets of Any other user even without following the user. The
When someone sells a product or service for the advertiser, the advertiser gets paid. In turn,
140-character limit makes it easy for the user to share current events and happenings.
the advertiser then pays a commission to the affiliate who made the sale.
Another strategic area of digital marketing is online reputation management (ORM) Which is
Publisher or Affiliate
about listening and understanding customer sentiment and proactively shaping the brand
attitude. Many social Listening tools are available such as Radian 6, Simplify 360 that identify The affiliate marketer, or publisher, is the person (or sometimes company) that markets the

the influencers, brand associations and sentiments. Another aspect of ORM is the digital PR, advertisers’ products or services to potential customers. They will receive a fee for promoting

which is fast replacing the traditional PR. Many newswires have come up online where the goods through their own network and online presence. For every sale they make, the

marketers can submit news for dissemination to different media and journalists. Influencer advertiser pays them a commission.

marketing is another important area, as in digital world Anybody can be an influencer. Let’s say a certain affiliate marketer has an Instagram account with 100.000 followers, on that
Identifying influencers, building relations and seeding content with them requires an Instagram she mainly talks about beauty products. It’s interesting for companies who sell
understanding of the process. beauty products to work with her. So beauty company X asks her to promote beauty product

Digital marketing generates lot of digital analytics and metrics. Measure ability is one of the Y. This fits her profile, so she accepts. She then uses her Instagram account to talk about

strengths of digital marketing. Looking at the metrics and improvising on your digital product Y to her fans, who are interested in beauty products. Sometimes the affiliates get a

marketing strategy helps in improving the ROI. Many tools are available for digital Analytics discount code they can use. Every time a follower of her buys beauty product Y, beauty

through which performance of each campaign can be measured and optimized. company X pays her the fee they agreed on.

The advertiser gets more sales, and the affiliate gets paid a fee. That’s the beauty of affiliate
marketing, it’s a win-win.
The basics of affiliate marketing is that you earn a commission every time you make a sale by
promoting someone else’s products or services. Or that you pay a commission every time
someone makes a sale on your products or services. Important to note is, no sale means no pay. The consumers may not be aware of it, but they are the driving force behind affiliate marketing.
Without consumers, there’s no audience to share the products with. When the consumer buys

With affiliate marketing, the branding and marketing of products and services are spread out a service or product via the affiliate, the affiliate and the advertiser share the profit. A lot of

between different parties. This allows a brand to utilize the talents of individual publishers in affiliates these days choose to share that they are affiliate marketers. You may have seen this

their marketing while providing these individuals with a share of the profit. To make affiliate via social media posts that say #affiliate, #partnership, or #ad. Some publishers do not disclose

marketing work, three parties need to be involved: Advertiser, Publisher/Affiliate and that they are an affiliate marketer, in which case the consumer doesn’t know that their purchase

consumer is part of an affiliate marketing program.


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Whatever the case, consumers rarely pay more for products and services purchased through
affiliate marketing. The affiliate marketers share of the profit is already included in the retail
price. Some affiliates even get to give out discount codes, in which case the consumer pays less
for the product or service when bought through affiliate marketing.

Viral marketing is the concept which consist the unique data and the users willingly transmit
the data. The marketing strategy is formatted with the view to spread the news within minutes
taking the help of Digital Marketing. It helps in marketers to make the buzz among the
consumers and generate maximum lead.

It is the cost effective method to create the market for their product. Marketers make their
content so impressive and effective which makes the user irresistible to share it. This reduces
the marketing cost. Hence, it is the most effective way to minimize the cost. There are multiple
mediums to viral the content such as social media, search engines, blogging & many more.

Viral marketing is the best way to explore the new audience in the short span and give the
significant boost to the sale. Nobody can decide the fate of the content whether it goes viral or
not. It depends on the mood of the user that how it impacts on them. So, viral marketing is the
best practice to create the new audience for the product. The advantages of viral marketing are
the following-

1. If the company go for other modes of advertising. It would become very costly and
doesn’t know whether it would become successful or not. Viral marketing is the SHRADDHA GUPTA
economical way to advertise the product in the short time. It can create millions of
audience for the business within minutes & hours. It is the most important weapon in
the hand of the marketers if it is utilized properly.

2. Other advertising method result is time taken but this is not in the case of viral
marketing. It results are rapid fast which no other marketing technique can compete.
This factor impresses most of the marketers and uses it extensively. Marketers upload
the viral content on the social media as it is the fastest way to reach the maximum

3. It shows the interest of the consumers and how they react to the content. If they share a
lot then it means that the content is impressive enough and organization is successful
in leaving the positive impact on the people

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UNIT 1 Introduction to Digital Marketing
Evolution of digital marketing, difference between digital marketing and traditional
marketing, digital marketing strategy, affiliate marketing, viral marketing.


Introduction to SEO, types of SEO, on-page and off page optimization, introduction to SEM,
pay per click, SEM Strategies. • Introduction to Digital Marketing
• Evolution of digital marketing, difference
UNIT 3 Internet Marketing
between digital marketing and traditional
Reintermediation, disintermediation and countermediation in the internet age, pricing in marketing, digital marketing strategy, affiliate
the internet age, advertising in the internet age, sales and customer and customer service in
the internet age. marketing, viral marketing.
UNIT 4 Social Media Marketing
Introduction to social media marketing, difference between social media marketing and
traditional marketing, Facebook marketing, Instagram marketing, LinkedIn marketing,
Twitter marketing, YouTube marketing
UNIT 5 Mobile Marketing
Introduction to mobile marketing, strategies, types, importance, social media and mobile
marketing, mobile search and mobile marketing, content marketing.

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1994 1997

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2002 2003

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2004 2005

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2006 2007

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2009 2010

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2011 2012

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• Digital marketing, also called online marketing, web

marketing or internet marketing. Digital marketing may
be defined as the promotion of brands or products
through different forms of electronic media. These forms
could be websites, blogs, social media, mobiles,
applications, search, banner ads etc.

