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Web technologies that relate to the interface between web servers and their clients. includes markup languages, programming interfaces and languages, and standards for document identification and display.

Includes four documents describing implementation of the client to server web interface. It includes information about the common gateway interface (CGI), server side includes (SSI), JavaScript, and writing perl script programs

Thic section currently includes an HTTP Reference which is based on RFC 2616. It has brief descriptions of the HTTP request and response headers and also lists the possible response headers such as 404 (not found).


Includes all markup languages including HTML, XML, and SGML. Documentation in this section currently includes an HTML Guide, XML Guide, and a Document Type Definition (DTD) reading reference.

PHP is a scripting language that runs on the web server and the script code is embedded in the HTML document. It is easy to use with syntax similar to C


which is why it is so popular. This section includes a PHP Introduction manual.

Documentation is being generated for this section. It currently contains some web links.

Transitional or loose - Supports features of HTML 3.2 that are being depreciated in HTML 4.0. This DTD does not support framesets. Some depreciated tags/elements not supported by strict HTML 4.0 are CENTER, FRAME, FRAMESET, NOFRAMES, IFRAME, ISINDEX, DIR, MENU, APPLET, BASEFONT, FONT, S, STRIKE, and U.

This section describes Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension along with its purpose and it also includes a few MIME related web links.

XML stands for extensible markup language. It is a language for the world wide web, and is defined by SGML. XML differs slightly from SGML since it requires both a beginning and ending tag on all elements. Also It does not require a DTD if the XML document is "well-formed". XML stands for extensible markup language. XML was developed around 1996 and is a subset of SGML. It's documents conform to SGML. XML was made less complicated than SGML to enable its use on the web. XML uses the ISO 10646 (Unicode) standard for encoding characters.

Gif files used to add graphics to web pages.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is the main language used to display information to web browsers across the web. This language is based on asc text and relies on tags which are surrounded by the asc characters < and >. The tags allow for what is called the markup which defines how the text between the tabs is displayed. Read the HTML guide for information about the various tags and how they are used.

Markup languages, such as HTML or XML, allow special markup to be embedded with the rest of the text that will enable the program that displays the file to determine how to display the text. In this way, special text like headers may be centered, have a larger and bolder font, or specific display colors may be set. Also additional elements may be added to the file such as bulleted or numbered lists and tables.


Markup languages use elements to set aside one area of content from other content. The display of these elements (such as color, size, and font type) may be determined within the markup file itself or outside the file using a style sheet. Normally, there is a predetermined set of display characteristics (default) for each element which may be modified locally or using style sheets. Authors are encouraged to separate the determination of display characteristics (style) from the markup file. This makes management of display style much easier but the separation is not required.

Strict - HTML 4.0 without frame or HTML 3.2 depreciated feature support. Frame - HTML 4.0/3.2 with frame support.

SSI - Information about server side includes which enhances ability to use server side script programs.

Markup languages normally require a Document Type Definition (DTD) which defines the elements that are allowed in the document. The DTD also defines how these elements may be used with relationship to each other. It will define how many elements and which elements may be included inside another element. The DTD is a text file written by a specific format to define the document. This section will not include other technologies that may also perform the same function such as PHP which have their own sections. This section is intended only as an introduction to CGI and the various tools involved.

CGI stands for common gateway interface. CGI is required in order for information passed from the client to the server using HTTP to be processed by a program which is running on the server. CGI is a defined standard that provides for the passing of data between a web server and a CGI application. The CGI defines a set of environment variables that are used to pass the data. A CGI application may be written in C, C++, Perl, Unix shells, TCL, JAVA, visual basic or other languages. The CGI variables may be set on the client side using client side embedded script code such as JAVA script or VB script.

The DTD is based on the Standardized Generalized Markup Language (SGML). SGML is the parent of all markup languages. Although XML may use a DTD, it is not required for those documents that are considered "well formed". A well formed document follows a set of rules for XML and this subject is addressed in more detail later.


