Pie Chart K64

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Paragraph 1: Introduction
=> paraphrase the question
Paragraph 2: Overview
- find the biggest and smallest slices of each pie chart
Body paragraph 1: bigger slices

Body paragraph 2: smaller slices

Model answer 1
The pie charts show the average household expenditures in Japan and Malaysia in the year

Overview: The biggest and smallest slices of each pie chart

Biggest: Housing and Food
Smallest: Healthcare
Body paragraph 1: higher percentages
Housing: Malaysia (34%), Japan (21%)
Food: Malaysia (27%), Japan (24%)
Body paragraph 2: lower percentages
Transport: Japan (20%), Malaysia (10%)
Healthcare: Japan (6%), Malaysia (3%)
Other goods and services: over ¼ in both countries. (Other items should be mention last)

The pie charts illustrate the proportion of spending on different goods and services of households
in two different countries in 2010.

Overall, it is clear that people in both countries spent the largest proportion of their income on
housing and food, while Healthcare was the service receiving the lowest share of expenditure.

The proportion of spending on Housing was highest in Malaysia, at 34% while Japanese
families allocated just 21% of their budget for this category. In terms of food, the figures for
both nations were similar, at 24% and 27% for Malaysia and Japan respectively.

Regarding the remaining categories, Transport accounted for exactly a fifth of total
expenditure in Japan, twice as much as the figure for Malaysia. Healthcare received the least
amount of money in two countries while the percentage of money spent on Other goods and
services were quite significant, at over a quarter in each country.
Model answer 2
Paragraph 1: Introduction
=> paraphrase the question
Paragraph 2: Overview
- find the biggest and smallest slices of each pie chart
Body paragraph 1: Pie chart 1(largest->lowest)

Body paragraph 2: Pie chart 2 (largest->lowest)

Overview: -forest: largest (Africa), lowest (Asia)

-timber: largest (North America), lowest (Africa)

Body 1: forest Body 2: timber

Africa & North America: 27%, 25% North America: 30%

Europe & South America: 18%, 16% South America & Europe: 23, 20%

Asia: 14% Asia:18%

The pie charts compare five different areas in terms of the proportions of world forest and timber
in each region.

It is clear that while forests in Africa make up the largest percentage of total global forest, the
opposite is true for Asia. Additionally, North America is the country with the largest amount of
timber, while the figure for Africa is by far lowest.

In terms of forest, just over half of all forest in the world is found in Africa and North America,
at 27% and 25% respectively. In contrast, only 18% of global forest is found in Europe, and 16%
in South America. Asian countries accounts for only 14% of total forest in the world.

Regarding the proportions of timber in these areas, North America contains the largest
percentage, at 30%, while 23% and 20% of global timber can be found in South America and
Europe respectively. Meanwhile, timber in Asia comprises 18% of world timber, which is
exactly double that of Africa.

"the proportion of…" = "the percentage of…"

 sector X was 3%
 sector X made up 3%
 sector X accounted for 3%
 sector X contributed 3%
 sector X comprised 3%
 sector X had 3%

1. Economic income from trade, utilities and transportation was 14% in 2000.
2. The company's Services segment 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒖𝒑 about 18% of the total income in 2019.
3. In the first decade, the population remained steady, which made up 2.8 million
approximately, but it doubled in the next 30 years.
4. The company's Services segment 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓o𝑟 about 18% of the total income in 2019
5. The iPhone 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 approximately 60% of Apple's revenue over the last four
6. The iPhone 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒅 approximately 60% of Apple's revenue over the last four
7. Agriculture, which 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒅 less than a quarter of Turkey's economy in 2000, fell to
14% in 2016.
8. Agriculture, which ℎ𝑎𝑑 less than a quarter of Turkey's economy in 2000, fell to 14% in

*This table presents some examples of how you can change percentages to fractions or ratios:

Percentage Fraction
80% four-fifths
75% three-quarters
70% seven in ten
65% two-thirds
60% three-fifths
55% more than half
50% half
45% more than two fifths
40% two-fifths
35% more than a third
30% less than a third
25% a quarter
20% a fifth
15% less than a fifth
10% one in ten
5% one in twenty
 *If the percentages are not exact as above, then you can use qualifiers to make sure your
description remains accurate. Here are some examples:

Percentage Qualifier
77% just over three quarters
77% approximately three quarters
49% just under a half
49% nearly a half
32% almost a third
*This table presents some examples of how you can change percentages to other phrases:

proportion / number / amount /

majority / minority
75% - 85% a very large majority
65% - 75% a significant proportion
10% - 15% a minority
5% a very small number
The words above are interchangeable, though number is for countable nouns and amount is
for uncountable nouns.