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Inbound and Outbound
• Two Way Communication • Outbound marketing involves proactively reaching out to
consumers to get them interested in a product. By
• Targeting Of One contrast, inbound marketing centers on creating and
• Level Playing Field distributing content that draws people into your website.
• Outbound marketing typically has a more aggressive,
• Measurability wide-sweeping approach, with the expectation that at
• Push And Pull least some people will convert. Inbound marketing is
usually more subtle and focuses on convincing a
• Real Time particular group of individuals to make a purchase over
• Zero Moment Of Truth time.

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Social Media Posts Social Media Ads Type of marketing Structured and clear advertising Unstructured and unclear status
campaigns, service hotlines updates, ad campaigns, blogs, post
Inbound marketing comments, social media etc
Direction of Unidirectional (one to many) Multidirectional (many to many)
Videos Gmail Ads
communication information spread by company both company and consumers talk
(active) consumers only listen and listen (both active). Consumers
(passive) can also create content like or post
Emails In-app Ads
Scheduling Long term Short term
Guest Blogging Paid Bulk Emailers
Communication with Private (communication only Public (anyone can read and join in
consumer between company and consumer) the discussion)
PR Remarketing Ads
Availability Working hours All the time (24*7)

Search Engine Ads / Partner Language Formal, legally safe, official Genuine, direct personal responses
Sites Ads and short answers
Response Time Longer Quick

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Digital Marketing Strategy

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Digital Brand
Analytics Building




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Pay Per Click (PPC) Pay Per Performance (PPP)
the merchant only pays for a defined result, which is usually a
the merchant only pays when someone clicks on a link to his or new sale or a new lead. These models are called Pay Per Sale
her website. Using Amazon as an example. If I had affiliate links (PPS) and Pay Per Lead (PPL) respectively.
on my website. Amazon would pay me a commission each time
that someone clicked on one of the links. The commission paid
could range from a few cents to several dollars.

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Cost Per Action (CPA)
This is similar to PPP and is the preferred model for many
affiliate networks.

UNIT – 2

Introduction to SEO, types of SEO, on-page and off page

optimization, introduction to SEM, pay per click, SEM Strategies.


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INTRODUCTION TO SEO These search strings are compared with the indexed pages from the database by the search
engine. As we know, there are billions of web pages available, the search engine starts looking
What are search engines and how do they work?
for the most relevant pages in its index as the search string is contained by more than one page.
search engines are answer machines. They exist to discover, understand, and organize the
The relevancy of the pages is calculated by many algorithms. Each of these algorithms differ
internet's content in order to offer the most relevant results to the questions searchers are asking.
with respect to the keywords density, links or meta tags. And this is the reason why we see
different search engine results pages on different search engines for the same search string.

The interesting fact to know is that most of the popular search engines like Google, Yahoo!
Web Calculating Retrieving and Bing change their algorithms periodically to check the relevancy.
Indexing Processing
crawling relevancy results
As these algorithms keep on changing, you should also be alert and make your pages adaptive
to sudden changes if you want them to be on the top of the search engine.

The last step is to retrieve the search engine results. It’s just the results displayed on the web
The initial step in SEO is crawling, in which a search engine crawls the web for what it contains. browser. Simply put, it does sort from the most relevant to the least relevant result sites.
It is done by a search engine robot known as 'crawler' or ‘spider’. These crawlers follow the
links in the websites from one link to another and perform ‘indexing’ among them. As we
Search engine optimization is the process of influencing the visibility of a website or a web
know, a website contains boundless pages, thus it’s not possible for the crawler to analyze a
page. So that it appears higher up in the organic Search results. The purpose of doing SEO is
website daily to see if any modifications are made on the existing page or if any new page has
to establish a web presence and get discovered so that one gets quality traffic that generates
been added.
leads and revenue for the business to grow.
What you can do is to control what the crawler sees from your website. Search engines are text-
Search engine optimization consists of two processes. The first is getting a website configured
driven. Crawlers do not see images, frames, password-protected pages, etc. as we human users
so a search engine like Google can index it correctly and the second is making sure your website
is in the top search results when someone Googles your products or brand names.
After crawling is done, the next thing it does is indexing of the content. A database is used in
order to save the index pages so that it can be retrieved later. ‘Indexing’ is a process of
identifying texts and expressions describing the page and assigning the page to a particular On page optimization refers to all measures taken by SEOs within the website to improve the
keyword. ranking of a site in search engine result pages. These measures are related to content and HTML
source code of a page, e.g., meta tags, keyword placement, and keyword density including the
It may happen that the search engine finds a page ambiguous, but if you optimize it, it will
technical set-up, the content, and user-friendliness of your site. So, on page SEO optimization
become easier to classify your pages correctly and also give you a higher ranking.
factors are linked with the elements of your website.
Whenever you request your query on a search engine, the search engine processes it. You enter
in on page SEO, you deal with all the elements of SEO that you can control. For example, a
a query into the search engine in the form of text, symbols, and digits. This combined form of
website owner can control the technical issues, meta tags, and quality of the content of the site.
the query is termed as a ‘Search String’.
On page SEO issues are in your control so that they should be resolved without any delay to
improve rankings in search engine result pages.


