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A tourist attraction is a place of interest that tourists visit, typically for its inherent or exhibited cultural value,
historical significance, natural or built beauty, or amusement opportunities.

 Natural Attractions means a publicly- or privately-owned natural or naturalized place of scenic

or natural importance as designated by the State or the county or municipality in which it is
located. Some examples of natural attractions are:

Mount Pulag Chocolate Hills

Coron Palawan Palawan Underground River

Tubbataha Reef

 Man-made attractions are defined as the creation of humans with a motive to leave a lasting
mark on the world. Since ancient times, several influential or non-influential people have had a
common dream of achieving immortality. Over the course of time, these dreams of immortality
have taken the form of monuments, statues, palaces, and cities.

These dreams culminated into the physical representation has resulted in some spectacular attractions.
Some of them are:

The Eiffel Tower The Taj Mahal

The Colesseum The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Wall of China Ankor Wat

Machu Picchu Statue Of Liberty

Access to transport services measures the . ease of reaching. transport facilities and is closely related to the
concept of mobility, which covers the ease of moving around using all transport modes

Modes of Transportation

The different modes of transport are air, water, and land transport, which includes Rails or railways, road
and off-road transport. Other modes also exist, including pipelines, cable transport, and space transport.

Types of Land Transport. There are various types of land vehicles. This include:

 Private cars
 Busses
 Jeepneys
 Trains

Types of Water Transportation. There are various types of water vehicles. These include
 cruise ships
 racing boats
 off-road riding boats
 windsurfer boats
 riverboats
 jet skis, battleships
 raft boats
 canoes
 ferries
 yachts
 submarines.

Types of Air Transportation. There are various types of air vehicles. These include
 Helicopters
 Hot air balloons
 Blimps
 Gliders
 Hang glider
 Airplanes
 Jet aircraft

Accommodation is all about making room, it can mean a room or place where you will stay or an agreement
about sharing something. When you are accommodating someone, you are making room for them or special

Types of Accommodations:
 Hotels
 Motels
 Hostels
 Apartments
 Bed and Breakfast
 Holiday homes
 Inns
 Luxury lodges
Activities in tourism and hospitality covers a range of areas from “active” holidays involving canoeing,
climbing, horse-riding and mountaineering, to the less physical, yet still activity-focused areas of nature
watching, food trails, or local culture and heritage trails.

Activities in Tourism Industry

The tourism industry is a broad category of fields within the tourism industry that includes trekking in
primary forests, wildlife night spotting, tour to biodiversity hotspots, music festivals, and many others

Activities in Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, food
and drink service, event planning, theme parks, and transportation. It includes hotels, restaurants, and bars.


A hotel amenity is a desirable or useful feature provided when renting a room at a hotel, motel, or other place
of lodging. The amenities provided in each hotel vary. In some places of lodging, certain amenities may be
standard with all rooms.
The definition of amenities are elements of comfort and convenience, most often in reference to a house,
vehicle, resort, or rental. An example of amenities are a hot tub and room service in a
hotel. Amenities are defined as etiquette and good manners.

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