Final Exam Review - Section 5

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Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Updated May 2019


Final Exam Review Pack – Section 5

Multiplying a Monomial by a Binomial

 When multiplying a monomial by a binomial, use the distributive property

 DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY or WATERBOMB is: 𝒂(𝒃 + 𝒄) = 𝒂 ∗ 𝒃 + 𝒂 ∗ 𝒄


Example: Multiply

a) 2(3 + 4)
b) 2𝑥 2(3𝑥 2 – 4𝑦)
c) −3𝑦(𝑥 4 + 2𝑦 3 )


a) 2 ∙ 3 + 2 ∙ 4 = 6 + 8 = 14

b) (2𝑥 2)(3𝑥 2) – (2𝑥 2)(4𝑦) = 6𝑥 4 – 8𝑥2𝑦

c) (−3𝑦)(𝑥 4 ) + (−3𝑦)(2𝑦 3 ) = −3𝑥 4 𝑦 − 6𝑦 4

 𝐹𝑂𝐼𝐿 is the acronym for 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡, 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒, 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒, 𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡.

In (𝑎 + 𝑏)(𝑐 + 𝑑):

First refers to 𝒂 ∗ 𝒄

Outside refers to 𝒂 ∗ 𝒅

Inside refers to 𝒃 ∗ 𝒄

Last refers to 𝒃 ∗ 𝒅

Example: Multiply (2𝑥 – 3)(3𝑥 + 1)

Solution: (𝑥 – 6)(𝑥 + 4) = (𝑥)(𝑥) + (𝑥)(4) + (−3)(𝑥) + (−6)(4)

First Outside Inside Last
= 𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 – 3𝑥 – 24

= 𝒙2 + 𝒙 – 𝟐𝟒

Adrian Herlaar, School District 61

Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Updated May 2019

Factoring by Grouping

 When a polynomial has 4 terms , we can remove factors by grouping

 To factor by grouping
o Group the polynomial into two pairs of two
o Factor each pair of two
o Remove the common factor

Example: Factor 𝑥 3 + 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 3

Solution: 𝑥 3 + 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 3 = (𝑥 3 + 𝑥 2) + (3𝑥 + 3)

= 𝑥 2(𝑥 + 1) + 3(𝑥 + 1)

= (𝒙 + 𝟏)(𝒙2 + 𝟑)

Factoring Quadratics (Polynomials of degree 2): 𝒙2 + 𝒃𝒙 + 𝒄

Consider this: (𝑥 + 𝑎)(𝑥 + 𝑏) = 𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑎𝑏

𝑥 2 + (𝑏 + 𝑎)𝑥 + 𝑎𝑏

 By looking at this we see that:

 The first term is the product of 𝑥 and 𝑥
 The coefficient of the middle term is the sum of 𝑎 and 𝑏
 The last term is the product of 𝑎 and 𝑏
 This leads us to the general rule:

When factoring 𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐, look for two factors of c, that multiply to the coefficient of the last term, and
add to the coefficient of the middle term.

Example: Factor 𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 12

Solution: What two numbers add to 7 and multiply to 12?

 Integers that multiply to 12: (1, 12) (2, 6) (3, 4) (−1, −12) (−2, −6) (−3, −4)

 Only integers +3 and +4 add to 7

 Therefore 𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 12 = (𝑥 + 3)(𝑥 + 4)

 We can check our answer using 𝑭𝑶𝑰𝑳: (𝑥 + 3)(𝑥 + 4)

= 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 4𝑥 + 12
= 𝒙2 + 𝟕𝒙 + 𝟏𝟐

Adrian Herlaar, School District 61

Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Updated May 2019

“AC” Method

𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
1. 6𝑥² + 7𝑥 + 2

2. Multiply the coefficient of the 𝒂 𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎 with the coefficient of the 𝒄 𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎 and rewrite the polynomial
with the starting term now 𝑥 2