This section includes basic technologies that are used on both sides of the client/server CGI interface. Therefore it includes: 1.Client side JavaScript 2.Server side Perl Script CGI - Basic information about the CGI interface itself Because there are many ways and tools that may be used to communicate between the client and the server, this section includes information about the following technologies: The CGI Interface and CGI environment variables.


Perl server side script writing. JavaScript client side script writing. Server Side Includes (SSI) can enhance your page and make calling server side script programs easier, but it is not without penalties.

SSI includes are not without some drawbacks which are: They significantly increase the work the server must do, therefore they should be used conservatively. There are some security concerns when SSI is used. The additional burden on the server is due to the fact that the server must search the ".shtml" file for server side include statements, then serve the whole page including any output from any script called in the ".shtml" file. HTTP provides the capability not only for your web browser to request pages and files from the webserver, but also HTTP provides the ability for your browser to send information back to the server. Usually this information is in the form of text box information, check boxes, and radio buttons you click on or fill out when you register on a particular website, respond to a poll, or submit any form.

Thiis SSI tutorial explains how to use SSI, how SSI impacts the performance of your web site, provides a list of SSI commands. This SSI tutorial provides examples of the use of SSI commands. SSI stands for server side includes. SSI is a method of invoking script programs that run on the web server to perform some function and/or add information to a web page. For instance SSI can be a useful aid if you want to do some of the following: Add a hit counter to your page or passively count hits on your page.Add file information to your page, such as the last update date.Include another HTML file in your page.

Stateless - Each transaction between the client and server is independent and no state is set based on a previous transaction or condition. Uses requests from the client to the server and responses from the server to the client for sending and receiving data.

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor and is used as a scripting language that is embedded in HTML and

runs on the web server. The PHP code is run on the server when the page is requested.Anyone who knows HTML and the C or C++ language can easily program PHP. PHP uses much of the same syntax of C, but is much easier to use and provides access to variables and their values as submitted using HTML forms without the need to parse information. Also PHP is designed to work easily with most SQL servers including the open source SQL server, MySQL.

PHP code is placed in the body of HTML code. It may be placed in HTML code as follows:

2045- MIME Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies 2046 - MIME Part Two: Media Types

<?php echo "This is a test of PHP!"; ?> this PHP Link checker is used to determine whether a particular web page contains a link to another web site or page. The user needs to enter the URL of the link to search for on the page to be tested in the top text box, and the webpage to determine whether it contains the link in the second box. The program will load the page designated by the second text box and test to determine whether that page contains a link to the URL indicated by the first text box.

2047 - MIME Part Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text 2048 - MIME Part Four: Registration Procedures 2049 - MIME Part Five: Conformance Criteria and Examples

Internet mail could originally only transfer seven bit ASC-II messages. MIME allows the sending of text and many other file formats including formats for images, sound, video and more. It also allows the sending of messages in more than just US-ASC text along with the capability to put multiple objects in one message, and use more than one font in a message. One of the reasons that MIME is so important today is that its standard is being used to identify content for sources other than mail including HTML file content and more. MIME competes with the X.400 Message Handling Standard. MIME allows messages with several parts which may be of different types to be sent. A "body of information" refers to a part of a multipart message.

MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. The purpose of MIME is to allow the use of a wide variety of media types through internet mail. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Working Group defined the standard for MIME in 1992. Current MIME RFC's include:


Deep Web Technologies is a software company that specializes in mining the deep Web the part of the Internet that is not directly searchable through ordinary web search engines. The company produces a proprietary software platform "Explorit" for such searches. It also produces the federated search engine, which provides free federated public searching of a large number of databases, and is also produced in specialized versions, Biznar for business research and Mednar for medical research, and in customized versions for individual clients,

under this we have web documents ,web programming,web services,sematic web.

Thus this web technology is playing a major role in this present day life of a man.


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