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B- (sounds)

(Dario appears, writing in the diary)

D- That's the fifth time this week (sigh).

L- It is unbelievable that so many people have died in such a short time.

D- There is no clue that has any connection with the facts.

L- Maybe there's something we're missing.

(They start to investigate the body)

L- Look Octavio, there are rose petals here, lying from the mouth to the arm.

D- In all the scenarios there has been some kind of flower. Maybe that's the relationship we're
looking for (He bends down to pick them up).

L- Those flowers are the best sellers in the florist's shop "Dolores Inocente" And if we go and

D- All right, you go ahead, I'll catch up with you later, I have things to do (He goes to the

L- (Enter) Hello good

E- Good afternoon

A- Hello Miss Would you like to see some flowers?

L- No thank you. May I ask you some questions?

E- Yes of course

L- All right, who is your best customer?

A-Francisco Garcia Fernandez

L- (He writes it down in a notebook)Ok, when was the last time he came?

E- Just today around 10:30

L- Thank you very much. You don't have anything to do with the cases that have been
appearing, do you?

A- No, no, no, no, of course not, in fact we don't talk about those things at all.

L- Alright, thank you very much (leaves)

E- See you later

E-I thought he was going to catch us, because he smelled our rose cologne.

A-That's true, but I think he's now suspicious of Francisco.

E- That's right, you're right

L- I have proof of the florist's shop

D- Let's see, surprise me

L- Your biggest buyer is Francisco and the last time he went there was today at 10:30.

D- All right, we'll go and ask him right now (They go to Francisco's office).

D-(Knock, knock) Can Garcia come in?

B- Yes of course, what's going on?

D- Well look, I'll tell you, in today's case we found rose petals and we went to "Dolores
Innocent" and they told us that you were the only one who bought them.

B- Yes, it was me, around 10:30 or so, I bought these flowers for my office.

L- Those are the petals we found at the crime scene.

B- They sold them to me because they smelled so good, but I didn't leave here today, I'm in the
middle of a case.

D- Sounds good to me, well we'll leave you to it, see you later.

L- I think I'll come again tomorrow to investigate.

D- Alright Yoli, I'll stay and link things up and stuff.

(A and E go to open the florist's shop) (Lucia arrives)

L- (Enter) Good morning

G-Good morning. What's your name?

L- Yolanda and you?

A-Innocence her, and me Dolores, what do you want?

L- I was looking for a flower for my husband.

E- You are in luck, we have a very special rose and in fact we have it in cologne. Would you like
to try it?
L- Yes of course (smells it) Ummm it smells so good, I'll take it.

A-Well that would be a total of 10€(He prepares it in a bag)

L- (Gives him the money) Thank you, I'm sure he likes it.

A-See you later Yolanda

Yolanda arrives with the perfume on.

L- Hello, I've gone to investigate further about the flowers and they are exactly the same.

D- (Sneezes and scratches her nose) What are you wearing?

L- A perfume they make, don't you like it?

D- I'm allergic to roses and it makes me very sick.

L- I'm sorry I'll go return it

H-Hello again I come to return the perfume.

A- And that?

L- My husband is allergic to roses and he gets very sick.

E- It's ok, it's ok

(L or returns it)

L- Well, see you later

A- Bye

E - We already know who our next victim could be, Octavio the detective.

A- It worked out well for us, but when do we strike?

E- Tonight we go in, make a fake phone call, and then BOOM! We poison him and wait for him
to die.

A- Alright, we can call him so that he stays in an alley and then we impregnate him with the
perfume and leave the mark of the petal.

E- That's fine with me

A- Make the call, it's all set

E- ok I'm coming

D- Inspector Octavio, tell me

E- Hello hello, I found a dead body in the alley of " " Could you come here?

D- I'll be right there

E- Thank you very much, I'll be waiting for you.

E- I'll be right there.


E- Hello, there's the body

D- Stay back

E- Ok( Whispers to Ainhoa to go behind with the cologne)

D- (Coughs, sees nothing and falls to the ground)

(They go to where the body is)

A-Now we just have to wait

(They go for a walk and Lucia arrives, nervous because she doesn't know where Dario is)

L- Dolores, do you know where Octavio is?

A- I saw him very close to the alley with Francisco.

L- Thank you (he leaves)

(Dario is already dead)

L-(She sees him) Noooo! (She screams) Call the police and they arrive after 5 min.

B-Please miss go to the back

L- Who could have done that, they have to solve it.

B- Yes, please go away.


B-She approaches the diary that Dario was carrying.

L- (Sad and indignant)

B-(He was there because he was their friend)

A and E- (They bring flowers to the grave = roses, the flowers they killed him with)


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