So 6𝑥² + 7𝑥 + 2 becomes 𝑥² + 7𝑥 + 12

3. a) Find two numbers that multiply to +12 and add to +7

These are: + 3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 + 4

b) Rewrite the factored form of the new version of the Polynomial

(𝑥 + 3)(𝑥 + 4)

c) Now divide the two factors by the 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒂 𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎 and simplify the fractions
3 4 1 2
(𝑥 + )(𝑥 + ) → (𝑥 + )(𝑥 + )
6 6 2 3

d) If you are not left with a denominator then you are done. If a denominator
remains, rewrite it in front of the 𝒙 𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎.
1 2
Can’t simplify
Can’t simplify
(𝑥 + )(𝑥 + ) so write the
so write the 2 3
3 in front of
2 in front of
the 𝑥
the 𝑥
4. Rewrite as the factored from: (𝟐𝒙 + 𝟏)(𝟑𝒙 + 𝟐) This is the Factored Form.

5. Check using FOIL

Special Factors

Difference of Squares Factoring Perfect Square Trinomials

𝒂2− 𝒃2 = (𝒂 + 𝒃)(𝒂 − 𝒃) 𝒂2 + 𝟐𝒂𝒃 + 𝒃2 = (𝒂 + 𝒃)2
𝒂2 – 𝟐𝒂𝒃 + 𝒃2 = (𝒂 – 𝒃)2
𝟒𝒙2− 𝟐𝟓 = (𝟐𝒙 + 𝟓)(𝟐𝒙 − 𝟓)

Adrian Herlaar, School District 61

Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Updated May 2019

Find each product.

1. 2𝑥 3 (2𝑥 4 ) 2. −3𝑎2 𝑏 4 (4𝑎𝑏 2 )

3. (5𝑥𝑦)(4𝑥 2 𝑦 2 ) 4. (−2𝑎𝑏)(−2𝑎𝑏)(2𝑎𝑏)

5. (7𝑥 3 )(2𝑦 3 ) 6. (4𝑎4 𝑏 3 )(−2𝑎3 𝑏 2 )(−3𝑎𝑏)

7. (𝑎3 𝑏 5 )(𝑎3 𝑏)(3𝑏 2 ) 8. (𝑟 4 𝑠 2 𝑡)(𝑟 4 𝑠𝑡 2 )(𝑟𝑠𝑡)

Find each product. Leave the answer in descending order.

9. 𝑥(𝑥 − 4) 10. −2𝑥 2 (𝑥 − 4)

11. −4𝑦(−6𝑦 2 − 3𝑦) 12. −3𝑦(−2𝑦 + 7𝑦 2 + 2𝑦 4 )

13. (𝑎2 )(−2𝑎)(−4 + 2𝑎2 − 𝑎4 ) 14. 2𝑚𝑛4 (6𝑚𝑛 − 3𝑚2 𝑛2 + 7)

15. (𝑥 2 𝑦)(𝑥𝑦 4 )(2𝑥𝑦 − 𝑥𝑦 3 + 3𝑥 2 𝑦 2 ) 16. (2𝑎3 𝑏 2 )(4𝑎2 𝑏)(−𝑎2 𝑏 + 7𝑎2 𝑏 3 + 𝑎3 𝑏)

Adrian Herlaar, School District 61

Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Updated May 2019

Multiply, leave all answers in descending order

17. (𝑥 + 1)(3𝑥 + 2) 18. (𝑦 − 4)(2𝑦 + 3)

19. (𝑥 2 + 4)(𝑥 + 1) 20. (4𝑦 2 + 3)(𝑦 − 1)

21. (3𝑦 − 4)(𝑦 − 3) 22. (−5𝑥 − 𝑦)(5𝑥 − 𝑦)

Multiply, leave all answers in descending order

23. (𝑎 − 𝑏)2 24. (2𝑥 − 1)2

25. (2𝑥 − 𝑦)2 26. (𝑥 + 2𝑦)2

Multiply, leave all answers in descending order

27. (2𝑎 − 𝑏)(2𝑎 + 𝑏) 28. (𝑥 + 1)(𝑥 − 1)

29. (2𝑥 − 3𝑦)(2𝑥 + 3𝑦) 30. (𝑥 + 𝑦)(𝑥 − 𝑦)

Calculate the area of the following figures

31. 𝑅𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 32. 𝐶𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑙𝑒