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TECHNICAL ELEMENTS encounter is the 500 error. These errors are internal server errors which is shown when
unexpected conditions occur. The server here could not be more specific on why the problem
A good SEO roadmap is built on a strong technical foundation. Unless the core technical
has occurred and solution of it. The publisher should avoid the 500 error as it gives a bad
components of the website are in place, all other SEO efforts will go in vain. Some important
impression to the visitor as well as the search engine. When 500 errors occur the user can
elements are:
refresh the web page clears the browser cache or they can even try deleting Browser's cookie.
• Site performance
Site performance is about the page speed, which is described by the time it takes to load. It is
HTML is a markup language commonly used to create web pages by using different tags so
tough to hold a visitor on a website when we webpage does not load within a few seconds. The
that web browsers can read the code and process them to display on one’s screen. it provides a
benchmark should be two seconds. Slow websites 10 to have higher Bounce rates and lower
means to create structure web pages that browsers can understand.
average time per visit on the page. A slow web page will require more time and hands it will
reduce to call budget. Some of the tactics to improve site performance are: enable • Meta tags: Meta tags act as small content descriptors that allow you to convey to search
compressions, compress images, reduce Re directs. engines what your web page is about and what keywords it contains. Other than that,
metadata can be used by browsers, web services, and APIs to take data regarding a
• Domains
particular page.
Domain names are internet addresses for website. Domains have extensions such as .com, .in, • Heading tags: heading tags helps you to define paid structure and allow uses to scan a
.org etc. There are few points that one needs to keep in mind while registering any domain page quickly to find out what they are looking for.
name: • Anchor tags: An anchor tag is a HTML element that creates a link to a target URL.
Domain name memorability: the domain name should be short, catchy and easy to remember, When correctly implemented, the link can wrap around text, images, or as buttons, so
spell and type. One can conduct and informal survey by giving a few options to people and that users can interact with it and visit the link's destination
later see which one are the most memorable. SCHEMA.ORG
Keyword rich domains: having one's keywords in their domain name can increase the click is a community activity that aims at promoting schemas for structured data over
through rates. It also gives the users an idea about the business. the web for websites. A schema is a micro data type that allows search engines to search for
Sub-Domains: Subdomains are part of domains that are free to create under any domain that a web page data easily. It works by adding some quotes directly into your HTML code. many
webmaster can access. For example: is a domain and types of categories are commonly used for the schema, such as movies products TV episodes is a subdomain. events and local businesses

• 404/500 errors KEYWORDS

404 error is an error message that appears when the web page that user is trying to reach could Keywords are words and phrases that make it possible for users to find any website by using

not be found on the server. When any webpage that the user is trying to access is not available search engines. While writing any content one should focus on building a theme out of the

on the website’s server, then the URL is directed automatically to the 404-error page. It is content, which is formed through relationships between concepts and group of
important to set up the 404-error page to give the visitors navigational options to let them stay keywords.closely related keyword phrases strengthen the topic quality of any web page. so one
on the website. This 404-error page ideally should have a link back to the website root page should build content related to a theme as search engines can naturally extract entities from

and could also provide some popular content on your website. Another error that one can


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those web pages. Use of synonyms and related keyboards help search engines to learn better all important subpages. There are some elements to the side structure that should be taken care
about the web page. of: breadcrumbs, optimise URLs, internal linking.


Keywords are words and phrases that make it possible for users to find any website by using Off-page optimization refers to all the measures that can be taken outside the website to
search engines. While writing any content one should focus on building a theme out of the improve its ranking on search engine result pages. Unlike on-page SEO, it does not deal with
content, which is formed through relationships between concepts and group of keywords. the optimization of your site or content itself. So, off-page optimization factors are not in the
Closely related keyword phrases strengthen the topic quality of any web page. so, one should direct control of the website owner.
build content related to a theme as search engines can naturally extract entities from those web
Off page optimization is as important as On Page optimization. Without applying off page
pages. Use of synonyms and related keyboards help search engines to learn better about the
factors, your website site may not rank as higher as it could be. Off page seo factors such as
web page.
link building, social media, videos, blogging, etc., are very important for the seo of your
A thorough research needs to be done for choosing the right keywords and for optimizing the website. It helps you get more clicks, more visits, and more exposure on social media. It is a
website. one must talk to the users of the website and observe their search behaviour. chain of events that occurs one after another. So, it is a long-term process, which is mainly
focused on acquiring backlinks to your webpages from social media, authority sites, and social
Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML code that contains recent
information updates. RSS feeds give a user the ability to opt for a subscription very similar to
a newspaper subscription. It fetches the updates from the website and delivers via RSS feeds The most important objective of off page activities is to build the authority of the website. The
named feed reader or feed aggregator. It may be in an email-based feed reader or mobile based more the number of sites hyperlinking and the higher the quality of these sites, the higher would
feed reader. Search engines prefer websites that consist of updating their content and RSS be the authority of the website under consideration. ‘Authority’ is a website that is linked to by
feeds as it helps search engines find updated content faster. many websites and a hub. And a ‘hub’ is a website that links to many website


Microsites are auxiliary websites which are usually about a product or a service that provide a
separate entity for a brand. They typically have their domain, but some exist as Sub domains
also. They must interlink between each other and with the main website. Building microsites
is a good idea when one is launching a specific campaign that somehow does not fit into the
main website or they have enough resources to do SEO over a long period of time for the


A Site structure help us in understanding how the website is set up and how individual subpages
are hyperlinked. Crawlers should be able to find them quickly. A landing page should refer to



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Backlink is a process of getting hyperlinks not owned by a brand, from external pages that are may wish to visit the landing page for more for the details. Some forums or question answer
to link to a web page of their website. Backlinks will help in building the authority of the sites such as Quora are becoming increasingly important and high in SERP.
website. Each link to a web page is Counted as a vote for that page and the page with the most
votes wins. Building backlinks is the most important and challenging activity in SEO. Not all
the backlinks would help want to improve their search engine rank but a quality back link will. Many article databases which are focus on niche areas also exist. One must identify them

High quality backlink comes from high quality websites that are trustworthy for example submit their articles and place and author bio at the end with the link back to their website. It

Wikipedia, The Hindu will help in getting backlinks as well as increase the website traffic

BLOGPOSTS/COMMENTING syndication is when the same content is posted on more than two different websites. This
content is either the whole article or a part of it is recommended to syndicate to website that
Blogs are informational websites displayed in a reverse chronological order. Many businesses
are of higher authority then once website which will give them reputation and visibility
have blogs as it provides a platform for creating content which is broader in scope than a
website. Since content is the most vital aspect in SEO, a blog can positively boost once search
engine ranking. Customers can also comment in blogs of others and leave their link that can UNNATURAL LINKS

serve as a backlink. Unnatural links are links artificially created to manipulate a website’s ranking in search

PRESS RELEASE engines. The most common example of an unnatural link is a paid link when a website pays
another domain for a “followed” backlink pointing to their website.
A press release is a way to spread organizational news and information to the news media. It
can be recent updates, new product announcements, etc. nowadays a lot of PR has shifted Google constantly improves its algorithms to fight unnatural links automatically. Unnatural

online. There can be some backlinks from these sites to the company sites which can boost links are usually gained via black-hat SEO link-building efforts. And while they can be

their SEOs. effective in the short term, they significantly increase the risk of getting a penalty.

