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Philosophy Sage


13 Tweets • 2023-04-17 •  See on Twitter 

10 Ways To be a Mentally Stronger Person

1. Take 15 minutes a day to self-reflect

You talking to you is the key.

Self-talk and self-reflection will make you a better


2. Do at least one thing that challenges you every day

Be it reading a book or running that extra mile or lifting

that extra set of weights...

Push your limits.

3. Give up a bad habit

Leaving a bad habit is not easy but is 100% worth it.

Bad habits are like leeches.

Not good for you.
4. Develop positive self-talk

Self-talk is your internal dialogue.

It’s influenced by your subconscious mind, and it

reveals your thoughts, beliefs, questions, and ideas.

5. Identify challenges and set goals

The goal-setting process can be tricky.

As much as satisfaction and happiness one derives

upon realizing their goal, the entire process, and the
stages can be quite demoralizing especially when one
is faced with certain challenges.

6. Identify your strengths and weakness

What are you good at?

What aren’t you good at?

Ask these questions and look for answers.

7. Journal daily

Daily journaling is the act of thinking about your life

and writing it down each day.

No more, no less.

It's surprisingly simple, profoundly powerful, and yet

hardly anyone does it.

8. Write down 10 ideas every day

Ideas might hit your head while you're about to sleep,

or you're working out or even you're getting a shower.

Just make sure that you write them down.

9. Take care of your physical health

Health is wealth.

This statement says it all.

10. Create a healthy environment

Your peers decide your productivity.

Make sure that you're a part of a healthy and friendly


Life becomes easier when you become a master of

the mental models of humans!

Work on Mental Models:

- learn big ideas

- practice critical thinking
- strengthen your vision and leverage

Think differently.

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