2𝑥 − 𝑦 𝑥+7


Adrian Herlaar, School District 61

Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Updated May 2019

Calculate the volume of the following figures

33. 𝐶𝑢𝑏𝑒 34. 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒

5𝑥 + 2
2𝑥 + 1

Find each product

35. (𝑥 + 2)3 36. (𝑦 − 2)3

Factor out the greatest common factor

37. 9𝑥 3 − 27𝑥 38. 12𝑎3 + 18𝑎

1 2
39. 𝑦2 − 𝑦 40. 3𝑥 2 + 3𝑥
3 3

41. 4𝑏 2 − 4𝑏 + 20 42. 5𝑐 5 − 15𝑐 3 + 25𝑐

43. 60𝑥 3 𝑦 + 6𝑥𝑦 2 44. 6𝑥 7 − 12𝑥 6 − 57𝑥 5 + 3𝑥 4

45. 𝑥(𝑥 + 1) + 3(𝑥 + 1) 46. 𝑥(4𝑥 + 1) + (4𝑥 + 1)

Adrian Herlaar, School District 61

Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Updated May 2019

47. 3𝑦(2𝑦 + 1) − 2(2𝑦 + 1) 48. 6𝑦 2 (5𝑦 − 3) + 5(5𝑦 − 3)

Factor by grouping

49. 2𝑥 2 + 2𝑥𝑦 + 3𝑥 + 3𝑦 50. −3𝑎2 − 3𝑎𝑏 − 2𝑎 − 2𝑏

51. 3𝑦 2 + 12𝑦 − 3𝑦 − 12 52. 𝑎2 − 5𝑎 + 2𝑎𝑏 − 10𝑏


53. 𝑎2 − 6𝑎 + 8 54. 𝑏 2 − 16𝑏 + 15

55. 𝑐 2 + 11𝑐 + 24 56. 𝑑 2 + 11𝑑 + 10

57. 𝑥 2 − 17𝑥 + 72 58. 𝑦 2 − 20𝑦 + 99

59. 𝑧 2 − 15𝑧 + 36 60. 𝑢2 + 4𝑢 + 4

61. 𝑙 2 + 𝑙 − 30 62. 𝑚2 − 𝑚 − 12

Factor Completely

63. 4𝑥 2 + 20𝑥 + 16 64. 7𝑦 2 + 35𝑦 + 42

Adrian Herlaar, School District 61

Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Updated May 2019

65. −2𝑥 2 + 10𝑥 − 8 66. −2𝑦 2 + 58𝑦 − 200

67. −𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 + 150 68. −𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 78

Factor Completely

69. (3𝑎 + 5)𝑦 2 + 9(3𝑎 + 5)𝑦 − 10(3𝑎 + 5) 70. 𝑥 3 (2𝑎 + 𝑏) − 6𝑥 2 (2𝑎 + 𝑏) + 8𝑥(2𝑎 + 𝑏)

71. (5𝑎 + 𝑏)𝑥 2 − 12(5𝑎 + 𝑏)𝑥 + 27(5𝑎 + 𝑏) 72. (𝑎 − 𝑏)𝑦 2 − 13(𝑎 − 𝑏)𝑦 + 40(𝑎 − 𝑏)

Factor each binomial completely

73. 9𝑥 2 − 1 74. 16𝑥 2 − 1

75. 4𝑦 2 − 25 76. 144𝑦 2 − 9

Adrian Herlaar, School District 61

Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Updated May 2019

77. 16𝑥 2 − 9𝑦 2 78. 25𝑥 4 − 81𝑦 6

Factor using grouping or the AC Method

79. 2𝑥 2 + 13𝑥 + 15 80. 3𝑥 2 + 8𝑥 + 4

81. 10𝑥 2 + 17𝑥 + 3 82. 8𝑦 2 − 18𝑦 + 9

83. 21𝑦 2 − 41𝑦 + 10 84. 2𝑦 2 − 7𝑦 + 5

85. 20𝑧 2 − 27𝑧 − 8 86. 3𝑧 2 − 20𝑧 − 63

Adrian Herlaar, School District 61

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