DIRECTORIES/CLASSIFIEDS Once penalized for unnatural links, your website rankings can tank dramatically, and it can be
very difficult to recover. That’s why webmasters and SEO professionals need to be able to
Directories are like a database that has a list of websites in defined categories. Directory
identify unnatural links and implement natural white-hat linking strategies instead.
submissions were very popular earlier and webmasters used to submit website URL with other
details such as type of business etc to the directories. Directory was like a search engine where
users could find websites related to A category. It was used to improve your authority but with
the algorithmic update of search engines.


Forums on the other hand are member communities who share the same interest and are willing
to discuss problems or topics that help fellow members. Posting relevant and interesting
comments on authoritative forums can help to get organic traffic as well as give a backlink if
one puts their link. The objective of participating in the forum should be to add value to the
community and hyperlink should be inserted only when it will increase the value as some users


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 A search engine is a program designed to retrieve or

search information on the web

SEO & SEM  How search engine works?

Web Calculating Retrieving

Indexing Processing
crawling relevancy results
Introduction to SEO, types of SEO, on-page and off page
optimization, introduction to SEM, pay per click, SEM

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SEO Types of SEO

 Search engine optimization is the process of influencing the visibility of a website

Or a web page. So that it appears higher up in the organic Search results.
 The purpose of doing SEO is to establish a web presence and get discovered so
that one gets quality traffic that generates leads and revenue for the business to

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On page Off page
optimization optimization
Technical elements Authority and hubs UNIT 3
HTML tags Backlink
Blog posts/ commenting
Press Release
Directories/ classifieds
RSS Feeds
Microsites Article promotion & syndication
Site Structure Unnatural links


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REINTERMEDIATION AND DISINTERMEDIATION IN THE INTERNET iv. Fig b and c shows two different types of disintermediation in which the
AGE wholesaler (b) or the wholesaler and retailer (c) are bypassed, allowing the
producer to sell and promote direct to the consumer.
v. The benefits of disintermediation to the producer are clear-it is able to remove
the sales and infrastructure cost of selling through the channel.
vi. Example: Notable examples of disintermediation include Dell and Apple, which
sell many of their systems direct to the consumer—thus bypassing traditional retail
chains, having succeeded in creating brands well recognized by customers,
profitable and with continuous growth.

i. Channel structure defines the way a manufacturer or selling organization delivers

products and services to its customers.
ii. The distribution channel will consist of one or more intermediaries such as
wholesalers and retailers.
i. The relationship between a company and its channel partners is shown in the
above figure. This relationship can be dramatically altered by the opportunities
afforded by the internet. This occurs because the Internet offers a means of i. Reintermediation can be defined as the reintroduction of an intermediary
bypassing some of the channel partners. This process is known as between end users (consumers) and a producer. This term applies especially to
“disintermediation” or “cutting of the middleman”. instances in which disintermediation has occurred first.
ii. The above diagram is a graphical form for a simplified retail channel. ii. At the start of the Internet revolution, electronic commerce was seen as a tool of
iii. Fig a shows the former position where a company marketed and sold its disintermediation for cutting operating costs. The concept was that by allowing
products by pushing them through sales channel. consumers to purchase products directly from producers via the Internet, the
product delivery chain would be drastically shortened, thereby "disintermediating"


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the standard supply model middlemen. However, what largely happened was that 5. Therefore they do not offer consumers the convenience for a complete travel
new intermediaries appeared in the digital landscape (e.g., and eBay) package that can be booked online. Re intermediation of services in the
travel industry have been made possible by the expansion of business-to-
iii. Reintermediation occurred due to many new problems associated with the e-
business information exchange via the internet and enabling value added
commerce disintermediation concept, largely centered on the issues associated
networks to deliver convenience and efficient service to the end user. Thus,
with the direct-to-consumers model.
6. Agencies have a higher degree of independence than airlines would prefer,
iv. The high cost of shipping many small orders, massive customer service issues, leading them to serve the interests of customers, or their own interests, rather
and confronting the wrath of disintermediated retailers and supply channel partners than the interests of those whose products they are distributing
all presented real obstacles. 7. Agencies and retailers have increasing power as the information control
v. Huge resources are required to accommodate presales and post sales issues of point in the distribution channel.
individual consumers. Before disintermediation, supply chain middlemen acted as
salespeople for the producers. Without them, the producer itself would have to
handle procuring those customers. Selling online has its own associated costs: Some demand based pricing approaches are:
developing quality websites, maintaining product information, and marketing
 Skimming pricing: When you are offering a new or innovative product you can
expenses all add up. Finally, limiting a product's availability to Internet channels
forces the producer to compete with the rest of the Internet for customers' attention, initially charge a high price, since the “early adopters” aren’t very price
sensitive. Then you lower prices to “skim” off the next layer of buyers, etc.
a space that is becoming increasingly crowded over time.
Eventually, the price will drop as the product matures and competitors offer
Implications: lower prices.

1. Disintermediation and reintermediation have a significant impact on

business organizations such as travel agencies, which exist primarily as  Penetration pricing. You set a low initial price in order to penetrate quickly
intermediaries between suppliers of travel services. into the mass market. A low initial price discourages competitors from entering
2. E.g. The role of travel agencies is to provide customers with not physical the market, and is the best approach when many segments of the market are
products but with information. Due to the huge widespread of the internet, price sensitive., for example, offers a discount price and may
many airlines and other travel companies have started to sell directly to lose money on the first sale, but this way they gain more customers who will
passengers. purchase products later at a lower marketing cost (since it costs much less to
3. As a result of this, airlines no longer need to pay commission to travel attract them back for the second or third sale if they are happy with their first
agencies for tickets which have been booked through them. This has purchase experience).
disintermediated several travel agencies and they have now resorted to
charging fees for their services and broadening the scope of services.
4. Travel agencies must understand these changes and adapt their business way  Prestige pricing. Cheap products are not taken seriously by some buyers unless
of thinking to the needs of tomorrow’s travellers. Airlines provide customers they are priced at a particular level. For example, you can sometimes find
with the service of booking and planning their travel through their websites, clothing of the same quality brand at Nordstrom as you do at the Men’s
however, they are not as informative and global as intermediaries.


