CCD Wac B9

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Exhibit 1 : CCD target segments

Sl No. Particulars
1 Size of existing target segment of CCD
2 Size of target segment of Starbucks (5%-7%)
3 % of target segment of Starbucks as % of target segment of CCD (Sl No 2 / Sl No 1)
4 % of CCD stores operating in target 40% market
5 % of CCD stores operating in top 5%-7% market
Exhibit 2 : CCD expected expenses for "Pushed to the wall strategy"
Sl No. Particulars
1 EBIDTA per store per month
2 EBIDTA per store per year (Sl No 1 * 12)
3 Interest (Assuming rate of 12%) (Sl No 2 * 12%)
4 Earnings after interest per store (Sl No 3 - Sl No 2)
5 Tax (Assuming rate of 30%) per store (Sl No 4 * 30%)
6 Earnings per store (SL No 4 - SL No 5)
7 Total no of stores
8 Total Earnings (SL No 6 * Sl No 7)
9 Assumed advertising expenses
10 Target store to be upgraded each year (200-300)
11 No of Cafes (Sl 10 * 75%)
12 No of lounges (Sl 10 * 25%)
13 Cost of café setup
14 Cost of upgradation per café (Sl No 13 * 65%)
Cost per lounge (Assuming 50% more size thus 50% more cost than cafes) (Sl No
13 * 1.5)
16 Cost of upgradation to cafes (Sl No 11 * Sl No 13)
17 Cost of new lounges (Sl No 12 * Sl No 15)
18 Total cost of upgradation (Sl No 16 * Sl No 17)
19 Interest on cost of upgradation (Sl No 18 * 12%)
Earnings after paying interst on cost of upgradation and advertising expenses (Sl
No 8 + Sl No 9 + Sl No 21)
$ 1,872
$ 22,464
$ 2,696
$ 19,768
$ 5,930
$ 13,838
$ 20,327,763
$ 6,000,000
$ 85,000
$ 55,250
$ 127,500
$ 15,980,000
$ 7,905,000
$ 23,885,000
$ 2,866,200

$ 11,461,563

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