Step On Making Maps

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How to use global mapper and

surfer software's
• Open global mapper

Global mapper window

•Go to file and open DEM data

Open this file
From the main menu click on tools for configuration and change of projection

Click on configure
Click here

Then this
box opens

Change to UTM

Change to Addindan

Configuration completed
• To export area of interest go to file and click on export raster and elevation data

For raster maps export as


For DEM( elevation data)

maps export as binary 7
• After exporting Elevation data with Binary 7 go
to surfer to make 3D map

Look Surfer Icon on desk to or program and open

Surfer window

Click on map
After clicking on map this window opens

For contour mapping

For 3D mapping
Suppose your study area is around
Alaba kulito
• Make base
– Base maps(sat image topo maps)
– Topo maps
– Contour maps
– 3D maps
– Point location maps
• Export sat image using Global mapper
• Open sat image using Global mapper

Go to file and click on export raster and elevation data

Click on export as JPG

Tip comes then

click on Ok
This window appears
so click on export
bounds tab
Here two options to export
draw a box or if corners are known click on global projection
Fill the UTM value if corners are
To export DEM data export as the area of
interest as surfer grid binary format
• After exporting Elevation data with Binary 7 go
to surfer to make 3D map or contour map

Look Surfer Icon on desk to or program and open

After clicking on map this window opens

For contour mapping

Satellite/topographic image maps
Point location maps

For 3D mapping
• After exporting Elevation data with Binary 7 go
to surfer to make contour/3D map

Go to main menu click on map icon

Click new
contour map

Surfer window

Click on map
To create contour map click on

Select the folder consists of the

girded file exported as surfer grid
format by global mapper
Contour map is created

To edit contour map double click on the map or from left

content table click on the contour
Then the following contour property window comes then
Click on each tab for editing or to changing values

General tab window, to fill color

give check mark to “fill contour”
“color scale” and “smooth
contours” boxs
Then click on ok/ apply
Then Click on the tab Levels then the following window appears

Click on each tab level, line, fill, and label to edit and to give color
When you click on fill tab the
following appear

Click on background to fill colors

To give more than
two colors click on
control key from key
board and click on
color “band”
Then the following window appears

Give color for each mark Then click ok

Then the following window
appears; then click ok/apply

After OK the map become colorful

To make 3D map
To make 3D map click on map this window opens then click
on surface

For 3D
To make 3D map
After clicking on map this window opens

For contour mapping

For 3D mapping
Click on the grid file you want to make 3D

Grid files so
click on the
3d map opens
To change the view and to
edit double click on the map
itself or from left content
table click on 3D surface
After clicking on the map itself or 3D surface from the left
content table the 3D surface property window appears
From 3D surface property window click on view and
change the tilt, rotation and field of view
The map become plan view like below
To overlay satellite image over 3D map
from main menu click on map and then click on base map

After clicking on the map the

following import file window
appears then click on the
satellite image you exported
using global mapper (JPG file)

Click on the file

Then the map opens like below. The
satellite image coordinate should be
To change double click on the satellite
image or on base from the left content

After double click sat image the

above base property window appears
Fill the boxes true UTM values and click apply

The sat image has now UTM coordinate values> now click ok
To overlay satellite image over 3D map go to main menu click on edit
then click on select all> then go to main menu click on map > click on
overlay maps (or click on control
from key board and select both maps from left content table.
After clicking on overlay maps the following map appears
To remove the color of the 3D click on 3D surface and delete colors, change
the two colors remaining on the end

Click apply
Then only the color of sat image seen
Making point location data

• To make point data location map

• 1st prepare point data list of your area on excel

Save your file and

go to surfer main
To make point location map click on map>then click on
post map> new post map
After clinking on new post map file open window comes> then click on the excel
file you made list of points
When you click on the excel file the post map
opens (point location map opens)

To edit post map

(to change
symbols) from
table of contents
double click on
When the post properties window come click on
default symbol to change

To change
symbol click
When clicking default symbol the following symbol property
comes change the symbol as you like

color here

After finish click ok

Click on label tab to change labels

Change fonts

Click on the column of

your excel sheet you
want to make label

Click on ok
Then the following window with edited post map appears

Then go to edit > select all > go to

map >and overlay maps
The sat image with post map (point location map formed)
How t o make lines and polygons
To make lines and polygons

To make line click

here and make line
along fault or rivers
To draw polygon click here
then draw
The map below with road and rivers can be
To make legend

To write text click T then on the

curser head T will be formed
After clicking on T for writing when you click
somewhere to write the following window appears

Edit each of the above as needed

When you click on apply the legend is formed then click ok
To make symbol
To make symbol
for point legend
for line legend
click symbol
To write text click T click line here
then on the curser
head T will be formed To make symbol for
polygon legend click
polygon here
To edit BH text right
click on it and then
select property
To edit polygon double click on it Fill colors if wanted change
or right click and click on property lines as needed
To rearrange the legends use arrow
key and to align for example texts
select all by touching shift and
control from key board then right
click then can be aligned
To align click which direction you needed

Then texts are


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