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Warehouse. But because it is priced higher, Nordstrom’s clientele believes it to  Experience curve pricing assumes that it costs a company less to produce a
be of higher quality. product or provide a service over time, since learning will make them more

 Odd-even pricing takes advantage of human psychology that feels like $499.95 Then there are competition-oriented approaches to pricing that you’ll recognize:
is less than $500. Studies of price points by direct marketers have found that
products sell best at certain price points, such as $197, $297, $397, compared  Customary pricing is where the product “traditionally” sells for a certain price.
to other prices slightly higher or lower. Strange, we humans! Candy bars of a certain weight all cost a predictable amount — unless you
purchase them in an airport shop.

 Demand-backward pricing is sometimes used by manufacturers. First, they

determine the price consumers are willing to pay for a product using an  Above-, at-, or below-market pricing. Certain products advertise “low cost” or
approach such as Make Your Price Sell automates. Then they work backward “discount” pricing. Others price at the market, while others deliberately price
through the standard markups taken by retailers and wholesalers to come up above-the-market at premium prices to attract prestige buyers.
with the price they can charge wholesalers for the product.

 Loss-leader pricing works on the basis of losing money on certain very low
 Bundle pricing is offering two or more products together in a single package priced advertised products to get customers in the door who will buy other
price. This can offer savings to both the buyer and to the seller, who saves the products at the same time.
cost of marketing both products separately. And the customer is willing to pay
more because he perceives that he is getting a lot more, even though the cost to
the seller may not really be that much more.  Flexible-price policies offer the same product to customers at different
negotiated prices. Cars, for example, are typically sold at negotiated prices.
Here are some cost-oriented approaches to pricing with: Many B2B sales depend on negotiated contracts.

 Standard mark-up pricing. Typically a manufacturer marks his price up 15% CUSTOMER SERVICE IN THE INTERNET AGE
over his costs, a wholesaler 20% over his costs, and a retailer 40% over his
costs. The retailer gets a larger markup based on the idea that, since he is
closest to the end user, he is required to spend more services and individual 1. Consider 24/7 support -- outsourcing tech support is not something to
attention meeting the buyer’s needs. consider unless you have a call volume to match it. If you do, here are a
few resources to consider.
2. Build an FAQ page -- there will be a fair amount of customers who prefer to
 Cost-plus pricing adds a small percentage to the retailer’s costs — and “cost find the information themselves, in this case, build your FAQ page and make
plus 5%” sounds so modest in ads for new cars! Ah! If only it were that simple. it easy to navigate.
3. Invest in analytics -- you will have a lot of data that will come your way
without having to ask your customers about it. This is good news, as you can

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get a head start on certain issues and be able to solve problems more online, Coca-Cola's online magazines, and Nike's free applications for
efficiently. performance tracking. Advertisers are also embracing social media and mobile
4. Train customer support staff -- whether you have people in-house or have advertising; mobile ad spending has grown 90% each year from 2010 to 2013.
already outsourced your customer service, the support staff needs to be
trained. Support is your major line of defense against customer issues Display advertising
Display advertising conveys its advertising message visually using text, logos,
animations, videos, photographs, or other graphics. Display advertisers
frequently target users with particular traits to increase the ads' effect. Online
advertisers (typically through their ad servers) often use cookies, which are
unique identifiers of specific computers, to decide which ads to serve to a
ADVERTISING IN THE INTERNET AGE particular consumer. Cookies can track whether a user left a page without
buying anything, so the advertiser can later retarget the user with ads from the
Display ads site the user visited.
Display ads began in the early 1990s as page owners sought additional revenue As advertisers collect data across multiple external websites about a user's
streams to support their content. Commercial online service Prodigy displayed online activity, they can create a detailed profile of the user's interests to
banners at the bottom of the screen to promote Sears products. The first deliver even more targeted advertising. This aggregation of data is
clickable web ad was sold by Global Network Navigator in 1993 to a Silicon called behavioral targeting. Advertisers can also target their audience by
Valley law firm. In 1994, web banner advertising became mainstream using contextual to deliver display ads related to the content of the web page
when HotWired, the online component of Wired Magazine, sold banner ads where the ads appear. Retargeting, behavioral targeting, and contextual
to AT&T and other companies. The first AT&T ad on HotWired had a 44% advertising all are designed to increase an advertiser's return on investment, or
click-through rate, and instead of directing clickers to AT&T's website, the ad ROI, over untargeted ads
linked to an online tour of seven of the world's most acclaimed art museums. Advertisers may also deliver ads based on a user's suspected geography
through geotargeting. A user's IP address communicates some geographic
information (at minimum, the user's country or general region). The
Search ads geographic information from an IP can be supplemented and refined with other (renamed Overture in 2001, and acquired by Yahoo! in 2003) proxies or information to narrow the range of possible locations. For example,
created the first search advertising keyword auction in 1998. Google launched with mobile devices, advertisers can sometimes use a phone's GPS receiver or
its "AdWords" search advertising program in 2000 and introduced quality- the location of nearby mobile towers. Cookies and other persistent data on a
based ranking allocation in 2002, which sorts search advertisements by a user's machine may provide help narrowing a user's location further.
combination of bid price and searchers' likeliness to click on the ads.
Web banner advertising
Recent trends Web banners or banner ads typically are graphical ads displayed within a web
More recently, companies have sought to merge their advertising messages page. Many banner ads are delivered by a central ad server.
into editorial content or valuable services. Examples include Red Bull's Red
Bull Media House streaming Felix Baumgartner's jump from space


