Frontier Mission

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Frontier mission

Gina Fadely

Nation: Ethno (Greek).

Go into the world to the nation (Gospel), Go into the ETHNIC group!

10%: Obedient Christian
20%: Nominal Christian
40%: Exposed unbelievers-They are exposed the gospel of Jesus Christ, there is
church next to them, live with Christians, but then they rejected to believe
30%: Unexposed unbelievers- Do not have church, unreached ppl
- 14,000 reached ppl groups
- 10,000 unreached ppl groups

 What would reached ppl groups do for unreached ppl?

- We’ve got to tell about Jesus to them.

 Why does Unreached ppl exist in this world?

- 코카콜라는 수년안에 널리 퍼지는데, 2000년 된 복음은 왜, 아직 모두에게
전해지지 않았을까???
- Government restriction
- Culture divide
- Committed other religion
- Fear of change, suspicion
- Geological
- Lack of written language: no script, no books…

 We need Christian Apathy- Ask God what He wants us to do for

Unreached ppl in this world
- See the reality of this world
- Righteous angle of Jesus: 성전정화.. 탁자를 엎으시고, 이곳은 주님께
예배하는 곳이지 장사하는 곳이 아니다! 우리도 그런 마음을 가지고 복음을
전해야 할 목적을 가지고 행한다!
<Think!! Reached vs. Unreached>
- 90% missionary go to reached ppl
- 10% missionary go to Unreached ppl
- 98% of money and resources go to reached ppl
- only 2% or resources go to unreached ppl

 1Peter 2:9
 Acts 1:8 ‘And Jerusalem, and Judea, and Samaria, and the ends of the
- It’s not ‘OR’ and not ‘NEXT’ but AND!!!! 순서에 상관없이, 유다 다음에
사마리아 다음이 아니라, 모두.. AND!!
 Three gifts that God has given us: Time, talent, treasure
 The greatest gift given to us to help reach the world is the Holy Spirit.
- But you will receive the power of Holy Spirit…’ (Acts 1:8)

 How you can be involved in reaching Unreached ppls:

- Research
- Pray
- Give
- Short-term volunteers
- Advocate: speak for ppl’s behalf, 1Sam 30:24
- Career Missionaries
- Help those to go

When we sow our seeds-talents, time, treasures- for winning the souls, then we will
Be a player! Get out of the step!

Rev 7:9 ‘there are great multitude, standing before the throne… salvation belong to
our God who sits on the throne… blessing and glory and honour….. be to our God
- We will be there, They will be there Prophecy!
- We have a piece of action, we have a part to do,
- You have a destiny, step out and grab it!!!!

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