Greater or Higher?

We usually use 'greater' when we compare two numbers, and 'higher' while comparing two
percentages or ratio. Reversely, 'smaller or fewer' could be used to compare two numbers and
'lower' to compare two percentages or ratios. The following table would make it clear ---


1. The number of male doctors in this city was greater than the number of female
2. The number of European programmers who attended the seminar was fewer
than the number of Asian programmers.
3. The percentage of male doctors in this city was higher than the percentage of
female doctors.
4. During 2010, the inflow of illegal immigrants was lower than that of 2012.
5. The birth rate in Japan in 2014 was higher than the birth rate in 2015.

Words Formation Example

The number of students in 2000 was a half of

half noun those in 2010.

The number of students in 2000 halved to 50

halve verb over 10 years.

The population of Vietnam saw a double in

double noun size during the last 10 years.

The population size of Vietnam doubled during

double verb the last 10 years.

The population of Vietnam saw a triple in size

triple noun during the last 10 years.

The population size of Vietnam trebled during

treble verb the last 10 years.

There was a threefold increase in the size of

Vietnamese population during the last 10
threefold adj years.

The number of students in 2000 was a quarter

A quarter of noun of those in 2010.

The number of students in 2000 was a third of

A third of noun those in 2010.

There are twice as many houses in this area as

Twice there used to be.

There are three times as many houses in this

Three times area as there used to be.

Paragraph 1: Introduction
=> paraphrase the question
Paragraph 2: Overview
- find the biggest and smallest slices of each pie chart
Body paragraph 1: increasing trend

Body paragraph 2: decreasing trend

Model answer
The two pie charts below show the percentages of industry sectors' contribution to the economy
of Turkey in 2000 and 2016.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.

Paragraph 1: Introduction
Question: The two pie charts below show the percentages of industry sectors' contribution to
the economy of Turkey in 2000 and 2016.
Paraphrased: The two pie charts illustrate how different industry sectors contributed to the
economy of Turkey percentagewise in the years 2000 and 2016.
*percentagewise=in terms of percentages
Paragraph 2: Overview
The biggest and smallest slices of each pie chart
2000: biggest= agriculture 2016: biggest= healthcare and education
smallest = construction smallest= financial, business and Other
Overall, at the beginning of the period construction contributed the least to the economy of
Turkey and agriculture was the most significant economic sector. In comparison, at the end of
the period healthcare and education became the largest economic segment and the lowest
contribution was made by financial, business and other services.
Paragraph 3: increased 
-construction 3%-10%
-trade utilities & transportation 14%-16%
-manufacturing 8%-12%
-finance, business and other services 5%-8%
Paragraph 4: decreased and didn't change 
-agriculture 24%-14%
-government 12%-9%
-leisure and hospitality 17%-14%
-healthcare and education 17%-17%
The two pie charts illustrate how different industry sectors contributed to the economy of Turkey
percentagewise in the years 2000 and 2016.
Overall, at the beginning of the period construction contributed the least to the economy of
Turkey and agriculture was the most significant economic sector. In comparison, at the end of
the period healthcare and education became the largest economic segment and the lowest
contribution was made by financial, business and other services.
Construction sector accounted for 3% of Turkey's economy in 2000, and experienced a more
than threefold increase to one-tenth in 2016. Economic income from trade, utilities and
transportation was 14% in 2000 and witnessed a slight growth of 2% in 2016. At the beginning
of the period, manufacturing and finance, business and other services made up 8% and 5% of
Turkey's economy, respectively, and these figures rose to 12% and 8% in 2016.
Agriculture, which comprised almost a quarter of Turkey's economy in 2000, fell to 14% in
2016. In 2000 economic outputs from government and leisure and hospitality sectors were at
12% and 17%, respectively, and both decreased by 3% after 16-year period. In contrast,
contribution from healthcare and education sector remained constant in both years at 17%.
The charts below provide information on popular modes of transport in the city of Cambridge for
the years 2008 and 2018.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words


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