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Banner ads can use rich media to incorporate video, audio, animations, buttons, than-average click-through rate, but tricked users may resent the advertiser for
forms, or other interactive elements using Java applets, HTML5, Adobe Flash, deceiving them.
and other programs.
News Feed Ads
Frame ad (traditional banner) "News Feed Ads", also called "Sponsored Stories", "Boosted Posts", typically
Frame ads were the first form of web banners. The colloquial usage of "banner exist on social media platforms that offer a steady stream of information
ads" often refers to traditional frame ads. Website publishers incorporate frame updates in regulated formats (i.e. in similar sized small boxes with a uniform
ads by setting aside a particular space on the web page. style). Those advertisements are intertwined with non-promoted news that the
users are reading through. Those advertisements can be of any content, such as
Pop-ups/pop-unders promoting a website, a fan page, an app, or a product.
A pop-up ad is displayed in a new web browser window that opens above a Some examples are: Facebook's "Sponsored Stories”, LinkedIn’s "Sponsored
website visitor's initial browser window A pop-under ad opens a new browser Updates", and Twitter's "Promoted Tweets".
window under a website visitor's initial browser window. Pop-under ads and This display ads format falls into its own category because unlike banner ads
similar technologies are now advised against by online authorities such as which are quite distinguishable, News Feed Ads' format blends well into non-
Google paid news updates. This format of online advertisement yields much higher
click-through rates than traditional display ads.
Floating ad
A floating ad, or overlay ad, is a type of rich media advertisement that appears Text ads
superimposed over the requested website's content. Floating ads may disappear A text ad displays text-based hyperlinks. Text-based ads may display
or become less obtrusive after a preset time period. separately from a web page's primary content, or they can be embedded by
hyperlinking individual words or phrases to advertiser's websites. Text ads may
Expanding ad also be delivered through email marketing or text message marketing. Text-
An expanding ad is a rich media frame ad that changes dimensions upon a based ads often render faster than graphical ads and can be harder for ad-
predefined condition, such as a preset amount of time a visitor spends on a blocking software to block.
webpage, the user's click on the ad, or the user's mouse movement over the Search engine marketing (SEM)
ad. Expanding ads allow advertisers to fit more information into a restricted ad Search engine marketing, or SEM, is designed to increase a website's visibility
space. in search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engines provide sponsored
results and organic (non-sponsored) results based on a web searcher's query.
Trick banners Search engines often employ visual cues to differentiate sponsored results from
A trick banner is a banner ad where the ad copy imitates some screen element organic results. Search engine marketing includes all of an advertiser's actions
users commonly encounter, such as an operating system message or popular to make a website's listing more prominent for topical keywords.
application message, to induce ad clicks. Search engine optimization (SEO)
Trick banners typically do not mention the advertiser in the initial ad, and thus Search engine optimization, or SEO, attempts to improve a website's organic
they are a form of bait-and-switch. Trick banners commonly attract a higher- search rankings in SERPs by increasing the website content's relevance to
search terms. Search engines regularly update their algorithms to penalize poor

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quality sites that try to game their rankings, making optimization a moving
target for advertisers. Many vendors offer SEO services. Email advertising
Sponsored search Email advertising is ad copy comprising an entire email or a portion of an
Sponsored search (also called sponsored links, search ads, or paid search) email message. Email marketing may be unsolicited, in which case the sender
allows advertisers to be included in the sponsored results of a search for may give the recipient an option to opt out of future emails, or it may be sent
selected keywords. Search ads are often sold via real-time auctions, where with the recipient's prior consent (opt-in).
advertisers bid on keywords. In addition to setting a maximum price per
keyword, bids may include time, language, geographical, and other constraints. Chat advertising
Search engines originally sold listings in order of highest bids. Modern search As opposed to static messaging, chat advertising refers to real time messages
engines rank sponsored listings based on a combination of bid price, expected dropped to users on certain sites. This is done by the usage of live chat
click-through rate, keyword relevancy and site quality. software or tracking applications installed within certain websites with the
Social media marketing operating personnel behind the site often dropping adverts on the traffic surfing
Social media marketing is commercial promotion conducted through social around the sites. In reality this is a subset of the email advertising but different
media websites. Many companies promote their products by posting frequent because of its time window.
updates and providing special offers through their social media profiles.
Mobile advertising Online classified advertising
Mobile advertising is ad copy delivered through wireless mobile devices such Online classified advertising is advertising posted online in a categorical listing
as smartphones, feature phones, or tablet computers. Mobile advertising may of specific products or services. Examples include online job boards, online
take the form of static or rich media display ads, SMS (Short Message Service) real estate listings, automotive listings, online yellow pages, and online
or MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) ads, mobile search ads, advertising auction-based listings. Craigslist and eBay are two prominent providers of
within mobile websites, or ads within mobile applications or games (such as online classified listings.
interstitial ads, "advergaming," or application sponsorship). Industry groups Adware
such as the Mobile Marketing Association have attempted to standardize Adware is software that, once installed, automatically displays advertisements
mobile ad unit specifications, similar to the IAB's efforts for general online on a user's computer. The ads may appear in the software itself, integrated into
advertising. web pages visited by the user, or in pop-ups/pop-unders. Adware installed
Mobile advertising is growing rapidly for several reasons. There are more without the user's permission is a type of malware.
mobile devices in the field, connectivity speeds have improved (which, among Affiliate marketing
other things, allows for richer media ads to be served quickly), screen Affiliate marketing occurs when advertisers organize third parties to generate
resolutions have advanced, mobile publishers are becoming more sophisticated potential customers for them. Third-party affiliates receive payment based on
about incorporating ads, and consumers are using mobile devices more sales generated through their promotion. Affiliate marketers generate traffic to
extensively. The Interactive Advertising Bureau predicts continued growth in offers from affiliate networks, and when the desired action is taken by the
mobile advertising with the adoption of location-based targeting and other visitor, the affiliate earns a commission. These desired actions can be an email
technological features not available or relevant on personal computers. submission, a phone call, filling out an online form, or an online order being
Content marketing

