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Layla Sosa Colegio Misión Shen Crawley

Golden Gate Bridge

The golden gate bridge is one of the most famous monuments in the world. Speaking of
impressive structures, this structure is used for various things, for example, it is a Hollywood
star because of its striking red color and its large size, it has dazzled the world for years.

 2.7 kilometers long

 227 meters high

Why was it built?

Before the bridge was built, the only way to cross the San Francisco Bay was by ferry, so in the
20th century, the bay was clogged by the large number of passing ferries.

The solution came when the engineer and bridge builder Joseph Strauss became convinced that
a bridge had to be built across the bay. After years of difficulties in its construction, the Golden
Gate Bridge was opened in the year 1937.

How was it built?

The Golden Gate Bridge is named after John Fremont in 1846 baptized the strait that leads to
the San Francisco Bay. Although the truth is that Fremont was not very original since,
traditionally, the Bosphorus Strait was already known by the name of "the Golden Gate". Until
its construction, it was the ferry system that was responsible for transporting cars from one
side of the bay to the other, but the growth of road traffic was such that bridges had to be
designed after the First World War.
Layla Sosa Colegio Misión Shen Crawley

The Golden Gate Bridge connects the San Francisco peninsula to the north with the south of
Marin County and is the most famous bridge in the area, although the main one is still the Bay
Bridge, in the city of San Francisco.

Where you can see it:

The Golden Gate Bridge can be seen from dozens of places, but the best of them
is the H. Dana Bowers Overlook. In addition to the privileged views of the bridge,
the city of San Francisco and the bay. To get to the H. Dana Bowers Lookout, all
you have to do is cross the Golden Gate in a northerly direction. Here you have
some other attractions:

Did you know:

 the Golden Gate has so many wires making up its cables that they could go
around the earth 3 times.
 Another somewhat more unfortunate curiosity is that the Golden Gate
Bridge is the place in the world with the highest suicide rate.
 More than 2 billion cars have crossed the Golden Gate Bridge.
 The Golden Gate Bridge suffered an earthquake before it was finished.
 The Golden Gate Bridge is a Hollywood star.

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