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Reducing molasses purity by optimising

work in the C-product station

Analyses in

BMA’s laboratory

The engineering services BMA provides also outside assistance. In the beet sugar industry,
extend to investigating the potential for optimising these analyses are quite common, while they are
the production process in the C-product station not used very often in the cane sugar industry.
with the aim of reducing molasses purity. These They do, however, form an excellent basis for
services are available both for the beet and the defining the optimisation potential for the molas-
cane sugar industries. For its engineering ser- ses purity and for implementing the necessary
vices, BMA assigns one of its technologists to measures. The analyses are performed during
the factory. Responsibilities include obtaining the campaign.
information on the present situation and the In May 2011, such engineering services were
technology that is used for producing the seed carried out for the CSS cane sugar factory in
magma, the evapo- and cooling-crystallisation and Senegal, and the theoretical and the actually
the centrifugation processes, and determining the achieved molasses purities were shown to differ.
potential that is available for optimisation. Such an The analyses that have been outlined above were
assessment can relate to the existing equipment performed immediately afterwards during the
and also to the possibilities for optimisation with campaign. The final report for the factory included
new plant elements. recommendations for technological and equip-
Determining the theoretical molasses purity ment improvements, some of which were at once
is a major step in this process, as it allows the put into practice. As a consequence, the molas-
minimum purity values to be defined that a factory ses purity could be reduced by approx. 1.5 %.
can achieve. BMA is in a position to carry out the Equipment modifications take more time to
necessary laboratory analyses for the molasses be implemented and have therefore not been
in its own research facility, without having to use completed.
Igor Djoukwé

BMA Info 2013

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