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Content marketing is any marketing that involves the creation and sharing of Publishers can offer advertisers the ability to reach customizable and narrow
media and publishing content in order to acquire and retain customers. This market segments for targeted advertising. Online advertising may use geo-
information can be presented in a variety of formats, including blogs, news, targeting to display relevant advertisements to the user's geography.
video, white papers, e-books, infographics, case studies, how-to guides and Advertisers can customize each individual ad to a particular user based on the
more. user's previous preferences. Advertisers can also track whether a visitor has
Considering that most marketing involves some form of published media, it is already seen a particular ad in order to reduce unwanted repetitious exposures
almost (though not entirely) redundant to call 'content marketing' anything and provide adequate time gaps between exposures.
other than simply 'marketing'. There are, of course, other forms of marketing Coverage
(in-person marketing, telephone-based marketing, word of mouth marketing, Online advertising can reach nearly every global market, and online
etc.) where the label is more useful for identifying the type of marketing. advertising influences offline sales.
However, even these are usually merely presenting content that they are Speed
marketing as information in a way that is different from traditional print, radio, Once ad design is complete, online ads can be deployed immediately. The
TV, film, email, or web media. delivery of online ads does not need to be linked to the publisher's publication
schedule. Furthermore, online advertisers can modify or replace ad copy more
ADVANTAGES OF INTERNET MARKETING rapidly than their offline counterparts.
The low costs of electronic communication reduce the cost of displaying online
advertisements compared to offline ads. Online advertising, and in particular
social media, provides a low-cost means for advertisers to engage with large
established communities. Advertising online offers better returns than in other
Online advertisers can collect data on their ads' effectiveness, such as the size
of the potential audience or actual audience response, how a visitor reached
their advertisement, whether the advertisement resulted in a sale, and whether
an ad actually loaded within a visitor's view. This helps online advertisers
improve their ad campaigns over time.
Advertisers have a wide variety of ways of presenting their promotional
messages, including the ability to convey images, video, audio, and links.
Unlike many offline ads, online ads also can be interactive. For example, some
ads let users input queries, or let users follow the advertiser on social media.
Online ads can even incorporate games.


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“Social media are primarily Internet- and mobile-based tools for sharing and discussing
information among human beings.”

“Social media are works of user-created video, audio, text or multimedia that are
published and shared in a social environment.”

UNIT 4 The advantages of social media marketing are:

1. It’s cheaper. A lot cheaper. You can reach 1,000 people for a fraction of the cost

using social media than you can through television, billboards or even email
2. Social media is the only marketing platform that allows you to engage and interact
with your consumers – it’s a two-way relationship, which can be hugely lucrative
for brands
3. The results are measurable, and marketers can take immediate action to spot trends
and re-align campaigns



Social Media Traditional Media

Two-way conversation One-way conversation

Open system Closed system

Transparent Opaque

One-on-one marketing Mass marketing

About you About ME

Brand and User-generated Content Professional content

Authentic content Polished content

FREE platform Paid platform

Metric: Engagement Metric: Reach/ frequency

Actors: Users/ Influencers Actors/ Celebrities

Community decision-making Economic decision-making

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Unstructured communication Controlled communication called my Social Media Marketing Tribe. Anyone can join and we share interesting tips
we find, ask questions, get support for projects we’re working on, etc.
Real time creation Pre-produced/ scheduled

Bottom-up strategy Top-down strategy

One on one marketing
Informal language Formal language
While most advertising (traditional media) is designed for mass consumption, social
Active involvement Passive involvement media involves one on one marketing. That means the message should appear addressed
to individual users. Hence, marketers need to understand their target market ON EACH
NETWORK so messages appear tailored to the individual. While you may have a broad
target market, the ones on Facebook may be entirely different from the ones on
How social media provides value:
YouTube and adapting your approach in each network is key to your success.
Traditional media provides value through subsidizing content — free TV and radio
programs, lower-cost magazines, and chances to win prizes. In exchange for this
content or other value, we ALLOW advertisers to interrupt our day to tell us about their

The difference is that social media — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc — are already
FREE. So, advertisers can’t expect us to allow them to interrupt us with commercial

So, the key to making social media work is to provide some other type of value — be it
entertainment, information, support, or other types of rewards — in exchange for
hearing your commercial message. And, the ratio can’t be 1:1. You HAVE to provide
about 90% value to 10% commercial message. A good example is Taylor Swift. She
shares cuts from her albums before they’re available in stores as well as insider
information about music and bands.

Social media is ALL about community

Social networks increasingly replace more traditional communities and this is what
draws billions of people into social networks and convinces them to spend significant
time engaging in the social network. The trick of social media marketing success is to
JOIN this community and harness its power.

So, rather than disrupting the conversation, join the conversation. Become an integral
part of the community — someone everyone recognizes and welcomes because you
share fun and interesting things with them.

Use the community. Studies and experience show people engage more when they’re a
part of something. So, ask the community to contribute content such as a cool video or
suggestions for a brand name. For instance, I built a brand community on Facebook

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1 2

Mobile marketing is a marketing approach that sees brands and businesses using a variety of
techniques to promote their business, brand, product, or service directly to mobile users. In the
early days of mobile devices, mobile marketing was limited to SMS, and later MMS.

But as the technology has developed, and the reach and use of mobile phones have grown,
mobile marketing has expanded to include email, mobile websites, voice calls, and more
recently, mobile apps (with or without push notifications), social media, Quick Response (QR)
code marketing, and chat apps.

And while the first SMS marketing ad was sent back in 2000, many of the newer strategies are
less than a decade old, highlighting how quickly the technology is evolving.

We have also shifted from using mobile devices with a limited set of features to using
smartphones that themselves are capable of more with each update, now also complemented
by the addition of tablet devices, and smartwatches.

1. Availability of quick services anytime
People want good, easy and quick services. They are looking for a service provider which can
fulfill their requirements anytime, anywhere, and can be easily reached. A company can
contact a user via mobile marketing techniques. A customer can also send feedback easily.
2. Mobile has become an undetachable part of life

DIGITAL Mobile is a necessary part of daily life. It can easily carried to anywhere and that’s why
becomes a favorite device for e-shopping in leisure time.
3. Mobile is not only used for e-shopping but also used in physical store
A physical store also uses mobile services for providing services and advertising. Many store

will save your number to notify you about special products and discounts offers.
4. SMS Marketing
SMS and MMS marketing bring a tremendous change in marketing. Now users are getting
offers and discounts or get notified for sale via sms or mms.
5. Mobile search index becomes primary contents for ranking
Google is going to make search index based on mobile search ranking rather than desktop
search ranking. So your website search ranking will be based on mobile searching rather than
desktop searching.
6. Importance of Mobile advertisement
Advertising on mobile sites or directly to mobile seems more effective in marketing


1. SMS marketing: It is true that a SMS is checked by a user in less time. So, SMS is a
perfect way to contact a customer for their requirement and for advertisement.
2. MMS marketing: Text, video, audio, and image slideshow can be delivered via MMS to
users for advertise your business or products. Mobile marketing helps you to understand


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nature of your customer. You can verify about service requirements of a user and you can However, SMS marketing can be complicated because you need to obtain the phone numbers
help them via MMS. of clients you want to market to. Therefore, you need a database of individuals who have
3. Push notification: It is a flash text to notify users to advertise products and services. It is consented to let you send them texts.
easily visible to user instead of SMS.
4. App-based marketing: Mobile platform-based App of an ecommerce website can be App-based marketing
effectively used in a business promotion. You just have to maintain search ranking of app This marketing strategy involves pop-up ads appearing on mobile user’s apps.
in a store to make it visible.
5. In-game mobile marketing: Marketers used to provide promoting messages within games. This can include banner ads or videos with different marketing messages, from ad services to
This is called mobile advergaming or ad-funded mobile game. encouraging users to perform a particular action.
6. QR codes: QR code is an alternative of URL typing. One can go to a page by scanning a
2D image instead of typing a URL. This form of marketing is particularly popular on gaming apps.
7. Bluetooth: Some marketers use hotspot to deliver Content Marketing. It is a permission Location-based marketing
based and a radio-based technology and free of cost. It is an effective way of advertising Location-based marketing uses a mobile device’s physical location to alert the user to a nearby
products. Greatly effective, in case user has activated DND for such advertisements. It promotion.
works on fact that whenever a customer will comes in range with activated Bluetooth,
starts getting notification and ads. By using a person’s location data, marketers can reach potential customers based on their
8. Proximity service: Proximity systems or marketing based on GSM also called SMS-CB proximity to businesses and events happening in a particular mile radius.
(Short message Service- Cell Broadcast. This will help in broadcast of messages to all
users in a specific geographical area. Location-based marketing is only effective if a user downloads an app and agrees to share
9. Location-based services: Location based services are specially conducted through cell their mobile devices’ current location.
phone networks. It is used to send advertise or other messages to user based on location. Therefore, it would be best practice to obtain users’ permissions before implementing this
10. Voice mail: Marketers can send a voice SMS or a pre-recorded message without making mobile marketing strategy.
any ring for advertising their business.
Quick-Response (QR) code Marketing:
QR codes are the newest kid on the mobile advertising block. Users scan the code with their
TYPES OF MOBILE MARKETING mobile cameras and are immediately directed to your website.

QR codes are great because they promote interaction and engagement with users through their
Mobile search ads
mobile devices.
These are ads that appear on web pages or apps and are viewed on smartphones and tablets.

This mobile marketing technique can be set up from ad network providers, such as Google SOCIAL MEDIA AND MOBILE MARKETING
Ads or AdMob. Benefits of Using Social Media for Mobile Marketing

These ads can appear on mobile search results or mobile optimized websites. You can modify  Access to a large audience
them according to your campaign and they can be in text, video, click-to-call or app content
 Ability to connect with your audience on a personal level
 More engagement
SMS Marketing
An SMS campaign is when marketers send short text messages to their client base. These  Effective user targeting
messages mainly include promotions or upcoming special offers.  Increase in sales
Although SMS campaigns are the oldest form of mobile marketing, it is still one of the most  The possibility of going viral
popular strategies because it is cost-effective and has an extremely high reach.
 User-generated content


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 Easy to track results Use Paid Social Media Campaigns

Use of Social Media for Mobile Marketing Today the majority of overall social media traffic comes from mobile phones – in the U.S.,
the mobile share stands at 83% (Statista). Since all major social media networks also work as
There’s no doubt your mobile marketing campaign can get a significant boost by leveraging
ad platforms and are optimized for mobile, this is something every mobile marketer should
social media. The two go hand in hand.
To get started, read these tips for creating a superb mobile and social media strategy. I have
All major social media ad networks also offer an array of targeting and bidding options, as
also included great examples for each tip to show you how it’s actually done.
well as ad formats.
Choose the Right Social Media Platform
Get More Engagement with Mobile Video Content
To maximize the effectiveness of your mobile marketing strategy, you first need to choose
The thing is, video content is very engaging and attention-grabbing. A moving image will
the right social media platform.
almost always be more interesting than a photo. Generally, users pay more attention to video
Make sure you know who your target audience is and what social media platforms they’re on. than other content types. According to Facebook, they pay 5x more attention to video than
Once you choose one or more networks to focus on, it will be much easier to create a winning static content. For this reason, 92% of marketers highlighted the importance of video in their
mobile strategy for social media. advertising strategy (Smartsinsights).

Optimize Content for social media and Mobile

What’s crucial for utilizing social media in your mobile marketing campaign is that you
optimize all content you post. Not only does the content need to be mobile-friendly, but it
also needs to follow format guidelines for each social media platform.

The same goes for the type of content you post. If you want to optimize social media for
mobile, you need to think about the users. For example, users don’t want to read extra-long
posts on mobile. They also prefer short video content rather than very long videos.

Also, make sure that you create content that suits each individual social media platform. For
example, the type of content and language you should use is much different on LinkedIn than
it is on Snapchat.
Get Personal and Connect with Your Audience

Connecting with your audience is key to getting great results on social media. That personal
touch is something that goes a long way and is very appreciated by users. Never forget
the social aspect of social media.
Encourage User-Generated Content

User-generated content is any kind of brand-related content that users create and post on
social media.
Generally, users like to see content coming from other “real people”. This is because it feels
more authentic and trustworthy. For these reasons, user-generated content can help boost
your social media engagement rates.
For this reason, you should encourage any type of value exchange.


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